Lawrence Baker, with his son Lawrence Jr, Elizabeth, John, & Joseph Baker, (all supposed to have been his wife, & children) were Trans’ to Isle of Wight Co, Va 1666, by Anthony Matthews. (Hotten.)

The wills in Isle of Wight Co, make plain the fact that descendants of Lawrence Baker, migrated to Gates Co N. C. and from there to other Counties.

  • Baker, Henry, (died in Isle of Wight) will p Aug 28, 1712. He bequeathed to s Henry, 1800a, “at the Mill, 250a at Somerton” & 25000a at “Buckland,” (the last in Gates Co, N. C.) To son James 300a, son Lawrence, “land where I now dwell,” 500a, in Nansemond Co; To son William 450a, at “Wickham” daus Mary, Sarah, Catherine, & Elizabeth, wife Mary.
  • Baker, Mary, will Isle of Wight, p Oct 23, 1734, Made bequest, to s William 2000a in Nansemond Co, called “Wickham” names her Dec’d husband, Henry Baker, Gent, late of said Co; s Lawrence Ex. Children, Henry, Lawrence, William, d Sarah, & Katherine.
  • Baker, James, of Isle of Wight Co, in his will, Dec 2, 1756. (d. s. p.) Made bequest to Henry Baker, (s of brother Henry,) of N. C. dec’d. Katherine Baker (d of brother Lawrence,) a negro girl, Richard (s of brother Lawrence) Lands in Isle of Wight Co, & a grist mill, called “Little Mill.” Ann (d of brother Lawrence) £25 in money, James (s of brother Lawrence) £25 in money. (James Baker was Clerk of Isle of Wight Co, for a number of years.)
  • Baker, Lawrence, of Newport Par, Isle of Wight Co, will p July 2, 1761. Names d Katherine, s Richard, d Ann Nelson. To s James, he left “all my lands in N. C.” Wife Ann.
  • Baker, Henry, (s of Henry) will Chowan Co N. C. p May 1, 1739. Sons: Henry (3) John, Blake, David, Zadock, daus Mary, Sarah, Ruth, wife Ruth. Brothers: William, James, & Lawrence. (Wife Ruth was d of Edmund Chancey of Pasquotank Co.) (See will of Edmund Chancey.)
  • Baker, Blake, was Clerk of Court, in Chowan Co. He resigned Nov 15, 1787.
  • Baker, Joseph, will Perq Co N. C. p April 1779. Sons: Joel, Moses, & Joseph (2), daus Hannah, Miriam, & Sarah.
  • Baker, Moses, m Elizabeth Browne, Jan 12, 1694/5. (Elizabeth City Co, Va mar bonds.)
  • Baker, Moses, will in Chowan Co N. C. p Jan 1724. Sons: Bennett, & William. (No other legatees.)
  • Baker, Henry, Com’ J. P. in Chowan Co, July 15, 1731. His son Henry, made pet’ to build a Mill on Sarum Swamp, 1748/9, which was granted.
  • Baker, William, & wife Elizabeth, sold land in Hertford Co, N. C. 200a, 1717/18.
  • Baker, Benjamin, m Elizabeth Harvey, Feb 15, 1778.

The Baker family, lived in that part of Chowan which was cut off, & made part of Gates Co, in 1779. Their names do not appear on the Quaker records. They were probably at first Episcopalians. This family figured in a very prominent way in N. C. Many of the male members taking part in the Rev war, & holding offices of rank.

We do not lay claim to either Henry, or Lawrence Baker, whose will was p in Gates Co, Nov 1807, Naming wife Anna Maria, (Burgess) Sons: John Burgess Baker, d Elizabeth Harvey (wife of Col Joseph) daus Agatha, Anna Maria, & Martha Susan, sons: Simmons, James, & Richard (s of brother Wm dec’d). James B. Baker Ex.

Quit Rents for Albemarle Co, from Sept 29, 1729 to Mar 1732, show that Wm Baker Sr, paid on 800a, Wm Baker Jr, pd on 100a, Benj Baker, on 150a, Henry, on 2000a.

