Will of

In the name of God Amen Jonathan Bateman of the county Perq being very sick but of a perfect mine and memory Praised be God do make this my Last will and Testament as followith the in/irimis. My will is that my funeral carges and other Just Debts be paid.

Item unto my Loving wife Sarah Bateman four cows the choise of my Stock of Cattle also one Mare the above gifts to my wife She May Dispose of as She May think propper.

Item Leave my son John Bateman Ten Shillings to him and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten.

Item I give my wife one feather Bed which I did not think of in the above gifts for her to Dispose of as She may think propper. All the rest of my estate shall be sold by my Excr and the money arising there from to be Eaqually between My wife and Two Daughters, Nancy Stone & Martha Bateman. Caritty?? Leonstatute?? and appoint my friends John Smith & Thos Whedber? Executors To this my Last will Testament in witness

Document Let My hand & Seal.

This 10 Day of Febr, 1802. Jonathan Bateman

Witness Mariam Smith (X) her mark

Recorded: May Term Court, 1802.


From: NC State Archives, Perquimans Co. Wills 1711-1909

C.R.077.801.1. Bateman, Jonathan, 1802

Contributed and transcribed by Ellis Bateman
