Please send us your ancestors military records and early photos to post.
If you have even a photo copy of a Revolution or Civil War record, you
may have ordered, I will transcribe them for you and post them
here. |
Colonial Period |
1754 Militia of Granville Co., North
Carolina |
Col. William Eaton's Company, 1754 - Archives |
Granville Co. Militia 1771 - Archives |
Granville Co. Militia Service - Archives |
William Hurst's Company 1754 - Archives |
Oaths of Allegiance, 1778 - Archives |
John Sallis' Company, 1755 - Archives |
Military Organizations in Colonial North Carolina |
Granville County Company Grade Officers-1763 |
American Revolution |
1778 Granville Co. Militia Enlistment Returns |
Revolutionary War Pension of John Gibbs |
Revolutionary War Pension of Carter Hudspeth |
Revolutionary War Pension of Harris Hicks |
Revolutionary War Pension of George Pettiford |
Revolutionary War Pension of John
Williams |
Revolutionary War Pension of
Bennett Williams |
Revolutionary War Pension File of
William Taborn |
Revolutionary War Pension File of
William Guy |
Solomon Williams Revolutionary War Pension File |
Samuel Farrar Williams Revolutionary War Pension File |
Revolutionary Pension of Thomas Clark - Archives |
Revolutionary Records of Thomas Hilliard - Archives |
Revolutionary Pension File of Martin Miller - Archives |
Nancy Bright's Widows Pension
Application,1832- Archives |
Charles Carter Pension, 1832 - Archives |
Gideon Crew's Record, 1783
- Archives |
Francis Day Pension, 1843 - Archives |
Granville County Militia -
Archives |
Sherwood Harris Record - Archives |
Pleasant Henderson Record-
Archives |
Benjamin Hester Record -
Archives |
Moses Jones Pension, 1855 - Archives |
James & Ann McDaniel Pension, 1852- Archives |
Martin Miller Pension, 1832 - Archives |
Thomas Ross Pension, 1832- Archives |
Asa Searcy Pension, 1843 - Archives |
John Taylor, Sr. Pension, 1832 - Archives |
John Taylor, Sr. Pension, 1832, Pt.2- Archives |
Thomas Ussery Pension, 1833 - Archives |
William Whicker Pension, 1832 - Archives |
Revolutionary War Army Accounts |
War of 1812 |
NCGenWeb List of War of 1812 Resources |
Militia Detachments, 1814 - Archives |
New Appointments, 1812 - Archives |
New Military Officers Appointed, 1812- Archives |
War of 1812 Granville County Regiments |
Thomas Evans War of 1812 Pension
File |
Mexican War |
Mexican War Deaths, 1847: Pt. 1 - Archives |
Mexican War Deaths, 1847: Pt. 2 - Archives |
Mexican War: NC Troop Roster |
Civil War |
Alphabetical index of Granville Co. residents
who served in the Civil War |
U.S. Colored Troops- Granville County |
1890 Veterans Schedule- Granville County |
Col. William Cannady & the 5th Regiment, 1861 - Archives |
Capt. William Perry, 1862 - Archives |
List of Granville Co. Civil War Pensioners-1904 |
The Granville Stars (partial listing) |
World War I |
With the Colors Book of servicemen
from Granville Co., NC who served in WWI |
NCGenWeb Statewide
WWI Page |
NC Men Awarded the Distinguished
Cross (Granville Co.) |
World War II |
NCGenWeb Statewide
WWII Page |