Roll of the Regiment in Granville County under the Comand of Col.
William Eaton as taken at a General Muster of the said Regiment 8th
October 1754
Capt. John Glover’s
William Person, Lieut. Col.
James Paine, Major
Glover, Lieut.
Ragland, Ensign.
Henry Bishop, Serjeant
William Glover, Serj.
Joseph Lindsey, Serj.
Joseph Bishop, Serj.
Thomas King, Corporal
Richard Hargroves, Corp.
Henry Fuller, Corp.
Bartlet Searcey, Corp.
Thomas Lowe
John Gossard, Drummer
John Blackman
William Smith
John Smith
George Woodliffe
Solomon Blackman
William Lawrance
Littleton Spivey
Thomas Smith
Stephen Smith
William Chavers, Negro
William Chavers, Mul.
Gilbert Chavers, Mulatto
Thomas Woodliffe
Thomas Smith, Mercht
Littlebury Woodliffe
William Woodliffe
Ebenezer Wilson
28. Edward Harris, Negro
Daniel Potter
Abraham Estice
John Bishop
George Bishop
William Dickerson
Emanuel Falkner
Martin Dickerson
Thomas Sing
Thomas Wiggins
James Welch
John Waldrope
Benjamin Ford
Hugh Montgomery
William Holston
John Kirkland
John Hargrove
John Walker
John Searcey Junior
Samuel Paschal
John Paschal
Thomas Adaman
Leonard Lyndsey
Elisha Jones
Michael Bryant
Edward Weaver
James Morefield
Alexander Burnet
William Edwards
Joseph Kimbal Junior
John Glover Junior
John Bird
William Wagstaff
Zachary Bullock
Joseph Davenport
Josiah Mitchel
Joseph Grey
John Stroud
Terence McMullins
John Weaver
Henry Vandyck
James Trevillian
John Trevillian
Nathaniel Henderson
John Smith, Nut Bush
William Woodward
William Wood
Penuel Wood
William Byas
Moses Harwel
John Paterson
William Cook
Abraham Cook
William Ford
Charles King
John Norwood
John Mitchel
John Williams
Benjamin Wheatly
John Williams Junior
Daniel Fluquinon
Charles Williams
Joseph Glover
Henry Rearden
Joseph Lyndsey
William Falkner
Benjamin Edwards
William Marlon
William Shroud
William Williams
Capt. Osbourn Jeffreys’s
Company Richard White, Lieut.
John McKisick, Ensign |
1. Francis Bradly, Serjeant
2. Howard Worley, Serj.
3. John Farrell, Serj.
4. William McBee, Corporal
5. Thomas Cook, Corp.
6. William Perry, Corp.
7. John Martin, Corp.
8. John Sandland Senior
9. Peter Vinson
10. Philemon Bradford Junior
11. John Sutton
12. Arthur Fuller
13. Timothy Fuller
14. Joseph Fuller
15. James Sutton
16. James Wade
17. John Sandland Junior
18. Robert Allen
19. Joseph Farrell
20. William Moxley
21. Robert Morgan
22. Isaac Winston
23. William White
24. John Green
25. Thomas Huland
26. Thomas Mullins
27. John Young
28. William Porch
29. Thomas Bridges
30. Jeremiah Perry
31. Ambrose Crane
32. Francis Perry
33. John Perry
34. William Ridings
35. William Smith
36.. Ezekiah Massey
37. James Brogden
38. John Golding
39. Thomas Brogden
40. John Davis
41. Julius Alford
42. Jacob Powel |
43. William Maynard
44. Gibson Martin
45. John Bradly
46. Nathaniel Perry 47. William Cade 48. Andrew Harfield 49. John Mooney 50. Michael Perry 51. William Brewer 52. Frances Johnston 53. John Booker 54. Benjamin Arundel 55. Thomas Arundel 56. James Arundel
57. Austin Honycot
58. Joseph Bridges
59. Roger Reese
60. Thomas Jones
61. William Faunt
62. George Maynard
63. Nathaniel Jones
64. Andrew Martin
65. Joseph Norris
66. Richard Rayborn
67. John Duncan
68. William Adkinson
69. Joseph Medlin
70. James Bolton
71. William Winston
72. John Wright
73. Samuel Carlisle
74. John Garret
75. John Wilder
76. Anthony Lewis
77. Nathan Grimes
78. Thomas Gowen, Malatto
79. Michael Gowen, Malatto
80. Edward Gowen, Malatto
81. Robert Davis, Malatto
82. William Burnel, Malatto
83. William Mooney |
Capt. Richard Coleman’s
Robert Abbernathy, Lieut.
