Excursus, Jacocks.

No records have been found in the lower counties of Virginia throwing light on the Jacocks family, neither are the records in Perq very generous in details about them. The line has been well written up by Mr Hathaway, in N. C. Hist, & Gen Reg, Vol 1-3, page 330. In my work on same line a few stray items have been unearthed which may be of value to searchers after family data. As has been already shown by said Register, Thomas Jacocks was living in “Little River” 1689, with wife Ann. He is said to have been engaged in “farming & merchandising.” He died May 2, 1692.

His son Jonathan, m 1st Elizabeth Collins (widow of William) and made his home in Pasq Co, near Newbegun Creek. He was also a merchant, & planter. They had no issue apparently, she dying 1710-11. His 2d wife was Mary Blount (d of John & Elizabeth Davis, b 1696,) both of them dying 1735. A joint deed was made by them, July 20, 1721, to Matthew Pritchard of Pasq Co, 388a in said county, “formerly belonging to William Collins, and bequeathed by him to his nephew Thomas Woodley, and by him conveyed to sd Jacocks.” Jonathan Jacocks moved to Bertie Co, and took up 485a on Batchelors Bay, at the mouth of Chowan River, where he died, leaving sons: Jonathan, Thomas, Charles, Worth, Joseph, & dau Elizabeth. Thomas Jacocks (2) was Master of ship Swallow, from Edenton, to Boston, March 26, 1760, and m Rebecca Scolley of Boston.

Joseph Reed in his will, p July 1774, names his “mother Elizabeth Jacocks” who was before marriage a dau of George Durant (gr-son of George, & Ann Marwood) and sister of Mary Durant who m Christian Reed. Joseph Reed here spoken of was son of Joseph Sr, brother of Christian Reed. Thomas Jacocks 2d m Elizabeth, (widow of the elder Joseph Reed) but his issue is uncertain. (See N. C. Hist & Gen Reg, for further data.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).