Transcribed and Contributed By Waunita Powell
February 27, 2004
William Searcy-1776 Guilford Co. Will Book A. Pg. 333 (Guilf. 1771 from Rowan & Orange Co., N. C. Orange 1752 from Johnston, Bladen and Granville Co.) Will of William Searcy--Preamble-----"I devise and bequeath to Keziah my dearly beloved wife, her living as long as she shall please out of my Estate which she is to enjoy in full peace and quietness during her natural creation: Also I give to my well beloved son William Searcy whom I likewise constitute, make, and ordain the sole executor of this my last will and testament all and singular my lands and legacies whatsoever at the death of my beloved wife which lands and living he is peaceable to enjoy except what is hereinafter mentioned. Also I give and bequeath to Keron Searcy, my beloved daughter, a certain neck of land called Morgan's Neck which she is to safely and peacable enjoy ?forever out of my Estate --also bed and furniture and one third part of the ?Pewter & Dolph Ware. Also I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Mary Pearce one shilling lawful money of Great Brittain, which she is to peaceably to enjoy. Also I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Mary Pearce a black horse which she is safely to enjoy. (usual form confirming as last will & testament here------) And in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in year of our Lord 1776, Feb. 4th. Wit. Arthur Smith, Adam Warnock, James Whittle Signed William Searcy (Seal) Proved at May court and recorded 1776
John Searcy-1787
In the name of God Amen I John Searcy of Granville Co., State of N.C. being of sound mind and memory do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament. First, I will that all my debts I justly owe be forthwith levied out of my estate and paid. Item: I give and bequeath to the representatives of my son William Searcy, dec'd, five shillings & to my sons, John and Bartlett and my daughter, Mary Rearden, and my daughter Susanna Hayes, alias Good, five shillings proclamation money each Item: I give the rest of my Estate both real and personal to Reuban, Sarah Linsey & Richard Searcy to them & their heirs & assignees forever. And lastly I appoint Reuban Searcy & Rich'd Searcy executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of March A.D. 1783.;
Signed Sealed Published
& Declared
by said John Searcy to
John (his Mk.) Searcy
Last Will and Testament
In Presence of
Asa Searcy
Reardon Thomas Searcy
Pr. Granville Co.
Satisfied to Record Feb. Court A.D. 1787
This will was duly proved by the oath of Rich'd Searcy and ordered to be r e corded, then Reuban Searcy Qualified as Ececutor to the said Will. Test,? ______ Searcy
(Note those witnesses
were all grandsons. Asa and Thomas s/o Reuban and Dennis son of Mary
( there was a son
Timothy deceased and a dau Elizabeth deceased -Waunita Powell)
© 2004 to present by Waunita Powell, Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project. No portion of any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 04/18/2014
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