Israel Robinson, Ensign. |
1. William Sission, Serj.
2. Thomas Harton, Serj.
3. Mathew Robinson, Serj.
4. William Stroud, Serj.
5. Moses Myrich
6. George Rhodes
7. John Shearing
8. John Riggin
9. Isaac Acrey
10. John Dosier
11. William Paschal
12. William Paschal Junior
13. John Stroud
14. Richard Jones
15. Richard Coleman Junior
16. Richard Huckaby
17. Jacob Dansby
18. Israel Robinson Junior
19. William Young
20. John Miller
21. Jonathan Johnson
22. William Moore
23. William Dugger
24. David King
25. William Gilcrees
26. William Read
27. Samuel Bell
28. Willaim Acrey
29. ThomasWorley
30. Thomas Walker
31. James Walker
32. Charles Huckaby
33. Charles Kimball
34. Robert Ashley
35. Moses Kennel
36. Thomas Person
37. Jennings Thompson
38. Thomas Campbel
39. Thomas Howel
40. James Young
41. Daniel King
42. John Morrison
43. Robert King
44. Charles King
45. John King
46. Alexander Burnham
47. Isaiah Paschal
48. John Paschal
49. William Marlow
50. George King
51. William Lewis
52. Jesse Miller
53. John Davis
54. Robert Callier
55. John Campbel
56. Isaac Johnson
57. Daniel Colson
58. William Hutchins
59. Ephraim McLemore
60. Giles Carter
61. Robert Savage
62. Robert Duke
63. James Phillips
64. Daniel Pegram
65. Anthony Metcalfe
66. William Downey
67. Benjamin Carrol
68. Nathaniel Nicholson.
69. William Smith.
70. John Ellie
71. Edward Cary.
72. Samuel Thompson.
73. John Bradly.
74. Thomas Bullard.
75. John Woolbank.
76. William Collins
77. Edmund Adcock.
78. Nicholas Robinson
79. John Join.
80. Richard Ballard.
81. Charles Edwards
82. Leonard Griggs
83. Benjamin Murphy
84. John Robinson
85. James Lester.
86. William Gamlin.
87. John Kendrick.
88. James Kendrick.
89. Alexander Berkley
90 George Nichols.
9l. Phillip Roberts.
92. Jams Nicholson
93. Thomas Johnson.
94. John Hawkins.
Capt. Daniel Harris’s
Thomas Bell, Lieut.
1. Smith Paterson, Serjeant
2. Lawrance Lancaster, Serj.
3. Robert Nutt, Serj.
4. Peter Green, Serj.
5. John McTlvail
6. Henry Lauter
7. James Maddrey
8. John Leonard
9. John Birch
10. George Paterson
11. William Burrows
12. Isaac Mabry
13. William Ellis
14. John Wren
15. Michael Harris
16. Edward Holiman
17. Benjamin Nicholson
18. James Harris
19. Benjamin Egerton
20. Lewis Paterson
21. Edward Narramore
22. Robert Harris
23. Ellis Marques
24. Joseph Hackney
25. Joseph Trull
26. Thomas Green
27. Peter Kimball
28. William Kimball
29. Benjamin Kimball
30. Jesse Edwards
31. William House
32. Edward Green
33. Samuel Green
34. John Cole
35. William Duke
36. William Duke, Junior
37. Samuel Duke
38. John Duke
39. Joseph Duke
40. Patric Harigall
41. Richard Maddry
42. Lewis Bobbet
43. Miles Bobbet
44. Charles Bartholomew
45. Thomas Parish
46. John Green
47. William Cheek
48. William Blake |
49. John Blake
50. James Sensing
51. Absalom Langston
52. John Smart
53. Francis Capps
54. James Langston
55. Solomon Langston
56. Joseph Green
57. John Potts
58. Peter Davis
59. Richard Bennet
60. John Motlow
61. John Person
62. Joseph Person
63. Solomon Atkinson
64. William Mangham
65. James Mangham
66. William Mangham Junior
67. Eustace Daniel
68. William Walker
69. James Petty
70. Edward Carlisle
71. Richard Acock
72. Francis Acock
73. Daniel Prince
74. Samuel Mangham
75. Thomas Blancet
76. William Cooper
77. John Williams
78. John Hudson
79. Chamberlaine Hudson
80. Henry Hudson
81. Isaac Hudson
82. Edward Young Junior
83. Thomas Young
84. William Davis
85. Major Walker
86. Peter Smath
87. Charles Harris
88. Joseph Harris
89. Joseph Bell
90. Arthur Robinson
91. John Kicker
92. William Meadows
93. James Bettis
94. Thomas Daniel
95. Robert Moore
Capt. John Sallis’s
George Morris, Lieut.
