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52 Administrator's Bond in Estate of ROBERT FREEMAN, dec'd., dated 19 May 1775. MARY FREEMAN, Administratrix. Securities: JOSIAH REDDICK,. THOMAS ARRENDELL. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Recorded May Court 1775.

54 Inventory of Estate of ROBERT FREEMAN, dec'd., taken 9 May 1775. MARY FREEMAN, Administratrix. Recorded May Court 1775.

55 Report by PHIL HAWKINS, JR., THOMAS MILLER, & JAMES PAINE, Esqrs. of a survey ordered by February Court 1775 of one acre on each side of Hawtree Creek where AMASA PALMER plans to erect a water grist mill, land on one side being the prop erty of the heirs of SAMUEL CROXTON, dec'd. PHIL HAWKINS, JR., is County Surveyor, from wording of the Court Order. Valuation of the land is in report, dated 8 May 1775. Recorded May Court 1775.

55 Inventory of Estate of GIBSON MARTIN, dec'd., dated & May 1775. THOMAS MARTIN, Executor. Recorded May Court 1775.

56 BRITAIN JONES to HENRY FOOTE. Sale of livestock, dated 5 May 1775. Mentions cattle mark of MRS. CATHERINE HARDWICK 6 BENJA. JONES, SR. Wit: WILLIAM COLCLOUGH, JR., WILLIAM, DURHAM. Recorded May Court 1775.

57 Power of Attorney from JAMES HARDWICK to Brother AARON HARDWICK, to recover debts due, dated 11 March 1774. Wit: CHR. MOTHERSHEAD, WILLIAM WORRELL. Recorded May Court 1775.

57 (A) Will of JOSEPH GREEN. Dated 14 June 1775. Recorded August Court 1775. Wife ANN. Land on Reedy Creek to son JOSIAH GREEN and remainder of land to son WILLIAM GREEN. Daughter CHARLOTTE DUKE. Daughter SARAH LONG 6 her daughter NANCEY LONG. Grandsons ALLEN GREEN & JOSIAH GREEN DUKE. Mentions land in Southampton Co., Va. Mentions the children now underage, not naming them. Exors: Son JOSIAH GREEN, JOHN DUKE, 6 DRURY LONG. Wit: JESSE PERSON, JAMES DOWLEN (DOWLIN), SAMUEL WILLIFORD.

69 Inventory of Estate of JOSEPH GREEN, dec'd. Recorded August Court 1775. Executors: JOSIAH GREEN and JOHN DUKE.

61 (A) Will of JAMES BALFOUR. Dated 27 March 1775. Recorded August Court 1775. All my land in Fincastle Co. to Sons of JAMES LITTLEPAGE, late of Hanover Co., Virginia. Legacies to COLD. THOMAS EATON 6 MRS. ANN PUGH. Debt due me from FRANCIS WILKS of Louden Co., Va., to my nephew JAMES BALFOUR CLARK. Legacy to Brother ANDREW BALFOUR. Lands bought from GRAY BRIGGS, in Brunswick Co., Va., to be sold, and JOHN FALCON to be paid Lb19. Exors: COLO. THOMAS EATON, AUGUSTINE WILLIS, & JOHN FALCON. Wit: HERBERT HAYNES, JOHN MORRIS. Codicil discharges ELDRIDGE CLACK of debt. Same witnesses to Codicil.

63 Account of sale of Estate of ROBERT FREEMAN, dec'd. Sold by JAMES MARTIN, Deputy Sheriff, pursuant to Court Order dated 13 June 1775. MARY FREEMAN, Admrx. Mentions: JOSIAH REDDICK, JOSEPH RAHN(?), WILLIAM FREEMAN, JOSEPH BRIDGES.

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