Vitals from Sons of the American Revolution Applications

The Ancestry website contains a database of more than 145,000 applications for the Sons of the American Revolution approved between 1889 and 31 December 1970.

Applications require a pedigree and accompanying information to demonstrate a generation-by-generation link to a patriot ancestor. Genealogical information submitted may include references to Revolutionary War pension files, baptismal records, marriage records, cemetery records, census records, family Bible records, deeds, court records, documented family and local histories, and copies of applications to other lineage societies. Applications also typically include a short summary of the ancestor’s service. —

The following list below is an extraction of vital record data of individuals in the database who have an association with Martin County.  The listing below provides the person’s name, their relationship to the applicant, details provided in the application, the SAR membership number, and the applicant’s name.  Each piece of information is separated by a dash.

The data represented here is only a portion of the full file.  If you see something of interest, access to the files requires a membership (free access is available through July 4, 2011) if you wish to view them on the website.  Alternatively, you can contact the society directly for further information.  I can provide lookups but please limit your request to one individual.



Martin County NCGenWeb Site Redesign

If you’ve been a frequent visitor of this site over the past several years, you may have noticed that I tend to change the site fairly often.  For some reason, this site has always seemed to be one of my more difficult ones to organize in a way that I think is straightforward & easy to maintain.  Admittedly, it was my first GenWeb site using the software that I use – WordPress, so I was not as settled in my organizational approach just yet.

Today, I’ve spent some time reorganizing the site; some pages have been moved and a few have been deleted. For the most part though, many of the pages remain but getting to them is slightly different.  If you come across a 404 error page, my apologies – just start from the Records & Data page and see if you can figure out the type of information you were trying to access.  If you still can’t find it – please contact me (info on the sidebar) and let me know.

For keeping up with changes in the future, please subscribe to the RSS feed or visit again.

Ambrose Family Reunion – June 5

Jean Robinson shares the following information about the Ambrose Family Reunion.

Its reunion time in North Carolina!  We’ve moved the reunion to what used to be Ellsberry Ambrose’s property in Creswell, NC.

The reunion will be held at Mt. Tabor Freewill Baptist Church located at 1159 Mt. Tabor Road, Creswell, Washington County, North Carolina.

The building is air-conditioned and handicapped accessible.  Parking is free of charge. The date is Saturday, June 5, 2010. The doors will be open at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon.The cost is $10/ adult at the door. Children under 12 are $5 and children under 3 are free.

The meal is catered so we will need to know whether or not you are coming by  Monday, May 24th. Please RSVP to: Ginny Cummings, 1188 Idaho Ave.,  Coos Bay,  OR 97420or (541) 404-6886 or Ginny.

Back by popular demand is the rambunctious silent auction. Please bring items to donate. This was a huge boost to the reunion fund and added entertainment to the day! Any white elephants or crafts or uniquely Ambrose items are welcome!

Those who would like can also bring salads or desserts as we try to keep some of the home-cooked flavor!
Jean Robinson will have copies of her books to view. She has put a lot of time and energy into recreating our history for us. You can order the books from Jean at the reunion!

Davenport Homestead Heritage Day is also happening on that Saturday just a few doors down from the church. Admission is free. They will have exhibits showing examples or early life along the Scuppernong River. Included is the restored 1770’s home, loom house, salt house, corn crib, smoke house and out house. There will be live entertainment and old time food and crafts for sale.

New Design

Today I’ve chosen a new look for the Martin County NCGenWeb site.  I hope that the new design allows you to find information more easily.  I’ve moved the main navigation over to drop down menu in the sidebar.


Since on taking on responsibility for several other NCGenWeb counties: Jones, Onslow & Washington, I’ve learned that I definitely have layout preferences.  I hope that you like these changes too.

Remember, keep track of changes/additions to the site by subscribing to the blog using your preferred feed reader! If you need help on how to do this, please just contact me.