Unknown Ancestor>Daniel>William
Wife: Abigail Chavis (of Simon and _____Chavis)
General location: Virginia, Mecklenburg Co VA, Granville Co NC
The earliest confirmed ancestor, William was born around 1760, likely in
Mecklenburg Co, VA. He served in a Mecklenburg Regiment of Virginia
Militia during the Revolutionary War:
“Muster Roll of Captain Reuben Vaughn”
Virginia Colonial Militia, 1779
(From the Edmund W. Hubbard Papers, Southern Historical Collection, UNC
Chapel Hill, NC)
A list of Men Marched out Under the Command of Captain Reuben Vaughn
from Mecklingburg on a detachment to the Southard Under the Immediate
Command of David Mason, Col. Command. AD 1779
Rubin Vaughn Capt.
Jno. Holmes Lieut.
James Wilson Ensign
Samuel Lark Serg. Maj.
Wm. Holloway “
Thos. Adams
Wm. Mason
Wm. Cradle
Robt. Crowder
Sterling Dixon
James Arnold
Wm. Brandum
Wm. Cunningham
Francis Hinton
Wm. Archer
Howell Hargrove
Wm. Hudson
John Hall
Mark Evans
John Parks
James Hy. Kidd
Wm Conell
Thos. Crage
Richard Lewis Sustituted by Wm. Adkins (deserted)
Jeremiah Lucas “ Jno. Adams
Jeremiah Smith “ Barnet Burnit (deserted)
Ezekiah Crowder “ Epheram Andrews
John Stevens “ Ansel Cunningham
Josiah Cunningham “ Jno. Cunningham
John Guy “ Christopher Guy
Jesse Bowin “ Bracey Bowin
James Bowin “ David Bowin
Hicks Bowin “ Alexander Bowin
Wm. Roberts “ Abel Dortch
Isaac Watson “ Joseph Cradle
John Cook Taylor “ David Dortch
Ray Moss “ Robt. Wilmore
Wm. Hatchell “ Willis Hatchell
Jesse Bugg “ Jno. Mallit
John Goode “ Wm. Guy
James Hicks “ Wm. S. Roberts
James Ramey “ Wm. Delafield
Charles Kelley “ John Farrar
Dick Evans “ Godfrey Evans
Thos. Meares discharged at Salisbury
Thos, Wright Inlisted in Regular Service
Wm. Epps “
Edward Giles “
John Mize “
John Burnit Deserted
John Wilson “
Benj. Burnit “
Lewis Sawyer “
John Decker “
Wm. Mealer “
The earliest record of William comes from his Revolutionary War Pension
file, dated Feb 5, 1833, given when William was some 70 years of age:
“William Guy, Revolutionary War Pension File”
(Transcribed from original on file at the US National Archives,
Washington, DC)
**Blanks denote script which is unreadable.
Document 1
State of North Carolina, County of Granville
Court of Pleas & Quarter
February Fifth 1833
On the 5th day of February Ad 1833, personally appeared in open court,
before the Worshipful Justice thereof, now sitting, William Guy a
resident of the county aforesaid, aged seventy years, who being first
duly sworn by Law, doth on his oath make the following Declaration in
order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he was born in the county of Brunswick & State of Virginia, that he
believes he is upward of Seventy years of age, tho’ upon this point he
only speaks from tradition in his family, having no record of his age
now in possession, nor ever having had one- that he therefore cannot
with certainty say in what year he was born- that he lived in Virginia
in the Counties of Brunswick and Mecklenburg in Va. Both before and
after the Revolution, until about thirty years ago, when he moved to
this county & has resided here since that time- that he is a free man of
color & was livening in said County of Mecklenburg when he was called
into service- that he entered the army of the United States in the
Virginia Militia as a substitute for one Jack Goode at Mecklenburg Court
house under Captain Reuben Vaughn, Leut. Whitney, Leut. John Holmes &
one William Holloway ensign- that this company marched to Granville
Court house in N. Carolina & joined a regiment commanded by Colonel
David Mabry & Leut. Colonel Burwell- that he believes it was the spring
of the year 1779, when he joined the company under Captain Vaughn that
he served for a tour of six month-that his company after leaving
Granville Court House, marched to Hillsborough, then to Salisbury, then
into South Carolina & joined the mina army under Genl. Lincoln, near a
place called Ashley Ferry- that on the 19th or 20th of June, an
engagement took place between the portion of our army and the British at
Stono Ferry, when our forces were driven back- that he always ______ in
his memory that date of this action, 7 0f his privations with the army
of Genl. Lincoln, & by this means he is enabled as above, to fix with
some accuracy the time of his first entering into the service- that he
served out the remainder of his tour of six months in that portion of
South Carolina surrounding the City of Charleston, performing all his
duties faithfully in the same company & under the same officers until he
received his discharge near Ashley Ferry but not having preserved it, he
does not recollect who signed it, or who gave it to him.
