- John Tucker (spelled variously, Tougart, Tourcart) came to England with William the Conqueror, and fought at Hastings 1066. He was granted Armes by same 1079, and was given an Estate, in South Tavistock, Co Devon, and married relict of Trecareth, who is thought to be the former incumbent of said Estate. His son Stephen was granted permission 1150, to wear his hat in the Kings presence, & also an Estate of Samerton, near Travitock, in Pembroke Co, Wales, which the Tuckers have held for over 400 years (the Sealyham property) and have used the same coat of Arms.
- George Tucker, m Maria Hunter of Gaunnte, was a man of note in Milton, next Gravesend, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who conveyed to him the “Manor” 1572. He was appointed Jurat July 22, 1562, by said Queen, & Henry Tucker of Bermuda, was Jurat 1639, & Mayor of Gravesend & Milton 1637. They were brothers, and soon after this disappeared from England, and the tradition is generally accepted they they emigrated to America.
- Daniel Tucker was a subject in the Colony, at Jamestown 1609. (Brown Gen to America.)
- Capt William Tucker was among the living “Att Elizabeth Cittye” Feb 16, 1623. He received a grt of 650a “on East side of the main River, agst Elizabeth Cittie,” and 150a at Newport News, 1626, in the Corporation of Henrico. (Land Office, Richmond Va.) He was deputized to go against the rebellious Nansemond & Warrasquicke Indians 1623/4, and served as Burgess from said Co, 1624. John Tucker had a grant for land, Oct 28, 1697, 65a on N. E. side of Western Branch, Nansemond Co, and was living in Lower Norfolk Co Va, Oct 5, 1683, at which time he made a deed unto Capt Wm Robinson, 200a of land which sd Robinson bequeathed in his will, Mar 5, 1695, to Wm Thorogood of Princess Anne Co, who sold sd land to Col Edward Moseley, of same Co, & he in like manner sold land to Nath’l Tatum of Norfolk Co, Nov 26, 1715, “land on Elizabeth River, at the head of Western Branch, of Indian Creek.” The Tuckers settled at a place called “Tucker Town.”
- Robert Tucker of Weymouth, about 1635 emigrated to Milton Mass, 1662, m Elizabeth Allen, b 1604, d 1682, son Monrasch Tucker, m Waitstill Sumner, b 1654, d 1743, issue Samuel, m Rebecca Leeds, b Milton Mass 1687, d 1758, had son Samuel, m Elizabeth Haywood, b 1719, d 1776, who had son Nathaniel, b 1769.
- Mr Robert Tucker of Lower Norfolk Co Va dec’d, Mar 1723. Frances Tucker Admix. “Merchandise belonging to sd Tucker, West India goods, in ye Stores, & Come now in ye Brigantine ‘Providence’ valued at £450-9-9, in the hands of Mrs Frances Tucker.” Three children of sd Tucker, not named.
- William Tucker of Norfolk Co, with consent of wife Elinor sold to Richard Tucker his plan’ on Deep Creek, “as by a deed from — Browne” Nov 13, 1703.
- John Tucker, of the Borough of Norfolk, will p Sept 17, 1762. Son: “Henry, negroes, & blacksmith Tools, & £300 in Cash, including money belonging to him from Mr Gristocks Estate, and the Sloop Rebecca, dau Frances Calvert, negroes, & £100 Cash, Son Travis house, & Lott where I now live, son Jno. the land & houses, that was the Glebe, dau Jane £200 Cash, dau Rebecca, & Elizabeth, £100 Cash each, wife Rebecca. My brig ‘Three Brothers’ to be sold, & money put to Interest, with good security, to be applied to the bringing up & Schooling of my four youngest children, Elizabeth, Travis, Jane, & Jno Tucker. My Sloop Hannah to be hired to the County, & money applied as before.” (Norfolk County Records.)
- John Hutchings Jr, Christopher Perkins, Edward C. Travis, & Henry Tucker Exrs.