  • Henry Baker of Vir, apt his friend Sam’l Swann Esq, Att. (Col Record.) He pet the Court in 1720, for a “lapsed patent, in Hertford Co, on Wickocon.” He was “keeper of a Ferry” over Chowan River, near Menherring. (July 31, 1722.) Henry Baker, Merchant of Vir, brought suit, agst Wm Early, “Att a Court Holden at ye House of Col’o Jno. Hecklefield, (in Perq) Mar 29, 1703.” He is also at other times called “Colonel.” He was a member of the Assembly Nov 17, 1744. This was Henry (2) as Henry (1) was dec’d at this time.
  • Another Henry Baker, was member of Assembly, from Hertford Co, April 14, 1778 to Nov 3, 1788, Dec 8, 1789. Allowed £51-9-8 for “traveling 340 miles, with 3 Ferries to cross.”
  • Lawrence Baker, Justice, in Hertford Co. Congress 22, Dec, 1776, District Auditor. In Pro Congress, N. C. at Hillsborough, Aug 20, 1775, from Hertford Co, serving until Nov 13, 1776. Col Lawrence Baker, was appointed a Field Officer of Minute Men, from Hertford Co, Sept 9, 1775. Councillor at Fayetteville, Nov 10, 1788. He Represented Edenton District, Sept 9, 1775.
  • James Baker, presented a pet’ through Wm Wynn, of Hertford Co, Nov 26, 1790. He was living in Bertie Co, 1786, when the inhabitants of sd Co, petitioned for the Court House to be moved to Windsor.
  • Benjamin Baker, nominated by Committee, “to be returned to the Pro’ Congress, agreeable to Resolve.” (no date) Hertford Co. He received pay for Army services, £2-8-8, by H. Murfree, at Halifax Sept 1, 1784. (Warrenton Settlement.) He was a private, in Dixons Co, 10 Reg, Abraham Shepard Col. Enlisted April 15, 1781, & served 12 months.
  • Wm Baker was a private in White’s Co, Jan 26, 1776, 3 years service, discharged April 1, 1779, received pay £58-14-6. He was a musician, in Blounts Co, July 20, 1778, 9 months service. In Assembly, from Hertford Co April 14, 1778.
  • Thomas Baker private, Nelsons Co, Feb 14, 1777. Dec’d Dec 15, 1779.
  • John Baker private, Ensloes Co, 5 Reg 1777. Deserted Mar 15, 1777.
  • John Baker, Lt Walkers Co, 7 Reg Nov 28, 1776, promoted to Capt July 1777. P. M. June 1778/79.
  • James Baker private, Yarborrows Co, 1781-April 22, 1782.
  • Isaac Baker private, Jones Co, Oct 1, 1781, 12 months services.

Baker Marriages (Chowan Co. Mar Bonds)

  • Baker, John, m Elizabeth Wilson, Sept 5, 1754. d of James Wilson.
  • Baker, John, m Martha Cherry, Sept 17, 1790.
  • Baker, Wm Wilson, m Ferebee Jobe, Aug 24, 1795.
  • Baker, Levi, m Polly Williford, Aug 24, 1803.
  • Baker, William, m Polly Bowen, Dec 7, 1805.
  • Baker, Levi, m (2) Polly Churchwell, June 5, 1806.
  • Baker, Isaac, m Mary Outlaw, Dec 26, 1807. Sec John Wynns.
  • Baker, Jeremiah, m Elizabeth Curry, Sept 22, 1808.
  • Baker, Timothy, m Keziah Parker, Aug 3, 1813.
  • Baker, Matthew, m Temperance Fullerton, Aug 31, 1824.
  • Baker, James F., m Rosetta Ward, June 22, 1863.
  • Baker, Abigail, (wife of Moses,) was d of Thomas Barker, of Edenton, whose will was p in Chowan Co, Oct 16, 1786.

The Bakers drifted over from Gates, into Perq Co, or they may have been in that part of said Co, which was cut off, from Perq in 1779. The County of Perq at one time, embraced part of what is now Gates, almost to the Va line. Gates was formed from Chowan, and part of Perq Counties. Deeds in Perq, call for land around “Orapeake” (Coropeak), and that is just over the Va boundary.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).