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Documents Concerning Richard Henderson of the Transylvania Company |
An Act to vest certain lands in fee simple in Richard Henderson and others |
The State Records of North Carolina, Vol. 24, Pg.530-531 |
I. Whereas, it has appeared to this Assembly, that Richard Henderson, Thomas Hart, John Williams, William Johnston, James
Hogg, David Hart and Leonard Henly Bullock, Nathaniel Hart, and John Lutteril, John Carter and Robert Lucas, have been at great expence, trouble and
risque, in making a purchase of lands from the Cherokee Indians; and, whereas, it is but just that they should have a compensation adequate to their
expence, risque and trouble aforesaid; |
An Act to Amend An Act Passed in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-three, Intitled, An Act to Vest Certain Lands in Fee Simple in Richard Henderson and Others.
I. Whereas, for reasons made known to and admitted by the General Assembly, the survey of the said lands could not be
compleated within the time prescribed by the said Act; |
Advertisement by Richard Henderson and the Transylvania Company concerning settlement of the
Transylvania Colony Richard Henderson, 1735-1785; Translyvania Company December 25, 1774 - February 22, 1775 Volume 09, Pages 1129-1131 [B. P. R. O. Am. & W. Ind. : No. Carolina. No. 222.] Proposals for the Encouragement of settling the Lands purchased by Richd Henderson & Co. on the Branches of the Mississippi River from the Cherokee tribe of Indians. First. That fifty men be raised as soldiers to be under the direction of proper officers for the protection of the Settlers of the Country aforesaid to continue in Service till the first day of November next and as a reward for the same to receive 500 acres of land and three pounds sterling or the value therein in other Currency. Second. That every person willing to become an Inhabitant and to go out and settle the Country between the date hereof and the -- day of -- next and shall employ himself and those under him in cultivating and raising a crop of Corn and other employment for the good of the Community and to continue until the first day of September next always ready with their Lives and Fortunes to defend, protect and support each other in their mutual interests and advantages against the Savages, shall have the privilege of taking up Lands upon the following Terms to wit, 500 acres for himself and two hundred and fifty Acres for each tithable person whom he shall take with him and continue as aforesaid on payment of Twenty shillings sterling per hundred or the value thereof in other currency, and also an annual Quit Rent of Two shillings sterling per hundred clear of all incumberance. Third. That any person that shall within six months after the date hereof begin to erect and compleat within three years a Furnace or other Iron works so as to supply the Inhabitants with a sufficient quantity of iron shall receive 5000 Acres of Land clear of all incumbrances except the Quit Rents aforesaid. Any person beginning and erecting and finishing a salt manufactory within twelve months from the date hereof and supply the Inhabitants with a sufficiency of salt shall have 1000 as aforesaid. Any person erecting and finishing a Great Mill within Twelve months from the date hereof shall have 500 acres of land as aforesaid. Any person erecting and finishing a Saw Mill within Twelve months from the date hereof shall have 500 acres of Land as aforesaid. Any person raising the greatest crop of corn in proportion to the hands he may have under him the ensuing season shall have 500 acres of Land as aforesaid. The person who shall carry out the greatest number of sheep between the date hereof and twelve months after shall have 500 acres of land as aforesaid. Given under our Hands the 25th day of December 1774. (Signed) RICHARD HENDERSON For himself and Co. The foregoing proposals for settling the Lands to be purchased of Richard Henderson and Company of the Cherokee tribe of Indians are the same mentioned and alluded to in the Instrument of writing hereto annexed. Given under our Hands this 22d day of Febry 1775. (Signed) RICHARD HENDERSON For himself & Co. Whereas the Subscribers are about and have the greatest reason to believe will shortly compleat the purchase of a large Tract of Country lying on the Kentucky, Cumberland and other waters of the Ohio and Tenisee Rivers with a view of setling that most desirable Territory with a large number of honest farmers, artificers, etc, and being credibly informed that a number of persons disposed to go and become adventurers therein, are some on their way, others preparing for their journey. In order to obtain titles for Lands and become Inhabitants thereof and as the safe and speedy setling of that Country very much depends on the prudence of the first adventurers in many respects but more especially in their compact situation for mutual defence and protection, being well persuaded and even full convinced that a promiscuous and diffused settlement would only endanger their lives and effects of such rash setlers, but might in its consequences deter many honest industrious persons now disposed to remove into those parts from proceeding on an enterprize which would not only become beneficial to themselves but extremely advantageous to the Setlers of the ensuing Spring. Therefore in order as much as in us lies to prevent unthinking and inconsiderate persons from attempting to settle the said Lands in any diffused or scattered manner so dangerous to the general weal of the Country and the speedy and safe population thereof, do give this early and public notice to all persons that in case we should become purchasers thereof our most serious intentions are to settle the same with the greatest expedition and safety as well with respect to ourselves as those who may become adventurers in a case so replete with every prospect of gain and desirable in its consequences, and do therefore hope and most earnestly entreat all persons minded to go and settle that Country this ensuing Season to conform to the Rules laid down by ourselves as well for their benefit as ours, that is to say that all the Emigrants or Adventurers of this Spring would settle in a Town or Township for this year at least on some convenient part of the Land to be chosen for that purpose, that during the year every man may be looking out for such land as he may choose to settle on when safe to disperse. With respect to such persons as may hereafter be disposed to quit claim for their Lots and Improvements in Town, such Improvements to be valued and the valuation to be paid by the Proprietors or Purchasers of such Territory. The foregoing General Rules for the benefit of the Setlers we hope will be adhered to by all and every reasonable and thinking person minded to become Adventurers or Setlers of this most valuable Country. And as it is obviously so much for the benefit and advantage of the whole that these Rules be strictly observed, we think it encumbent on us to declare that no person that shall wilfully and obstinately refuse to comply with these Terms so necessary to our well being must expect to come within any of the Indulgences heretofore published by ourselves in case we should become purchasers or owners of that Country. We wish that most entire peace, harmony and good understanding, but must insist on the foregoing Rules, and most earnestly desire they may be strictly adhered to and complied with, and all such as will conform to the Methods of setling hereby declared may depend on the strictest performance on our parts. Given under our Hands this 22d day of February 1775. (Signed) RICHARD HENDERSON, For himself & Co. |
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Letter from Richard Henderson to John Williams, 1778 |
Letter from Richard Henderson to John Williams |
Both documents are from the "Colonial and State Records of North Carolina" online Collections. |
See Also: Richard Henderson of Granville County |
© 2011 & 2013 by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project. No portion of any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 07/08/2013 |