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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain.
No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose.  


DB-A, page 341 - See A-153

Court Commission, 30 July 1765, to MARTIN PHIPHER, THOMAS COLT & ABRAHAM ALEXANDER, Esqrs., of Craven Co., S.C., that they make private examination of MARY MITCHELL, wife of JOAB MITCHELL, with respect to her free consent in execution of deed to ANDREW MACKIE, Merchant of Va., she being remote from Bute Co., BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Certificate, dated 18 Oct. 1765, Mecklenburg Co., N.C., in which MARTIN PHIPER & THOS. COLT testify to examination of MARY MITCHELL and that she executed the deed freely and by her own consent. Commission & Certificate Ordered Registered, Bute Oct. Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, Page 342

GEORGE KING & Wife FRANCES, of Mecklenburg Co., Va., to JAMES DOZ(I)ER. 29(?) Oct. 1765. 60 Pda. Va. money for 210 A.. on SS Smiths Creek, adj. ROBERT KING & ISRAEL ROBERSON, to the Camp Branch. Wit: WOOD MALONE, GEORGE ROBERSON. Ack: Bute Oct. Court 1766 (as written), FRANCES having relinquished dower rights before JETHRO SUMNER, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R. (date as written)

DB-A, page 244

WILLIAMSON LILES, planter, to BENJAMIN WARD, planter. 29 Oct. 1765. 150 Pda. Va. money for 300 A. on SS Shocco Creek* adj. EDWARD JONES.  Wit: THOMAS PERSON, BUCKNER KIMBELL, EDWARD JONES. Ack: Bute Oct. Court 1765, "Wife", not named, having relinquished dower rights before WILLIAM TABB, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 345

JAMES ARRENDELL & his son RICHARD ARRENDELL to WILLIAM FREEMAN. 26 Oct. 1764. 65 Pda. Va. money for 100 A. below Jumping Run, on SS Crooked Creek.  Wit:  DAVID DODD, BRIDGES FREEMAN, BENJAMIN ARRENDELL.

Proved by BRIDGES FREEMAN, Bute Oct. Court 1765, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3.Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 346

PETER BUTTS, Esq., of Southampton Co., Va., Executor of will of DANIEL BUTTS, late of Bute Co., dec'd., to JOHN LANGSTON. 28 March 1765. 10 Pds. Procl. money, paid to DANIEL BUTTS during his lifetime, for 125 A. on B.4. Sandy Creek, adj. ANTHONY CROCKER, to the Mill Stone Run, near Lawson's Old Mill, lines agreed on between WILLIAM GANT & JOHN LANGSTON, adj. RAINWATER.

Wit: BENJAMIN PERSON, BENJAMIN BUTTS. N.B. A previous deed was mislaid & not recorded. Proved by BENJAMIN PERSON, Bute Oct. Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 348

JOHN MEGLAMRE(MEGLEMERIE) to ABRA(HA)M ELLIS, of Mecklenburg Co., Va.  26 Oct. 1765. 100 Pds. Procl. money for 215 A. on the Eiseing glas Creek, adj. HENRY WESTBROOK. Wit: JOSEPH BORDEN, JOHN FOSTER. Ack: Bute Oct. Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 349

JOHN BELL to HENRY FOOTE 31 Oct. 1765. 115 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. on Hob quarter Creek., adj. JOHN RIGGI to Little Creek, reedy branch, Barn branch. No witnesses. Ack: Bute Oct. Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 Sept. 1766, WILLM. JOHNSON, P.R.

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