- Walter Tucker of Lynn Regis, Dorsett, Mer’cht, Power of Att’ to Mr Samuel Tucker of Bristol, to recover Estate of his “cozen John Edwards in Va.” Sept 24, 1664. (Isle of Wight Records.) (Samuel Tucker same date, of Ratcliff.) (Isle of Wight Co Va.)
- Robert Tucker of the Co of Albemarle, Pro’ of N. C., “with consent of my wife Mary,” sold to Nath’l Ludgell of Norfolk Co, 150a, part of 300a, for 2000 lbs of Tob. Oct 14, 1704.
- Robert Tucker of Norfolk Co, Merchant, att’ for John Tucker d. s. p. of Martin Brandon, Prince George Co Va, Aug 18, 1716.
- Thomas Parrame in his will, Prince George Co Va, names dau Elizabeth Tucker, and wife Elizabeth. (Court at Merchants Hope.)
- Francis Tucker, will Prince George Co Va, Dec 12, 1722. Sons: Francis, John, Henry, Abram, & Mathew, wife Mary. He was dead Jan 13, 1723.
- Robert Tucker, m Elizabeth Cleeves in Princess Anne Co, Aug 29, 1750.
- Nathaniel Tucker, made his will in Onslow Co N. C. Jan 7, 1750, and names brother Henry Tucker.
- John Tucker was living in Perq Precinct 1701.
Tag: Tucker
- John McMullen born in Dublin, Ireland, 1740, came to Virginia in 1760, where he lived until the fall of 1797, when he migrated with part of his family to Elbert Co Georgia. He had a large family, ten sons and five daughters, all of whom married and became prosperous, living to ripe old age, and themselves rearing large families, who scattered to almost every state in the union. In 1900 when a granite monument was raised to his memory in the family burying ground, on the brow of a hill near the residence of Blackston L. Richardson, in the historic “Valley of Virginia” there were living at that time five thousand persons who owed their strong Scotch-Irish blood to him, through many generations.
- “He was a man of noble traits of character, which gave a rich inheritance to those who descended from him. He was a man of strong features, positive convictions, keen intellectual insight, lofty moral ideals, and tireless energy,” all of which traits characterized the family. He was a distinguished Virginia Soldier in the Rev War, and it seemed only an act of loyalty, and justice for Judge F. M. McMullen and other of his numerous descendants to thus honor him.
- As John McMullen never trod the soil of Perquimans, and the writer has no way of making a detailed line of the ramifications of his family, and the records in Perquimans yielding nothing regarding him or his descendants, we can only write of those who later moved to Perquimans, and have made their home here ever since. John McMullen emigrated to Va at the age of 20 years, and was a tailor by trade. There is a tradition in the family that he made for no less a person than George Washington, his first Military suit. This was a great honor, especially if done well, which bears no shadow of doubt it was, knowing the stern rectitude of the maker.
- James McMullen (s of John, and Edith Kendall) had son Jeremiah, who m Frances Dabney Shelton, Dec 22, 1830, Greenesville Co Va. He was born in said county Nov 2, 1815, and died at Boydton Va Aug 19, 1873, and was buried there. Frances Dabney Shelton, born in Greenesville Co Va, Nov 8, 1818, died in Hertford N. C. Oct 23, 1880, buried in the cemetery in Hertford. They had issue:
- 2 Virginia Anne, b Nov 17, 1837, d Oct 2, 1899—2 William Thomas, b May 11, 1841, d July 6, 1918, in Hertford, one of our best beloved citizens, and a man of high integrity, and worth, m 1st Sallie Wood (d of Mr. John S. Wood, & Wife — Wood) issue, Dr. Shelton McMullen of Hertford, & Elizabeth City, who m Lydia Palin and had issue: six children; 2 Percy McMullen who m Flora Brockett of Elizabeth City, issue: four children. Mr. Tom McMullen m 2d Mary Wood, and had issue eight children: 1 Sallie, unmarried—2 Roulac, m Miss Mary — 3 Frances, m Whit Wright, (Sheriff of Perquimans.) 4 Tom Mac, unmarried, drowned last spring) 5 Mattie, m Julian Jessop of Winfall N. C., issue two children—6 Ruth, m Thomas B. Sumner, of Hertford, no issue—7 Edwin, youngest (unmarried). 2 Percy McMullen, a lawyer of note.
