







The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain. No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose. 

66 BENJAMIN RUSH, Guardian of JOHN THOMAS, orphan of WILLIAM THOMAS, dec'd. Bond, dated 27 January 1767, to Justices: WILLIAM JOHNSON, JAMES RANSOM, & JOHN HAWKINS, Esqrs. Securities: BENJAMIN WARD, GEORGE BLEDSOE. Recorded January' Court 1767.

67 Will of BENJAMIN RUSH of Prince Wm. Co., Va. Dated 13 October 1759. Wife AMEY RUSH. To son BENJA. RUSH, 520 acres in Granville Co., part of a 640-acre grant on BE Sandy Creek, granted 20 June 1749. Exors: Wife and son BENJA. RUSH. Wit: JNO. BRYAN, WM. PURCEL, JAS. PIERCE, THOS. BELL, & JOS. MARTIN. Recorded January Court 1767.

68 ROBERT ALLIN to JOHN HUDSON & Wife ELIZABETH HUDSON. Dated 19 September 1766. Sale of a negro boy, "for divers good causes & valuable considerations." Wit: ROBT. ALLIN, JOHN NEVIL. Recorded January Court 1767.

68 Admr. Bond in Estate of ROBERT McKENNIE, dec'd. THOMAS BELL, Administrator. Bond, dated 28 April 1767, to Governor WILLIAM TRYON. Securities: PAUL PATRICK, JOHN UNDERWOOD. Recorded April Court 1767.

69 SAMUEL DISPAIN to BENJAMIN DISPAIN, and then to HARRISON HARRIS if he die without heir. Dated 2 Feb. 1767. Deed of Gift of goods, chattels, household stuff, and all other of my substance. Wit: JAMES BATTES, BEB. POPE. Recorded April Court 1767.

70 Account of Sale of Estate of the late TIMOTHY FULLER. Dated 27 March 1767. By WILLIAM MOORE, Deputy Sheriff. Mentions: BENJA. PERSON, THE WIDOW, BAR CATLET, JAMES SANDLAND, TIM ROTE, JOHN WEST. Recorded April Court 1767.

70 JOHN SMART to WILLIAM PARK & CO. Dated 4 February 1767. Sale of cattle, sheep, household, & kitchen furniture, to satisfy debt. Wit: MARK BENNET, JOHN SCOTT. Recorded April Court 1767.

71 JOHN MORRISON to Son ELLEXANDER MORRISON. Dated 29 January 1767. Deed of Gift of "all my moveable Estate." Recorded April Court 1767.

71 SAMUEL DUKE to BRITEN DUKE. Dated 28 April 1767. Sale of livestock and all household goods. Wit: BENJA. PRITCHET. Recorded July Court 1767.

END OF BOOK entitled "Bute County Record Book No. 1" and recorded as Will Book 1, Warren County Registry.

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