• William Barclift had grt for land in Perq 150a on Little River, adj John Godfrey. July 23, 1694.
  • Bartlett, William (s of William, & Elizabeth) & Ann Duren (d of George, & Ann) were m Oct 6, 1698. issue: 1 Thomas b Sept 25, 1699—2 William b Feby 17, 1700/1—3 John b Feb 15, 1703/4—4 Samuel b May 18, 1706.
  • Bartlett, William, will Albemarle Co, p July 1698. Eldest son: William, (to whom he left a plan’ adj William Arnold) s Thomas, (to whom he left land, adj Thomas Godfrey), Exrs Elizabeth & William Bartlett. Clerk of Court, William Glover. (This was father, of above said William, who m Ann Durant.)
  • Bartlett, John (s of Wm, & Ann) m Ann Parish (d of John, who names her in his will, Mar 24, 1739) issue: 1 John b May 13, 1724—2 Ann b Dec 16, 1725. Will of John Barclift p in Perq, July 1759. Wife Elizabeth (2d wife). Sons: Asa, Demson, Benjamin, John, & Noah. Dau’s Mary. & Elisa Sanderson.
  • Bartlett, Thomas, (brother of John) will p in Perq, Jan 1750. Names sons: Wm, Thomas, Joseph. Daus: Sarah Bidgood, Elizabeth Wright, Mary Jackson, & Anne Gorden, wife Elizabeth.
  • Bartlett, William (2), William (1) m Sarah Weeks, (gr-dau of Thomas Weeks Esq, 1771) His will Perq p Dec 19, 1733, Names only one son William (3), & wife Sarah.
  • Bartlett, William (3), s of William (2) William (1) will Perq, p Jan 1748. Sons: Joshua, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, John, d Mary Gibson, Gr-son William (4), s of Joshua).
  • Bartlett, Joshua, will p Perq, Jan 1756. Sons: William (4), James, Blake, daus Miriam & Ann, wife Mary. (She was probably d of Blake Baker, as the name of Blake, appears in that family, as a given name.)
  • Eliza Sanderson, d of John Barclift, m 2d — Trumball ( of William) before Feb 4, 1774. John Barclift, in his will bequeathed to his wife, his “brick house.” As there is only one very old “brick house” in Perq, the one on the road to Harveys Neck, this may probably be the same one here mentioned. No one seems to know when this house was erected.
  • Bartlett, Thomas, wife Elizabeth, was d of Thomas Holloway (Hollowell). Bartlett, Rachel, (d of Elizabeth) m Francis Foster, before Feb 25, 1777.
  • Bartlett, William (4), m Ann Clayton, April 16, 1792. (Mar bonds, Perq Co.)
  • Ecursus, Foster: “William Foster, & Diana Harris was Married by Rev Mr Taylor, 1675.” and had according to his will Oct 9, 1687, son Francis, d Elizabeth.
  • John Foster, & Ann Williams “were Maried at a Meeting, held at ye house of Hanah Philips, in Perquimans the 1st of May, 1689.” m 2d Elizabeth — issue: 1 Susannah, b Dec 17, 1695—2 Elizabeth, b Oct 17, 1698—3 Richard, b Oct 20, 1701.
  • Francis Foster, by wife Frances had issue: 1 Hannah, b Jany 6, 1715—2 Elizabeth, b Apl 1, 1717.
  • Francis Foster, of Accomack, (son of William, & Margaret) m Mrs. Hannah Gosby, relict of John (née Nicholson, d of Christopher, & Hanah) “were m Aug 14, 1694, by Mr. John Whidby.” (Justice.)
  • Frances Foster (wife of Francis) made her will in Perq, p Jan 27, 1763, naming son William, dau’s Elizabeth Barclift, & Frances Hall, gr-dau Elizabeth Foster. (Elizabeth Foster, d of William, & Ann was b Jany 16, 1741/2.)
  • Frederick Foster (relationship uncertain) will p in Perq, April 23, 1784, names: Brother Francis Foster’s children, and children of Gilbert Leigh, Joseph Bateman, children of brother John Foster, sister Sarah Night, brother Ellsberry Foster, sister Winnifred Foster, Francis Pits, Demsey Newby’s widow, Mary Bateman’s children, Mary Maudlin, widow Stevenson.
  • John Foster was granted land in Chowan Co (200a) on Yawpim River. Sept 15, 1694.
  • Francis Foster was granted land 160a in “perquimans precinct,” on Suttons Creek, Nov 11, 1719.
  • William Foster died Oct 10, 1687. His wife Diana m 3d Thomas White (Her 1 husband was Thomas Harris.)
  • Ann Foster, wife of John, died Oct 30, 1692.
  • Elizabeth Foster was drowned April 25, 1688.