James Mitchel, Ensign. |
1. William Howlet, Serj.
2. William Hollyman, Serj.
3. Richard Harris, Serj.
4. William Hicks, Corp.
5. William Jordan, Corp.
6. Henry Jordan, Corp.
7. Thomas Morris, Corp.
8. Thomas Newby, Corp.
9. George King, Drummer
10. John Caven, Drummer
11. Thomas Bradford
12. James Bandy
13. Robert Bandy
14. Jacob Perry
15. Henry Day Junior
16. Simon Day
17. Jeremiah Frazier
18. Thomas Christian
19. David Mitchel
20. William Moore Junior
21. Henry Howard
22. Nathaniel Holly
23. William Holly
24. Enoch Rentfrow
25. Lewis Thomas
26. Lewis Edwards
27. John Smith
28. Joseph Moore
29. John Bains
30. Richard Roberts
31. Richard Roberts Junior
32. John Thomason
33. James Knott
34. John Knott
35. Martin Wheeler
36. John Howard
37. David Howard
38. Solomon Howard
39. Anthony Garnet
40. Timothy Carter
41. Samuel Carter
42. John Stovall
43. John Stovall Junior
44. Bartholomew Stovall
45. Jeremiah Clayton |
46. William Clayton
47. William Gowen
48. John Gallimore
49. Jesse Parker
50. John Osborn
51. William Cragg
52. Jonathan Barret
53. James Hembry
54. Robert Glidervell
55. William Marius
56. Groves Howard
57. John Johnston
58. Francis King
59. Thomas King Junior
60. Christopher Osborn
61. Sherwood Harris
62. Jonathan White Junior
63. George Jordan Junior
64. Henry Fegan
65. John Parish
66. William Ferguson
67. James Reeves
68. Harris Guillam
69. Edward Loyd.
70. Robert Gilley.
71. William Gilley
72. Mathew McKenny
73. Claiborn Harris
74. David Parish
75 James Ferguson
70. John Yancey.
77. Bartlet Yancey
78. Joseph Gowen
79. John Cragg
80. James Roberts, Junr.
81. Osborn Hedgpeth.
82. John Simmons.
83. Christopher Harris
84. Benjamin Simmons
85. Joshua Nogins.
86. Bartlet Shepardson
87. Lewis Anderson
88.William Bass
89. George Anderson
90. George Pettiford
Capt. Sugar Jones’s Company
James Mosely, Lieut. |
1. Francis Walker Senior
2. William Wood
3. Miles Jones
4. Denis Lindsey
5. Aaron Fussill
6. Benjamin Hard
7. Sherley Watley
8. John Barford
9. John Thornton
10. William Beckham
11. William Wheeler
12. Robert Whitaker
13. Robert Day
14. Abraham Green
15. John Green
16. John Gibbs
17. Theophilus Goodwin
8. Theophilus Goodwin Junior
19. Thomas Goodwin
20. John Goodwin
21. Edward Thomas
22. Benjamin Cowherd
23. James White
24. John Gant
25. John Gant Junior
26. William Gant
27. Isham Gant
28. John Colley
29. Richard Halcomb
30. John Halcomb
31. Joseph Halcomb
32. Henry Thornton
33. Benjamin Halcomb
34. Roger Thornton
35. George Bledsoe
36. William Bledsoe
37. Joshua Perry
38. William Richardson
39. John Boyd
40. Thomas Zachry
41. John Zachry
42. William Dickerson
43. Thomas Fussill
44. Arthur Crocker
45. John Wood
46. Jacob Crocker
47. Reuben Lawson
48. Absalom Wells
49. Thomas Beckham
50. Henry Weaver
51. William Waters
52. Thomas Putman
53. William Check
54. Robert Check
55. Williamson Liles
56. Benjamin Thomson Junior
57. John Thomson
58. William Thomas
59. Emanuel Falkner
60. William Falkner
61. Simon Beckham
62. John Rainwater
63. James Rainwater
64. Lewis Brantly
65. Joseph Brantly
66. John Brantly Junior
67. Hopkin Wilder
68. John Watson
69. Thomas Cooper
70. Browning Williams
71. Hezekiah Ferrell
72. Francis Strother
73. James Ray
74. William Underwood
75. William Watley
76. Shirly Watley Junior
77. Henry Jennings
78. Moses Smithy
79. Thomas Harris
80. William Gibbons
81. Allan Montjoy
82. Lawrance Kerwin
83. William Smith
84. James Petty
85. Thomas Petty
86. Lawrance Strother
87. Charles Liles
88. Thomas Cook
89. William Vinson
90. James Barnet
91. William Beckham Junior
92. Ephraim Estrige
93. Aaron Sherard
94. Thomas Wooton
95. George Wooton
96. Daniel Wooton
97. Robert Vasser
98. Richard Pinnel
99. John Pinnel
100. Joshua Pinnel
101. William Saul
102. Thomas Sing
103. William Willis
104. Thomas Martin
105. Atkins McLemore
106. James Talbot
107. Joshua Yarbro
108. Thomas Sale
109. Jeremiah Wooton
110. John Wooton
111. James Wooton
112. Thomas Delany
113. John Mosely
114. Thomas Crab
115. John Parsons
116. Richard Parsons
117. Joseph Martin
118. William Martin
119. Arthur Watson
120. John Serug Asken
121. Henry Brewer
122. William Takewell
123. William Halley
124. Simon Taylor
125. Ambrose Bearding
126. Samuel Freeman
127. Jeptha Ferrell
128. John Ferrell Junior
129. John Debord
130. James Morriss
131. Thomas Harris
132. Joseph Harris
133. John Stanfield
134. Benjamin Rice
135. Robert Clark
136. Thomas Carter
137. John Burdock
138. Thomas Turner
139. John Deer
140. George Underwood
Capt. Benjamin Sims’s
John Burt, Lieut.
