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45 Inventory of Estate of CHARLES JOHNSTON, dec'd. SARAH JOHNSTON, Admrx. Occupies 7 pages & appears to be large stock of goods for a store as well as inventory of personal estate. Recorded July Court 1766.

51 Administrator's Bond in Estate of JAMES YOUNG, dec'd. ELIZABETH YOUNG, Admrx. Dated 24 July 1766, bond to Governor WILLIAM TRYON. Rod. July Court 1766. Securities: JOHN HICKS, DAVID YOUNG.

52 Inventory of Estate of JAMES YOUNG, dec'd. ELIZABETH YOUNG, Administratrix. Recorded July Court 1766.

53 Administrator's Bond in Estate of JESSE INGRAM, dec'd. JOSHUA INGRAM, Admr. Bond to Gov. TRYON, dated 29 July 1766. Recorded July Court 1766. Securities: THEOPHILUS GOODWIN AND THEOPHILUS GOODWIN, JR.

54 Administrator's Bond in Estate of MATHEW WILLS, dec'd. ROBERT ALEXANDER, Admr. Bond to Gov. WILLIAM TRYON, dated 29 July 1766. Recorded July Court 1766. Securities: BENJAMIN PERSON, ROBERT TURNBULL.

55 Inventory of Estate of MATHEW WILLS, dec'd. ROBERT ALEXANDER, Administrator. Recorded July Court 1766.

55 Inventory of Estate of SUGAN JOHNSON, dec'd. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Administrator. Recorded July Court 1766.

56 Inventory of Estate of HANNAH THOMAS, dec'd. NATHAN THOMAS, Executor. Dated 28 April 1766. Recorded July Court 1766.

56 MICHAEL WHATLEY to JAMES BAGLEY. Dated 1 October 1765. Mortgage on one negro slave. Wit: JNO. BOWIE, MARY BOWIE. Mortgage & endorsement recorded July court 1766.

57 Account of Sale of Estate of HENRY GOODWIN, dec'd. Dated & December 1765. Mentions: THOS. BELL, JOHN PINNEL, WILLM. PARK, "WIDOW," GEORGE BLEDSOE, THEOS. GOODWIN, JOHN CORLEY, EDWD. JONES, JOSHA. INGRAM, JOHN GOODWIN, JOHN FOSTER. Recorded July Court 1766. WM. MOORE, Deputy Sheriff.

58 Will of JOHN MOLDERSLY. Dated 27 Nov. 1765. Rcd. July Court 1766 at which time AMY, the widow, took oath as Executrix. Wife mentioned but not named in will. "My children" mentioned but not named except for Son YOUNG. Mentions tract of land formerly belonging to AMBRAS CRANN, NS Cedar Creek where I now live, an entry of land adj. PACE, and land adj. CORNAL (COLONEL?) JEFFREYS to be surveyed on my count in the name of RALPH RATHAL(?). Trustees: JEREYMIER PERRE and THOMAS ARNOLL, with my wife. Wit: THOMAS BRIDGES, WM. BRIDGES, JONES CROSLEN.

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