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262 SION HAGWOOD, Orphan, apprenticed to BECKHAM RAINEY, pursuant to Court Order 13 August 1778, and to be taught the business of a planter. Agreement, same date as Court Order, with OSBORN JEFFREYS, on behalf of Justices. Recorded August Court 1778.

263 ROBERT CALLER, JR., to ROBERT CALLER, SR. Sale of a negro woman, with her seven children, dated 21 Sept. 1778. Wit: PHIL. HAWKINS, NATH'L. HARRIS, CHARLES CALLER. Recorded November Court 1778.

264 JAMES PAINE, JR., Esq. Release for land sold to THOMAS HALL about 24 Dec. 1777. Acknowledges satisfaction with Deed of Trust given for amount due in payment of balance due on purchase price. Wit: H. HAYNES, JOHN TODD, JOHN MOSELEY. Recorded November Court 1778.

264 GULY PEARCY to WILLIAM WOODWARD. Deed, dated 9 March 1778, to land, goods, & chattels, in full payment of debt. Wit: WILLIAM THOMAS, ELIAS DOSSEY, and SOLOMON DOSSEY. Recorded November Court 1778.

265 Deposition of JORDAN HARRIS & NATHAN VARSER, dated 11 November 1778. Made oath that they saw JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE give a negro girl to RICHARD BUSH for attendance upon him in his last illness and for carrying his corpse to Cabin Point in Virginia to be buried. Testified that they saw the negro delivered. Sworn to in open Court, November Court 1778.

265 (Next page to preceding but numbered the same)

JOHN BURCH & Wife MARY to Son-in-Law WILLIAM ROWLAND, Daughter NANNY ROWLAND, & Grandson WILLIAM ROWLAND. Deed of Gift, dated 8 August 1778. 200 acres of land where I now live to Son-in-Law, a negro to daughter and residue of Estate to Grandson WILLIAM ROWLAND. Recorded November Court 1778. Witnesses: THOS. JUDKINS, DAVID PATTERSON, WILLIAM BURROW.

265 (A) Will of JOHN BIRD. Dated 14 October 1778. Recorded November Court 1778. Wife MARY BIRD. Son JESSE BIRD to have land bought from JOHN RACKLEY, joining his own lands. Sons: NEDAM BIRD, ENOS BIRD, JOHN BIRD, JR., WILLIAM BIRD. Daugh ters: HESTER PARKER, KIDDY BIRD, MARY BIRD. Granddaughters: PENNY BIRD & KIDDY BIRD. Grandson HEZEKIAH BIRD. Executors: Sons JESSE & NEEDAM and friend GREEN HILL. Witnesses: G. HILL, SAMUEL HOWARD, JOHN BIRD, JR.

269 Inventory of Estate of JOHN BIRD, dec'd., dated 7 November 1778. GREEN HILL & JESSE BIRD, two of the Executors. Recorded November Court 1778.

270 (A )Will of BENJAMIN SEAWELL. Dated 8 August 1778. Recorded November Court 1778. Wife LUCY SEAWELL is to have land where I now live, for life. Sons JOSEPH & THOMAS SEAWELL, last underage. Daughters: MARY HILL, SALLEY KING, ELIZABETH MABRY, NANCY SEAWELL, REBECCA SEAWELL, MILDRED SEAWELL (underage). Executors: Sons BENJAMIN SEAWELL & JOSEPH SEAWELL and Son-in-Law GREEN HILL. Witnesses: BENJAMIN SEAWELL, JR., DERHAM HALL.

274 Inventory of Estate of BENJAMIN SEAWELL, dec'd., dated 9 November 1778. BENJAMIN SEAWELL & GREEN HILL, two of the Executors. Recorded NOV. Court 1778.

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