Phillip Perry emigrated to Va, and settled in Isle of Wight Co, where he acquired large land holdings. He was uncle of Micajah Perry, London Merchant; who died 1721. The will of Phillip Perry was p in Isle of Wight Co Va, Oct 9, 1669, at which time he gave his age as 70 years. His will names sons: Phillip, & John, “under age” wife Grace. John son of Phillip Perry, conveyed a place called “Whitemarsh” to Col Joseph Bridger, 1673 (Isle of Wight Records). John Perry of “Upper pish of Nansemun Co Vir” for 5000 lbs of Tob, pd by Col Nathaniel Bacon, sold 70a in Lower pish of Isle of Wight Co” May 26, 1675. June 7, 1675, Elizabeth Perry acknowledged her dower to sd land. Phillip Perry had other sons, than Phillip, & John. These sons: James, Jacob, & Joseph, all moved to N. C. James to Chowan, where he made a deed to his brother John Perry of Nansemond Co Va, with consent of wife Patience, land on “Middle Swamp.” As Middle Swamp is in what is now Gates Co, then a part of Chowan, it seems certain that this conveyance was in the last named county. Jacob Perry witnessed this deed. The will of Timothy Clare is authority for the fact that said Jacob Perry, m Hepzibath dau of said Clare (step-daughter) and it is thought, but not proven that she was a dau of his 2d wife Elizabeth—(maiden name unknown). All of the children of Timothy Clare are placed without doubt, but Hepzibeth, and she is not named in the last clause of his will. His children were by the first wife Mary Bundy, & the last one Hannah, by Hannah née Larance (widow of Israel Snelling). Therefore it seems evident that Hepzibeth Perry was not his blood child.
Among emigrants to Va in “Bonaventure” Jan 1634, are found Thomas Perry, age 34, Dorothy Perry age 36, Ben Perry age 4. (Hotten.)
Benjamin Perry Sr, died Mch 11, 1788. Hannah Perry, widow of Benjamin, died Nov —, 1791.
Benjamin Perry Jr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) died Jan 10, 1784. The elder Benjamin Perry was a brother of Micajah, wealthy commission merchant of London. Both Benjamin and Phillip’s descendants migrated to Perq Co, at quite an early date. The Tithe, and Tax List in this county show where they lived, and in some cases how much land they owned. Micajah Lowe in his will, 1703, mentions his uncle Micajah Perry of London, who in his will 1721 names “sister Elizabeth Evens,” dau Sarah Perry, with her two sons (not named). The Elizabeth Evens here named may have been, wife of Richard Eivens of Perq, who died 1693, naming wife Elizabeth.
Judith, & Thomas Perry are named in the will of Francis West of Nansemond Co, Va, 1715. She m Abram Hill of said County, and they moved to N. C. They sold to John Perry of Bertie Co, 100a, 1756, and to Josiah Granbery land in same Co, which is now situated in Hertford Co. Several of the children of Phillip Perry moved to Perq, as did also some of his brothers. His gr-son Phillip died in Perq 1751, and names in his will, sons: Jesse, & Phillip, brothers John, Joseph & Jacob. He left to son Jesse “land on Little River” and to Phillip “plantation whereon I now live.” dau’s: Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Jude, Elizabeth, and Miriam. Jacob (son of Jacob) is made Exor. Witnessed by Benjamin, & Elizabeth Perry.
Jacob Perry Sr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) was brother of Benjamin Perry II. Died 1790, will probated July of said year. He names wife Mary, sons: Miles, Lawrence and Benjamin, Dau’s: Hepsebeth, Sarah, & Mary Perry, Maria Bunch, and gr-dau Priscilla Perry (d of Leah). Test’ Jacob, & Jos. Riddick, Benj Perry.
Perry, Benjamin (3) m Millicent Riddick, Dec 13, 1785, issue: 1 Mary, b Oct 26, 1786—2 Thomas, b Jan 27, 1789—3 James, b Aug 13, 1792—4 Joseph, b Aug 20, 1796—5 Christian, b Dec 20, 1798.
Perry, Israel (s of John & wife Mary, gr-son of Phillip Sr), died in Perq county 1779, will p May 27, 1779. Sons: Josiah, Israel, John Cader, & Jacob, Dau’s: Millicent, Ruth, Rachel, & Ann Perry, dau Priscilla Twine. Wife (not named). His brother Phillip, & Thomas Twine were Exrs. Of these children; Ruth, m Micajah Hill of Perq, May 12, 1763. Rachel, m Richard Skinner, Dec 11, 1770. Priscilla, m Thomas Twine.
Perry, Jacob (s of John, & Mary, brother of Israel, & Phillip) will Perq, p Oct 1777. Sons: Jacob, Israel, & Reuben, dau Priscilla Welch (wife of Dempsey) dau Hepzibah Stallings (wife of Hardy) dau Ann Winslow (wife of Caleb) sons Dempsey, and John, gr-son Isaac Wilson (s of Isaac) wife Ann.
Joseph Perry of Perq died 1801. Jesse Perry the same year.
Perry, Jesse (s of Israel) m Elizabeth Linder. His will Perq p Nov 1801, names sons: Benjamin, John, Josiah, William, & Robert, dau’s: Margaret, Christian, Martha, Sally, Asenith, wife Elizabeth, Leg: Mary, Elizabeth, & Millicent Nicholson. Of these children: Sally m 1790 Lemuel Weeks, & had John, James, Hugh, Polly (who m Cornelius Raper) another dau m — Benton. Nancy, James, & Hugh died unmarried.
Perry, Mary, m William Hollowell, July 6, 1778. (From Judge Benj B. Winbourne’s book, on the Perry family.)
Perry, Reuben, m Elizabeth Pearson, Jan 18, 1780.
Perry, Amos, m his cousin, Elizabeth Perry, Feb 10, 1783.
Perry, Elizabeth, m Thomas Stanton, Aug 28, 1784.
Perry, Israel Jr, m Miriam Hollowell, Apl 4, 1785.
Perry, Seth, m Mary Riddick, Dec 29, 1785.
Perry, Susannah, m Moses Howard, June 2, 1790.
Perry, Sarah, m Leverne Garriss, Dec 27, 1791 (d of Jacob Sr).
Perry, Jacob, m Ruth Chappell, Jan 11, 1791.
Perry, Josiah (s of Israel Sr, & wife Priscilla) b in Perq Co, Nov 19, 1741, m Elizabeth Twine (d of John, & Pleasant) lived in Pasq county, and was a lawyer of note, moving from that county to Bertie, where he m 2d — Freeman. Marriage bonds Perq Co.
Perry, Reuben, m Dorcas Chappell, Jan 11, 1791. (2d marriage.)
Perry, William, m Ferebe White, Apl 21, 1791.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Peter Pearson, who came to Va from Cumberland, England, about 1701, presented a letter from Friends at Pardshow Cragg, said county, to the Mo Meeting in Isle of Wight Co Va, setting forth the fact that “Peter Pearson the bearer thereof, who hath in Mind to remove to America, is descended of Honest Parents, who hath been Serviceable Among us, and we are Loath to part with him, who has been of Blameless Conversation.” (Reg of Friends, Pagan Creek)
The records in Isle of Wight do not disclose a person of this name before this date. A John Person appears at an early date in the county, with wife Frances, who was dau of William Miles. They had a son John Jr, who m Mary Partedg (d of Thomas of Sirry (Surry) Co, 10, 1mo 1692. This person may have been a Pearson, & like so many on old records, spelled first one way, & then another, but there is nothing to prove this statement. Of Peter Pearson we are sure, and also the time he was living in Isle of Wight. He probably remained a very short time in that county, and it is thought he married there Rachel — as no mention of his marriage can be found in Perq, although the Quaker records may hold some information, if they were only available. He appears to have been affiliated with Lower Mo Meeting in Nansemond Co, in 1700, and moved to Perq soon after, and as a consequence has no further mention on the Chuckatuck Reg.