William Mercy, Ensign. |
1. Giles Bowers, Serjeant
2. John Bishop, Serj.
3. William Eves, Serj.
4. James Ross, Corp.
5. John Meldey, Corp.
6. Mathew Mathews, Corp.
7. William Jones, Drummer
8. Henry Ivey, Drummer
9. William Jackson
10. Thomas Smith
11. William Moxley
12. William Thomas
13. Charles Ivey
14. Daniel Carrol
15. John Duncan
16. Thomas Hunt, Little Creek
17. Robert Smith
18. Richard Crutchfield
19. John Meekie
20. Henry Clark
21. Thomas Hunt, up the river
22. Saul Rackley
23. William Pace Junior
24. Joseph Acorn Hectson
25. Christopher Clark
26. Joseph Brantly
27. James Brantly
28. George Bledsoe
29. Thomas Woodly
30. Robert Moody Junior
31. William Hunt
32. William Jerkins
33. Lodowic Alford
34. Joseph Jeffries
35. William Hobbs
36. Thomas Jones
37. William Simmons
38. William Jones |
39. James Hunt
40. John Claiborn
41. Robert Clark
42. Benjamin Rice
43. John Deer
44. Aaron Sherrud
45. William Vinson
46. William Richardson
47. James White
48. Arthur Crocker
49. Miles Rackley
50. Parsons Rackley
51. John Rainwater
52. Thomas Tharrington
53. Robert Butler
54. Edward Thomas
55. John Reeves
56. William Smith
57. John Smith
58. George Woodly
59. Joseph Wright
60. John Wright
61. James Massey
62. John Douglas
63. George Hill
64. Francis Strother
65. Thomas West
66. Joseph Wright Junior
67. James Pace
68. James Smith
69. Nathaniel Smith
70. John Parnal
71. John Massey
72. William Edwards
73. John Simmons
74. Barnaby Goodwin
75. Samuel Fowler Senior |
Capt. Andrew Hampton’s Company
John Adcock, Lieut.
Ephraim Hampton, Ensign. |
1. Thomas Robinson, Serj.
2. William Williams, Serj.
3. John Landres, Serj.
4. John Williams, Corp.
5. Francis Davenport, Corp.
6. Absalom Baker, Corp.
7. Richard Ceverinton, Corp.
8. Carter Hedgpeth, Corp.
9. Anthony Cassart, Drummer
10. Darwin Elwick
11. William Rose
12. Francis Rann
13. Thomas Goss
14. Robert Boyd
15. Ephraim Merrit
16. William Washington
17. James Meadows
18. Benjamin Hubbard
19. John Clark
20. Valentine White
21. John Jones
22. Moses Coppock
23. John Ogowine
24. Patric Lashley
25. Mathew Myers
26. David Cassart
27. John Landres Junior
28. James Bolling
29. William Bolling
30. Nicholas Horton
31. Giles Hedgepeth
32. Francis Falkner
33. Leonard Adcock
34. John Marrown
35. Emanuel Falkner
36. Benjamin Bolling
37. Daniel Blackman
38. Malachi Reeves
39. Minos Greggs
40. Francis West
41. Thomas May
42. Samuel Flaick
43. Thomas Flaick
44. Samuel Fuller
45. David Straukan
46. Owen Read
47. Samuel Smith
48. John Bolling
49. Joseph Langston
50. John Mathews
51. James Morris
52. Samuel Johnson
53. David Stroud
54. Ebenezer Wilson
55. John Gibbs
56. William Smith
57. Joseph Halley
58. Lawrance Pettiford
59. Richard Watts
60. Peter Marrow |
6. December 1754
William Eaton |
© 2002 to present by Nola Duffy,
Deloris Williams, Tina Tarlton Smith, and/or individual contributors.
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