- (3) Lucullus Walker (1) Jeremiah (1) James (1) John (1) b June 20, 1843, d Oct 8, 1899, m 1st Mollie Reed, issue four children, m 2d Lina Terris, by whom no issue to live.
- (4) Martha Susan, b July 11, 1847, d Feb 26, 1928, m George Durant Newby (a descendant of George Durant pioneer to Perquimans) issue five children. 1 Mary m Mr. C. W. Toms of Durham, & New York, President of the Liggett Myers Tobacco Co. 2 Dr. E. G. Newby of Hertford, one of our best physicians—3 Evart, m Marion Whedbee of Hertford, Auto dealer, issue five children. 4 Bruce of Los Angeles Cal, m Sophia Capehart of Bertie Co, issue four children. 5 Fanny, m 1st — Williams, and had one son Alfred, m 2d Simon Rutenburg, of Hertford.
- (5) Frances Katherine, b Mar 15, 1845 (no record) 6 John Henry, b July 7, 1849, d Dec 10, 18— —7 Oscar Gregory, b Dec 4, 1856, d Feb 12, 1918, m Mollie Whedbee (d of Monroe Whedbee of Hertford) issue two children.
- (8) John (Jack) Doctor of Hertford, & Edenton, much beloved by every one, white and black, m Lina Tucker, and had 7 children, one of whom is a lawyer of renown in Washington N. C.
- (9) Jerry twice married, one child by second wife Elizabeth Anderson of Annapolis, Md.
- (10) Minnie Lee McMullen, m Kenneth Rayner Newbold of Perquimans, residence Hertford. She was born in Princess Anne Co Va, where her father had charge of the Methodist Church at that time, he being what was called in old times a “Circuit Rider” and member of the Va Conference. The Churches in Eastern N. C. remained in the said Conference until about 1889-90. This brought to Perquimans Jeremiah McMullen before the War Between the States, and here his daughters, and sons found wives, and husbands, after which they continued to reside in N. C. for many years, until the children grew up and scattered to other far places, where they have prospered, and reared families of their own.
- Kenneth Rayner Newbold, and Minnie Lee McMullen had issue: twelve children, all of whom grew to maturity. They are all married but one, the youngest, Minnie Mac, who is the mainstay of her parents in their old age. These children have scattered to the four winds, but usually assemble once a year for a family reunion, when great times are seen by the Newbold family. Last year Mr and Mrs Newbold celebrated their “golden wedding” with much ceremony. All the children were here to attend, and the wedding feast was something to marvel at. Mrs. Newbold still retains her full activity, and mental faculties, and her husband bids fair to see many summers again we hope. They have been very fortunate with their children, only losing one, a daughter Edith, wife of Mr. E. B. Skinner, who died about ten years ago, leaving three little girls. Truly it can be said that their children “rise up and call them blessed.”
- Mr. Thomas McMullen, brother of Mrs. Newbold, was a man of fine traits, true to his friends, honest in business, a splendid father, and devoted husband. He was Mayor of Hertford for some years, later employed in the mercantile business, always respected and highly esteemed, he enjoyed the affection of a large circle of friends. His passing was much regretted, and his memory is a by word in Hertford to this day.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Samuel Granbery was living in Nansemond Co Va, before —, 11mo, 1706, at which time he attended a convivial party, at the house of one Gresson Cofield, in sd county, where he was “assaulted by John Ewans, who had drunk too freely.” The company had met together to “bee merry, drink, & fiddle,” but the record is silent as to said Granbery’s being in any way at fault. (Early Hist of Quakers.)