Pearson, Peter (1) will Perq Co, p Apl 21, 1735, names sons: Jonathan, Nathan, Peter, John, & Bailey, dau’s Rachel, & Mary. His wife is not named, but she survived him 15 years. Rachel Pearson “Exhibited the will of her dec’d husband Peter Pearson, in Court, 1735. (Loose papers, in Perq Co.) The sons: Nathan, & Bailey, are thought to be sons by a former wife as Rachel does not name them in her will. Of course they may have died between the date of his will (1735, 1750) and the time she made her will. Nathan Pearson’s name appears on Tithe List Perq Co 1741.
(2) Pearson, Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Rebecca Elliott, 4, 6mo 1745 (in Perq Co) issue: 1 dau — m Peacock, 2 dau —, Coley, 3 Mark, m Elizabeth Lamb (d of William, & Mary (Newby) Lamb) had issue: 1 William, married Elizabeth Chance (Chancey)—2 Rebecca, m Benoni Bentley—3 John, m Hannah — —4 Isaac—5 Elizabeth, m — Chance. (All moved to Ohio.) Jonathan, m 2d Sarah Bundy Oct — 1765 issue: 4 Elizabeth, b 15, 7mo 1767, m Richard Ratcliff 22, 2mo 1784 in Wayne Co (Contentnea Mo Meeting) died 22, 5mo 1839 in Henry Co Indiana, issue: 1 Anna, b 3, 4mo 1786, m William Maudlin (s of John, & Ann)—2 Joseph, b 8, 3mo 1788, m Rebecca Lamb—3 Jonathan, b 2, 8mo 1791, m Sarah Palmer—4 Nathan, b 9, 6, 1793, m Lydia Palmer—5 Richard, b 8, 11mo 1796, m Catherine Bailey—6 Mary, b 22, 8mo 1799, m John Elliott—7 Gabriel, b 8, 5, 1802, m Catherime Pearson—8 Elizabeth, b 11, 10, 1805, m Exum Pearson.
(3) Pearson, Mark (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Elizabeth Lamb 6, 3mo 1772 (issue above).
(3) Pearson, Ichabod (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Miriam Lamb (sister of his brother Marks wife) —, 9mo 1774, issue: 1 Ichabod (2), b — 1777, d 1845, m Elizabeth Bradbury—2 Abraham, m Senna Lamb—3 Barney—4 Job—5 Rhoda, m John Collyer—5 Margaret, b — 1788, m Samuel Collier—6 Huldah, m Jesse Maudlin (s of John, & Ann (Newby) Maudlin)—7 Jonathan—8 William, b 22, 9mo 1790, d in Iowa, m Katherine Pickrell.
(3) Pearson, Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1) Peter (1), m Sarah Peele —, 8mo 1780, Contentnea Wayne Co N. C.
(3) Pearson, Rhoda (dau of Jonathan, & Rebecca (Elliott) b —, 4mo 1750, m Reuben Peele (s of Josiah) —, 11 mo 1778, d 11, 24 1833, in Clinton Co Ohio—issue: Jecovey (Howard) Peele.
(3) Pearson, Nathan (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1), b 10, 28, 1770, m Hulda Lamb (d of Jacob, & Sarah) 6, 12, 1807, in Randolph Co N. C., d 11, 13, 1845, in Henry Co Indiana.
(3) Pearson, Sarah, Jonathan (1) m Exum Elliott, 19, 3mo 1788 (s of Jacob, & Zilpha) d in Randolph Co N. C. 8, 7, 1788.
(II) Pearson, Peter (2) Peter (1) m — Newby, 10, 3, 1746, and was “disowned for marrying out of discipline,” issue: (according to his will p April 1755) sons: Jonathan, Nathan, Peter (3), dau’s: Rachel, Mary, Elizabeth. He moved with his family to Wayne Co, from there to Guilford, and from that Co, to the North-West. (Untraced.)
(II) Pearson, John (1) Peter (1), m Elizabeth Croxton (d of Arthur) by “consent of Mo Meeting,” 11, 3, 1738. He died intestate, in Perq Co before June 7, 1760, on which date his widow Elizabeth was made Admx. “Elizabeth Pearson widow.”
Peter Pearson petitioned the Court Apl 1766, to be appointed Guardian, for her children: Joseph, Sarah, Eleazer. Peter Pearson appears as guardian of Sarah, Jan 21, 1771, & Enoch Jessop as guardian of Eleazer. (Loose papers, in Perq.)
A Sarah Pearson was dec’d April 17, 1758, John Pearson Ex.
Robert Jordon made a dep’ in Surry Co Va, Mar 21, 1758, that “he had known John Pearson for 26 years.”
Pearson, Rachel (d of Peter (1) m Robert Bogue (s of Lydia, widow) 8 —, 1738, & had it is thought a dau Lydia, who m Joseph Draper, —, 8mo 1766, and probably other children.
(II) Pearson, Mary, m John Winslow (s of Thomas, & Elizabeth (Clare) Winslow) 2, 9mo 1740. John Winslow died 1754, when Mary m 2d Joshua Morris, s of Aaron & Mary. (See Winslow, for their issue.)
(II) Pearson, Elizabeth (posthumous child) m William Bagley,—5mo 1747, issue: 1 John, b 4, 8, 1749—2 Nathan, b 22, 1mo 1751, m Mary Low (d of George, & Tamer) —, 8mo 1776—3 Ephrim, b 21, 1mo 1752. “Disowned for marrying out of Meeting.” 1802.
Pearson, Nathan, (no parents given) m Rebeckah Nicholson (relict of Joseph) at Symons Creek, 26, 12mo 1773, issue: 1 Sarah, b 6, 1mo 1775—2 Anna, b 21, 12mo 1779—3 Huldah, b 4, 8mo 1784, d 22, 9mo 1786. Nathan Pearson with his family moved to Back Creek, Randolph Co N. C. 20, 12mo 1794. Anna his dau, m Stephen Henley, 29, 7mo 1798. Sarah m Benjamin Hill, 1, 8, 1794, d 12, 1, 1794.
Pearson, Nathan, (s of Peter dec’d of Wayne Co N. C.) m Mary Bailey (d of John, of Randolph Co) 3, 7mo 1796, issue: 1 Peter—2 John—3 Ann—4 Levi—5 Catherine—6 Bailey—7 Stanton—8 Elliott. Most of these moved with the Quaker emigration, to the Northwest Territory, where slavery could not go. Nathan Pearson of the Contentnea Meeting was certainly a son of Peter Pearson Jr. It is thought that Nathan who m widow Nicholson, was a gr-son of Peter Pearson Sr, but no proof is to be found.
Pearson, Joseph, of Perq, will p Jan 1785, d. s. p. Names Heliot Elliott, & Caleb White Exrs. (Untraced.)
Pearson, Eleazer, Will Perq, p May 1795, wife Barsheba, child is esse, daughters; (not named) Caleb Elliott, & Reuben Perry Exrs.
(I am indebted to Mrs. J. E. McMullen of Ada Ohio, for above data.)
Pearson, William (no father named), lived in Piney Woods District, where he paid tax on 60a of land, on East side of Perq River, 1774. He m Miriam Evans (d of Robert), before Dec — 1773. She is named in the division of the Estate of said Robert Evans, May 1777. William Pearson will Perq, p Feb 1807, names son Peter, dau’s: Miriam, Lillia, Elizabeth, & Esther Pearson, & Peninah Elliott, wife Miriam, & Thomas White Exrs.
Marriages from Quaker Records
Sarah Pearson (d of Peter) m Joseph Lacey, Sept —, 1757.
Mary Pearson (d of Peter) m Enoch Jessop, April —, 1765.
Rachel Pearson (d of Peter) m Samuel Newby, Mar —, 1766.
Mary Pearson (d of Peter) m John Moore, Nov —, 1769.
Ruth Pearson (d of Peter) m Robert Wilson, Dec —, 1770.
Peninah Pearson (d of William) m Thomas Elliott (s of Pritlow) April 1, 1796.
Peter Pearson (s of William) m Ann Morgan, Oct —, 1763.
Levi Pearson (s of William) m Elizabeth Bogue, Oct —, 1776.
Rebecca Nicholson (widow) was b June 30, 1743, m 1st John Lane, 2d Joseph Nicholson, 3d Nathan Pearson, all of Perq.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Not a great deal is known about this family, before coming to N. C. The Virginia records do not yield anything of importance about them, and the Quaker Rec in Nansemond Co, are silent on the subject. They came probably straight from New England, with the Nicholsons, & other families. One — Jessop landed in Mass, with—Robinson, from Holland, early after the settlement of the Puritans. This of course is only conjecture, as there is no data at hand to prove the said statement. Without records one can not be positive about family movements.
