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275 Administrator's Bond in Estate of SPENCE RUSH, dec'd., dated 12 November 1778. WILLIAM RUSH, Administrator. Bond to Governor RICHARD CASWELL. Security: BENJAMIN HAWKINS. Witness: THOS. H. HALL. Recorded Nov. Court 1778.

276 (A) Will of WILLIAM TABS. Dated day of 1778. Recorded November Court 1778. Wife DIANNA TABS to maintain single daughters and, among bequests to her, are the dwelling plantation between Sandy Creek & forks of Buffalos Creek, ad joining CHARLES LYLES, another tract on South side of Little Buffaloe adjoining GEORGE TASSIE & JENKINS DEVENNY, my four-wheel carriage & two of my best horses. Mentions FOUR DAUGHTERS, but the names of only three of them are clear. Eldest daughter MARY TALBOT. Daughters MARY, [JOANA], & DIANA. Youngest daughter REBECCA WYTHE TABS (underage). Land sold to nephew MR. JOHN TABS, on South side of Buffaloe Creek, to be bought back from him and he is to have bequests of money, my small sword, & my wearing apparel. Niece MARY TABS, sister of JOHN. Sisters JOANNA FINNIE, SARAH TABS, & ELIZABETH TABS, dec'd. Godson ROBERT NICHOLSON, son of MRS. REBECCA NICHOLSON, to have money to buy a watch and Suit of clothes. Stud horse "Rosinanby" to be sold. Three tracts of land to be sold: Wills Quarter known as Curtis's tract, one tract at head of Sandy & Weavers Creeks, known as Chaneys tract, and EARL GRANVILLE Grant surveyed by THOMAS PERSON, Esq., then Surveyor, adjoining ADKIN McLAMORE. Mentions lands bought from CHARLES LYLES & MRS. MARTIN's land. Executors are to obtain deed from COLO. WILLIAM DRY for ten acre lots near the Town of Newbern, sold to him for a horse colt. Mentions the vessel I am building in partnership with ABNER NASH, Esq., of Newbern, & CAPT. WILLIAM ARMISTEAD, on Cashie River, and half interest in small schooner in partnership with ABNER NASH, Esq., named the "Cock Sparrow." Mentions bequest in the will of my Father. Executors: Wife and nephew JOHN TABS. Witnesses: HENRY HILL, JAMES MERONEY, JOHN SCOTT, THOS. MACHEN.

284 Administrator's Bond in Estate of EPHRAIM GUFFEY, dec'd., dated 10 Nov. 1778. LUCY GUFFEY, Administratrix. Securities: ROGER JONES, JOHN HIGHT. Recorded November Court 1778.

285 Inventory of Estate of EPHRAIM MEGOFFEY, dec'd., by LUCY MEGOFFEY (sic). Dated 9 November 1778. Recorded November Court 1778.

286 Bond of THOMAS SMITH & JOHN PARKS, dated 12 November 1778, to OSBORN JEFFREYS, Chairman BUTE COUNTY Court, that they, either or both of them, build a bridge over Tarr River at or near Simms Ford, and maintain the same for seven years. Witnesses: JAMES MURRAY, CHARLES BAILEY. Recorded November Court 1778.

287 Bond from EDWARD DAVIS, of Mecklinburg Co., Va., & JOSHUA MABRY, to insure building a bridge over JAMES WHITE's Mill Pond where the former bridge built by GEORGE TUCKER stood, complete the same before 15 April 1779 & keep in repair for seven years, dated 28 November 1778. Recorded February Court 1779. Witnesses: JOHN TWITTY, PHIL BURFORD, THOS. NEWMAN, LED. TUCKER.

288 Bond from JAMES JOHNSON, dated 8 February 1779, to OSBORN JEFFREYS, Presiding Justice, for building a bridge over Fishing Creek at the falls near THOMAS GREEN's and keeping the same in repair for seven years. Security: JOSHUA MABRY. Recorded February Court 1779.

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