• Thomas, and Sarah Draper are found among adventurers to America, 1620 (Hotten.) Robert Draper was transported in ship Jacob, by John Bainham 1624, age 16. (Researcher Mag.) Henrie Draper came in George 1621, age 14 years. Thomas Draper in Paule of London, July 16, 1635. Joseph Draper in Falcon, Apl 1635 Thomas Draper of Heptonstall Yorkshire, arrived in America 1647. Henry Draper was one among the living at Warrasqueake (Isle of Wight) Feb 16, 1623, when the census was taken after the Indian massacre, of May 22, 1622. (Hotten.)
  • Joseph Draper was granted 232a of land in Nansemond Co Va, July 12, 1709 “in the Upper Parish, on Poters, and Basses pocoson,” and John Draper received a grant for 200a in same locality, July 18, 1709. He was transported to Norfolk Co Va, Mar 19, 1643, by Capt Thomas Willoughby. Richard Draper had 300a granted him, in Currituck Precinct, N. C. Oct 21, 1687, “on East side of North River, adj Robert Swaynes.” William Draper was a Tithable in Sunken Marsh Parish, Surry Co Va, 1675, and June 8, 1681. He moved to Pasquotank Precinct N. C. prior to 1704, when he conveyed 100a of land in said county, “which was granted George Cooper, June 24, 1704, and by him assigned to my father Charles Draper.” John Akehurst appeared as Att’ for John Damon Draper, “Citizen of London” and made release of land, 200a in Pasquotank Co, unto Robert Morgan, and wife Elizabeth, “on which James Williams now Dwells, called Burds folly, said Morgan agreeing to build on said land a dwelling house, 30ft long, by 15 ft wide, at his own cost, and maintain same.”
  • Thomas Draper m in Isle of Wight Co Va, Patience Denson (d of John, who names “dau Patience Draper” in his will, p in said Co, July 1, 1748) at Pagan Creek, 2, 6mo 1739. This Thomas was a son of Peter of Perquimans Co.
  • Draper, Peter, first in Perquimans, came to N. C. from Nansemond Co Va, at what date is not known. He may have been a son of Joseph, or John of said county, but as the records of Nansemond were burned in 1867, very little of value can be derived from the county records. The Quaker records found there are however of the best, but unfortunately very little is said on those about the Draper family. Therefore it is problematical whether anything further can be unearthed about this family, in Nansemond county prior to their coming to Perquimans.
  • Draper, Peter (1), of Perq, m Hannah Albertson (d of Peter, & Ann, née Jones, who was son of Albert Albertson, & wife Mary. Ann Jones d of Mary Beasley widow, b June 15, 1701, mar Aug 27, 1715). Peter Draper by wife Hannah had issue: 1 Joseph, m Lydia Bogue Aug 1766—2 Millicent, m Benjamin Morris Nov 1772—He was b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796) Millicent Draper Morris, m 2d Jessie Simonds, and died 12, 5, 1809)—3 Silas, m Mary Morris, Feb 1773—4 Thomas, m Lydia Bundy, 2d Mary Newby (d of William Newby, and Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel) Feb 1790.
  • Draper Joseph (1) Peter (1) and Lydia née Bogue, issue: 1 Josiah, b 9, 8mo 1768, d 27, 6mo 1837 in Henry Co Ind, m Miriam Newby, b 2 2mo 1772, d 9, 1, 1812, in Highland Co, Ohio. They were m 12, 6mo 1789, issue: 1 Jesse, b 2, 12, 1792, m Delphia Davenport—2 Elizabeth, b 9, 13, 1793, m Jesse Small—3 Joseph, b 23, 11mo 1795, m Biddie Jackson—4 Josiah Jr, b 14, 1mo 1798, m Catherine Pearson, d 10, 12, 1865—5 Miriam, b 13, 9mo 1799 m Ephrim Overman—6 John, b 7, 1, 1801, m Martha Palmer—7 Joshua, b —, 12, 1803, m Huldah Pearson. (All of whom were born in Perquimans Co.) 8 Mary Ann, b 20, 11mo 1810, in Randolph Co N. C. (From old Bibles, and Quaker records, located by Mrs. J. E. McMullen, of Ada, Ohio, and kindly passed on to the writer for publication.)
