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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain. No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose


Also, Report of valuation of both by men appointed for that purpose by November Court 1769 (with attested copy of Court Order of that date attached), THOMAS COOKE, EDWARD JONES, DANIEL BARROW, & CHARLES LYLES. Recorded May Court 1770.

130 BENJAMIN MOSELEY retracts slanderous statements he made about WILLIAM JEFFREYS in public at last Nov. Court, when he accused him of stealing from BENJAMIN HARDY. Dated 7 March 1770. Wit: THOS. BRIDGES, WM. MOSELEY, OSBORN JEFFREYS, WILLIAM MOSELEY, SR. Recorded May Court 1770.

130 ROBERT MOSELEY retracts slanderous statements he made at last Nov. Court with reference to accusing WILLIAM JEFFREYS of stealing from BENJAMIN HARDY. Dated 19 March 1770. Wit: OSBORN JEFFREYS, THOS. BRIDGES, WILLIAM MAY, JR. Recorded " May Court 1770.

131 WILLIAM BOYD of Chowan Co. to GEORGE KIRK. Dated 17 March 1769. Sale of a negro. Wit: GEO. WILLS, JOHN ALLEN. Ack: 13 April 1770, before RICHD. HENDERSON. Recorded May Court 1770.

132 JOHN HAYNES, Orphan suppos'd to be 16 years old, apprenticed to BENJAMIN EGERTON to be taught business of shoemaker. Agreement with WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esq., Presiding Justice, on behalf of Justices, dated 17 Feb. 1770, pursuant to Court Order of same date. Recorded February Court 1770.

133 Dated 25 July 1770. Recorded Aug. Court 1770, on motion of WILLIAM PERSON, JR. Agreement by & between HERBERT & EATON HAYNES for themselves and MARTHA, JENNY, ANTHONY, & ANDREW HAYNES, children of ANTHONY HAYNES, dec'd., WILLIAM EATON, MARY JONES, ANNE PUGH, SARAH JOHNSTON, WILLIAM PARK, WILLIAM PERSON, THOMAS EATON, & CHARLES RUST EATON. Whereas WILLIAM EATON, dec'd., willed 1/3 of his personal Estate of his wife MARY for life, then to go to children of ANTHONY HAYNES, dec'd., and the said WILLIAM EATON, MARY JONES, ANNE HAYNES (since the wife of the REV. JOHN PUGH, deed), SARAH JOHNSTON, BETTY WELDON (now the wife of WILLIAM PARK), MARTHA EATON (now the wife of WILLIAM PERSON), THOMAS EATON, & CHARLES RUST EATON - since the death of the said MARY the Estate became the property of said Legatees, in reversion, and this day was divided equally among them. The expenses of the late sickness of ad. MARY & funeral expenses to be equally shared, by mutual consent. Wit: WILL JOHNSON, WILLIAM DUK'S, HEN. PENDLETON.

135 Diagram showing division & value of negroes, part of Estate of WILLIAM EATON, Esq., deed, indicating which negroes, by name, divided among the nine Legatees: HAYNES ESTATE, WM. PERSON, WM. EATON, MRS. JONES, MRS. PUGH, CHAS. EATON, THOS. EATON, MRS. JOHNSTON, WM. PARK. Rcd. Aug. Ct. 1770.

136  (A) Will of THOMAS HARRIS. Dated 21 Jan. 1768. Recorded August Court 1770. To wife SARAH HARRIS, for life, then to Child in Ease if it lives, otherwise to be equally divided between my two children: WEST HARRIS & ELIZABETH HARRIS, the last two having other legacies. Exrs: JOSEPH HARRIS & JOHN HUNT. SARAH HARRIS signs will with THOMAS and it includes a statement that she is content with its contents. Wit: JAMES RANSOM & JOSEPH HARRIS. (See WB-A, Page 240.)

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