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1771 Petition from Granville County Inhabitants Concerning Church Buildings |
[From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.]
To the Honble the Speaker & Gentn of the House of Representatives
The Petition of the Inhabitants of Granville County & the Parish of Granville Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioners have for a Considerable time Labour'd under a Heavy & Burthernsome Tax whch the Exegencies of Government Hitherto made Necessary & unavoidable & still Apprehending that the Suppression of the Insurgents & other Contingent Charges of Government, have Inevitably Created a Large & Weighty Debt which the Honour of the Province is Ingag'd to pay with all Convenient Speed and which Your Petitioners are Ready & Willing to Discharge their proportion of, by such mode of Taxation as the wisdom of your honourable [body] shall Direct, Your Petitioners further shew that the Vestry of their Parish without duly Considering the Present Circumstances of Government & the heavy Taxes yt Shortly must be assessed upon Your Petitioners Have Engaged with Workmen to Build two Churches in their Parish the Expence of which will amount to upwards of Twelve Hundred pounds. Your Petitioners are by no means able at this Juncture to Discharge such a Considerable Sum, altho upon any future Occasion After the Demands of Government are Comply'd with they wou'd Chearfully Contribute all in their power to have done whatever their Duty as Christians or the Interest of Religion may Require of them. Under these Circumstances Your Petitioners Pray that an Act may Pass to Releav the Vestry from the Engagements they have Entered into as aforesd & as the Workmen who have undertaken the sd Buildings are willing to be Releas'd on their parts upon being paid a Small Gratuity for their Disappointment & Trouble Your Petitioners further pray that by the sd Act they may be Released from the Penalty of the bond by them Given for the Performance of their undertaking & that the Vestry may be Impower'd to lay a Sufficient Sum in the Parish Levey to be paid as a Compensation to these Workmen for the Trouble they have been at as aforesd & Your Petitioners also further Pray that the Inhabitants of the sd Parish may be Releas'd from the Payment of So much of the Parish assessment as was Laid for Carrying on & performing the Building the Churches as aforesd and the Collector Indemnified for not Collecting that part of the assessment as aforesd and Your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall ever Pray &c
John Hampton
Michael Peelar
Henry Fuller
Thomas Goss
James Meders
Joseph McDaniel
Jesse Parker
Valentine White
William Briant
Groves Howard
David Howard
James Langston
John Williams Jr
Thos Philpot
William Spears
Richd Person
John Knott
James Nowil
John Earl
Francis Howard
Christopher Hunt
Edw Crenshaw
Charles Moore
John Smith
William Worthington
James Caudill
Isom Caudill
Carter Hedgebeth
Solomon Langston
James Labond
Frances Davenport
Christian Peelor
Z Gorgebyus
Benjamin Glaze
Samuel Dyar
Reuben Pyles
John Russel
Eley Brinckley
David Parrish
Edward Bond
Cutbird Hudson
Isaac Hood
Wm Wallis
Jno Tuder Senr
Isaac Head
Thos Rowe
Jno Badget
Daniel Standard
Aquiller Sniling
Gibea Chavis
Benjaman Bass
Joseph Bass
Davie Michell (negro)
Lewis Anderson
Rubin Bass
Lawrence Potiford
Edward Bass
William Chavis
John Fullilove
Samuel Hucabay
Thomas Owen
Richardson Owen
John Pendergrass
Absalom Ford
Lewis Collins
George Whitlock
Thomas Butler
John Gwin
Humphry Davis
Josiah Stovall
Thomas Head
John Head
Martha Knight
Thomas Bond
Jonathan Knight
Nathan Chiles
Ben Bearden
Lovet Gates
Benjamin Hendrick
John Chiles
William Graves
Wm Allen
Willis Roberts
James Williamson
William Hunt
Thos Lowe
Isham Johnson
Isaac White
William Head
George Feagans
Charles Spalding
Henry Spalding
William Matthews
Ben Howard
Thomas Willinghan
Shadarach Roberts
© 2011 by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project. No portion of any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 12/18/2022 |
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