William Granbery, appears on the record of Lower Meeting, Nansemond Co, as a witness, to the marriage of Edmund Belson, (s of Elizabeth) of Nansemund, to Mary Crew (d of Mary Tooke, of Isle of Wight) at a Meeting at Pagan Creek, 13, 10mo 1684. John Evans was a Quaker, therefore his Church took him up on going to a dancing party. Samuel Granbery may have been of the same persuasion at this date. There is no way of knowing certainly that he was.
John Granbery, made a deed in Lower Norfolk Co Va, with consent of his wife Ann, who names herself sister of Matthew Spivey (s of Matthew, of same county) whom she made her Att’ July 15, 1704. “John Granbery, of Nansemond Co, with consent of my wife Ann” sold unto Moses Prescott, of Norfolk Co, Land on Northwest River, in sd county, formerly granted to John Creekmore, by Pat April 20, 1689, & by sd Creekmore, sold to Daniel Browne, June 24, 1691, & by sd Browne, sold to Maj John Nichols, who bequeathed same to Ann my wife,” 100a. July 13, 1704. Test’ Nath’l Miller, Matthew Spivey, Sarah Spivey. Judith Nichols.
If the Chart made by Mr. Julian Granbery, is correct, & there is no cause to doubt its absolute authenticity, it seems John Granbery had two wives, & that Ann Spivey, was the first. According to the chart mentioned, he m 2d Abigail Langley. Her parents are not given, but the Norfolk Co records, are responsible, for the fact, that Thomas Wright received a grant of 25a in sd county, for trans’ three people into the Colony, among them one Robart Langley, Dec 16, 1647. A deed made by William Langley, Lawyer of Norfolk Co, to Jeremiah Langley of same—Gent, sold to him land on Indian Creek, Northwest River, 200a, which “my father, William Langley dec’d, ye Elder, Gent—devised to Abraham Langley, & his heirs, in his will; William Langley being the Elder brother, & heir at law of sd Abraham, who sold sd land for a division, being willing to avoid any dispute.” (Norfolk Co Records.)
Matthew Spivey’s descendants moved to Chowan county N. C. This family will be dealt with later. Langley appears in Perq, county as a given name, in several families, other than Granbery.
On the Suffolk Parish Vestry book, appear the names of several Granberys, also John, & James Gregorie. John Gregorie was a Vestryman, of Chuckatuck Parish, Mar 24, 1754. Capt James Gregorie, was ordered by the Vestry, to “procession land in Nansemond Co,” by Suffolk Parish Vestrymen, Sept 2, 1755. He was one of the Church Wardens, of said Parish, for the year 1755. Benjamin Gregorie appears on the same book, in sd Parish, Nov 1, 1756-57. James Gregorie, died in year 1759, it is thought; his name does not figure on the Parish record, after Nov 13, 1760, at which time Miles King, & Thomas Buxton, were elected Vestrymen, in “room of James Gregory, & James Riddick, Dec’d” Mar 24, 1761.
John Granbery, was Clerk of Suffolk Parish, Nov 1, 1756-57-58. Wm Granbery was also a resident of the same Parish, & received pay for keeping Allen Rumley, Nov 17, 1757. Thomas Buxton was appointed Clerk, before June 26, 1759, when John Granbery, was ordered to deliver the “papers,” to said Thomas, who had become Clerk, in his place. A Vestry meeting was held at the house of John Granbery, for Suffolk Parish May 4, 1762. John Granbery was appointed “as a fit person” to attend to the Ferries, in Nansemond county, Nov 1, 1769.
Thomas Gregorie, appointed “procession Master,” May 2, 1768. The following was copied from a Chart, in possession of Mr. James T. Granbery, of Nashville, Tenn.
John Granbery, b — lived near Lower Parish Church, Nansemond Co Va, planter, & trader, died Dec 25, 1733, m Abigail Langley, Feby 26, 1722, issue: 1 Thomas, b June 24, 1724, 2 Mary, b April 8, 1726, d Jany — 1814, 3 Josiah, b Oct 14 1728, m Christian Gregory, d Dec 1772 near Suffolk Va, 4 John, b Oct 31, 1730, d Dec 1772, 5 William, b Mar 23, 1731, d in Northampton Co, N. C. 1792.