Thomas Jessop, came from London in “Bonaventure” Jan 1634, age 18. (Hotten.)
Edward Jessop settled at Fairfield Conn, 1639, and had son Edward.
Joseph Jessop was granted 190a in Perq Pre’ct, “adj Timothy Clare, through the Dismall” Feb 4, 1713/4. Joseph Jessop was brother of Thomas, and names him in his will, probated in Perq Co, Aug 1735. According to this will, Joseph Jessop had no male descendant. He names his nephews: Thomas, to whom he left “plantation on which I now live” and Timothy, & Jonathan Jessop. He left to gr daughter Mary Mayo, “my plantation at the meeting house,” wife Margaret, nieces Mary & Elizabeth (dau’s of Thomas). He appointed his brother Thomas Ex. The “meeting” house here spoken of was Wells, which stood across the road from the old Jessop home, and was later moved out on the main road, and is still standing, as part of a barn, owned by Mrs. Jack Trueblood, formerly Jessop. Wells Meeting house was used as a public school house after its abandonment by the Quakers, & was known by the name of “Jessops School house.” Mary Mayo here named was a dau of Edward Mayo (son of Edward) who m Mary Clare (d of Timothy). Thomas Jessop from whom descent can be traced, m 1st Jane (widow of Joseph Robinson) dau of Timothy Clare, before Nov 10, 1724, and 2d Mary Ann Martin (d of John of Pasq Co). He died in Perq county before 15, 10mo 1744. Division of his Estate on that date, shows: Wife Mary Admix, children: Thomas (2) Joseph, Munden (part) Elizabeth, Jonathan, & Enoch Jessop, each a part.
Jonathan Jessop was Constable in Perq, July 9, 1766.
The Quaker records of Perq, now at Guilford College, would no doubt throw much light on this family. From that source the following was copied:
Jessop, Jesse, m Sarah—issue: 1 Martin, b 17, 12mo 1822—2 Miriam, b 21, 3mo 1825—3 Sarah (d of Jesse, & wife Mary), b 6, 1mo 1828—4 Jonathan, b 17, 9mo 1829.
Sarah wife of Jesse Jessop died 21, 6mo 1825.
Miriam, d of Jesse, & Sarah, died 17, 5mo 1825.
Jonathan, s of Jesse, & Mary, died 6, 10mo 1830.
Mary wife of Jesse, died 7, 9mo 1831.
Thomas Jessop (son of Thomas) (1) died 14, 12mo 1818.
Rachel Jessop (wife of Thomas) died 3, 3mo 1830.
Anna (dau of above) died 29, 12mo 1831.
Jessop, Joshua (son of Thomas dec’d of Perq) m Rachel Evans, (d of Joseph) 19, 5mo 1819, at Suttons Creek.
Thomas, will Perq, p Feb 1819, Sons: Joshua, & Jesse dau’s: Elizabeth Lacey, Mary Hollowell, Anna, & Margaret Jessop, son Thomas, wife Rachel.
Jessop, Rachel, will Perq, p May 1824. Dau’s: Margaret Saunders, Mary Hollowell, Ann Jessop, son Joshua, son Jesse, son-in-law Joseph Lacey.
Jessop, Timothy, will Perq, p May 1805. Wife Miriam, child in esse, sister Peninah, and her two children: Thomas, & Mary Willard.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Of this family nothing is known earlier than the Quaker records, in Nansemond Co Va, but no better evidence can be found, for any family data.
Hollowell, Thomas (1) was living in said county,—10mo 1672. He affiliated with Lower Mo Meeting in Nansemond Co, and was one of the witnesses to the marriage of “banns” of Edward Belson, & Mary Crew, 13, 10mo 1684.
Hollowell (1) Thomas, of “Elizabeth rieur” had by wife Alise, issue: 1 Sarah, b 1, 11mo 1647—2 Thomas, b 22, 1mo 1649—3 Henry, b 18, 8mo 1651—4 John, b 22, 4mo 1655, d 10, 3mo 1671—5 Joseph, b 15, 6mo 1657—6 Benjamin, b 28, 12mo 1659—7 Elizabeth, b 9, 7mo 1662—8 Alise, b 16, 12mo 1664—9 Edmund, b 15, 9mo 1667—10 John (second by name) b 5, 9mo 1672.
Hollowell, Thomas “ye Elder Departed this Life” 16, 1mo 1687.
Hollowell, Thomas (s of Thomas) died 15, 2mo 1687.
Alice (widow of Thomas, and Elder in the Quaker Church) died 19, 9mo 1700.
Hollowell (2) Henry, m 1st Elizabeth Cotching (d of Thomas, of Chucktuck dec’d) 7, 8mo 1680. “Father Thomas, mother Alice.” He m 2d Elizabeth Scott (intention) 20, 2mo 1693 (d of William Scott Jr, & wife Elizabeth—b Dec 12, 1675).
Hollowell (2) Joseph, (untraced) Joseph (2) probably his son, m Martha Williams, 4-7-174—
Hollowell (2) Benjamin, m Elinor, who was his Admix, in Norfolk Co Va, Feb 17¾.
Hollowell (2) Elizabeth, was first wife of Nathan Newby, (a Quaker minister) who came to Perquimans to live about 1707. He being son of William Newby of Nansemond Co, and she (d of Alice of Elizabeth River) were m13, 10mo 1678. Nathan Newby m 2d Mary Toms, (d of Francis Jr) of Perq, who survived him, and m 2d Samuel Moore, also of Virginia.
Hollowell (2) Joseph, with wife Grace, assigned land in Norfolk Co, formerly Robert Berrys, May 30, 1701.
Hollowell (2) John, figures as a Quaker, and gave support to the building of the Quaker Meeting house, on Levin Buffkins land, which was proportioned, to be “20 feet long, 20 feet wide, and fitted with seats, at a cost of 3,868 lbs of Tob.”
Hollowell (3) Thomas, first in Perq, purchased 100a of land from Jacob Hill, on N East side of Perq River, July 11, 1726. So it can not be said he was one of the first settlers in the Province of N. C. Luke Hollowell, from whom descent can be traced, was also in Perq, and well settled Jan 10, 1725/6. His will Perq Co, p April 21, 1736, names sons: Joel to whom he left his “dwelling plantation” William, & John, wife Elizabeth. He devised land in Virginia to son John.
Hollowell (2) Edmund, d. s. p. moved to Bertie Co N. C. where his will was p Oct 20, 1729. Brothers: Thomas, and John.
Hollowell (3) Thomas, of Perq, d. s. p. will p July 1772, names Rachel Wilson (wife of Jacob) cousin Thomas (s of John) wife Sarah. It being often the case that a person making a will called a nephew “cousin” the Thomas here mentioned may have been a nephew, and said John brother of Thomas. There is no way of being positive however.
Hollowell (3) John, m Christian—Issue, according to his will, p in Perq Sept 10, 1784: William, Henry, dau’s: Elizabeth Perry, Sarah Riddick, Mary Riddick, Christian White, Ann Evans wife Christian.
Hollowell (4) Thomas, (s of John, according to Thomas Hollowells will) m Mary Lamb, 11. 1 mo 1787, issue: 1 Sarah, b 26, 12mo 1787—2 John, b 12, 3mo 1789—3 Elizabeth b 14, 7mo 1791—4 Polly, b 28, 9mo 1793—5 Thomas, b 27, 4mo 1796—6 Aaron, b 31, 3mo 1799—7 Nathan, b 24, 11mo 1800.
Hollowell, Thomas (father of above) died 27, 9mo 1806. His will, p Nov 1806. Sons: John, b 12, 3mo 1789 Thomas, Aaron, & Nathan, dau’s: Sarah, Mary D, & Rebecca Hollowell, wife Mary, her brothers: Preston, & John Lamb Exrs.
Hollowell (5) John, (s of Thomas dec’d) m Mary Jesop (d of Thomas) 12, 7mo 1809. “At Welses Meeting house” in said Co, issue: 1 Betsy, b 1, 6mo 1810—2 Rachel, b 9, 12mo 1812.