  • Josiah Draper kept a diary, that Mrs. McMullen was fortunate enough to come across, which gives the information “I Josiah Draper, and family set of from perquimans county, in State of North Carolina, the 14th of 12mo 1803, to move to Randolph County in same State,” and later made another entry in same diary, “Josiah Draper set off from Randolph the 14th of 5th mo 1811, and got to Hiland the 20 of 6th mo 1811, in the Ohio State.” He m 2d Jemima Gant, and had dau Rebecca, b 11, 12mo 1811-16.
  • Draper, Millicent, (d of Peter (1) and wife Elizabeth) b 1745, d 12, 5, 1809, m 1 Benjamin Morris, b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796, when she m 2d Jesse Simons. (For her descendants see Morris.)
  • Draper, Silas (1) Peter (1) & wife Mary Morris had issue: Joseph, Samuel, Chalkey, Jesse, David, Daniel, & Benjamin, wife (not named) according to his will, p in Perq Co, Feb 1794.
  • Test’ Daniel Willard, Rachel Hasket, Jos Draper Jr.
  • Draper, Thomas (1) Peter (1) and Lydia Bundy apparently had no issue, m 2d Mary Newby (d of William, & Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel (1) and wife Ann, née Mayo, d of Edward, & Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, and wife Mary née Bundy, d of William Bundy, & wife Elizabeth, all of Perq Co) Feb 1790, issue: 1 John, b 12, 12, 1790, d 1, 6, 1791—2 Achsah, b 4, 6, 1792—3 William, b 7, 10, 1794, d 28, 5mo 1855—4 Jemima, b 12 2mo 1795—5 Gulielma, b —, d 10, 4, 188- —6 Hannah, b 27, 9mo 1900. Thomas Draper moved with his family to Indiana before 1820.
  • Draper, Joseph (2) Silas (1) Peter (1), b 3, 11, 1775, m Penninah Bundy, b 24, 1mo 1781, (d of Abraham Bundy) “at Vosses Creek Mo meeting,” 2, 6, 1801, issue: 1 Benjamin, & Jesse (twins) b 7, 6, 1805. He m 2d Mary, who died 13, 11mo 1849, issue: 3 Joseph—4 John—5 Alfred, d 3, 8, 1848—6 Hannah, d 20, 12mo 1844, m Jobe Hadley, 22 9mo 1841.
  • Joseph Draper will Perq Co, p May 1811. Sons: Nathan, & Josiah, dau Rachel Jessop, cousin Isaac Draper, wife (not named).
  • Test’ Daniel Willard, Joseph Willard, Richard Wood.
  • Draper, Chalkey (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Rhoda Willard (d of Martin) 17, 3mo 1803, “at Wells meeting house in Perq Co.” All his family migrated to Indiana and settled near White Water Mo Meeting, in said State, before 1820, White Water being the first established in the new territory.
  • Draper, Samuel (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Mary Albertson (d of Josiah, & Kesiah) after 1800, as she is not named as Mary Draper in the will of said Albertson, but is so named in her mothers will, p in Perq Co Feb 1825. In the latters will she is called “daughter Mary Draper,” and her husband Samuel Draper, was one of the Exrs of Mary Albertson’s will. Samuel Draper died without issue, 1829.
  • Draper, Rachel, (d of Joseph (2) m Thomas Jessop, 3, 2, 1790.) (See Jessop family.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Ambrose Clare was grt land in James City Co Va, Oct 15, 1664, “at the head of Spring Branch, adj Hickmans line. (Land book 5—No 28, Richmond Va.) He had another grt, 1155a in Rappahannock Co Va, on N side of Sams Creek, Sept 6, 1667, for trans’ Mark Sanders, Tho Jones, Nich Wilson, Sam Wilson & others; and had deeded to him 300a in James City Co, Oct 15, 1664.
  • John Clare was trans’ to Va by Joseph Crowshaw, of York River, Feb 27, 1649. In a grant New Kent Co Va, William Clare names himself “son of Ambrose Clare” who resided in what is now Essex Co Va. The Clare family is of Royal descent. Christopher Cleave was a “subject in the colony at Jamestown,” May 23, 1609. (Browns Genesis to America.)