Josiah (1) & Christian his wife, issue: 1 Christian, d young, 2 John, b Oct 17, 1759, m Susannah B. Stone, lost at sea, Aug 27 or 8, 1815, issue: 1 Polly, m Nath’l Allen, issue: Sheppia, who m Pleasant Sherman. She was the mother of Allen G. Sherman. 2 Josiah (2) b Aug 15, 1764, m Elizabeth Cowper, d Dec 12, 1811, 3 james, b —, m Mary Harvey, d Oct 1804, issue: 1 Mary, b Nov 23, 1797, 2 Charles, b Oct 13, 1800, 3 Margaret, b April 18, 1805.
Josiah (2) wife Elizabeth (Cowper) Granbery, issue: 1 Christian, b May 15, 1785, m Thomas Watts—2 Louis, b Jany 19, 1788, d 1848—3 William F., b Mar 12, 1790, was living in Rock Castle Co, Ky 1836—4 Josiah Allen, b Sept 1, 1792, Oct 1799—5 Gibby, b Nov 3, 1797, d 1855—6 Richard Allen, b Oct 3, 1802, died 1855—7 Mary, or Polly, b April 20, 1795, m John Watts, issue: 21 children, 8 Betsy, b Nov 27, 1804—9 John Gregory, b Aug 27, 1807.
John Granbery (2) son of John, & Christian Gregory, by wife Susannah, issue: 1 Betsy, or Elizabeth, b April 13, 1791, m Jonas Hastings, d May 17, 1883, issue: 1 John G. Hastings, b Dec 3, 1812, d Aug 22, 1883, m Ann Chambliss—2 Polly, b 3, 11, 1793, d Oct 1804—3 George, b Sept 9, 1794, d Aug 28, 1815, (lost at sea with his father)—4 Julia, b 1, 17, 1797, d 5, 22, 1851—5 John Gregory, b Oct 1797, d Aug 4, 1799—6 Caroline, b Sept 3, 1800, d June 24, 1889—7 Augusta, b May 3, 1802, d 1838 in Miss, m Victor M. Randolph, issue: 1 John, b April 8, 1826, d Aug 1852-62—2 Brett—3 Ryland—8 Henrietta, b Sept 2, 1804, d May 9, 1807?—9 Mary Louise, b April 6, 1806, d Dec 18, 1882, m George Hastings, issue: 1 George G. Hastings, who had 1 Edith, 2 Easburn, 3 Ernest.
Richard Allen Granbery, m Mary Ann Leslie Dec 23, 1826, d 1832, issue: 1 Wm Henry, b Sept 23, 1827, m Ann Elizabeth Gonito Dec 12, 1850, issue: Ella Filmore, b 2, 6mo 1853—2 Mary A, b 7, 2mo 1855—3 Chas Wesley, b 11, 27 1857—4 William B, b 2, 2mo 1860—5 Geo B, b Sept 2, 1862—6 Lizzie L, b Jany 14, 1866—7 Ann Estelle, b Jany 22, 1868—8 Carrie M, b Nov 22, 1870—9 Eva F, b mar 3, 1876. (Richard Allen, & Mary Ann) issue: 2 John Cowper, b Dec 5, 1829, m Ella Winston (Bishop of M. E. Church South) 1882, 3 George Washington, d in infancy. Richard Allen Granbery m 2d Hariet Griffin, issue: 4 Richard G, b 1835, d 1837—5 George, b 1837, d 1855—6 Hariet Ann, b 1840, d 1842—7 Anna Maria, b 1842, m L. H. Whitehurst—8 Richard F, b 1844, d1866—9 Albert Burton, b 1847, residence Baltimore Md in 1888—10 Emily Frances, b 1849, m John Francis—11 Asa V, b 1852, d young.
Jonas Hastings, & Elizabeth (Granbery) issue: 1 Wm Henry, C. S. A. killed—2 John, d 1893—3 Robert M, m Julianna C. Granbery.
