Perquimans Death where one parent is given as TRUEBLOOD – By Gordon Trueblood

Perquimans Death where one parent is given as TRUEBLOOD

Courtesy of Gordon Trueblood

Name of Deceased Date of Death Father Mother
Jesse Horace Baker Sept 14, 1939 Augustus Baker Alisa Trueblood
Douglas Kent Cayton June 28, 1952 Wm. Burgess Cayton Elizabeth Trueblood
Grace Trueblood Chappell Nov. 01, 1987 William Trueblood Lillie Mae Lane
Joseph Marion Delaney Aug. 02, 1949 Joseph Langley Delaney Blanche Trueblood
Mary Trueblood Forehand Feb. 24, 1945 Nathan Trueblood Elizabeth Trueblood
Bernie Smith Hollowell Jan 18, 1966 Josiah Smith Penelope Trueblood
Willie Grover Hollowell Jan.. 01, 1951 John  Hollowell Alice Trueblood
Joel Felix Hollowell, Jr. Nov. 03, 1976 John Martin Hollowell Alice Trueblood
Mary Ruth Howell Nov. 19, 1954 J. C. White Mary Eliz. Trueblood
Alice Baker Hollowell Sept 12, 1929 Joshua Trueblood Margaret Brock
Betty Trueblood Lamb Feb. 4, 1977 William Thomas Trueblood Rebecca Williams
Ethel Trueblood Lane June 14, 1978 Madison Jerome Trueblood Nan White
Charlotte Lane Jan. 18, 1963 John Lane Mary Eliz. Trueblood
Issac Lane July 14, 1936 John R. Lane Mary Trueblood
Joshua Lane Jan. 06, 1935 John A. Lane Mary Trueblood
Lone (?) Lane Feb. 12,1978 John Rand Lane Mary Eliz. Trueblood
Wilma Chappell Lowe Jan. 16, 1994 Winford Chappell Grace Trueblood
Maggie Ethel Lane Perry Feb. 16, 1970 Benjamin Franklin Lane Ethel Mae Lane
Julia Smith Sept. 19, 1975 Jack Trueblood Sallie Jessup
Nelson Joshua Smith Nov. 23, 1976 Josiah Smith Penelope Trueblood
Penelope Smith July 30, 1942 Joshua Trueblood Margaret Brock
Clayton Linwood White Feb. 13, 1960 James Colonna White Mary Eliz. Trueblood
Dempsey Josiah White Aug. 13, 1948 John White Elmira Trueblood
Joseph Ellie (?) Trueblood July 13, 1957 John Osborne White Margaret Trueblood
George Arthur White Sept. 28, 1984 James Colon White Mary Eliz. Trueblood
Mary Elizabeth White Sept. 27, 1951 George Trueblood (mother unknown)
Maggie Winslow Aug. 01, 1925 Josiah Smith Neppie Trueblood
Minnie Smith Winslow Feb. 25, 1957 Josiah Smith Penelope Trueblood


Courtesy of Gordon Trueblood




Trueblood Marriages (grooms)

Perquimans County, North Carolina  1856-2000

The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.

