The supposition seems very plausible, that the family by this name in Perq, came as so many others had done, from Nansemond Co Va, where John Lawrence, was living very early, according to the records of Isle of Wight Co. These records show that Ann Exum of Isle of Wight, wife of Jeremiah, appears to be a daughter of said John Lawrence. No proofs are to be found, but he probably came south with the immigration from New England, where he married Elizabeth Adkinson, 8, 12mo 1653. (Records of Boston.) The Lawrence family appeared in Perq Co, N. C. simultaneously with the Clare’s, and others, about 1680-85. The land of John Lawrence adj that of Timothy Clare, July 30, 1701, and said Timothy married for his last, & third wife, Hannah (widow of Israel Snelling, née Larance) before 1705.

  • Lawrence, William, m Rachel Welsh, issue: 1 Elizabeth, b Dec 24, 1655—2 Will Larance, b July 20, 1661—3 Rachell, b Apl 16, 1665—4 John, b Mar 14, 1667—5 Hannah, b Dec 1, 1669, m 1st Israel Snelling, July 30, 1687, issue: 1 Rachell, b Aug 17, 1690—2 Ester, b Sept 20, 1699, m John Winslow. (See Hannah Clares will, Grimes.) Hannah Lawrence, m 2d Timothy Clare, & had dau Hannah, who m Benjamin Bundy, before Aug 26, 1726.
  • Lawrence (2) William (William 1) m Margaret Bogue Jany 7, 1689. He died Aug 13, 1694, when Margaret m 2d Francis Toms Jr, son of Francis Sr.
  • Lawrence (2) John (William 1) m Hannah Bundy, “at a quarterly meeting at Francis Toms ys” 22, — 1692, issue: 1 William, b Jan 3, 1693—2 Elizabeth, b Jan 12, 1695/6, m Thomas Meriday. (See Deed book A, No 325.) John Lawrence died, Oct 28, 1700.
  • William Lawrence, son of John, & Hannah, died Aug 27, 1697.
  • William Lawrence (2) will p in Albemarle (Perq) Aug 1694, names dau’s: Jane and Rachell, wife Margaret; Cousin’s: Rachel Snelling (sister) and William Lawrence. Exrs: Israel Snelling, & John Lawrence.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).