Thomas Hollowell, m Sarah Symons, 7, 12mo 1758, d 27, 9mo 1806. (At Symons Creek Pasq Co.)
Joseph Hollowell, m Leah Moore, 6, 11mo 1754.
Hollowell (6) Nathan, m Margaret (d of Christopher Wilson & Pheribee (Parker) and had according to his will: son Wilson, and Dau Eliza. Will p Nov 1829.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Samuel Granbery was living in Nansemond Co Va, before —, 11mo, 1706, at which time he attended a convivial party, at the house of one Gresson Cofield, in sd county, where he was “assaulted by John Ewans, who had drunk too freely.” The company had met together to “bee merry, drink, & fiddle,” but the record is silent as to said Granbery’s being in any way at fault. (Early Hist of Quakers.)
William Granbery, appears on the record of Lower Meeting, Nansemond Co, as a witness, to the marriage of Edmund Belson, (s of Elizabeth) of Nansemund, to Mary Crew (d of Mary Tooke, of Isle of Wight) at a Meeting at Pagan Creek, 13, 10mo 1684. John Evans was a Quaker, therefore his Church took him up on going to a dancing party. Samuel Granbery may have been of the same persuasion at this date. There is no way of knowing certainly that he was.
John Granbery, made a deed in Lower Norfolk Co Va, with consent of his wife Ann, who names herself sister of Matthew Spivey (s of Matthew, of same county) whom she made her Att’ July 15, 1704. “John Granbery, of Nansemond Co, with consent of my wife Ann” sold unto Moses Prescott, of Norfolk Co, Land on Northwest River, in sd county, formerly granted to John Creekmore, by Pat April 20, 1689, & by sd Creekmore, sold to Daniel Browne, June 24, 1691, & by sd Browne, sold to Maj John Nichols, who bequeathed same to Ann my wife,” 100a. July 13, 1704. Test’ Nath’l Miller, Matthew Spivey, Sarah Spivey. Judith Nichols.
If the Chart made by Mr. Julian Granbery, is correct, & there is no cause to doubt its absolute authenticity, it seems John Granbery had two wives, & that Ann Spivey, was the first. According to the chart mentioned, he m 2d Abigail Langley. Her parents are not given, but the Norfolk Co records, are responsible, for the fact, that Thomas Wright received a grant of 25a in sd county, for trans’ three people into the Colony, among them one Robart Langley, Dec 16, 1647. A deed made by William Langley, Lawyer of Norfolk Co, to Jeremiah Langley of same—Gent, sold to him land on Indian Creek, Northwest River, 200a, which “my father, William Langley dec’d, ye Elder, Gent—devised to Abraham Langley, & his heirs, in his will; William Langley being the Elder brother, & heir at law of sd Abraham, who sold sd land for a division, being willing to avoid any dispute.” (Norfolk Co Records.)
Matthew Spivey’s descendants moved to Chowan county N. C. This family will be dealt with later. Langley appears in Perq, county as a given name, in several families, other than Granbery.
On the Suffolk Parish Vestry book, appear the names of several Granberys, also John, & James Gregorie. John Gregorie was a Vestryman, of Chuckatuck Parish, Mar 24, 1754. Capt James Gregorie, was ordered by the Vestry, to “procession land in Nansemond Co,” by Suffolk Parish Vestrymen, Sept 2, 1755. He was one of the Church Wardens, of said Parish, for the year 1755. Benjamin Gregorie appears on the same book, in sd Parish, Nov 1, 1756-57. James Gregorie, died in year 1759, it is thought; his name does not figure on the Parish record, after Nov 13, 1760, at which time Miles King, & Thomas Buxton, were elected Vestrymen, in “room of James Gregory, & James Riddick, Dec’d” Mar 24, 1761.
John Granbery, was Clerk of Suffolk Parish, Nov 1, 1756-57-58. Wm Granbery was also a resident of the same Parish, & received pay for keeping Allen Rumley, Nov 17, 1757. Thomas Buxton was appointed Clerk, before June 26, 1759, when John Granbery, was ordered to deliver the “papers,” to said Thomas, who had become Clerk, in his place. A Vestry meeting was held at the house of John Granbery, for Suffolk Parish May 4, 1762. John Granbery was appointed “as a fit person” to attend to the Ferries, in Nansemond county, Nov 1, 1769.
Thomas Gregorie, appointed “procession Master,” May 2, 1768.The following was copied from a Chart, in possession of Mr. James T. Granbery, of Nashville, Tenn.
John Granbery, b — lived near Lower Parish Church, Nansemond Co Va, planter, & trader, died Dec 25, 1733, m Abigail Langley, Feby 26, 1722, issue: 1 Thomas, b June 24, 1724, 2 Mary, b April 8, 1726, d Jany — 1814, 3 Josiah, b Oct 14 1728, m Christian Gregory, d Dec 1772 near Suffolk Va, 4 John, b Oct 31, 1730, d Dec 1772, 5 William, b Mar 23, 1731, d in Northampton Co, N. C. 1792.
Josiah (1) & Christian his wife, issue: 1 Christian, d young, 2 John, b Oct 17, 1759, m Susannah B. Stone, lost at sea, Aug 27 or 8, 1815, issue: 1 Polly, m Nath’l Allen, issue: Sheppia, who m Pleasant Sherman. She was the mother of Allen G. Sherman. 2 Josiah (2) b Aug 15, 1764, m Elizabeth Cowper, d Dec 12, 1811, 3 james, b —, m Mary Harvey, d Oct 1804, issue: 1 Mary, b Nov 23, 1797, 2 Charles, b Oct 13, 1800, 3 Margaret, b April 18, 1805.
Josiah (2) wife Elizabeth (Cowper) Granbery, issue: 1 Christian, b May 15, 1785, m Thomas Watts—2 Louis, b Jany 19, 1788, d 1848—3 William F., b Mar 12, 1790, was living in Rock Castle Co, Ky 1836—4 Josiah Allen, b Sept 1, 1792, Oct 1799—5 Gibby, b Nov 3, 1797, d 1855—6 Richard Allen, b Oct 3, 1802, died 1855—7 Mary, or Polly, b April 20, 1795, m John Watts, issue: 21 children, 8 Betsy, b Nov 27, 1804—9 John Gregory, b Aug 27, 1807.
John Granbery (2) son of John, & Christian Gregory, by wife Susannah, issue: 1 Betsy, or Elizabeth, b April 13, 1791, m Jonas Hastings, d May 17, 1883, issue: 1 John G. Hastings, b Dec 3, 1812, d Aug 22, 1883, m Ann Chambliss—2 Polly, b 3, 11, 1793, d Oct 1804—3 George, b Sept 9, 1794, d Aug 28, 1815, (lost at sea with his father)—4 Julia, b 1, 17, 1797, d 5, 22, 1851—5 John Gregory, b Oct 1797, d Aug 4, 1799—6 Caroline, b Sept 3, 1800, d June 24, 1889—7 Augusta, b May 3, 1802, d 1838 in Miss, m Victor M. Randolph, issue: 1 John, b April 8, 1826, d Aug 1852-62—2 Brett—3 Ryland—8 Henrietta, b Sept 2, 1804, d May 9, 1807?—9 Mary Louise, b April 6, 1806, d Dec 18, 1882, m George Hastings, issue: 1 George G. Hastings, who had 1 Edith, 2 Easburn, 3 Ernest.
Richard Allen Granbery, m Mary Ann Leslie Dec 23, 1826, d 1832, issue: 1 Wm Henry, b Sept 23, 1827, m Ann Elizabeth Gonito Dec 12, 1850, issue: Ella Filmore, b 2, 6mo 1853—2 Mary A, b 7, 2mo 1855—3 Chas Wesley, b 11, 27 1857—4 William B, b 2, 2mo 1860—5 Geo B, b Sept 2, 1862—6 Lizzie L, b Jany 14, 1866—7 Ann Estelle, b Jany 22, 1868—8 Carrie M, b Nov 22, 1870—9 Eva F, b mar 3, 1876. (Richard Allen, & Mary Ann) issue: 2 John Cowper, b Dec 5, 1829, m Ella Winston (Bishop of M. E. Church South) 1882, 3 George Washington, d in infancy. Richard Allen Granbery m 2d Hariet Griffin, issue: 4 Richard G, b 1835, d 1837—5 George, b 1837, d 1855—6 Hariet Ann, b 1840, d 1842—7 Anna Maria, b 1842, m L. H. Whitehurst—8 Richard F, b 1844, d1866—9 Albert Burton, b 1847, residence Baltimore Md in 1888—10 Emily Frances, b 1849, m John Francis—11 Asa V, b 1852, d young.