(Minute book, 1755-1761, Perq Co.)

To son William, “plantation whereon I live, and two negro men, a negro woman, & two negro boys.” To dau Frances Hall, “a negro wench, and two negro boys. To dau Elizabeth Barclift, “A Negro wench, and a negro woman.” Son William Ex. Test’ James Gibson, Abraham Riggs, Richard Whidbee. Probated Apl 1761.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).




This very old Bible was printed in a column in the Elizabeth City Daily Advance written by E. O. (Jack) Baum on 8 July 1968. The column was called the “Albemarle Historical Genealogy Researcher” and was sponsored by the Pasquotank County Historical Society.

Sarah Stevens departed this life the 16th day of August 1717 about 12 or 1 o’clock at night, it being a very cleare night and in the 49 year of her age. (Her maiden name was Durant)

John Durant (son of George B. and Ann Marwood Durant) departed this life 15 of January 1699

Ann (Marwood) Durant departed this life the 22 of January 1694

Elizabeth Clayton departed this life the 14 day of January about 2 or 3 hours before ——- in the year 1737

Hagar Durant (daughter of Nicholas Crisp and his wife — Wilkins) departed this life the 14 of January about 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning in the year 1723. (Her husband was George Durant, son of John Durant)

George Durant departed this life the 12 of September 1730

Wilson Reed his Bible given to him by his father William Reed Esq. 1803

This book was published in the year in which ——— was born, 1599

William Reed, his Bible, given him by his father, Christian Reed and he (William) gave it to Rebecca Reed, his daughter.

(Christian Reed married Mary Durant, the daughter of George and Hagar Crisp Durant)

Mary White 1813

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).



Will of



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, This first Day of august, Anno, 1726. I, Anthony Hatch, of the precinct of pequimons, in the County of Albemarle and province of North Carolina, Gent., being of Sound Mind & perfect Memory, Doe Declare, make & ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament, Revoking and disannulling & making voyd all & every other Will & Wills by Me at any time heretofore made, in any kind whatsoever, in manner & form following, that is to Say, first and principally I Recomend my Soul into the hand of god almighty, who first gave it, Hoping for Salvation through mercy & the Merrits of Jesus my Saviour; & my Body I Commit to the Earth from whence it was Taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hearin after mintioned & appointed; And to what Worldly Estate it has pleased god to bestow upon me (after my Debts & Funeral Expences thereout paid and Sattisfied), I give and bequeath, order and dispose of as follows:

Imprimis, I give & bequeath all that my plantation & Lands thereunto belonging or appertaining, Lying in Neuse, in the County of Bath in the province afforesaid, in as full and ample man as I my Selfe now doe, might or Could hold & enjoy the Same, unto my Two Sons, Edmond Hatch and Lamb Hatch, to he equilly devided between them, to their Heirs and assigns for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath all this my plantation & lands thereunto belonging or appertaining lying in perquimons afore sd. and where I Live, in as full & ample manner as I my Selfe now doe, might or could hold, occupie enjoy the Same, unto my Dear & Loving wife, Elizabeth Hatch, for and During the Term of her Natural Life, and from & after her Decease, I give and bequeath the Same plantation and Lands in Like Manner as afforesaid, unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, his Heires and assigns for Ever.