Trueblood Marriages



  • Phillip Perry emigrated to Va, and settled in Isle of Wight Co, where he acquired large land holdings. He was uncle of Micajah Perry, London Merchant; who died 1721. The will of Phillip Perry was p in Isle of Wight Co Va, Oct 9, 1669, at which time he gave his age as 70 years. His will names sons: Phillip, & John, “under age” wife Grace. John son of Phillip Perry, conveyed a place called “Whitemarsh” to Col Joseph Bridger, 1673 (Isle of Wight Records). John Perry of “Upper pish of Nansemun Co Vir” for 5000 lbs of Tob, pd by Col Nathaniel Bacon, sold 70a in Lower pish of Isle of Wight Co” May 26, 1675. June 7, 1675, Elizabeth Perry acknowledged her dower to sd land. Phillip Perry had other sons, than Phillip, & John. These sons: James, Jacob, & Joseph, all moved to N. C. James to Chowan, where he made a deed to his brother John Perry of Nansemond Co Va, with consent of wife Patience, land on “Middle Swamp.” As Middle Swamp is in what is now Gates Co, then a part of Chowan, it seems certain that this conveyance was in the last named county. Jacob Perry witnessed this deed. The will of Timothy Clare is authority for the fact that said Jacob Perry, m Hepzibath dau of said Clare (step-daughter) and it is thought, but not proven that she was a dau of his 2d wife Elizabeth—(maiden name unknown). All of the children of Timothy Clare are placed without doubt, but Hepzibeth, and she is not named in the last clause of his will. His children were by the first wife Mary Bundy, & the last one Hannah, by Hannah née Larance (widow of Israel Snelling). Therefore it seems evident that Hepzibeth Perry was not his blood child.
  • Among emigrants to Va in “Bonaventure” Jan 1634, are found Thomas Perry, age 34, Dorothy Perry age 36, Ben Perry age 4. (Hotten.)
  • Benjamin Perry Sr, died Mch 11, 1788. Hannah Perry, widow of Benjamin, died Nov —, 1791.
  • Benjamin Perry Jr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) died Jan 10, 1784. The elder Benjamin Perry was a brother of Micajah, wealthy commission merchant of London. Both Benjamin and Phillip’s descendants migrated to Perq Co, at quite an early date. The Tithe, and Tax List in this county show where they lived, and in some cases how much land they owned. Micajah Lowe in his will, 1703, mentions his uncle Micajah Perry of London, who in his will 1721 names “sister Elizabeth Evens,” dau Sarah Perry, with her two sons (not named). The Elizabeth Evens here named may have been, wife of Richard Eivens of Perq, who died 1693, naming wife Elizabeth.
  • Judith, & Thomas Perry are named in the will of Francis West of Nansemond Co, Va, 1715. She m Abram Hill of said County, and they moved to N. C. They sold to John Perry of Bertie Co, 100a, 1756, and to Josiah Granbery land in same Co, which is now situated in Hertford Co. Several of the children of Phillip Perry moved to Perq, as did also some of his brothers. His gr-son Phillip died in Perq 1751, and names in his will, sons: Jesse, & Phillip, brothers John, Joseph & Jacob. He left to son Jesse “land on Little River” and to Phillip “plantation whereon I now live.” dau’s: Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Jude, Elizabeth, and Miriam. Jacob (son of Jacob) is made Exor. Witnessed by Benjamin, & Elizabeth Perry.
  • Jacob Perry Sr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) was brother of Benjamin Perry II. Died 1790, will probated July of said year. He names wife Mary, sons: Miles, Lawrence and Benjamin, Dau’s: Hepsebeth, Sarah, & Mary Perry, Maria Bunch, and gr-dau Priscilla Perry (d of Leah). Test’ Jacob, & Jos. Riddick, Benj Perry.
  • Perry, Benjamin (3) m Millicent Riddick, Dec 13, 1785, issue: 1 Mary, b Oct 26, 1786—2 Thomas, b Jan 27, 1789—3 James, b Aug 13, 1792—4 Joseph, b Aug 20, 1796—5 Christian, b Dec 20, 1798.
  • Perry, Israel (s of John & wife Mary, gr-son of Phillip Sr), died in Perq county 1779, will p May 27, 1779. Sons: Josiah, Israel, John Cader, & Jacob, Dau’s: Millicent, Ruth, Rachel, & Ann Perry, dau Priscilla Twine. Wife (not named). His brother Phillip, & Thomas Twine were Exrs. Of these children; Ruth, m Micajah Hill of Perq, May 12, 1763. Rachel, m Richard Skinner, Dec 11, 1770. Priscilla, m Thomas Twine.
  • Perry, Jacob (s of John, & Mary, brother of Israel, & Phillip) will Perq, p Oct 1777. Sons: Jacob, Israel, & Reuben, dau Priscilla Welch (wife of Dempsey) dau Hepzibah Stallings (wife of Hardy) dau Ann Winslow (wife of Caleb) sons Dempsey, and John, gr-son Isaac Wilson (s of Isaac) wife Ann.
  • Joseph Perry of Perq died 1801. Jesse Perry the same year.
  • Perry, Jesse (s of Israel) m Elizabeth Linder. His will Perq p Nov 1801, names sons: Benjamin, John, Josiah, William, & Robert, dau’s: Margaret, Christian, Martha, Sally, Asenith, wife Elizabeth, Leg: Mary, Elizabeth, & Millicent Nicholson. Of these children: Sally m 1790 Lemuel Weeks, & had John, James, Hugh, Polly (who m Cornelius Raper) another dau m — Benton. Nancy, James, & Hugh died unmarried.


  • Perry, Mary, m William Hollowell, July 6, 1778. (From Judge Benj B. Winbourne’s book, on the Perry family.)
  • Perry, Reuben, m Elizabeth Pearson, Jan 18, 1780.
  • Perry, Amos, m his cousin, Elizabeth Perry, Feb 10, 1783.
  • Perry, Elizabeth, m Thomas Stanton, Aug 28, 1784.
  • Perry, Israel Jr, m Miriam Hollowell, Apl 4, 1785.
  • Perry, Seth, m Mary Riddick, Dec 29, 1785.
  • Perry, Susannah, m Moses Howard, June 2, 1790.
  • Perry, Sarah, m Leverne Garriss, Dec 27, 1791 (d of Jacob Sr).
  • Perry, Jacob, m Ruth Chappell, Jan 11, 1791.
  • Perry, Josiah (s of Israel Sr, & wife Priscilla) b in Perq Co, Nov 19, 1741, m Elizabeth Twine (d of John, & Pleasant) lived in Pasq county, and was a lawyer of note, moving from that county to Bertie, where he m 2d — Freeman. Marriage bonds Perq Co.
  • Perry, Reuben, m Dorcas Chappell, Jan 11, 1791. (2d marriage.)
  • Perry, William, m Ferebe White, Apl 21, 1791.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).