Will – 8 March 1879

Perquimans County, NC

Perquimans County, State of North Carolina March eighth eighteen hundred and seventy nine

This my last will and testament, that I George W. Simpson, do give and bequeath, my property after death, as follows.

First,   To Annie B. Stokely, and Maggie B. Simpson, my two oldest daughters , One tract of land on the East side of the road, adjoining the lands of Henry White deceased, to be equally divided between them, to have and to hold the above named tract of land. If either one of the said named Annie B. Stokely, or Maggie B. Simpson die, without a lawful heir of their body, then her part is to be equally divided between the children that are living, and if both die without a lawful heir of the body, then the said land to be equally divided between my children that may be living.

Second,   I give and bequeath after my death to my daughter Lizzie Nora Simpson one portion of the land on the west side of the road running through my farm, commencing at the line between Willis Whithead and myself and running a South course along the road to the second four feet ditch, thence along the said ditch to a line between Wm C. Simpson and myself, thence northerly course along the said line, to Willis Whitehead’s line, and along the line Easterly to the first station, to have and to hold, after the death of my Wife, or her Widowhood, the above named piece of land, and if the said Lizzie Nora Simpson die without a lawful heir of the body, the said land to be given to Jesse Franklin Simpson.

Thirdly,   I give and bequest to my Wife S. Elizabeth Simpson the remainder of my land including the buildings, to have and to hold after my death as long as she lives, or her widowhood, and after her death or widowhood to my Son Jesse Franklin Simpson, forever, and furthermore if my Wife S. Elizabeth Simpson, should marry after my death, she can remain here by giving my Son Jesse Franklin Simpson one third of the proceeds of the said land, furthermore it is my will and desire that my house shall be a home for any of my children if they have no home.

Fourthly   I give and bequeath after my death one third of my chattle property to my Wife.

Fifthly   the other two thirds of my chattle property to be equally divided between my children and the part of the chattle property for Jesse Franklin Simpson and Lizzie Nora Simpson to remain with my Wife for them, and to be given to them whenever she thinks proper.

Sixthly   It is my will and desire that after my death that any one, or all of my children can sell the above named lands when all of my children agree to do so.

I leave my Wife to settle my estate.
If my Wife should die, Provide J. Rufus Stokl(e)y settle the estate.

G. W. Simpson (signature)
Thomas W. White (signature)
C. A. Ownley (signature)


George W. Simpson’s will was probated 7 March 1882. It was shown that he had 300 acres of land worth about $5,000. Personal property such as stock, notes, household furniture, etc. was valued about $2,500. Parties entitled under said will to the property were S. E. Simpson, widow of the deceased, Maggie B. Simpson, full age, & Annie B. Stokely, Jesse B. Simpson and Lizzie Nora Simpson minors.


ELIZA JORDAN (1864 Will)

Will of 


 Recorded -Book F Page 522
Perquimans County, NC

I, Eliza Jordan, being advanced in years and infirm in body, but of a sound and disposing mind, do make this my last will & testamenton this the 29th day of September 1864 to wit-

Item 1st    I do give and bequeath my new bed stead & the bed & clothes belonging to it to my Grandson Matthew Thomas Wilson.

Item 2nd   I do give and bequeath my book case to my Grandson Joseph T. Wilson

Item 3rd   I do give and bequeath to my Grandson Jesse O. Wilson Seventy Dollars be kept at interest until he is of lawful age

Item 4th   I do give and bequeath to my Grandson Wm Augustus Wilson Seventy Dollars to be kept at interest until he is of lawful age

Item 5th   I do give and bequeath to my Grand daughter Mary Elizabeth Wilson Twenty- Five Dollars to be laid out in buying a ___?___ for her – I also give and bequeath a Twenty Dollar gold piece to her.

Item 6th   I do give and bequeath to my Grandson John Randolph Simpson Fifty Dollars to be kept at interest until he is of lawful age

Item 7th   I do give and bequeath to my Grandson Robert Augustus Simpson Seventy Dollars to be kept at interest until he is of lawful age

Item 8th   I do direct the residue of my estate to be sold and that my Daughter Susan Ann Wilson be paid out of the proceeds thereof, if sufficient, a reasonable compensation for the expense and trouble she may be at in waiting and attending upon me during my sickness and that the residue be equally divided between my four daughters viz Catharine SandersEllen WoodwardPenelope Elizabeth Simpson & Susan Ann Wilson.