Jonas Hastings, & Elizabeth (Granbery) issue: 1 Wm Henry, C. S. A. killed—2 John, d 1893—3 Robert M, m Julianna C. Granbery.
Henry Augustus, s of John, & Susannah (Stone) m Prudence Mimms of Princess Anne Co, issue: 1 Henrietta A, b Oct 3, 1829—2 Virginia, b Aug 7, 1831—3 Julianna, b June 20, 1840, m Robert M. Hastings, d Nov 3, 1869—4 Wm Henry, b Aug 16, 1842, m Jennie Herrick—5 Theodore, b May 28, 1844, m Jennie Horn, issue; son Percy (b May 1875)—6 Lelia, b Aug 2, 1846, d May 22, 1850—7 Daniel Walker (Walke?), b Oct 11, 1848, m Mollie E. Peake, issue: Mabel E, b Sept 6, 1880—2 Mary Louisa, b Nov 6, 1851, m Frank L. Jones, issue: 1 Henrietta L, b July 27, 1887—2 Maud V, b Sept 12, 1885.
William Henry, & Jennie (Herrick) issue: 1 Wm Preston, b Jany 11, 1875, d Dec 21, 1888—2 Alice C, b Nov 6, 1876—3 Edwin C, b Feby 23, 1879—4 Eugene F, b July 22, 1881.
John (Greshow)? Granbery (s of Henry Augustus, & Prudence Mimms) b April 17, 1833, d Mar 31, 1895, in Phil Pa, m Mary A. Teague?, issue: 1 Henry A, b June 10, 1858, m Ada Mitchell, issue: 1 Mary W, b April 1, 1880, d July 17, 1881—2 Miriam C., b Nov 17, 1881. 2 John Austin, b July 5, 1861—3 Mary Lee, b Nov 15, 1863, 4 Lelia, b Mar 14, 1866, d April 27, 1866—5 Samuel W, b May 31 1869—6 Julian Hastings, b Aug 28, 1873.
The Perquimans branch of the Granbery family, is represented first by Josiah Granbery, who lived at the “Folly” then in Perq Co, but later 1779, in Gates, after the county was divided. Perquimans at one time embraced the territory as far north as Orapeak (now called Coropeak), & deeds in Perq, are proof of the fact.
This Josiah Granbery, m Ann Gregory (niece of Christian Gregory, wife of Josiah (1) Granbery, of Gates Co) d of James Gregory, & wife Patience Godwin, of Va. Josiah (2) Granbery was one of the Vestrymen of St Pauls Church, Edenton, and a member of the Assembly at Newbern, April 1775, & again at Hillsboro, Aug 25, 1775. (Wheelers History of N. C.)
Josiah Granbery, & Ann had issue: 1 Thomas, 2 John, 3 James, 4 Ann, 5 Elizabeth Granbery.
1 Thomas Gregory Granbery b 1782 m Pherebee Peele Parker, (d of Job Parker of Chowan,) d 1828, issue: Josiah (3) Thomas Granbery, b 1806, m Sarah Ann Baker Sawyer, Jan 16, 1826, d of Willis Sawyer, of Bertie Co, & wife Sarah Baker (d of John Baker, & Mary Wynns, their only child to reach maturity) issue an only child: Mary Isabella, who m Lucius Junius Johnson (a descendant of Elizabeth Gregory, & Rev Daniel Earl). Lucius J. Johnson was a distinguished lawyer of Elizabeth City, N. C. Capt C. S. A. d 1866, she d 1869, issue: 1 Sarah Ann Johnson, 2 Mary Granbery, 3 Charles Earl, 4 Betsy, 5 Granbery, 6 James Madison, 7 Henrietta Martin, Sarah Ann Johnson, the only one now living, in Annapolis Md.
Col Josiah T. Granbery died 1862, in Perq county, where he had lived all his life, & his wife followed him in 1878. He was a large property owner, a successful farmer, & leading citizen. At his home called “Stockton” in Perq, he held sway, as a country gentleman, & great tales are told of the grand doings in the handsome old house, “before the War between the States.” None of his children married, so his line ran out with him. He represented the county, in the Assembly, 1835-36, & was President of the Seaboard Agricultural Society, Nov 1857.
Photo from History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
2 John Granbery, m Mrs—Cowper, issue: 1 John J. Granbery, 2 George W. Granbery. Both d unmarried. Their names are mentioned in Nansemond Co Va Court, as heirs of Capt John Granbery, Dec 9, 1833.
3 James Granbery, m Nancy Gordon (d of Jacob, & Bathsheba his wife, of Gates Co, whose will is dated Sept 22, 1817) issue: 1 Joseph Gordon, 2 Thomas John, 3 Bathsheba A, 4 William George, 5 Elizabeth Esther Granbery.
(a) Joseph Gordon Granbery, m Isa Gordon (his cousin) (d of Benjamin Wotten Gordon, & Maria Louisa Jones) issue: 1 Mary, b— 2 Joseph Gordon, b — 3 Isa Gordon, 4 Edna Jones Granbery (twins), b —.
(b) Thomas John Granbery, d unmarried.
(c) Bathsheba A Granbery, m James Leigh, issue one s Richard Leigh.
(d) Wm George Granbery, m Sarah Simmons, of Currituck Co, issue: 1 Thomas, b— 2 Mary, b— 3 Lydia, b— 4 James, b—.
(e) Elizabeth E. Granbery, m Benjamin Shananhouse, moved to Charlotte, N. C. issue:
4 Ann Granbery m William Wood of Perq, whose will was p Nov 1824, in which will he names wife Anne, & son William Edward Wood, & dau’s Elizabeth, & Lucy Anne.
(a) Dr Wm E. Wood m Sophie Martin Trotman, (d of Ezekiel Trotman, & Emily Daube, d of Gen’l Peter Daube, of Rev fame) issue: 1 Dr Julian E. Wood, 2 Rev Thomas Granbery Wood, 3 Charles Stanton Wood, 4 Mary Shaw Wood, 5 Annie G. Wood, m J. T. Whitehurst.
(b) Elizabeth Wood, m Rev James G. Hall, moved to Miss. Eight of the family died of yellow fever. Their son Dr William Hall, was a surgeon in the Confederate Army, & his son James G. Hall Jr, was a judge in Tenn.
(c) Lucy Ann Wood died single.
5 Elizabeth Granbery, m Joseph Gordon (s of Jacob, & Bathsheba) issue: 1 Mary G. Gordon, 2 Bathsheba N. Gordon, 3 Jane Gregory Gordon.
(a) Mary G. Gordon, m John G. Harvey (her 1st cousin) issue: 1 Elizabeth Gordon Harvey, 2 Mary Granbery Harvey.
(b) Bathsheba N. Gordon, m 1st John L. Shananhouse, issue: 1 Benjamin G. Shananhouse, 2 Thomas Linch, 3 Nora Gordon. She m 2d Edwin Brace, issue: 4 Elizabeth Granbery Brace, 5 Belle Gordon Brace.
(a) Joseph Gordon Granbery, & wife Isa Benedicta (Gordon) issue: 1 Mary Gordon, b— m Dr John W. Speight, issue: 1 John Gordon, d young, John Gordon (2) died a lad, 3 Agnes Granbery Speight, m John Calvin Sanford, issue: 1 Agnes Granbery Sanford, 2 John Calvin Sanford.
2 Joseph Gordon Granbery, m Edith Shananhouse, issue: Wm Lee Granbery, Elizabeth Granbery.
3 Isa Gordon Granbery, m Nathan Tucker, issue: 1 Joseph Granbery Tucker 2 Elizabeth Gordon, 3 Mary Gordon, died young, 4 Isa Gordon, 5 Virginia Radcliff, 6 Agnes Granbery Tucker.