  • William Cleve is named in the will of Giles Cory, of Lynn Mass, July 25, 1692, as “son-in-law,” and Thomas Hire (Hare) of Surry Co Va, in his will, Mar 6, 1704 names Thomas, & William Clare, as his “grand-sons.” As the Hares also moved to Perq Co N. C. we may very well say with a certain amount of certainty, that the William here spoken of, is the same which Timothy Clare of Perq, calls “father” in his marriage certificate.
  • Timothy Cleare granted 473a on Perq River, adj Wm Bundy dec’d. April 25, 1694. Tymo Clare grt 250a “on Perquimans River, adj land whereon he now lives” on E. side of sd River. Feb 4, 1713/4. He purchased of Patrick Kenedy, a plan’ on Franks Creek, Feb 15, 1689, and another plan’ at the head of Perq River, from Caleb, & Jean Bundy, 25, 2mo 1692/3. His land appears to have been situated on South West side of the Narrows of Perq River. Thomas Harvey of Perq, sold to Timothy Clare 200a on “Upper Vosses Creek,” adj John Morgan, & Francis Toms. His land on North side of Perq, was on Brambly Branch, and was called “Round House land.” His name is variously spelled on the records in Perq Co; Clare, Cleare, Clear, Clar, but it is each time the same person, as he is the only one of that name in the county, and had no male descendants. The line became extinct when he died. He was Burgess from Perq, Oct 11, 1709, Justice of Peace. (Col Records.) Berkeley Parish Reg gives the date of his marriage as follows:
  • Timothy Cleare (ye son of Will Cleare) & Mary Bundy (ye dau of William Bundy, & Elizabeth his wife) weare Maried, ye 7 of June 168— and the Quaker records the same, with the date a little different; as follows: “At a Meeting at Jon’a Phelps house, Timothy Cleare, declaring his intention of Marriage with Mary Bundy (d of William) 6, 3mo 1685. Not being familiar with the Quaker marriage rites in this case will not say positively that the dates are the same.
  • The ages of his children are also given in Berkeley Reg, as follows: Mary, & Elizabeth (twins) b Feb 21, 168—(6), Ann, b Nov 10, 1687, Sarah, b Dec  24, 1683. Mary Cleare (wife of Timothy) died Dec 30, 1694. He m 2d Elizabeth — by whom he had no issue—3d Hannah née Larance (widow of Israel Snelling) by whom one dau Hannah; whose age is not mentioned. (See her will, Grimes, page 72.) Timothy Clear’s will is found in Deed book E—No 12, in which he names his wife Hannah, and five daughters. This will is a very interesting document, and gives much valuable information. (See deeds, in this book.)
  • Mary (one of the twins) m Edward Mayo, & had by him: Edward, b 7, 2mo 1703, John b 27, 11mo 1705/6—Mary, b 26, 12mo 1709/10—Ann, b 23, 1mo 1713—Elizabeth, b 21 8mo 1717—Sarah, b 19, 12 mo 1719, & Joseph (no date). She m 2d Joseph Newby, by whom she seems not to have had issue. (See her will Grimes 1739.)
  • Elizabeth (twin to Mary) m Thomas Winslow. (See Winslow, for her descendants.)
  • Sarah Clare m 1st John White, & had one son John Jr. (See deeds in this book.) m 2d Jacob Elliott (untraced).
  • Jane Clare, m 1st Joseph Robinson, whose will was p in Perq July 9, 1717, and had son John, & dau Sarah. She m 2d Thomas Jessop. (See Jessop family.)
  • Of Ann Clares descendants nothing is known. Timothy Clare mentions in his will dau Hepsibeth Perry. She is thought to be a step-daughter, as she is not named in the last part of his will “as daughter.” His second wife Elizabeth may have been widow Perry, but there is no proof at hand. Timothy Clare was a Quaker, and wielded a strong influence in the county for the betterment of settlers, and the usefulness of its citizens. He owned large bodies of land in Perq, and there is still extant one original grant to him made in 1709, for 300a on Perq River, which is now in the writer’s hands.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).

 UPDATE: 2-14-2015 – Information from Doris Ann White Younts shows per the Quaker Records that Hepsibeth Perry was in fact the daughter of Timothy Clare and his wife Mary and not the step-daughter as Mrs. Winslow had thought when she wrote the book in 1931.

CLARE - QUAKER RECORDS - 1 Contributed by Doris Ann White YountsCLARE - QUAKER RECORDS - 2 contributed by Doris Ann White Younts