Will of



22 March 1734
North Carolina.

In the name of God Amen I Luke Hollowell of Perquemons being Sick and weake of body but Sound and of perfict Memory do Constitut and Apoint this to be My Last Will and testament Renouncing and Revoking all other Wills by Me formerly Made.

I do Apoint this to be my Last Will and testament In manner and form as Shall be hereafter Mentioned.

First ~I Give and bequeath my Soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it Came and to be decently buried acord to Descration of My executrix hereafter Mentioned. I do despose of what Worldly Estat it hath pleased God to bestow upon Me as hereafter Shall be mentioned.

Viz. In primas ~I Give and bequeath Joell Holowell My thirde Son My Dwelling plantation on the South Side of the jueper Swamp with all the acusements thereunto belonging the land Joell is not to be posesed in it during the Widowhood of his Mother the Land one the northside of the juneper Swamp to my Son William Holowell and A nursrey and he the Said William Holowell is to have Liberty to plant them out at the age of Eighteen and tend them and Also my Gune.

Item I ~Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son John Holowell all my Wearing Cloths and my new Saddle and A bever Hatt.

Item I ~Lend unto My Wife Elizabeth Holowell all the Rest and Remaning part of My Esteat personable and Reall during her Widowhood to make use of it for the Good of here famely not to Embazell or Make weaft of it.

Item I ~Give unto Joel Holowell one pare of Milstones after the Marage of his Mother.

Item I ~Give and bequeath unto My Eldest Son John one Negro woman named Diana.

Item I ~Give unto My fourth Son Ruben one negro boy Named Matt After the Marage of his Mistress but and if in case of mortality of William and Joell or Either of them then to fall to the younges bro and if in cease of the Mortality of Either of them still to Decline and fall to the younger.

Item I ~Give and bequeth unto my son John the Land that I had by my Brother William Holowell In Virginia and all the Rest of My Land in Virginia to him and his heirs for ever.

Item I ~Constitut and appoint my Loving wife Elizabeth Holowell my whole and Soall Executrix during her widowhood and that She Return a just and true Inventor of all my personabl Estat the next court after the will is proved and in Cease of her Maring then I do apoint My Eldest Son John to be my executor and to make An Equall division of All my Estat that can be found acording to the Inventor between his Mother and what Children is then Alive. It is my Desire that the three youngest of my Sons May have Learning out of my Esteat as Soon as they Atain to Age and oportunity to Lerne and In Witness where of I have hear unto Sett my hand fixed my Seall In the year of our Lord 1734 and one the twenty Second Day of March 1734.

                                                                                                            Luke Hollowell

Signed Sealled and Delivered In the presence of us Testes:
James (X) Field his mark,

Thomas Rountree,

Gilbert Scott.
(Proved April 22, 1736, Perquimans Co., NC).
