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DB-A, page 162
JOHN NICHOLSON to CHARLES JOHNSTON. 2 April 1765. 37 Pds. Procl. money for 317 A. on BS Pumkin Branch, adj. ABERNATHY, CAMPBELL, KING & BANKS. Wit: MARY THORNTON, DANIEL PEGRAM. Proved by DANIEL PEGRAM, Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 26 June 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R
DB-A, page 163
JOHN JONES to GODFREE JONES. 12 Aprall 1765. 20 Pds. current money for 192 A. where I now live, bought from DAVID YOUNG, on ES Hawtree Creek, adj. CROXTON. Wit: ADAM JONES, SAML. CROXTON, JEREMIAH ELLIS. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 June 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 165 - See A-269
ROBERT MAYFIELD to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, of Surry Co., Va. 30 April 1765. 8 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. on NS Shocco Creek, on the Line Branch, adj. WARD & MACON. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 June 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 166
WILLIAM JOHNSON, Sheriff of Bute Co., to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE in lieu of WILLIAM TABS. 25 March 1765. Reference is made to Order of ALLEN JONES, Clerk of Supr. Court, Halifax District, 1 Sept. 1764, for property of SAMUEL BELL to be sold to recover what WILLIAM SHEARRIN recovered against him. Highest bidder at Sheriff's sale, 31 Jan. 1765, was JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, by WILLIAM TABB, Esq. his next friend, bid being 60 Pds. Procl. money, part of which was paid to WM. SHEARRIN & overplus returned to SAMUEL BELL. Land on WS Hubquarter Creek, adj. EATON, to Shearings Path, devised to SAMUEL BELL by THOS. BELL, dec'd., by will 18 Oct. 1761. No witnesses. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 169
WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esq., Sheriff of Bute Co., to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, of Surry Co., Va. 1 April 1765. Reference is made to order of ALLEN JONES, Clerk of Superior Court of Halifax Co., 1 Sept. 1']64, for property of JOSEPH THOMSON to be sold for debt owing WILLIAM TABS. Execution was taken on land, beginning on the Ridge on Meeting House Path, to Buffalo Branch, bought from CLEM ARLEDGE. JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE was highest bidder at Sheriffs sale held 30 Jan. 1765, in lieu of WILLIAM TABB, his next friend, for 14 Pds:lOSh: Procl. money. No witnesses. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 172
WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esq., Sheriff of Bute Co., to WILLIAM WALKER. 25 March 1765. Deed to 537 A. at head of Little Hubquarter Creek, adj. ASCOM(?) & BELL. Land of JAMES NICHOLSON,JR., sold by order of Halifax Court 1 Sept. 1764, ALLEN JONES, C.S.C., to discharge debt to WILLIAM WALKER, he being the highest bidder at the sale, held 1 Jan. 1765, for 40 Pds. Procl. money. No witnesses. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 174
JOHN ODOM,SR. to JOHN ODOM,JR. 10 Jan. 1765. 13 Pds. Procl. money for 600 A., part of EARL GRANVILLE Grant 1 March 1762. Wit: JOHN ANTHONY, THEOFLUS ODOM. Proved by THEOPHILUS ODOM, Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
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