Henry Augustus, s of John, & Susannah (Stone) m Prudence Mimms of Princess Anne Co, issue: 1 Henrietta A, b Oct 3, 1829—2 Virginia, b Aug 7, 1831—3 Julianna, b June 20, 1840, m Robert M. Hastings, d Nov 3, 1869—4 Wm Henry, b Aug 16, 1842, m Jennie Herrick—5 Theodore, b May 28, 1844, m Jennie Horn, issue; son Percy (b May 1875)—6 Lelia, b Aug 2, 1846, d May 22, 1850—7 Daniel Walker (Walke?), b Oct 11, 1848, m Mollie E. Peake, issue: Mabel E, b Sept 6, 1880—2 Mary Louisa, b Nov 6, 1851, m Frank L. Jones, issue: 1 Henrietta L, b July 27, 1887—2 Maud V, b Sept 12, 1885.
William Henry, & Jennie (Herrick) issue: 1 Wm Preston, b Jany 11, 1875, d Dec 21, 1888—2 Alice C, b Nov 6, 1876—3 Edwin C, b Feby 23, 1879—4 Eugene F, b July 22, 1881.
John (Greshow)? Granbery (s of Henry Augustus, & Prudence Mimms) b April 17, 1833, d Mar 31, 1895, in Phil Pa, m Mary A. Teague?, issue: 1 Henry A, b June 10, 1858, m Ada Mitchell, issue: 1 Mary W, b April 1, 1880, d July 17, 1881—2 Miriam C., b Nov 17, 1881. 2 John Austin, b July 5, 1861—3 Mary Lee, b Nov 15, 1863, 4 Lelia, b Mar 14, 1866, d April 27, 1866—5 Samuel W, b May 31 1869—6 Julian Hastings, b Aug 28, 1873.
The Perquimans branch of the Granbery family, is represented first by Josiah Granbery, who lived at the “Folly” then in Perq Co, but later 1779, in Gates, after the county was divided. Perquimans at one time embraced the territory as far north as Orapeak (now called Coropeak), & deeds in Perq, are proof of the fact.
This Josiah Granbery, m Ann Gregory (niece of Christian Gregory, wife of Josiah (1) Granbery, of Gates Co) d of James Gregory, & wife Patience Godwin, of Va. Josiah (2) Granbery was one of the Vestrymen of St Pauls Church, Edenton, and a member of the Assembly at Newbern, April 1775, & again at Hillsboro, Aug 25, 1775. (Wheelers History of N. C.)
Josiah Granbery, & Ann had issue: 1 Thomas, 2 John, 3 James, 4 Ann, 5 Elizabeth Granbery.
1 Thomas Gregory Granbery b 1782 m Pherebee Peele Parker, (d of Job Parker of Chowan,) d 1828, issue: Josiah (3) Thomas Granbery, b 1806, m Sarah Ann Baker Sawyer, Jan 16, 1826, d of Willis Sawyer, of Bertie Co, & wife Sarah Baker (d of John Baker, & Mary Wynns, their only child to reach maturity) issue an only child: Mary Isabella, who m Lucius Junius Johnson (a descendant of Elizabeth Gregory, & Rev Daniel Earl). Lucius J. Johnson was a distinguished lawyer of Elizabeth City, N. C. Capt C. S. A. d 1866, she d 1869, issue: 1 Sarah Ann Johnson, 2 Mary Granbery, 3 Charles Earl, 4 Betsy, 5 Granbery, 6 James Madison, 7 Henrietta Martin, Sarah Ann Johnson, the only one now living, in Annapolis Md.
Col Josiah T. Granbery died 1862, in Perq county, where he had lived all his life, & his wife followed him in 1878. He was a large property owner, a successful farmer, & leading citizen. At his home called “Stockton” in Perq, he held sway, as a country gentleman, & great tales are told of the grand doings in the handsome old house, “before the War between the States.” None of his children married, so his line ran out with him. He represented the county, in the Assembly, 1835-36, & was President of the Seaboard Agricultural Society, Nov 1857.

