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Will of Vinkler Jones- 1817 |
Granville County Will Book 12, Page 229 |
Contributed by Deloris Williams (2011) |
In the name of God Amen I Vinkler Jones Senr. of Granville County & State of North Carolina being old knowing that it is once appointed for man to die do make this my last will & testament. I do now renounce revoke & make void all other wills made by me - |
Item. I lend unto my wife Elizabeth Jones during her natural life the following property the plantation whereon I now live, Phebe, Delpha, Jinny, Daniel Dick, Mary & Amanda, after her death I give the above sd. property as will be mentioned below, I lend her one of my best mares, I lend her one half of my cattle & hoggs fifty barrels of corn, twenty bushels of wheat lend her all my household & kitchen furniture - Item. I have given my Son Westwood A. Jones money to buy lands, also I give him the following named negroes Lewis, Doll, Judy, Limmon, Tom, Caty, I give unto his daughter Elizabeth N. Leathers, I have given him a bead furniture & stock - Item. I give unto my son John Jones the tract of land whereon he now lives I give him the following negroes named Lewis, Milley, Armistead. I give unto his daughter Carroline Dolley & her too children named Sintha & Charles, also I give unto his Vinkler Jones one negro boy named Daniel after my & my wifes death I have given him one bead & furniture & stock - Item. I give unto my son Francis Jones the tract of land he sold to Mr. L. Henderson. I give him the following named negros, Daphney, Anney, Rose, George Anthony, Lewis, Rachel, Lelina Mary her two children & Hannah I have given one bead & furniture & stock - Item. I give unto my son William Jones the tract of land I bought of Samuel Morse dec'd whereon I now live, I give him the tract of land I bought of Robert Smith whereon he now lives, after his mothers death I give him the following named negroes Larke, Nan, Dilcey, her child Venustea, Lucy, Lewis, Eddy mun, Granville, Angelina, Salva her two children Jane, Judith, Harrison, Dick, Jimmey Amanda, Mary her child Chancey Tom Jones and Jeffrey and all their future increase, I give him all my horses except the mare I let my wife one half of my stock of cattle & hoggs - I give him all crops of corn, of Tobacco, & corn only what I have given his mother, I give him al my household kitchen furniture after his mother's death - Item. I give unto my daughter Mary Harris two Dollars - Item. I give unto my daughter Nancy Booth the following namd. negros, Suky, Grace, Fanny, Betty, Phebe, Juno, I have given her one bead & furniture & stock. Item. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Burrow the following named negros named Sarah, Hannah, her child named Harry, Violet, Charles, Ritter I have given one bead & furniture & stock - item. It is my will & desire that my two negro women old Phebe & Delpha shall be free after my wifes death - Item. If, I have omitted giving any part of my estate away in this my last Will I give such omitted property to my son William Jones, I do hereby nominate Constitute & appoint my son William Jones, Executor of this my last Will & testament I do hereby Renounce revoke, and make void all other wills made by me. Given under my hand & seal this fifth day of September one thousand Eight hundred & seventeen. Vinkler Jones Senr. Test
State of North Carolina |
In obedience to our order issuing from the Superior Court of Granville County bearing test the first Monday of September 1831, commanding the justice of this court to record the last will and testament of Vinkler Jones Senr. dec'd - and the foregoing paper writing being produced to this court together with a record of the section said Superior Court, concerning the probate of the last will and testament of Vinkler Jones Senr. Dec'd. whereby it appears from the verdict of the Jury that the said foregoing paper writing is the last Will and Testament of the said Vinkler Jones Senr. Dec'd. on motion it is ordered by the court that the said foregoing last will and testament of Vinkler Jones Senr. Dec'd be recorded. Witness |
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Will of John Goodloe Feb 21, 1766 |
Will of John Goodloe Feb 21, 1766 Granville Co., NC Unrecorded Wills 1749-1771 Roll #C.044.80001 Contributed by Sue Bowers In the name of God Amen; I John Goodloe of the County of Granville in the Province of North Carolina, being at a time of perfect and sound mind and memory, tho’ so each & sickly in body; therefore for preventing any uncertainty or dispute cencerning my Worldly Estate; I do make & subscribe this to be my Last Will & Testament; Hereby revoking and disannulling all other Wills by me heretofore made. In the first place, I Will & Desire, that my Wife Susannah have the use of all my Estate, both Real & Personal, (except what shall be by this Will hereafter given and bequeathed) for herself and support and education of my Daughter Mary, until my said daughter shall attain the age of Eighteen Years, or the day of her Marriage, and on such of those days, which shall first happen: I Will that all my Estate, both Person & Real be then equaly divided betwixt my said Wife Susannah and my Daughter Mary, that is to say, the one Half of my Personal Estate, to hold to my said Wife Susannah, Her Heirs and Assigns for ever, and the one Half of my Real Estate to hold to my said Wife during Her Natural Life, the other half of my Real and Personal Estate and all Reversions thereof to my Daughter Mary Goodloe above named, and after the Death of my said Wife Susannah, the other Half of my Real Estate I bequeath also to my said Daughter Mary, Her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. My Will and Desire further is, that if my said Daughter Mary should not live to attain the age of eighteen or be married, then I Will and bequeath the Estate So given to her, to my Dear & Loving Wife Susannah Goodloe, and Her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. Item. I Will and bequeath unto my Executors herein named my Houses and Lotts in the Town of Fairfax in Trust, for them or the Survivors of them, to Sell and dispose of, to the best Advantage for the Benefit of my Estate. Item. My Will and Desire is, and I do hereby direct, no Part of my Estate to be sold at Publick Vendue, by any order of Court: But if the debts which are, or shall be due to me, fall short of paying, what Claims and Debts shall or may come against my Estate, in such Case my Desire is, and I hereby empower my Executors, to sell one or more Negroes, in such manner, as shall to them Seem best, to raise what Money may be necessary for discharging all such Claims and debts. Item. My Will and Desire farther is, that whatever Part of my Deceased Fathers Estate, may on the death of my dear Mother become due or belonging to me, that my Executors herein named, have full power to demand and receive the same, and apply it, in whatever Quality may be with my other Estate, herein disposed of, and that it may go therewith. Item. I do hereby fully & sufficiently authorize & impower my Executors herein named, or anyone of them, to make and Execute such sufficient deed and Conveyance to Robert Dudley of Spotsylvania, Virginia, for a certain Tract of Land, in that County, sold by me to him, as he shall think, will be sufficient for conveying to him the Legal title to the Same; He paying to my said Executors, whatever balance, of the Purchase Money thereof as is still due from him. Item. I Will and bequeath unto my Brother Robert Goodloe one negroe Boy named Dublin, my silver Watch, and all my Wearing Apparel for Ever, as a token of brotherly Affection I have for Him. Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my Loving Wife Susannah Goodloe, my Brother Robert Goodloe, and my Son-in-Law William Martine, to be my Executors, of this my Last Will and Testament. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand & seal this 21st day of February in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and Sixty Six. John Goodloe Sealed, Published & Declared by the said John Goodloe, To be his Last Will & Testament (there being no Stamped Paper in the Province to be now got on any terms, Therefore This is written on Common Paper and Executed) in Presence of Patience Gatewood Frances Davis Jurat Susanna Jones Frederick Johnzer? Jurat |
© 2003 to present by Deloris Williams and Sue Bowers for the NCGenWeb Project and/or individual contributors. No portion of any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 04/17/2014 |