After his return to Mecklenburg & in the next year, viz. 1780, he was
drafted in the same County in a company commanded by Captain Steven
Mabry, for a tour of three months, to go to Portsmouth in Virginia-
after getting as far as Dunwiddie Ct. House, he received a very severe
wound from the bite of a dog, which prevented him from doing duty in the
ranks, & he received furlough in consequence of his mobility- & before
he recovered from the wound his term of three months expired – He is not
able to recollect so accurately the names of the officers of his company
at this time- as he was with them not more than four weeks & was during
that time engaged in no active service- If he is entitled to claim on
account of this tour the Department will no doubt allow it- but he ____
____ wish his claim on account of his other tours, which are more
directly proven to be prejudiced on account of this- & if his claim for
this tour or any part thereof is unacceptable, he submits that it may be
passed over.
He was again called out for three months toward the close of the Summer,
or the early Autumn of 1781 , he is not able to say certainly if by
draft- in Mecklenburg Va, under Capt. Stephen Mabry & Leut Edward
Pennington in a regiment commanded by Colonel Lewis Burwell- they
marched to the siege of York- and were stationed on the Gloucester side
of the River- and was at this place when Cornwallis surrendered- at the
end of his three months he received his discharge at Gloucester, but he
forgets from whom, having long since lost it.
The affiant has procured the testimony of James Cunningham of
Mecklenburg, Va, to his first tour of six months, & of Buckner Raimey of
same county of his second tour- They are herewith transmitted certified
by the proper authorities of Mecklenburg He expects to prove his
reputation by the Rev. Willy Harris & Thomas B Littlejohn, Esqu.
He hereby sitting wishes all claims to every pension on annuity except
the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension role of
the agency of any state-
Sworn and subscribed in open court before as
Wm. Sneed
W. Hammerday
Shadorach Parish
William and Abigail Chavis Marriage:
Marriage Bond
William Guy-Abigail Chavers
(from the Rev War Pension File of W. Guy)
Know all men that we William Guy and Charles Chavers of the State of
North Carolina are held firmly bound unto his excelency Richard Caswell
Esq. Governor or his successor in office in the sum of Two Hundred
Pounds to be paid to the said Richard Caswell or his successor in office
we _____our selves our heirs & family by these presents & sealed with
our seals & dated this Tenth day of January A Domo seventeen hundred and
The condition of the above obligationis such that where there is a
marriage shortly to be solemnized and had between William Guy and
Abigail Chavers. Now if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the said
marriage then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full
force virtue & power sealed in the presence of John Yates
William Guy (his mark and seal)
Samuel Chavers (his mark and seal)
William died in 1836, according to the following:
State of North Carolina
Granville County
On the 8th day of November Eighteen Hundred and Fourty Two (1842)
personally appeard before James Cozart- one of the acting magistrates
and member of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said County
and State- Abigail Guy the widow of William Guy, a resident of said
county and state, aged Eighty years, who having first sworn according to
law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain
the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July
4th, 1836.
That she is the widow of William Guy, who was a pensioner, that lived in
the county of Granville NC, at the rate of Forty Dollars per annum & who
was a soldier of the Revolution that served in the Virginia Continental
Line that was placed on the pension roll in May 1833.
She further declares that she was married to the said Wm. Guy on the
12th day of June, 17 Hundred and Eighty, and that her husband the
aforesaid Wm. Guy died on the 30th day of January 1837. And that she
has remained a widow ever since that period as will more fully appear
above to the proof here unto ____?.
Sworn and ascribed before me the day and date first above written
Abigail Guy (her mark)
James C. Cozart (seal)
The said Abigail Guy is a woman of truth and by old age & and bodily
infirmity is unable to attend court to make her Declaration.
Document 2
We Willy Harris a Clergyman residing in Granville County and Thomas B.
Littlejohn residing in the same county hereby certify that we are well
aquainted with William Guy who has subscribed sworn to the foregoing
Declaration, that we believe him to be upward of Seventy years of age,
that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to
have been a soldier in the Revolution & that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn and subscribed in open court-
Willis Harris
Thomas B. Littlejohn
Document 3
Mecklenburg County to _____ to wit
This day Buckner Raimey an old revolutionary soldier of the County and
State aforesaid came before me a justice of the peace and made oath that
William Guy now of Granville County N. Carolina served with him three
months in the army of the revolution under the command of Captain
Stephen Mabry of Mecklenburg Va in the regiment commanded by Col. Lewis
Burwell of the County of Mecklenburg aforesaid- given under my hand and
seal this 10th day of Aug. 1832-
Geo. Rogers J.P. (seal)
Possible children of Daniel and ______: