This examination of Elizabeth Searcy, Single woman, taken
before us James Paine, John Martin and Gidion Macon, Esq. this 4th
Mar. 1746.
examinant Saith that the eleventh day of January last at the County of
Granville she was delivered of a female bastard child born alive of
her body. That she
into the woods to look after some cattle and that while she was in the
woods she was taken in labour and could not get home before she was
she used her utmost endevors to save the life of the child, but that
the weather being excessive cold the sd child perished throu'
extremity of the same. That
after the child died she endeavored to carry it to the house of her
father in order to have the same buried, but being unable to carry the
same ______ she wrapped it in a petticoat and some leaves and laid it
by the side of an old tree.
That she has provided some necessary apparel for her child
sometime before she was delivered.
The sd. Elizabeth freely and voluntarily made the above
confession but refused to sign same.
under our Hands & Seals-Respectivly the day & date
aforesd--Ja's Paine, Jn Martin, Gidion Macon.
Granville Co., N.C. Sept. 5, 1750. Elizabeth Searcy, charged Richard
Hargrove with
having begotten by her a bastard child.
He is ordered to pay the Church wardens of St. John's Parish 4
pds. proc. for maintainance of the child 1 year next ensuing.
5, 1754. Wm. base born
child of Elizabeth Searcy, bound
to Reuben Searcy, to learn Shoemaker's trade.
Will be 5 years old on Apr. 30, 1754. (info. from Jeff Cullison,
N. Ogden Utah)
Co., N. C:This Indenture made the fifth day of September in the year
of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty Four.
Between William Person, Esq. first Justices in the Commission
of the peace for the said County of Granville in behalf of the
justices of the said County &
their Successors of the one part and Reuben Searcey_______ of the said
County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Justices by virtue
of the power & authority in them vested do put & place unto
the said Reuben Searcey, William Searcey, son of Elizabeth
Searcey_______aged five years the last day of Apr. 1754 with the said
Reuben Searcey to live after the manner of an Apprentice & Servant
until he the said William Searcey shall accomplish the age of twenty
one years during all which time the said Servant his sd Master shall
faithfully serve his lawful commands every where gladly obey and in
all things shall behave as a faithful Servant oughtto do.
And the said Reuben Searcey______doth Covenant promise &
agree to & with the said Justices & the successors that he
will teach and instruct or cause to be taught & instructed the
said William Searcey__ in the Art & Mystery of a Shoemaker &
that he will constantly during the said tenor find & Provide for
Sufficient Diet Washing
Searcy pg. 3.
& Apparel fitting for an apprentice & all other necessaries
both in sickness & in health in Testimony
the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands
& Seals the day & year above written.
& Delivered
presence of
William Person (Seal)
Reuben Searcy (Seal)
will of Elizabeth Searcy. (Xerox copy of will)
In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth Searcy of
Granville County in State of N. C. being sick and weak in body but of
sound & disposing mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God
for the same, do by these presents constitute and appoint this to be
my last Will and Testament in manner following:
I give & bequeath to my natural son William Hargraves
Searcy my oldest cow & her yearling.
I give & bequeath to my natural son Joseph Moore one heifer-my
knife and fork and frying pan.
If my natural son Ozwald Towns should live to come in from Ky.
I then give him one heifer and if he should not come in therewith same
to go to my natural daughter Martha Tudor & the other young
cow & calf together with my featherbed & furniture my pot
& wearing apparel and I hereby appoint my said son Joseph Moore
& John Tudor my Ex. of this my last Will & Testament.
In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this
20th day of Feb. AD 1784.
Elizabeth (X)
Searcy (Seal)
Sealed published & declared
the said Elizabeth Searcy to
last Will & Testament in presence
John Tudor
Henry (X) Rardon
in Granville Co., N. C. Not recorded in deed bk.
in Genealogy--The term natural does not necessarily refer to an
illegitimate relationship but it does denote a rela-tionship by
blood and not by marriage or adoption.
Illegitimacy was
usually identified by the terms base or bastardy, although natural
could also be used.)