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64 Deed of Gift, of two negroee, dated 19 January 1775, from JOHN MASSEY to his daughter ELIZABETH PERRY, wife of BURRELL PERRY. Wit: JAMES PERRY, JOHN PERRY. Proved by JAMES PERRY, August Court 1775.

65 (A) Will of CHRISTOPHER FOSTER. Dated 23 March 1775. Recorded August Court 1775. Wife MARY FOSTER. Son JOHN TABS FOSTER. Daughter SALLE FOSTER. Executors: Wife MARY FOSTER & Brother ARTER FOSTER. Wit: JOHN HOWELL, JOHN GIBBS, JOHN BLANK, MARTHA BLANK.

65 (A) Will of NATHANIEL PEEBLES, Esqr. Dated 11 June 1775. Recorded August Court 1775, at which time JAMES JOHNSON qualified as Executor. JOHN HAWKINS, JR., qualified as Executor November Court 1775. Sons THOMAS & NATHAN and daughter PATTY, all underage. Mentions land on North Side of Sandy Creek. Executors: Friends JAMES JOHNSON & JOHN HAWKINS the Younger. Witnesses: WILL JOHNSON, MARY KIMBALL.

68 Deed of Gift, of negro slaves, dated 1 August 1775, from JOHN POWER to his sons HENRY FORNEA POWER, WILLIAM BROADNAX POWER, & JOHN POWER. Witnesses: CHARLES ALLEN, JAMES DENTON, WILLIAM MARKS, JAMES RANSOM, JR. Recorded August Court 1775.

69 SARAH PARDUE, Executrix of Estate of JOHN PARDUE, dec'd., to DANIEL SLEDGE. Sale of a negro, money to be applied to debt of Estate of JOHN PARDUE, dec'd., to ALLAN LOVE & CO. Dated 13 January 1779. Witnesses: WILLIAM HUNTER, JOHN GREEN, WILLIAM ROSE. Recorded August Court 1775.

79 SARAH BREWER, 9 years old in February 1772, at the time of the Court Order, an orphan girl, apprenticed to FRANCIS CAPPS. Agreement, dated 9 Aug. 1775, between FRANCIS CAPPS and OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esqr., Presiding Justice, for and in behalf of Justices- Recorded August Court 1775.

71 LUCY RANSOM, of her own free will, hath put her son named LYAS BELL apprentice to ABRAHAM GREEN, SR., planter, for 12 years, to be taught the art of farmering. Dated 23 August 1769. Witnesses: LUCY INMAN, ABM. GREEN, JR. Rcd. Aug. Ct. 1775.

72 Appraisement and Division of negroes of SUGAR JONES, dee d., pursuant to Court Order, November Court 1774. Divided and appraised by JAMES MILLES, WILL JOHNSON, & YOUNG MCLEMORE, who met at the late dwelling house of SUGAR JONES, dec'd., 4 January 1775. Equal division between: HOLLEY JONES, NANNEY JONES, DRURY JONES, SAMUEL JONES, & JAMES JONES, JR. Recorded Nov. Court 1775.

73 (A) Will of RICHARD WHITE, planter. Dated 17 July 1775. Recorded Nov. Court 1775. Land on Buffaloe Creek to son JOHN WHITE. Land bought of WILLIAM WHITE to son MARK WHITE. Land on Burnt Coat to son HARRISON WHITE. Land between Franko & Cedar Creek to son RICHARD. Land where I now live, on Franko Creek, to son NICHOLAS. To my wife ELIZABETH WHITE and then to my five daughters MARY, SARAH, ELIZABETH, DRUSILLA, NANCY. Exors: Wife ELIZABETH WHITE, THOMAS SHERROD, and son MARK WHITE. Wit: WILLOUGHBY SELF, ISAAC HUDSON, JOHN HUDSON, WILLIAM HUDSON.

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