From the First Methodist Church corner in downtown Rockingham go north on Fayetteville Road (this is U.S. # 1).
Go north about one and a quarter mile and the large Eastside Cemetery is on the right side of Fayetteville Road.
It is within the city limits of Rockingham.
The additional listings and remarks shown in RED are from the Historical Records Survey of North Carolina, 1937-1938
by Mrs. Myrtle Porter Hamer.
Contact: Myrtle Bridges
Adams, James A. 8-21-1826 12-18-1907 Lieut. Co. B. 17th Va. Calvary, C.S.S.
Adams, Lucelia 3-20-1837 10-12-1908
Adams, William (D.) 11-09-1852 09-??-1881
Alden, A.F. 05-01-1874 01-26-1906 W.O.W. (Woodmen of the World)
Alden, Amasa Crawford 09-07-1899 12-12-1946
Alden, Frank D. 5-23-1840 6-9-1894
Alden, Joseph McDonald 07-02-1904 01-27-1968
Alden, Mary Jane 06-30-1872 02-29-1916
Alden, Priscilla 07-22-1902 06-02-1903
Allen, Thomas B. 02-19-1899(2-19-1893) 05-02-1908 s/o N.M. Allen
Allred, Robert S. 12=13=1902 1-27-1903 s/o John and Fannie Allred
Alden, Willie 2-3-1879 7-15-1882 s/o F.D. & S.E. Alden
Anthony, Thomas 1889 11-21-1950 County Home See more here
Armistead, Clarissa 12-05-1832 01-22-1901
Armistead, Dora 12-27-1851 12-14-1912 w/o w/o Andrew D. Armistead
Arnette, Lillie Mae Blackburn Aug. 1911 Jan. 1 1945
Arnette, Lillie Aug 15, 1911 Jan. 1 1945 County Home See more here
Arnette, Mac no stone between Lillie Mae Arnette, and Frazier Blackburn Married to Lillie Arnette.
Arnette, Ollie May no stone foot of Lillie Mae beside Barbara Elaine Thompson James
Ashworth, Charles E. 11-14-1854 10-02-1929
Ashworth, Emma E. 06-04-1862 04-13-1922
Ashworth, Lillie E. 05-28-1880 07-13-1894
Bailey, Bernice Edward 05-18-1918 12-26-1983
Baker, Elizabeth 01-29-1827 07-02-1892 w/o J.H. Baker
Baker, Elizabeth ---- 2-10-1908 w/o James Baker
Baker, John A. 09-20-1857 09-10-1953
Baker, John S. 10-16-1893 02-17-1922
Baker, Katie B. 01-06-1872 07-29-1956
Baldwin, Annie Liles 08-30-1881 09-06-1964
Baldwin, Homer D. 05-23-1866 09-26-1941
Baldwin, Homer D., Jr. 11-11-1912 05-30-1914
Baldwin, Mary C. 12-03-1871 02-26-1950
Baldwin, Thomas Roper, III 02-04-1909 01-28-1953
Baldwin, Virginia S. 04-11-1872 09-08-1958
Baldwin, William Liles 04-11-1911
Ballard, Paul M. 05-01-1910 04-17-1958
Barrett, Alfred P. 01-16-1876 12-10-1933
Barrett, Flossie Alma 02-10-1883 01-22-1912 w/o A.P. Barrett
Barrett, Fred Lewis 04-09-1906 5-29-1907
Barrett, Ruth Hamer 11-13-1892 08-21-1964
Batten, D.F. [27] 07-13-1872 01-10-1896
Batten, James E. 10-06-1868 05-19-1900
Batten, Willie E. 01-02-1896(1890) 05-29-1896 s/o J.E. & D.F. Batten
Bean, Claude - September 15, 1896 - March 30, 1965
Bean, George W. March 14, 1942 - March 15, 1955 s/o Claude and Myrtle (Hayes) Bean
Bean, Myrtle H. June 15, 1909 - July 5, 2000, w/o Claude Bean
Benton, Archie C. ---- 2-26-1900 Aged 71 years
Biggs, William Archibald July 7, 1878 - May 17, 1957
Biggs, Martha Gay March 20 1877 - Mar 24, 1965 HIS WIFE
Biggs, Mary Franklin d/o W.A. & M.G. Biggs June 6, 1917 - Jan 26, 1922
Blackburn, Frazier born 1889 died 1938
Blue, Malcolm William May 14, 1867 Dec. 12, 1942
Blue, Emma A. Padgett June 8, 1874 Sept. 23, 1945 Wife Of Malcolm W Blue
Boling, Florence Maynors d/o John Mayners. Florence's son, Colon Boling, was the informant for her death cert.