4 Edna Jones Granbery, m Thomas Nixon, issue: 1 Julian Granbery Nixon, d unmarried, 2 Dorothy Gordon, m Walter Oakey, issue: Dorothy Gordon Oakey, 3 Marjory Gordon Nixon, m Loyd Horton, 4 Edna Jones Nixon, m Braxton Dawson.
History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
John Godfrey in Norfolk Co Va, conveyed “2 black sows, and one Colt” unto Richard Conquest, for 1216 lbs of Tob,” Jan 25, 1646. Matthew Godfrey with consent of wife Dinah, deeded land in Norfolk Co, June 18, 1724, naming his father John Godfrey, & brothers Jonathan, & William. Evan Jones who was granted land, 200a in Princess Anne Co Va, on North west side of Great Cypress Swamp, running into Symons Creek, of North River, Oct 20, 1687, assigned said land (with Consent of wife Dinah) unto Matthew Godfrey of Norfolk Co, Dec 15, 1703. Test’ John, and Elizabeth Godfrey. Matthew Godfrey, with Consent of wife Isabella, sold unto John Godfrey (s of Warren) parcel of land purchased of Mr. Evan Jones, on Great Cypress Swamp. June 15, 17¾. Isabella Godfrey appointed her brother George Burges her Att’. June 15, 17¾.
William, & John Godfrey were living in Perq Per’ct, April 6, 1693.
Godfrey, (1) John (s of Francis, & Joan) b Aug 17, 1665, m Elizabeth Bagster (widow of Nathaniel) Feb 19, 1685. Nathaniel Bagster, m Elizabeth (Relict of John Simpler) April 25, 167- —issue: Elizabeth, b Aug 26, 1678. Elizabeth Bagster, widow Simpler, was dau of Thomas Abingdon Clerk of Pasq Co. She m for her 4th husband Capt John Hecklefield of Little River.
Godfrey, (1) John, & wife Elizabeth, issue: 1 Elizabeth, b May 11, 1687.
John Godfrey died Aug 24, 1693.
Godfrey, (1) William, m Jane Barrow, issue: 1 John, b Feb 16, 1686—2 Francis, b Aug 12, 1689—3 Mary, b Aug 25, 1691.
Godfrey, Francis (father of above) will Albemarle, p Nov 5, 1675. Sons: William, & John, wife Joane.
Godfrey, (1) Thomas, m Ellener — Issue: 1 Thomas, b Mch 11, 1724/5—2 Joseph, b Feby 14, 1726/7.
Godfrey, (2) Thomas, will Perq, p April 1749. Sons: William, Thomas, Francis, Joseph, dau’s: Sarah, & Ellinor. wife Ellinor.
Peter Godfrey was Clerk of Perq, at one time, and returned to Norfolk Co Va, where his will was p 1721.
Godfrey, (3) William (2) Thomas (1) m Frances. He was dead May 9, 1773. (Inventory.)
Godfrey, (3) Joseph, m Mary Hosea, Aug 14, 1786.
Godfrey (3) Tulle, m Mary Pointer, Oct 16, 1786.
Excursus: Hecklefield. (1) Capt. John Hecklefield (son of John) was an Englishman who came to Perq about 1701. He appeared for the first time in Court held “at ye Gran Court House” Oct 14, 1701. The same year he was made Capt of Malitia in Perq Precinct. Court was held at his “House in Little River” Mar 29, 1703, & Oct 26 same year. The Assembly met there Oct 11, 1708, with 26 members in attendance. Mr. Edward Moseley chosen Speaker, William Glover presided as “President.”
John Hecklefield m Elizabeth Abingdon (d of Thomas of Pasq Co) & had one son John, who died before Nov 8, 1729. d. s. p. when the name became extinct in Perq. Capt John Hecklefield’s land lay around “Little River” a small village, the earliest settlement in the county. He was Dec’d Aug 8, 1721. “Elizabeth Hecklefield Dower Lands,” adj Wm Godfrey. He had other land that adj Capt George Clerke, now in the tenure of Abraham Warren, & Mary Evans, widow of said George. Nov 9, 1709. Joseph Godfrey made a deed April 21, 1729, to Ezekiel Maudlin, 150a on So W. Side of Little River, by a small Creek, issuing out of sd River, called “Hacklefields land.” Col. John Hecklefield was dead Nov 8, 1729. His land adj William Evans which the latter sold to Col Richard Sanderson. (225a.) John (1) will p in Chowan Co Aug 8, 1721, only one son John is named. The Inventory of this son can be found in the Deeds of Perq, and is a very interesting document.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
The Evan family is of ancient Welsh descent, tracing back to the Roman invasion, and are mentioned in Roman History. Tradition has it that they were originally of Roman extraction, through some intermarriage with a Roman soldier. Mr. Rowland E. Evans of Philadelphia has prepared an elaborate document on the subject, and traces this family through many generations, back to Mervyn Vrych, King of Man, who was killed in battle with the King of Mercia A. D. 864. Mervyn married Essylt, daughter and sole heiress of Conan Tyndaethwy, King of Wales, who died 818-20. Both Mervyn, and Essylt trace their descent from Lludd, King of Britain, brother of Caswallon the chief who resisted the invasion of Caesar, before the Christian era. (Notes made by Mrs Wm Parker Faulke, dec’d.)
The Welsh descent of this line runs as follows:
I. David Goch of Penllech, who appears as a Leaseholder of crown lands in Carnarvonshire, in the 18th year of the reign of Edward II, and was living Nov 9, 1314. He married Maud d of David Lloyd (who traced descent from Owen Gnynedd, prince of Gnynedd; had issue 3 sons: one of whom,
II. Ieven Goch the Graianoe of Penllech, who appears on the jury to take the extent of Cymytmaen 1352. He had titles to certain lands in that period, and m Eva da of Einion ap Cynvelyn (who traced descent from Bleddyn Prince of Wales) issue two sons, the eldest:
III. Evan Modoc (who it is claimed came to America before Columbus) registered in Cwm Amwich pedigree as “ancestor of the gentleman Ysbitty Evan, in Denbigshire” issue:
IV. Diekws duu, who m Gwen dau of Ievan duu (who traced descent from Maelor Crwn head of the 7th noble tribes of Wales) issue:
V. Einion, who m Morvyd dau of Mtw ap Llowarch, issue:
VI. Howel, who m Mali dau of Llewellyn, issue:
VII. Griffith, who m Gwenllian, dau of Einion ap Eivan Lloyd, issue:
VIII. Lewis, who m Ethli dau of Edward ap Ievan, issue:
IX. Robert, who m Gwrvyl dau of Llewellyn ap David of Llan Rwst, Denbigshire, whose 4th son:
X.—Ievan (known as Evan Robert Lewis) living 1601, removed from Rhiwlas, in Merionothshire to Vron Goch, and died there. He had five sons, all after the Welsh custom taking the name of Evan. as follows: 1 John ap Evan—2 Cadwalader ap Evan—3 Griffith ap Evan—4 Owen ap Evan—5 Evan ap Evan.
Many of this family immigrated to Va, and from that State to Albemarle at a very early date. The earliest known settler in Va was William Evans, who was a subject in the Colony at Jamestown Jan 1609-Nov 1609. (Browns Geneses to America.) Richard Evans age 35 came to America in “Neptune” 1618. He was probably father, or gr-father of the Richard who died in Perq 1693. Wm Evans passenger for Va, in “Primrose” July 1635, under Comd of Capt Douglas. Jo Evans was transported to Va in Thomas & John from Gravesend Eng, Jan 6, 1635. Richard Evans arrived in Va in “Temperance” from Newfoundland 1619 Comd by Lt Gilbert Peppet. Another Richard was trans’ to Accomac Co Va June 25, 1625, by Wm Andrews. Among the living Feb 16, 1623 (after the Indian massacre of Mar 22, 1622) “at Elizabeth Cittye” are to be found the names of the following Evans: Richard, Thomas, William, John, Marke, & George Evans. (Hotten.)
