JAMES OATES (1703 Will)


24 July 1703

In The Name of God Amen. I James Oates being sick in Body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory. Do make this my last will and testement in manner and form following.

-Item I give and bequeth my soul to the mercies of God.

-Item I give and bequeth my body to a Christian burial.

-Item I give and bequeth to Jonathan Evins my Box Hat

-Item to my son Joseph Oates I give and bequeth a young cow called Granger and her calf Crum for his use from the time of my death

-Item I give and bequeth all of my whole estate in whatever specific manner it is to be found to my loving and lawful wife Elizabeth Oates to her managing and distributed equally.

I doe institue and ordain my loving and lawful wife Elizabeth Oates my whole, whatsoever to doe my will and preformed in which and thereof hereunto set my hand and set my seal this 24th day of July anno 1703.

James Oates
