About Search Data Links



Bute County Query Page

One of the best ways to help connect to other researchers, is to post messages on public forums. While there is a Message Board for Bute County, we suggest that you should visit that and the Warren County Message Boards on Ancestry.com to have a better chance of it getting noticed, and to any of the Surname Boards or other Topics you are researching. Keep in mind that most Bute County records are kept with the Warren County records. Ancestry Boards are free, the only requirement is to register for a free account in order to post and receive notification of responses to your posts. Remember, do the research first, locate your ancestors in Census or other records to get an idea of where to look, then seek out others researching the same families or researching the same locations. The Boards are also searchable, so don't forget to also use the search functions there for for your family names.

Post a message on any of the Ancestry Message Boards by clicking onto the "Begin New Thread" option on the selected Board:

Bute County Message Board

Warren County Message Board

All NC County Message Boards

Surnames Message Boards



Genealogy on Facebook

A lot of genealogy research is being done on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, you'll want to join some of the Groups that can help you with both genealogy and history research either on a local level or in statewide groups. A few suggestions for both Warren and surrounding Counties are below, just click onto the name and select the "Join" button on the Group, be sure to answer all the questions included with your request to join:

Our own: NCGenWeb Project Group

The Franklin, Granville, Vance & Warren County Genealogy Group

Franklin, Granville, Vance, and Warren (+) Genealogy



Tips for Posting Messages

Remember that when posting a message to either a Message Board or on Facebook, you should be clear and concise as to what you are looking for. In the Subject line, you should include the Name, Location, and a Time Frame at the very least, then in the Body of the message, a more detailed description of the individual and/or family saying what other records you have looked through and where, will better enable others to help you in your research. Never ask for "all the records that you have..." or similar wording when requesting research help, one should always be specific and courteous in any message posted on a public forum, and you will get much better results because researchers are more likely to read through a well-worded message than one that gives little or no details.


You might also benefit especially in Facebook posts, from reading this article:

Asking for Help the Right Way




Copyright 2021 to present by the NCGenWeb Project Inc. and individual contributors as shown.  Materials on this website are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching their family origins, any commercial use, without the consent of the author of these pages is prohibited.  Portions of this site as noted on their pages are not in the public domain and is not to be reproduced for any purpose without express written consent of the owner of the material.  Last updated 06/08/2021
