will dated 25 April 1750

Rachel was the wife of Peter Pearson (1679-1735)

North Carolina

Perquimons County

Know ye that I Rachel Pearson being sick & weak of body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to God;  Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament, That is to say I will ye all my just Debts & Contracts be well and truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid in Convenient time & place after my Decease by my executors hereafter named; & as touching Such worldly Estate whereas it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give Demise & dispose of in the following manner & form

Imprimis   I give to my son Peter Pearson one large iron pot containing Seven or Eight gallons to him and his heirs for ever and one hand mill

Item    I give to my Daughter Rachel Bogue one blew Rugg, one feather bed being new, one pair of sheets, one bolster, and two pillows, one small iron pot containing about three gallons, Also to my Grandaughter Lida Bogue one two year old heifer to them and their heirs

Item    I give to my Daughter Mary Winslow one iron pot containing about four gallons  to her and her heirs

Item    I give to my son Jonathan Pearson one Small Iron Pot containing about three gallons to him and his heirs

Item    I give to my Son John Pearson, one large Pewter Dish to him and his heirs-

Item    I give to my Daughter Betty Bagley  one Iron  Pott that I bought of James Cobb also one Iron Skillet containing about three quarts, also one small pewter Dish & one new Pewter Bason & two new pewter Plates, to her and her Heirs for Ever

Item    My will is that the residue of my whole estate be equally divided between my six children  viz——-Peter, John & Jonathan & Rachel Bogue & Mary Winslow & Betty Bagley to them and their heirs for Ever

Item    I likewise Nominate Constitute & appoint my Trusty Son in Law John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors of this my Last will and Testament and I do utterly disallow, revoke & disannul, all and every other former wills & testaments Legacies bequeaths & Executors by me before this time. Names willed & bequeathed, ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my Last will & Testament  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 25th of the fourth Month in ye year 1750

Rachel Pearson  (her R P mark)      her seal

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the Said Rachel Pearson as her Last will and Testament             

in Presence of Joshua Hobard

Arthue   Croxen   his mark  affd

John Moore    J M  his mark   affd

Both qualified by affirmation


North Carolina Perquimans County

January Court anno Dom 1750

Present His Majestys Justices

Then was the within will proved in Open Court by the affirmation of Arthue Croxen and John Moore in due form of law and at the same time John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmation of law appointed to be taken by Executors Ordered that the Secretary or his Deputy of Said province have notice that ???? Testamentory issue thereon as the law directs

Test Edmund Hatch  Cl–  
