Trueblood Marriages (grooms)

Perquimans County, North Carolina  1856-2000

The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.

Trueblood Marriages



Among subjects at Jamestown 1609, can be found the name of Edward Fleetwood Gent. (Brown Genesis to America.) Also listed among “adventurers to America” 1620, Sir William Fleetwood, and Edward Fleetwood Esq. Francis Fleetwood was granted land in Lower Norfolk Co Va, March 1652, adj William Robins, (Norfolk Co records.) He was probably the ancestor of William Fleetwood of Bertie Co N. C. whose will was probated June 12, 1769, naming sons: William, Henry, John, James, Edmond, Hardy, wife Elizabeth (née Ashley). His son Henry Fleetwood, will p May, 1777, in same county, names only one son; William Hooten Fleetwood, dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, wife Sarah, née Hooten, and bro-in-law William Hooten, cousin William Hardy.

William Fleetwood (3) m Sarah Capehart, Dec 17, 1792. The Perquimans records have nothing to say of the early Fleetwoods, and it seems certain they resided in Chowan Co, until comparatively late years, where many marriages of this family took place. Without county records for reference, one is at sea when trying to work out a family line. The marriages of Fleetwoods in Chowan Co, are as follows:

  • Jeremiah Fleetwood, m Elizabeth Thompson. Dec 18, 1788. (Mar bonds Chowan.)
  • Jeremiah Fleetwood, m 2d Mary Pilkinton. July 17, 1790. (Mar bonds Chowan.)
  • Edmund Fleetwood, m Lydia Bennett. Oct 18, 1813. (Mar bonds Chowan.)
  • Ashley Fleetwood, m Parthenia Mewborn. Dec 13, 1814. (Mar bonds Chowan.)

From the last named are descended the family, by that name in Perquimans.

Bertie Co, Marriage bonds.

  • William Fleetwood, m Elizabeth Ashley. Oct 5, 1763.
  • Jeremiah Fleetwood, m Sarah Fleetwood. Oct 3, 1774.
  • James Fleetwood, m Penelope Tayloe. Oct 21, 1777.
  • Edmund Fleetwood, m Winnefred Sparkman. Dec 5, 1785.
  • Elizabeth Fleetwood, m William Billups. May 23, 1787.

Excursus, Ashley. Subject in Colony at Jamestown, May 23, 1609; John Ashley. (Browns Genesis to America.)

Samuel Ashley came from London to Va in Bonaventure, Jan 1634, age 19. (Hotten.)

John Ashley of Perq, made a deed Nov 21, 1751 unto Joseph Ashley, “land on East side of Yeopim Creek Perq Co, which my mother Sarah Ashley gave me.” Joseph Ashley, here named m Sarah Hall, Oct 16, 1787 (Mar bonds Perq Co) William Ashley also lived in Perquimans, and it was his daughter, whom William Fleetwood married, it is thought. James Ashley m Elizabeth Langley (widow) in Norfolk Co Va July 15, 1769 (Mar bonds Norfolk Co). William Ashley, m Hannah Penrice, Apl 19, 1757 (Mar bonds Perq Co). He m 2d Elizabeth Nichols, Mar 25, 1760. Of course neither of these mothers could have been the mother of Elizabeth, who m Wm Fleetwood. William Ashley, m 3d Mrs. Elinth Penrice (widow of Francis) Feb 6, 1764. His first wife was Sarah Harloe, and it seems probable that she is the one mentioned in the deed by her son John Ashley, 1751.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).