WILLIAM BOGE, SR. (1721 Will)

Will of



Perquimans County, NC 

The Last will and testament of William Boge Senr of Perquimons Precinct being sick and weak in body but in perfect mind and memory ITEM I give and bequeath to my well beloved sons William and Josiah my manor plantation whereon I now dwell after the decease of my dear wife Ellender Boge to them and their heirs forever

ITEM I give and bequeth to my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Hill a parcel of land from a branch called the Wolf Pit Branch to the further end of my line Joyning on Richard Chesson and Thomas Pettyjohn to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my well beloved daughter Jean Boge a parcel of land from the Wolf Pit Branch to the _ _ _ _ of the Great Swamp to her and her Heirs forever

ITEM I give and bequeth to my well beloved daughter Myriam Boge a plantation Joyned _ _ this plantation I now dwell on _ _ _ Plantation of Richard Choston Decd. to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my dear wife Ellandor eight calfs & cows

ITEM I give to my grandson William Hill one cow yearling

ITEM I give to my daughter Elizabeth Hill pewter dishes and three porringers

ITEM I give my well beloved son Robert Boge one hundred and twenty two acres of land joyning on William Morgans line to him and his heirs forever

ITEM I give to my daughter Rachel Boge a parcel of land lying on the west side of the Great Swamp Lint to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my dear wife five ewes

ITEM I give to ny sons Josiah and Robert each of them a young heiffer

ITEM I give to my daughter Rachel one young heiffer

Lastly I appoint my son William Boge and my Son-in-law Jacob Hill my full and sole executors to this my last will and testament fufilled this the 20 of December 1720

This will proved in open court on the 11 day of April 1721 by an afformation of Benjamin Mundy & John Moor

Test. Richd Leary Clk


Contributed by Katherine Jordan
