William Nicholson, weaver; of Nor’wch Norfolk Co England, embarked for Boston, Apl 8, 1637, age 33; with wife Anne, age 28, & children, Nicho, Robartt, Elizabeth, & Anne. (Hotten.)

*Christopher Nicholson emigrant to Perq Co, N. C., m before coming to Albemarle Hannah Rednap, issue: 1 Christopher (2)—2 Deliverance, m

*Edmund Nicholson, & wife Elizabeth came to New England from Bootle, Cumberland Co England. He died in Marblehead Mass, 1660. Issue: Christopher, b 1638, m Hannah Rednap (d of Joseph, who moved to Perq Co N. C. very early). 2 Joseph, b 1640—3 Samuel, b 1644—4 John, b 1646—5 Elizabeth, b 1649, m Nicholas Anderson—6 Thomas, b 1653. (New England Hist & Genealogical Reg.) See issue of Christopher, above Joseph Sutton (s of George & Sarah) Jan 1 — —3 Samuell, b Mar 12, 1665—4 Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667—5 Joseph, b Sept 28, 1670—6 John, b Dec 17, 1671—7 Nathaniell, b Jany 7, 1675. The ages of Christopher, & Deliverance are not given in the Reg.) 

  • Nicholson, Hannah, wife of Christopher, d Dec 2, 1678.
  • Nicholson, Christopher (s of Edmund), m 2d Ann Atwood (d of Thomas, of Middlesex,” in ould England) Aprill 11, 1680, issue: 8 Elizabeth, b Jan 13, 168— d Sept 11, 1682—9 Sarah, b Aug 5, 1682—10 Thomas, b Feb 7, 1687—11 Ann, b Feb 8, 1689.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, died Sept 10, 1688. Ann “Relict of Christopher” m 2d Richard Dorman, June 26, 1690, issue: Hannah Dorman, b Mar 30, 1695.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, the elder, seems to have died intestate.
  • Nicholson, Deliverance, issue can be found chronicled in the Sutton record.
  • Nicholson, Samuel, m Elizabeth Charles, at Quarterly Meeting, Dec 16, 1688 (d of Wm & Abigail Charles, b Jany 8, 167—) issue: 1 Abygall, b Sept 24, 1689—2 Hannah, b Aprill 9, 1692—3 Ida, b Nov 10, 1694—4 Elizabeth, b Jan 15, 1697.
  • The will of Samuel Nicholson, p in Perq Mar 22, 1728, names dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, son-in-law John Anderson, wife Elizabeth. Samuel Nicholson, d Mar 29, 1727. His wife Elizabeth, m 2d Zachariah Nixon (2). Her Will Perq, p Jan 1748, names, son-in-law John Anderson, Dau’s Elizabeth Anderson, & Sarah Jones, gr-sons: Samuel, John, & Joseph Anderson, gr-dau Sarah Anderson.
  • Nicholson, Hannah (d of Christopher, & Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667, m Ezekiel Maudlin (1).
  • Nicholson, Christopher (2) m Mary (s of Christopher, & Hannah) issue: 1 Thomas, b June 1, 1715 (loose paper) 2 Mary, b Nov 1, 1717—3 Ann, b Feby 20, 1719. His will p in Perq, July 23, 1723. Son: Thomas, dau’s Miriam, Dabora, Mary & Ann; wife Mary & brother Samuel Exrs.
  • Nicholson, Joseph (s of Christopher, & Hannah) m Hannah Albertson (d of Albert, & Mary, née Gosbey) b Dec 11, 1675, d Jan 2, 1695—m 7, 4mo 1693, issue: Sarah, b Dec 5, 1694. (According to the old Roman calendar.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, will Perq, p Jan 1698, made bequest to his brother John, “his plantation on Perq River,” other brothers named; Benjamin, Samuel, Nathaniel, & Christopher. (According to this will his dau Sarah, & wife were both dec’d.)
  • Nicholson, Nathaniel, (s of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1675, m Sarah Harris (d of John, s of Thomas Harris (first Clerk of Perq) & wife Diana) issue: 1 Nathan, b Nov 22, 1716—2 Samuel, b Nov 26, 1722—3 Jonathan, b June 27, 1730. His will Perq, p July 1737, names only one son; Jonathan, to whom he bequeathed his “plantation” dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, wife Sarah.
  • Nicholson, John (son of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1671, m Priscilla Toms (d of Francis, & wife Pershillah) Nov 20, 1700. He d June 19, 1718. The division of his Est, April 14, 1719, gives his heirs: d Elizabeth, d Mary, s Samuel, wife Pershillah (who m 2d John Kinsey). Nicholson, Thomas, (s of Christopher (2) m Mary — issue: 1 Christopher (3), b Feby 20, 1733—2 Joseph, b Apl 15, 1736—3 Mariah, b May 12, 1738—4 Nicholas, b June 7, 1741—5 Mary, b June 3, 1744—6 Caroline, b Aug 21, 1748—7 Margaret, b Jany 1, 1752—8 Thomas (s of Thomas, & Sarah) b Feby 26, 1774.
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Mary Griffin, 7, 6mo 1780. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Sarah White, 3, 9mo 1796. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Margaret, (d of Thomas) m Aaron Morris (s of Aaron) 30, 11mo, 1768. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Samuel (husband of Elizabeth) d 29 — 1727. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, son of Elizabeth, d 10, 1mo 1727. (Quaker records.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).