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38 MATHEW EDWARDS & wife MARY to WILLIAM JOHNSON. Sale of one negro. Dated 14 Sept. 1765. Wit: JOHN NICHOLSON, HEN. JOHNSON. End. Oct. Ct. 1765.

38 JOHN GRIGGS, JR., to WM. JOHNSON. Sale of 1 negro, dated 1 April 1765. Wit: WM. MOORE, J. A. FINNIE. Recorded October Court 1765.

39 Administrator's Bond in Estate of SUGAN JOHNSON, dec'd. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Administrator. Securities: PHILIP BURFORD, PETER KIMBALL, THOMAS TURNER. Wit: JOHN BOWIE. Dated XXIX Oct. 1765. Recorded October Court 1765.

40 Agreement between AARON HARDWICK, Execr. of Estate of AARON HARDWICK, dec'd., and CATHERINE HARDWICK, Widow of ad. dec'd. Dated 28 October 1765. CATHERINE to have one negro man & one negro girl for life, to return to AARON HARDWICK at her death. Wit: HARDIGE WALKER. Rcd. Oct. Court 1765.

40 Inventory of Estate of HENRY GOODWIN, dec'd. LUCY GOODWIN, Admrx. Dated 16 August 1765. Recorded October Court 1765.

41 Administrator's Bond in Estate of HENRY GOODWIN, dec'd. LUCY GOODWIN, Admix. Bond to Lieut. Gov. WILLIAM TRYON, Esqr., dated XXIXth day of October 1765. Sec: THEOPHILUS GOODWIN, THEOPHILUS GOODWIN, JR., PETER KIMBALL. Recorded October Court 1765.

42 (A) Will of JOHN HALL of Southampton Co. (Va.?). Dated 27 July 1760. Wife MARY HALL. Daughters: LUCY WEST, JHAN (JANE?) WOOD, ESTHER WASHINTON. Exrs: Wife MARY HALL and BREWER WOOD. Wit: JOHN BROWN, JAMES BROWNING, MARK BROWNING. Recorded October Court 1765.

42 Will of HANNAH THOMAS. Dated 1 January 1766. Rcd. January Court 1766. Sons: NATHAN THOMAS & JOHN GILES THOMAS. Daughters: AGNESS GREEN and SARAH WINSTON. Mentions "all my children now alive" and "rest and residue of my Estate in North Carolina." Exrs: Sons NATHAN & JOHN GILES THOMAS. Wit: JOHN POPE, JOS. MEGEHEE, JOHN WINSTON.

43 JOHN CANNON, planter, to JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Gentn. Dated 10 March 1765. Power of Attorney with reference to all money owed him in North Carolina & likewise in the Colony of Virginia. Wit: JOHN GREEN, FRANCIS GOODWIN. Recorded January Court 1766.

44 Inventory of Estate of JESSE INGRAM, dec'd. JOSHUA INGRAM, Administrator. Recorded April Court 1766.

44 Administrator's Bond in Estate of CHARLES JOHNSON, dec'd. SARAH JOHNSTON*, Administratrix. Bond to Governor WILLIAM TRYON, Esqr., dated 29 July 1766. Securities: THOMAS EATON, CHARLES EATON. Recorded July Court 1766.
*JOHNSON in document and signed JOHNSTON.

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