Will of



In the Name of God amen I Rubin Hollowell of North Carolina the County of Perquimans Being Sick and weak of body but of Sound and perfect memory thanks be to the all mighty God Calling to mind the unsertanty of this transetory life and the Sertanty of Death Do anominate Consetute and apoit this to be my Last will and testement in maner and form as foleth voz –

Itime~ I Give and bequeath unto my brother Levy Hollowell one hundred acres of Land Lying in Chowan County the Land that I bought of John Rice Deceased I all so Give to my Said brother two Sows and Seven Shoats and a tarkill Standing on the above Said Land and it is my will that my Sd brother discharge all my debts out of him and the Remander to him Self I all So give my sd brother one Cow and Calf to him and his heirs forever and I all so give my sd brother one narro and two brod Hose to him and his heirs forever.

Itime~ I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother John Hollowell one Negro man named Matt and to him and his heirs forever on the proviser that my sd brother or his heirs do pay to my brother Abner Hollowell the sum of twenty pounds virginia curency when he comes to the age of twenty one or two.

Itime I give and bequeath unto my Brother Abner Hollowell two three year old Heffers and one Gun and one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever.

Itime~ I give and bequeath unto my Sister in Law Ann Brinkley one Cow and one stear yearling to her and her heirs forever.

Itime~ I Give and bequeath unto my brother John Hollowell my Riding Hors bridel and sadel and all my waring Clothes to him and his heirs forever.

Itime~ I Give and bequeath unto my brother Levey Hollowell all the Remander part of my Estate to him and his heirs forever.

Itime~ I Consetute and apoint my two brothers John Hollowell and Levey Hollowell to be my hole Executors to see this my Last will and testament full filled andperformed as witness my hand and the Seale this twenty third day of January anno domine 1753.

                                                                                                   Rubin Hollowell.

Testes: Nicholas Stallings, Thomas Riddick, Josiah Rogerson.
(Proved April Court, 1753, Book 14, p. 55).
