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289 Additional Inventory in Estate of JOHN BIRD, SR., decd. Recorded February Court 1779.

289 Bond from JOHN BROWN to OSBORNE JEFFREYS, dated 9 February 1779, "in the third year of our Independence," to keep bridge on Shocco in repair for a period of seven years. Persons ordered to take bond, who sign with him: ROBERT HILL, SOLOMON WILLIAMS. Recorded February Court 1779.

290 Inventory of Estate of WILLIAM TABS, dec'd., taken 1 December 1778. JOHN TABB & DIAN(N)A TABS, Executors. Recorded February Court 1779.

291 Court Order, November Court 1777. Refers to petition from JOHN JONES for a mill in this county. Ordered that RICHARD ACOCK, JOHN THOMPSON, NATHANIEL HARRIS, & JORDAN HARRIS, or any three of them, in company with the County Surveyor, lay off two acres on each side of the creek where JOHN JONES intends to erect a mill, and to report valuation to the next Court.

Report of JOSEPH HAWKINS, County Surveyor, and RICHARD ACOCK, JOHN THOMPSON, NATHANIEL HARRIS, & JORDAN HARRIS, dated 3 February 1778, that, on that date, they laid off an acre of land on each side of Reedy Creek, giving valuation of the acre on the South side & on the North side, separately. JOSEPH HAWKINS, County Surveyor, report of Survey of one acre of land on South Side of Reedy Creek, for JOHN JONES, dated 3 February 1778.

Receipt of payment made to JEREMIAH NEALE by JOHN JONES, dated 3 Feb. 1778, and witnessed by NATHL. HARRIS & JOS. HAWKINS. Receipt from JO. HAWKINS, Dated 3 February 1778, acknowledging payment from JOHN JONES for making the survey.

The foregoing Order, Survey, & Receipts Recorded February Court 1779.

292 Bond of JOHN BROWN & JOHN BROWN, JR., to WILLIAM ALSTON, JOHN WEATHERS, and PETER DAVIS, for the County. They agree that they, or either of them, build a bridge near PETER DAVIS', complete it before the next term of Court, and main tain the same for a period of seven years. Bond dated 5 December 1778. Witnesses: JEREMIAH BROWN, JAS. THOMPSON. Recorded February Court 1779.

295 Bond from JOSHUA MABRY to Governor RICHARD CASWELL, dated 10 February 1779. Refers to his having been appointed Trustee, by the Court of Buts Co., to receive taxes from the several tax gatherers to be received by them from the in habitants, and to pay them to the persons appointed to receive them and settle his accounts with the Court. Securities: JOSEPH HAWKINS, JOHN TWITTY. Wit: M. D. JOHNSON. Recorded February Court 1779.

294 Inventory of Estate of JOHN BIRD, JR., dec'd. Recorded February Court 1779. Returned by the Administrator (not named).

294 HENRY STURDIVANT to his brother RANDOL (RANDEL) STURDIVANT. Deed of gift, of two negroes, dated 7 October 1778. Witnesses: JOHN PITTS BEASLEY, WILLIAM MURPHEY. Recorded February Court 1779.

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