2 John Granbery, m Mrs—Cowper, issue: 1 John J. Granbery, 2 George W. Granbery. Both d unmarried. Their names are mentioned in Nansemond Co Va Court, as heirs of Capt John Granbery, Dec 9, 1833.
3 James Granbery, m Nancy Gordon (d of Jacob, & Bathsheba his wife, of Gates Co, whose will is dated Sept 22, 1817) issue: 1 Joseph Gordon, 2 Thomas John, 3 Bathsheba A, 4 William George, 5 Elizabeth Esther Granbery.
- (a) Joseph Gordon Granbery, m Isa Gordon (his cousin) (d of Benjamin Wotten Gordon, & Maria Louisa Jones) issue: 1 Mary, b— 2 Joseph Gordon, b — 3 Isa Gordon, 4 Edna Jones Granbery (twins), b —.
- (b) Thomas John Granbery, d unmarried.
- (c) Bathsheba A Granbery, m James Leigh, issue one s Richard Leigh.
- (d) Wm George Granbery, m Sarah Simmons, of Currituck Co, issue: 1 Thomas, b— 2 Mary, b— 3 Lydia, b— 4 James, b—.
- (e) Elizabeth E. Granbery, m Benjamin Shananhouse, moved to Charlotte, N. C. issue:
4 Ann Granbery m William Wood of Perq, whose will was p Nov 1824, in which will he names wife Anne, & son William Edward Wood, & dau’s Elizabeth, & Lucy Anne.
- (a) Dr Wm E. Wood m Sophie Martin Trotman, (d of Ezekiel Trotman, & Emily Daube, d of Gen’l Peter Daube, of Rev fame) issue: 1 Dr Julian E. Wood, 2 Rev Thomas Granbery Wood, 3 Charles Stanton Wood, 4 Mary Shaw Wood, 5 Annie G. Wood, m J. T. Whitehurst.
- (b) Elizabeth Wood, m Rev James G. Hall, moved to Miss. Eight of the family died of yellow fever. Their son Dr William Hall, was a surgeon in the Confederate Army, & his son James G. Hall Jr, was a judge in Tenn.
- (c) Lucy Ann Wood died single.
5 Elizabeth Granbery, m Joseph Gordon (s of Jacob, & Bathsheba) issue: 1 Mary G. Gordon, 2 Bathsheba N. Gordon, 3 Jane Gregory Gordon.
- (a) Mary G. Gordon, m John G. Harvey (her 1st cousin) issue: 1 Elizabeth Gordon Harvey, 2 Mary Granbery Harvey.
- (b) Bathsheba N. Gordon, m 1st John L. Shananhouse, issue: 1 Benjamin G. Shananhouse, 2 Thomas Linch, 3 Nora Gordon. She m 2d Edwin Brace, issue: 4 Elizabeth Granbery Brace, 5 Belle Gordon Brace.
- (a) Joseph Gordon Granbery, & wife Isa Benedicta (Gordon) issue: 1 Mary Gordon, b— m Dr John W. Speight, issue: 1 John Gordon, d young, John Gordon (2) died a lad, 3 Agnes Granbery Speight, m John Calvin Sanford, issue: 1 Agnes Granbery Sanford, 2 John Calvin Sanford.
2 Joseph Gordon Granbery, m Edith Shananhouse, issue: Wm Lee Granbery, Elizabeth Granbery.
3 Isa Gordon Granbery, m Nathan Tucker, issue: 1 Joseph Granbery Tucker 2 Elizabeth Gordon, 3 Mary Gordon, died young, 4 Isa Gordon, 5 Virginia Radcliff, 6 Agnes Granbery Tucker.