Item. I order and Direct that all that my moyety or halfe part of a tract or parcel of land lying in Alligator, and by me held in partnership with my brother in Law, George Durant, to be Sold by my Execut’s as soon after my Decease as Conveniently may be, & to the best Advantage, & the Money or Commodities the Same shall be for, to be Devided, Disposed of in the very same manner as the rest of my personal Estate is to be, by this my Last Will & Testament.

Item. I give and bequeath my great Bible unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, after his Mothers Deceases, and it is my Will and Desire and I doe hearby order and direct the Same accordingly, that all my personal Estate in any Kind or Respect whatsoever, belonging unto me at the time of my Decease, shall be equally deviled between my sd. Dear wife, Ellizabeth Hatch, my three Sons, Vizt: Anthony Hatch, Edmond Hatch, & Lamb Hatch, and my Daughter Ellizabeth Hatch, to be and Remain, to them, and their heirs for ever, and her & their proper use and behoof.

And Lastly, I doe nominate, Constitute and appoint my afforesaid Dear & Loving Wife, Ellizabeth Hatch, my true & Loving Brothers in law, Richard Whidbey and George Durant, to be my Executrix and Executors of this my Last Will and Testement.

                                                                                                      ANTHO. HATCH. X

Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced, and declared to be the Last Will & Testament of Anthony Hatch, in presence of:










NORH CAROLINA CS. SR. RICHD EVERARD Barrt. Governor and Ordinary.

The above Will was proved before Me by the Oaths of Thomas Penrice and John Stephens, Evidences thereto, in due form, this 16th. Day of Novr. 1726.

RICHD. EVERARD. __________________________________

Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Contributed by Nola Duffy


GEORGE DURANT (1693/4 Will)

Will of


Written 1688 – Proved 1693/4

In the name of God, Amen, the ninth day of October 1688. I, George Durant, of the Countie of Albemarle, in the Province of Carolina, Marriner, being in perfect health and memory, thanks bee to Allmighty God for the same, and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please to call and being desirous to Settle things in order, Doe make this my last will and Testament in Manner and form following. Revoking and Absolutely unwilling by these presents, all and every testament and testaments, will and wills, heretofore by me made and declared, either by word or by writing, notwithstanding any promise to the contrary or clause derogatory in the same, and this to bee taken only for my last will and testament and non other. First, I bequeath my soule to God my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my sancifier; and my bodie to the Earth from which it came, to bee buried in such decent and christian manner as to my Executor shall bee fitt and convenient, there to rest untill my body and Soul shall meete again at the Joyfull Resurection; and for my worldly estate I give and bequeath as followeth:

1st. I bequeath to my son John Durant my plantation wheron I now live with the eaquall part of on half of the tract of belonging thereto to him and his Heiyrs male, lawfully begotten of his own bodie for ever, and the other half of the said tract of land I give to my son Thomas Durant, and to his Heiyres male, of his bodie lawfully begotten, forever, and in case of failing of Heiyrs as Aforesaid, that then the of … either of them is … . My will is that my Nephew George Durant, the son of my brother John Durant, of London, Shall enjoy the whole tract of land, to him and his Heiyrs male, of his own body begotten, for ever and for want of such heyers as aforesaid, that then the said plantation and land to fall to Henry Durant, the son of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and for want of Heyre male as aforesaid in him, then my other nephew John Durant, the sone of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and his Heyres male as aforesaid, to have hold and enjoy for ever, and for want of Heyers in him I doe give and bequeath my said plantation and tract of land thereto belonging … Rights and priveledge for ever.

2ly. I doe give and grant to my loving wife, An Durant, my Said plantation, with all benefitts and profitts during hir naturall life, without control or any molestation whatsoever, and that all the remainder of my estate be equally divided between my loving wife, An Durant, and my Daughters Sarah, Matytya, Pertyenia and Ann Durant, and likewise I doe here make my loving wife, An Durant, to bee my whole and Sole Executrix to see this my last will performed, leaving her the trust of my Children until they shall come to age or married.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year first above written.