Richard Evans was trans’ to Norfolk Co Va, by Richard Parsons 1639. Capt Evans brought over 100 immigrants to Va 1619. Dr George Hacke trans’ to Northampton Co Va, Row Evans, & Edward Evans, 1652. Peter Knight trans’ William, & Lawrence Evans, to Gloucester Co, Va, July 16, 1652. Thomas Evans arrived in Va, with Wm Jones of Northampton Co, July 24, 1645, and settled on Hungars Creek. (Hotten.) Peter Evans of the Island of Barbados apt’ friend Henry Jones of same, his Att’ to ack’ a “release of land in Isle of Wight Co Va,” “unto Levin Buffkin, John Knowles, & Elizabeth Outland, Inhabitants of Virginia.” 18, 6mo 1664. (Isle of Wight records.)
Phillip Evans of Plymouth, Mercht made an assignment of goods, in Warrick Crick Bay, Dec 20, 1667. (Isle of Wight records.)
Benjamin Evans, & Faith his wife, of Charles City Co Va, deeded land in Isle of Wight Co, to Thomas Sharp of Surry Co, 365a on Nottoway River. June 12, 1724. (Great Book Isle of Wight Co.)
Abraham Evans with wife Elizabeth was living in Surry Co Va, July 7, 1685. He died about this time, & she Executed his Estate.
William Evans had grt for land in Isle of Wight Co, 100a, 1713. (Land book 7-.)
Benjamin Evans had grt for land in Isle of Wight Co, 375a, 1713. (Land book 7-.)
Benjamin Evans had grt for land, 300a in Prince George Co Va, 1705.
Peter Evans immigrated to Va 1650, with the Woolard family, and settled in Northumberland Co, bringing with him wife Elizabeth, and children: Peter (2) John, & Richard, and one dau Sarah. His will was p in Richmond Co 1706, naming the same children, & wife. It is thought that his son Peter moved to Hertford Co N. C. He sold to Charles Merritt, “½ of 600a upon Deep Creek, up Chowanoak River” (Chowan) Mar 16, 1707. (This land was in Hertford Co.) His descendants will be treated later.
John Ewens (Evans) was grt 460a “on Appamattocks” called Bristoll, adj Wm Sanders Nov 10, 1642. He received another grt 50a in Nansemond Co, Oct 28, 1672, formerly granted to Wm Ward.
John Evans, of Sittingbourne Par, Rapp Co Va, will p Jan 29, 1682, names sons: John, & William (not of age) father-in-law William Veale, brother Martin Johnson, God-dau Margaret Ward (d of Bryant Ward) wife Elizabeth.
John Evans was grt 400a in Albemarle, Dec 29, 1718, adj John Jordan Jr. He very probably migrated to Perq Precinct, with the Jordans, who came from Isle of Wight Co. John Jordan Sr m Ruselak Elett (Elliott) Aug 10, 1690. He is thought to be a son of Richard Jordan of Isle of Wight Co Va. A deed was made by him of 50a to “my son and dau John Evans, & Jean his wife,” on Ducking Stool Branch, July 15, 1717. He became a Quaker in Nansemond Co, 8, 11mo 1709.
John Evans, who resided in Chowan County will p Jan 15, 1739, names sons: John (to whom he left “plan’ whereon I now live”) Thomas, & Benjamin, dau’s Jane, Mary & Rachel Evans, wife Jane. Wit’ by John Evans (son) & Charles Jordan (Probably bro-in-law). John, & Benjamin Evans were both of age before 1718.
Thomas Evans, probably brother of John (1) appeared in Perq simultaneously, & m Dorothy —, issue: William, b Jan 9, 1689. His will p in Chowan Co Nov 2, 1732, names son: Thomas (2), dau’s Alice Williamson, Sarah Broney, & Elizabeth Walker, wife Ellener. (Thomas, & John Evans may have been sons of Thomas & Ann of Essex Co Va.) Thomas (2) Thomas (1) moved to Tyrrell Co, where his will was p June 1745. In this will his mother “Elener Evans” is named. According to this will he had no male descendants.
Richard Evans was grt 240a of land in Perq Precinct 1684, on N. E. side of Perq River, near Castletons Creek. His will p in Albemarle, Oct 2, 1693 names sons: Jonathan, & Richard, dau’s Rabakah, & Ann, wife Elizabeth, who m 2d Jeames Old Sept 11, 1694. Elizabeth Evens was a headright of John Lee, who received a grt for land in Nansemond Co Va, on E side of Summerton Creek, April 3, 1694. The name “Eivens” according to the old Welsh spelling was used by Richard in his will 1693. He “Departed this Life” May 20, 1693. As no mention of a birth date is given in Berkeley Par Reg, for the three eldest children, we are led to believe they were born in Va, before moving to N. C. Ann (d of Richard Evans, & wife Elizabeth) was b Nov 4, 1685—2 Sarah, b Aug 30, 1693. She being born three months after his death is not named in his will, but her mother in a deed in Perq made provision for her, equal with the others. (See Deeds in this book) Richard, second son of Richard (1) moved to Beaufort Co N. C. (His will, Grimes.)
Jonathan Evans (1) Richard (1) m Mary Luten (d of Thomas, of Chowan Co). His land was situated on the S. W. side of Perq River, adj a place called “Dawsons” (600a) which he sold to Isaac Wilson, Sept 3, 1707. He was grt 141a in Perq, Nov 22, 1714 in the fork of Castletons Creek. He bought 275a from Thomas Harvey, & Elizabeth his wife, on S. W. Side of Perq River, adj Henry Clayton, Elizabeth French, & John Pettiver. Elizabeth French is thought to be his mother, (her 3d husband being Richard French). Court was held at her house in Perq, for a number of years. Court was also held at the house of Jonathan Evans, seemingly the same place. Jonathan Evans certainly had one son William, who is named in his mothers will p in Perq Mar 7, 1723, and other records show that they had two dau’s: Mary, m Thomas Burket before Oct 15, 1752, and Elizabeth, who m Thomas Houghton of Chowan Co, before Apl 18, 1743, at which time her father was dec’d.
Thomas Luten of Chowan Co, deeded to his dau Mary Evans, 200a of land in said Co, called “Sandy Point” 1718. She had granted to her 300a in Perq Co, by Lords Proprietors, on Little River, adj Capt John Hecklefield, and her son William was living on said land Jan 4, 1723, to Jan 20, 1728/9. He conveyed this land to John Stepney, Nov 5, 1729 “land patented by my mother Mary Evans April 20, 1719,” on Little River, adj William Godfrey. Another deed was made by him of 225a, to Col Richard Sanderson, adj land of Col Hecklefield dec’d. Jonathan & Mary (Luten) Evans, had besides son William, certainly one dau Sarah, b Feb 26, 1717/8. (Berkeley Par Reg.) According to these deeds the Evans land lay near the mouth of Little River, around the town of same name, on South west side of the River.
It is an unfortunate fact that neither Jonathan, or William Evans his son made wills in Perq, therefore their descendants are vague, and uncertain. The early persons of this name in Perq, adhered to the Quaker faith, but after a few years they are found with wives of other denominations, and in this way lost caste with the Quaker Church. It is thought, but not proven, that there was at an early date an intermarriage of some Evans with a Harvey lady, or a descendant of some Harvey line, as the name of Miles, and Harvey continued as a given name in the Evans family for many generations. This connection probably came down from Miles Harvey, as both those names figure in the line of Evans, who went west, even to the present day.
As both Jonathan, & William Evans are not available for descent, we have to depend on Peter Evans of Bertie Co for our next move downwards. It seems very certain that his descendants came over to Perq, and from them a straight line can be traced. Peter Evans of Bertie, lived near Ahoskie, and sold to William Evans (probably our own William, son of Jonathan) 100a of land on Catawaske Swamp, Hertford Co, April 19, 1715, and also deeded 235a to his son Robert, on So side of Petty Shore (same Co) on same date. Robert Evans with consent of wife Ann, sold 100a on West Shore, to John Wood, “whereon I now live” Mar 19, 1719. He later assigned 640a on South side of Ahosky Swamp, to Peter Parker, Oct 16, 1720. Ann Evans appears as Admix of her dec’d husband Robert Evans, May 1745. Her son Robert, inherited land in Perq, from John Perrisho, and it is probable that he moved to Perq, to take possession of this property. His will, p in Perq Jan 1758, names sons: John, Robert, and dau’s: Sarah Griffin, Elizabeth, & Mary Evans, gr-children: Demsey, Aaron, Robert, & Huldah Blanchard.—His inventory, Jan 7, 1758. Robert Evans Ex. This proves that his son Robert was over 21 years of age at this time.