Item 9th   I do give and bequeath unto my Grandson Joseph T. Wilson my family Bible.

Item 10th I do constitute and appoint Dr Caleb Winslow to be my Executor to carry out the intent of the above will.

In witness whereof I have unto set my hand & affix my seal on the day above written.

Eliza Jordan (signature)

We the undersigned witnesses did see Eliza Jordan sign her name to this instrument and she did see us sign it as witnesses by her request, and in presence of each other.

John Elliott
Margaret A. Billups



Will of



 I Abraham Sanders of the province of North Carolina and County of Perquimans being throug Mercy in Reasonable health  of body and in perfect Serene Mind and Memory but calling to Mind the uncertainty of this Life doe think proper to make this My Last Will and testament in manner and form–

Following first  my Will and Desire is that my Just Debts and funeral expences be discharged and paid

First  I give and bequieth unto my son John Sanders the plantation whereon Richard Waters now lives bounded by a branch Runing from the river into the woods and soe from the head of the said branch by a line of markt trees to the head line of my land I say I give him the sd. plantation to him and his heirs forever.

2dly  I give and be quieth unto my daughter Jude Bois a tract of Land Containing forty three acres Joyning on the land of Anne Williams and fifty Seven acres adjoining it out of the Tract of Land whereon I now live to her and her heirs forever.

3dly  I give and bequieth unto my son Benjamin Sanders the plantation whereon I now Live with all the remainder of my Land to him and his heirs forever.

4thly  My Will and Desire is that if Either My son John or my son Benjamin should depart this Life before they arrive to the age of twenty one years that then the other may have and Enjoy his part of the Land to his proper use and heirs forever.

5thly  I give and bequeith unto my son Abraham Sanders five shillings sterling to him and his heirs.

6thly  I give and bequeith unto my Daughter Elizabeth Sanders My Negro Man Named Sambo and one young Mare and one black walnut Chest and Case with fifteen bottles and one Linen Spinning wheal to her and her heirs forever.

I also give to my Daughter Elizabeth Sanders one black Walnut Oval table to her and her heirs.

7thly  I give all the remainder of my Estate to bee Equally Divided betwen My Loving Wife Jude Sanders and My three children John, Benjamin and Elizabeth Sanders to them and their heirs forever.

My Will and Desire is that my sd. wife Jude Sanders have the care of my son John Sanders and his part of my Personal estate untill he arives to the age of twenty years and then I apoint him to bee of age to Receive it and have the full use and benefit of the same.

My Will and Desire is thay My Daughter Elizabeth Sanders have the care of my son Benjamin Sanders and his part of my Personal estate untill he arives to the age of twenty years and then I apoint him to bee of age to receive it and have the full use and benefit of the same.

Also it is my will and Desire that My Daughter Elizth. Sanders have the Liberty to Live on that part of my Land which I gave to my son John Sanders if she should have ocation or Like soe to doe untill he arives to the age of twenty years.

Lastly I Constitute ordain and appoint   my Brother Richd Sanders and my friend Jo. White to bee my whole and sole Executors to see this my Last will and testament performed and Don and doe hereby revoke Disanul and make void all other wills by mee heretofore made and declare this to bee my Last Will & testament in witness wherof I hereunto sett my habd and seal this twenty sixth Day of Aprill 1750

Abraham  A  Sanders        his mark

Signed and sealed and  Delivd. in presents of           

John White affd                               

Elizabeth White               

John Murdaugh affd


No Carolina            

October Court anno Dom 1751

Peqms County    

Present His Majestys Justices when was the within will proved in open court by the affirmations of John Murdaugh & John White in Due form of law and at the same time Richard Sanders and Joseph White Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmations by law appointed to be taken by Executors Ordered that the Secretary or his Deputy of said province   have Notice that Letters Testamentary issue thereon as th law directs

Test. Edmd. Hatch Cler Cur

Source: North Carolina Wills, Vol. XXVII, page 48



 Will of 


22nd day of the 3rd month 1789

Perquimans County, North Carolina

I Josiah Jordan of Perquimans County being weak of body, but sound of disposing mind & memory do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament in the manner & form following.

First  it is my will & desire that all my just debts be first discharged by my Executor hereafter named.