4 Edna Jones Granbery, m Thomas Nixon, issue: 1 Julian Granbery Nixon, d unmarried, 2 Dorothy Gordon, m Walter Oakey, issue: Dorothy Gordon Oakey, 3 Marjory Gordon Nixon, m Loyd Horton, 4 Edna Jones Nixon, m Braxton Dawson.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Rev. Thomas Gordon appears in Perq as “Minister of gospell” officiating at the marriage of William Titterton, & Margaret Hall, Sept 23, 1679. Berkeley Par Reg is authority for the fact that he came to Perq from Accomac Co Va, but we can not be sure that he was a resident minister in Albemarle. What relationship existed between Rev Thomas, and George Gordon, next to appear in said precinct, if any is not made manifest, nor can it be said with certainty that the last was from the same Co in Va. The children of George Gordin (Gourding) are found in Berkeley Parish Reg, Perq Co, as follows: 1 Sarah (d of George, & Frances) b Jany 19, 1698—2 Elizabeth, b Jany 19, 1700—3 Margaret, b Apl 15, 1702—4 John, b Sept 25, 1705—5 Criston Mary Gordon, b Dec 13, 1707.
What became of these children is not shown. His will p in Perq Jan 1748, names sons: Nathaniel, & George, to whom he left “land I now live on” dau Hanner, gr-dau Tamer. (His wife is not named.)
- Gordon, John (1) George (1) will Perq, p April 1758, Sons: John, to whom he left “plantation whereon I now live,” son George, gr-children: Mary, and Jacob Gordon, Marmaduke Norfleet.
- Gordon, Nathaniel (1) George (1) will Perq, p Jan 1756, sons: Nathaniel (2) & George, dau’s: Elizabeth, & Tamer, wife Ann.
- Gordon, John, (of Gates Co) will p Feb 1793, names son John, dau Sarah Norfleet. wife Mary, brother George, other children: Judith, Penny, Jeane, Rachel, David, & Beck. Taking into consideration that part of Gates Co was taken from Perquimans in 1779, we may feel sure the Gordons had not moved at all, but found themselves in a new county, when the county lines were changed.
A tradition is prevalent in the family, and they have good foundation for same there can be no doubt; is that three brothers came from Glenbucket, Scotland to N. C. in 1746, after the battle of Culloden, when they had to flee for safety. This tradition claims that one of them was James (or John) and the records are proof that he was John surely, who had son Jacob, and we have seen that he did have a son by that name, and said Jacob married Esther Norfleet, issue:
- Gordon, 1 James—2 Joseph—3 George—4 Elizabeth.
- Gordon, Elizabeth, m Thomas Granbery (s of Josiah, & Ann Godwin Gregory) issue: Barchia (Bathsheba) Granbery, m James Leigh—Joseph Granbery, m Mary Skinner, 2d Isa Benidicta Gordon (his cousin) Thomas Granbery died unmarried—Wm George, m Sarah Simmons of Currituck Co N. C. Elizabeth, m Benjamin Shananhouse.
- Gordon, Jacob, was a Captain in the Continental line.
- Gordon, John (1) the Scotchman, had also a son Benjamin, who m Tamer Copeland, issue: John Copeland Gordon, & two daughters. John Copeland Gordon m Mary Wotton, & had nine children, one of whom; George Bradford Gordon, m Elizabeth Anne Jones, issue: 1 John Wotton Gordon, m Annie Pender of Tarboro N. C., died in Richmond Va, soldier C. S. A. 2 Sarah Gordon, d unmarried—3 Benjamin Wotton Gordon, m Maria Louisa Jones, & had Isa Benidicta Gordon, m her cousin Joseph Gordon Granbery. (From papers in possession of Mr Granbery Tucker, Raleigh, N. C.)
- George Gordon of Chowan Co, will p Feb 17, 1762, names sons: Josiah, John, George, Dau’s Priscilla, Susan, Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth, dau Sarah Hinton.
- Gordon, George, dec’d Dec 13, 1758. Inventory shows 112a of land in Perq Co.
- Gordon, Nathaniel, Planter, dec’d Jan 15, 1756. Ann Gording sole Extrix. Perq Co.
- Gordon, Mary, widow of Robert, 1736. (Loose papers in Perq Co.)
- Gordon, Thomas, was granted land in Currituck Co, Nov 20, 1683, 454a called “Gordian Knott on Notts Island.
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).