Robert Evans Sr appears on Tax list of Seth Sumner, 1765 with 425a of land in Perq Co. Thomas, John, Joseph, & William Evans on same list, one poll. John Evans had 116a, Joseph 370a, & Thomas 116a in Piney Woods District, 1791.
The division of Robert Evans (3) in Perq Co, May 1797. Heirs: Miriam Pearson, Sarah Woolard, Mary Lacey, and sons: John, William & Benjamin. To each £56, 17s 10½p.
Peter Evans of Bertie Co m Sarah Wynn (d of —) m 2d Rose —. Evans, John (1) Robert (3) Robert (2) Robert (1) m Mariah Forbush, June 9, 1771. He m 2d Miriam Forbes, June 7, 1772 (untraced). One son John (Jack). Evans, Joseph, (parents uncertain) m Elizabeth Woolard, and his will p in Perq, May 1727, is authority for his children: Wife Elizabeth, son Phineas, dau’s: Margaret Moore, Rachel Jessop, Mary Whitehead, Jemima, Annie, Elizabeth, and Minerva Evans. Nathan, & Exum White Exrs. Evans, Thomas, (parents uncertain) will Perq p Aug 1825, names son Chalkey, dau’s: Rhoda, Elizabeth, Mourning Evans, John Clary, & P. Evans Exrs. Evans, Chalkey (1) Thomas (1) will p in Perq. May 1832. Wife Jemima, dau Margaret. Josiah Bagley and Joshua Jessop Exrs. Evans, Mary (d of Robert) (3) had sons: Miles, & Evan Lacey. Evans, Benjamin (1) Robert (3) Robert (2) Robert (1) m Miriam Davis, May 24, 1802, m 2d Rebecca Willard of Perq Co, issue: 1 Charles, m Minerva Grant—2 Margaret, d young—3 Patsy, m Henry Buckner—5 Exum (Axum) m Elizabeth Parks, of York, Ill, 1826—5 William, m — Wilhoit—6 Joseph, m Elmira — —7 Nancy, m William Buckner—8 Abigail, m — Bardell—9 Elizabeth, m Sam Prevo, State Rep—10 Rebecca, m Wm Bishop of Kanwakee, Ill—11 Rev Nixon Evans, m Minerva Bartlett of York, Ill—12 William, m Jane Baliff—13 Miles, m Betty Willard—14 Anna, d young—15 Pegga, m Miles Huckabell—16 Martha, d young. Benjamin Evans m 2d Hannah Lamb (widow Moore) issue: 17 Noah, m Sarah Alberta—18 Mary—19 Malinda, m Col Allen Buckner (s of William Sr) 20 Hannah Ellen, m John Gaynor—21 Robert, d young—22 Silas—23 Henry—24 Sarah Ann.
Thirteen of the first children were born in Hertford, N. C. Exum (4th son of Benjamin) moved to York, Ill, about 1816 with his family. In 1831 he moved to Plainfield, Ill, where he plyed his trade as a miller, and it is thought he sawed the lumber for the first frame building erected in Chicago. His sons: Milton Harvey, Charles Wesley, and dau’s: Sally, Cynthia, Ann, Minerva, & Matilda, the last two twins, were all born in the west. Harvey Evans (s of Exum, & Elizabeth Parks) had issue: William, Walter A. Evans, Milton Harvey Jr, M. D. (surgeon of Joplin, Mo) Ira Elsworth, and dau’s: Mary Ellen, Sarah Adeline, Eunice, m — Lockwood, & Carrie Hall, m — Pike.
(I am indebted to Dr. M. H. Evans of Joplin, Mo, for the data of Evans in his line who moved west to Illinois.)
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
In the Name of God Amen I John Hollowell of the County of Perquimons and province of north Carolina am Sickley and weak of boddy butt of Sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almity God for the Same and Caling to mind the unseartanty of this transetory Life and the Sartanty of Death do Constitute and ordain this to be My last Will and testement in maner and form as folloeth.
And first~ I Give my Soul to God Who Gave it me and Boddy to the Earth to be Desantly Buried by Executors herafter names and what worly Estate it has been pleas God to Bless me with in this world I Give and Despose of itt in maner and form as folleth.
And first~ I Give unto my Son William Hollowell two Hundred pounds currant money of this province which he has already Received I Likwis Give to my Son William one feather bead and furniture and two stools and one oval table three head of Cattle fore Sheep one Long Gun and my Croscut Saw ane one hors Coult that he has had in his poseson and two puter Dishes and two puter Basons with all other things that he my said Son has in his posseson to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever.
Secodly~ I Give my Son Henry Hollowell my plantation where on I Now Dwell and all my Land that I hould in this wourld to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever only it is my will that my wife Should not be Desturbed in the plantation nor any part of the Land During hur natrel Life but if She should marrey then to have but one third part of my plantation I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry one feather Bead and furniture and my hand mill and my Small Gun and two puter dishes and two puter basons I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry three Head of Cattle Such as his brother has had and four Sheep and one pott and huke and my hansaw and all my Cuppers tools and one half Dozen spoons and one Skillet and one oval table I Likwise Give my Said Son Henry one Hors Coult Named Derrik and one Cheast Caled my Cheast and two sows and pigs to him my son and his heirs for Ever it is my will he have all that I have Given him at the age of twenty one years.
Thirdly~ I Give to my Dauter Elizabeth Perry one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that I have Given Hur that shee has had in posison with them to Her my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and no more for She has had hur Shear.
Foerthly~ I Give to my Dauter Sarah Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other thing that I have Given Hur that shee has had in poseson with them to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and it is my will that my Said Dauter have on Cow and Calf more because Thee has bad Luck with hur Cattle and that must be Hur Shear.
Fiftly~ I Give unto my Dauter Mary Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that She has had in poseson Given Her by me to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear.
Sixtly~ I Give unto my Dauter Christian White one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has in poseson Give hur by me to hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever.
Sevently~ I Give to my Dauter Ann Evins one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has had in poseson Given hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear all but as much money as will purches hur a sute of Clouse Equal with the Clouse that hur Sisters had befor.
Eightly~ I Give to my Loving wife Christian Hollowell one feather Bead and for it being the bead that She and I has on and my young mare Caled Lou my womans Saddle and bridel and one mans Saddle to hur my Loving wife and hur heirs for Ever.
I Likewise Give my Dauter Christian White my flocks Staple to hur my Said Dauter and her heirs for Ever.
Ninethly~ it is my will and desier that all my Just Debts and funeral Expences be paid and Discharged out of my Estate by my Executor and after all my Debts and Charges is sattesfied and paid then all the Rest of my Estate that is to be found that is not by me Given away I Lend to my loving wife during hur natural Life and after hur Death to be Equely Divided between my two sons William Hollowell and Henry Hollowell who I nominate and apoint to be my hole and Soul Executurs to See this my Last will and testament fulfiled and properly as witness my hand and Seal this 26 of July 1778 anno Domuni.
This will under Lined in one place be fore asigned:
John Hollowell.
Testies: John Twine, Caleb Winslow, Uriah Hudson. (Proved January Court 1784, Book 3, p. 273).
In The Name of God Amen. I James Oates being sick in Body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory. Do make this my last will and testement in manner and form following.
-Item I give and bequeth my soul to the mercies of God.
-Item I give and bequeth my body to a Christian burial.
-Item I give and bequeth to Jonathan Evins my Box Hat
-Item to my son Joseph Oates I give and bequeth a young cow called Granger and her calf Crum for his use from the time of my death
-Item I give and bequeth all of my whole estate in whatever specific manner it is to be found to my loving and lawful wife Elizabeth Oates to her managing and distributed equally.
I doe institue and ordain my loving and lawful wife Elizabeth Oates my whole, whatsoever to doe my will and preformed in which and thereof hereunto set my hand and set my seal this 24th day of July anno 1703.