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295 Bond of EDWARD CARLILE, Dated 4 Nov. 1778, for building a bridge across Sandy Creek at Nelm's Mill, for the use of the County, to Commissioners appointed to let the same: JOHN BARNES, WILLIAM BRICKLE, & WILLIAM HILL. Sec: MATTHEW JOHNSON. Wit: WM. WILLIAMS. Recorded February Court 1779.

296 Bond of WILLIAM CHRISTMASS as County Surveyor, dated 14 Nov. 1778, agreeable to Acts of Assembly at Newbern 15 NOV. last. Witness: THOS. MACHEN. Securities: THOMAS CHRISTMASS, JOSEPH HAWKINS. Recorded November Court 1778.

296 SARAH BALLARD to ROBERT CHILDRESS. Deed to all of her Estate, both real and personal, in return for which he has agreed to support 5 maintain her during her life. Witness: JOSEPH HAWKINS. Recorded February Court 1779.

END OF BUTE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, RECORD HOOK 2 (numbered 3 in some of the original documents), on record as WILL BOOK 2, Warren County Registry, Warrenton, North Carolina.

The word -recorded" or abbreviation "rcd." is used in every instance and signifies the probation, or proof, of all documents, including wills, abstracted in the preceding pages, all of which are certified as proved and ordered recorded at the Buts County, North Carolina, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, by BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C, through February Court 1776 and, beginning February Court 1777, by THOS. MACHEN, C.C.

END OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS in Record Books for Buts County, North Carolina, including wills. The February Court 1779 was the last court held for Buts County. The next book in the Warren County Registry, WILL BOOK 3, begins with Warren County, North Carolina, May Court 1779.

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