Geo. Durant (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of

John Philpott.

The marke of Francis X Hossten.

The marke of John C. Cully


Proved in Court by the oath of Mr. John Philpott and Mr. Francis Hossten, ye 6th day of Feby 1693/4.

Attested Edward Mayo, Clerk

Recorded ye 26th day of Feby, Anno Do: 1693-4. Edward Mayo, Clerk


Contributed by Donna Cooper



Will of



IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I, John Hecklefeild, of the Precinct of Pequimmons, in the County of Albemarle, in the Province of North Carolina, Gent., being sick & weak of Body, but of sound mind & memory (Blessed be God for the Same) & Knowing ye Certainty of Death, to hereby make, Ordain, Constitute & Appoint this to be my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking & making void all former Wills by me made, & this only to stand & be of force in Law. First & principally I recommend my Soul to God that gave it, hoping and Assuredly trusting in & thro’ the Meritts of my Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, to obtain full & free pardon of all my Sins; My Body I committ to the Ground to be decently interr’d at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, according to the manner I buried my last Wife. As for w’t worldly Goods it hath pleas’d God to bestow on me in this Life, I give, devise & bequeath the Same in manner & forme following:

Imprim. I give to the Hon’ble Charles Eden, Esqr., Governor, my Mourning Ring w’th a Death’s Head & y’e Christall

Item. I give to Mr. Edm’d Gale, ye Diamond Rign I formerly us’d to wear, being all Diamonds.

Item. I give to Mr. George Durant one Mourning Ring, value thirty Shillings.

Item. I sett at perfect freedom from all Slavery to be claimed by my Heirs, Executors, &c., my Negro Woman Jane, for her diligent care had of me in my Sickness.

All the Rest, Residue & Remainder of my Estate W’tsoever & wheresoever to be found I give & bequeath to my Son, Hecklefeild, & I further Nominate, make, constitute & appoint Mr. Edmond Gale & Mr. George Durant, Executors of this my last Will & Testam’t, & Guardians to my sd. Son, John Hecklefeild, that they my afors’d Executors shall have the Tuition & Education of my sd. Son until he arrive at the age of Twenty & one years after the best thought manner this Country will admitt.

What Negroes he hath Capable of it, I desire they may be hired yearly to Good paymasters for the better Support of my Sd. Son. And I further desire, that watsoever of his Estate will not be thought Serviceable to him when he shall come of Age, may be disposed of for good pay & converted into Young Negro Women for his use.

But if my sd. Son do die before he be of the Age of Twenty & one years w’ch (by Gods blessing) will be in the year one thousand, Seven Hundred & Thirty seven, then w’t Estate I have by this Will given to him, I give & bequeath as follows, viz: the one half p’t thereof to my Sister in Law, Mrs. Mary Cox, or her heirs, living near Essex Bridge, in Dublin, in Ireland; the other half p’t to Mr. Edm’d. Gale.

In Witness whereof, I hereto set my hand & seal this thirtieth day of May, in ye year of our Lord, 1721.


Sign’d, Seal’d, publish’d & Declar’d by the Testat’r to be his last Will & Testam’t in Presence of:







NORTH CAROLINA SS. CHARLES EDEN, Esqr., Govern’r &c. Darby O’bryan this day came before me & made Oath that he saw Collo. John Hecklefield, Seal & declare the within Will to be his last Will & Testam’t & y’t Wm. Berclift & Enoch Flower, the other two Evidences thereto were then Present; that ye Sd. Hecklefeild was then of Sound Memory & sign’d the same without any Constraint or compulsion.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand at Chowan, Aug’st ye 8th, 1721.                                                                             CHARLES EDEN.


Recorded in Will Book 2, page 305, Office of the Secretary of State.

Contributed by Nola Duffy