Second,  I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Jordan, the Land Plantation whereon I now live during her natural life, & one third part of all my Personal Estate after my Debts & Legacies hereafter mentioned are paid, to her and her heirs forever–

Third,  I give and bequeath unto my three sons Thomas, Josiah, & Matthew Jordan the Land Plantation whereon I now live, the Land purchased of Thos Willson’s Exs. and all my Right and Interest in the Land & Plantation whereon my Mother now lives, in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, or all the cash that may fall to me in consequence of said land in Virginia, to be equally divided between them, when Matthew arrives at the age of Twenty One years, or at the death of there Mother, to them and there Heirs forever—

Fourth.  I give and bequeath unto my son Exum Jordan Two Hundred & Thirty Pounds Current Money but in case he should die under age, I give the said Two Hundred & Thirty Pounds to be equally divided between my three sons Thomas, Josiah, & Matthew Jordan to them & there Heirs forever

Fifth.  I give & bequeath unto my three daughters Sarah, Dorothy, & Mary Jordan, Fifty Pounds Current Money Each to them and there Heirs forever—

Sixth.  I give & bequeath the remainder of my Estate not heretofore given to be Equally divided between my four Daughters Miriam, Sarah, Dorothy & Mary to them & there Heirs forever—

Lastly.  I constitute & appoint Exum Newby & John Clary to be my Executors to this my Last Will & Testament.

In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand seal this 22nd day of the 3rd Month 1789—

Josiah Jordan

Signed Sealed & Acknowledged }

In Presents of us                 

Joseph Scott

Susanna Clary

Jno. J. Jackson


DAVIS Family Bible (ADAM S. DAVIS 1794-1846)

Source: Year Book – Volume 4 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Compiled and Edited by Edna M. Shannonhouse (1983).

NOTES:  Adam S. Davis was the son of Sanford Davis and his wife, Ann “Nancy” Smithson of Pasquotank County.

It is believed by some that Adam’s middle initial ‘S’ stood for Smithson. However, Adam’s grandfather Capt. Arthur Davis was very good friends with Capt. Adam Selanders and older genealogists felt Adam may have been named after this old family friend. Since there is no proof either way he is referred to as Adam S. Davis.

Ann “Nancy” Smithson is listed in the will of her husband Sanford Davis and in the will of her father-in-law Arthur Davis who died a few years after the death of his son Sanford. Nancy is also named in her father’s will, although he leaves her “nothing”. (See the will of John Smithson.)

Martha Penelope Sykes was the daughter of Joshua Sykes and his wife, Margaret Wood of Perquimans County.

All of the children of Adam S. Davis and Martha Penelope Sykes were born in Perquimans County, North Carolina. Adam and Martha settled on the Sykes property that was later deeded to Martha in 1823 by her father, Joshua Sykes.

We do not have the exact date of death for Adam S. Davis, but we know he died in 1846. Frances C. Griffin found at the Archives in Raleigh, N. C.  the Estate Papers of Adam S. Davis showing that on 15 Dec 1846 John White went to the Courthouse in Perquimans Co. and stated that Adam S. Davis had died. He requested that he be made Special Administrator of his estate –the request was granted.

–Susan Griffin




Chappell Bible in possession of Mr. R. C. Hewitt, Rt. 5, Elizabeth City, N. C.            

Copied 23 May 1962


  • Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth Copeland were married 25th day 8 mo. 1863
  • Reuben O. Chappell and Ellen B. Chappell were married 25th April 1904
  • Elwood S. Carey and Victoria A. Chappell were married 31 Mar. 1909
  • Thomas F. Chappell, son of Silas Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 9 mo. 15 day 1838
  • Elizabeth A. K. Copeland, daughter of Dempsey Copeland and Betsy A. his wife, was born 5 mo 2 day 1843
  • Charlotte Abigail Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 5 mo. 12 day 1864
  • Sarah Elizabeth Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 5 mo 18 day 1866
  • Ellen Bassett Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 2 mo. 22 day 1868
  • Victoria A. Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 9 mo. 23 day 1869
  • Lydia P. Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 11 mo. 18 day 1874
  • Jessie E. Chappell, son of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 2 mo. 9 day 1877 (died ca 1962)
  • Henry G. Chappell, son of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 12 mo 24 day 1878
  • Alethia T. Chappell, daughter of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, was born 12 mo. 30 day 1880 and died in 1952
  • Henry G. Chappell, son of Thomas F. Chappell and Elizabeth his wife, died 6 mo. 1 day 1880

This Bible was published by The Society of Friends.
This Chappell Family is from Perquimans County, N. C.

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).