Will of



IN YE NAME OF GOD AMEN, ye Second Day of November, in ye year of our Lord, 1713. I, Humphrey Harrington, of North Carolina, in perquomons Precinct, Black Smith, being very sick & weak in body, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be Given to God therefore, calling to mind ye mortality of my Body & knowing it is appointed for men once to dye, doe make & ordain this my last will & Testament, that is to say principally & first of all; I Give and recommend my Soul into ye hands of God that gave it, hopeing through ye Merits, Death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ To have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins, & to inherit Everlasting life; And my Body I commit to ye Earth, to be decently buried at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, nothing doubting but at ye Genll. resurrection I Shall receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God; & as touch- ing such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I demise & dispose of ye same in ye following manner & forme, that is to say:

I will that all those debts duties as I doe owe in right or Conscience, To any manner of person, or persons, whatsoever shall be well & truely contented & paid, or ordained to be paid, in Convenient time after my decease, by my Executrix here- after named.

I Give & bequeith unto my daughter, Ann, my Plantation that I now live on, with one hundred and twenty of land, & to ye heirs of Body lawfully begotten, & She to be posesed at ye age of Sixteen years.

I Give & bequeith Unto my daughter in law, Ann Majour one hundred & twenty acres Joying to ye aforesd. Plantation of a Tract of land of 340 Acres, & to ye heirs of her body lawfully begotten.

I give unto Elizabeth Major, whom I have taken to be my wife, whom I likewise Constitute, make & ordaine my onely & Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testamt., by her freely to be posses’d & enjoyed, & I doe hereby utterly disallow, Revoke & disannul all & every other Testaments, will & legaces beqts. & Exts. by me in any ways before this time named, willed & bequeithed, Ratifying & Confirming this & noe other to be my last will & Testament.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal, ye Day & ye year above written.                                                                                          


Signed, Sealed, published, Pronounced & declared bye sd. Humphrery Harrington, as his last will & Testament in ye presents of ye Subscribers, Vizt:



Recorded in Will Book 2, page 18.


Contributed by Nola Duffy 
