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Letters from Smith Family papers


Letter fragment (right side of letter not Xeroxed by copier, top of letter torn off)

years of age a tolerable good Blacksmith we---
disposed of good fame and will not Object ---
go to said Smith - The consideration Recd by
is five Hundred Dollars - & I am bound for deliv ---
in 2 or 3 days & this to be a good & in defeasable lette---
against me & All other persons & every claim of ---
kind -

                                                Henry Lynch

? Satterwhite

On backside of above Torn Letter Fragment

should the within neg---
--iption I have given. w---
I will make a reason--
Opinion of Good men
for Mr Robert & James
Satterwhite who was ---
of them

Thos Person


Torn Letter Fragment

                                         the Estate of
                   -rother the Master of Chanse
                   -istrict is appointed to settle
                   -ts and he told me to Request
              Come to his house by the 7 or eight
-ay of the Month as y-- --------- go together
he says it is of no use for him to go with
out you and and if you dont come by there
he shall not go it is too grait a distance
to go on unsertainty he says he wants your
Testtimony to prove what Colson has informed
you of if he should deny those things ontrial
M You Must apploy to the Clarks office
of Richmond for the Coppy of the Judgment
 --ainst Brackston & Morris Mr Wordon--
 ------me you ougt not to Fail goin- ----s---
--------------would Take Care for h-------
----------------------Ought ^to Take Care for------

On backside of above Torn Letter Fragment

from the appoint ---
Letters Tommey Left ---
Fall Need not to be Carried ---
Remain You-- Friend S Joh--
                           May ----

(Note: This probably concerns the Court Case involving the Court case concerning the family of Mary WEBB, wife of Samuel SMITH Sr. upon the death of her brother who did not leave a will and whose estate was contested.)



Torn Letter Fragment

---- 31 July 1805
--n informed that you have Bacon
--u have any please send me & Cay
---ms or should &  I will give the Cash
-- sight your complyance will greatly
---rd o

                        Hble Sert
                        Wm  Hillyard



Letter from W. Fenwick to William Smith

Mr William Smith                                   Richmond 3 Feb 1808

                        Dear Sir

                                    I had the pleasure of addressing
a few lines to you under date --th ------ empowering you to
---- as far as $2½ p Barrl for a quantity of Corn ~ since
there I am favored with yours of --- --- from Petersbg &
thank you for the information in it contains in The
present is to authorize your giving $3 p Barrl for any
qty of Corn that you can engage deliverable in Stuart
& Ryan's W Houses at the mouth of Roanoke payable in
3 -- 6 Months; & --red, where a quantity worth notice
is to be had I would not pass it for the consideration
of a shilling or two now ~ for the purchase proposed
to be made for cash, I would have you advance in the
same proportion ~ if nothing is to be done down the country,
you will of course see what is to be done in your neigh
=bourhood; &, if to be delivered in Pburg at these prices,
it will answer a good purpose in relying upon your
attention to this business I remain

                                                Your Friend & Servt

                                                W Fenwick

On back of above Letter

D- what I Owe                                                                Co By What owed me
Col Eaton                                    ₤100                           ---- H Lyme                     ₤104
Mabry                                           120                           B. Hilyard                                      10
Major Brown & Gallagohrs(sp?)         12                           --- Downey Sen                                4
Mary Smith                                     40                           Thos Hayes                                    20
Nancey Smith                                  42                           Lehte --tts                                     12                           
ABaod(sp?) (Akood?)                       18                                                                           -----------
Jordon Hiri(sp?)                               14 ~ 6                                                                         150
Elijah Pullard(sp?)                             6 ~                                  

                                                --------------------                Corn                                               48
                                                   324 ~ 6                     ----                                                   45
                                                                                    Hogs                                             243
                                                                                    Brandy                                            18
                                                                                    ------------ ------------- -----------                35
                                                                                    -------                                                24
                                                                                    -Bess(sp?)                                       30


(Note: William B. SMITH, son of Samuel SMITH Sr and Mary WEBB went to Petersburg in the late 1700s to work for FENWICK & DABNEY of Richmond, VA.  I believe they also had an office in Petersburg, just south of Richmond, since many of his letters from home (Granville Co., NC) were sent by way of them in Richmond.  There are letters from his family discussing his employment.)


©2002, 2003, 2007 by  Nola Duffy, Deloris Williams, Tina Tarlton Smith, and/or individual contributors.  No portion of  any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research.  Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 08/08/2012

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