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THOMAS WILSON – Division of Land – 1879

Division of Lands of Thomas Wilson decd

Transcribed from a copy in the Perquimans

County Register of Deeds Office


Division of Lands of Thomas Wilson decd.

We, the undersigned free holders chosen by the heirs of Thomas Wilson, have viewed and examined the premises and have laid off the same, and divided in five equal shares as will appear by plat to wit:                  

Tract No. 1————J. C. Wilson

Tract No. 2————H. E. White

Tract No. 3————M. A. Billups

Tract No. 4————W. A. Wilson

Tract No. 5————Thos. C. Wilson

Furthermore there being a slipe of land adjoining the land of W. A. Wilson, running along and parallel with the main road—We agree that W. A. Wilson shall have the privilege of buying said piece at Ten Dollars per acre–the proceeds to be equally divided between the five heirs all of which we respectfully submit Nov. 9th 187? (illegible)

                         approved by

H. C. Stokes       )             Wm. A. Wilson       

Jno. A. Bennett   )            A. J. White for wife

Edmund White    )            J. C. Wilson

Wm. A. Phillips   )            H. E. White

Jas. W. Morgan  )            M. A. Billups

                                        Thomas C. Wilson


North Carolina         )                             

Perquimans County  )                          

In Probate Court   

September 27th 1879                                                                 

The foregoing Report of Commissions is adjudged to be correct.

Therefore let this certificate be registered.

J. L. A Wood

Judge of Probate


Recorded Sept 27th 1879

U. W. Speight,  Reg of Deeds