Bolton, B.J. 02-26-1845 11-29-1899
Bolton, Sarah J. 01-12-1846 08-15-1924
Bostic, William Frankin (Frank) ---- ---- husband of Myrtle Daniel McRae f/o Erskine Bostick. Source: Misty Rosenfeld
Boswell, Margaret Meacham 05-29-1909 01-22-1960
----, ---- ---- d/o Etta N. Boyles
Boyles, Etta Norman 03-28-1870 02-17-1893
Braswell, Nannie Florence 10-25-1876 4-25-1912 w/o J.C. Braswell
Braswell, James W. 1897 1974
Braswell, McPhale Lacy 10-21-1903 12-13-1910 s/o Rev. H.W. & Carrie Braswell
Bray, Ada Gibson 01-25-1896 07-31-1968
Bray, Fannie 1824 1896 w/o W.M. Bray
Bray, Julia Ann 01-09-1869 03-22-1932
Bray, Settle H. 01-20-1892 03-31-1932
Bray, Thomas M. ---- 08-23-1894 Age 40 years
Brigman, J.L. 04-13-1861 05-28-1937
Brigman, James W. 08-19-1889 07-10-1941
Brigman, Margaret D. 08-27-1907 04-12-1985
Brigman, Martha A. Smith 03-15-1869 03-04-1939
Brigman, Sara C. 08-20-1876 10-05-1954
Broach, John A. ---- 5-30-1913 Age 57 years
Brooks, Anna Eugene birth or death? 05-24-1938
Bruton, Mary Bray 1862 01-05-1947
Bullock, Edgar 21 June 1900 25 June 1972
Burgin, Franklin C. died October 12, 1951
Burns, J.C. 6-31-1833 5-14-1901 w/o L.I. Burns
Cameron, J.A. 07-27-1845 11-28-1877
Cameron, James 11-20-1856 01-06-1942
Cameron, John W. 12-26-1848 01-01-1924
Campbell, Sallie McCaskill 01-19-1902 07-02-1945
Campbell, E. Jennie 12-04-1876 01-03-1902 w/o Dr. J.I. Campbell
Campbell, Jennyson Long 12-03-1901 06-19-1902 s/o Dr. J.I. & E.J. Campbell
Campbell, Walter Lee 02-04-1900 04-10-1922
Capel, Arthur Lee 7-20-1889 8-20-1973 s/o C.W. & Emma F. Capel
Capel C.W. 10-24-1849 4-30-1928
Capel Callie 7-30-1880 5-14-1971 d/o C.W. & Emma F. Capel
Capel, Emma F. 7-20-1858 1-21-1934 w/o C.W. Capel
Capel, Georgia Hicks 10-9-1866 6-4-1940 d/o C.W. & Emma F. Capel
Capel, Grady T. 5-20-1898 12-6-1960
Capel, James Thomas 9-22-1901 2-25-1966
Capel, Laura 10-4-1875 8-23-1962 d/o C.W. & Emma F. Capel
Capel, Lena McLeod 4-11-1898 2-7-1983 d/o James T. & Mary Bennett McLeod w/o Grady T. Capel
Capel, Lila Mae Long 6-20-1909 5-13-1989 d/o James Thomas & Louise McInnis Long w/o Joseph W. Capel
Capel, William L. 2-6-1878 4-23-1953 s/o C.W. & Emma F. Capel
Capps, Alice Woodall 4-13-1896 5-9-1976 Mother of Clyde Carlyle Capps.
Capps, Clyde Carlyle 11-20-1921 4-23-1944 WW11 K.I.A. USAF
Capps. Robert Seth 10-27-1948 11-1-1948
Cargill, Jewell Funderburk 1921 1967
Carlan, Edward June 19, 1859 June 23, 1942 County Home See more here
Carroll, Martha S. ---- 4-14-1886
Carpenter, Arthur Kevin 4-29-1970 10-9-1985
Carpenter, Boyce Lee 3-27-1913 7-11-1967
Carpenter, Buddy Jr. 7-4-1965 4-5-1986 US Navy
Carpenter, Douglas 10-8-1909 1-29-1984
Carpenter, Ella M. 5-10-1886 5-14-1966 w/o Wm. Lee Carpenter
Carpenter, Hugh 5-18-1904 8-5-1960
Carpenter Kathy Matilda 10-28-1952 3-20-1953 d/o Boyce Lee & Viola Forbis Carpenter
Carpenter, Martha W. 3-31-1918 6-25-1987
Carpenter, Michael Wayne 4-30-1967 3-15-1994
Carpenter, Paul 5-23-1909 4-7-1975
Carpenter, Paul S. 1-10-1921 7-23-1942 WW11 454th Ord Aviation d. Cabanatuan P.O.W.Camp Luzon, P.I. s/o William Lee & Ella M. Carpenter
Carpenter, Robert A. 1-24-1909 4-26-1977 w: Edna H. Wilson
Carpenter, Vadie Fulp 5-15-1913 3-28-1991 d/o Elijah M. & Verda Palmer Fulk
Carpenter, William Lee 2-11-1886 4-18-1959
Carr, Robert Perry 7-4-1919 3-3-1984 WW11 Army
Carrigan, Gary Leon 3-3-1940 7-31-1976 Rev
Carroll, Johnny Lee 3-1-1963 11-27-1965
Carroll, Martha S. 4-14-1886 No Date
Carter, Albert Troy 9-20-1870 9-28-1959
Carter, Annie Lynn 4-15-1902 8-22-1984 w/o William C. Carter
Carter, Charles Brantley 8-28-1900 1-17-1957
Carter, Daughter Infancy 5-22-1934 d/o Sam J. & Ollie V. Covington Carter
Carter, Eldridge Martin 12-10-1904 9-10-1967
Carter, Eliza Ann 3-26-1863 3-7-1946 w/o John A. Carter
Carter, Jack Lee Floyd 3-1-1924 6-21-1988
Carter, James Wilburn 5-5-1858 12-7-1938
Carter, Janie D. 5-25-1895 7-14-1972 w/o Richard A. Carter
Carter, John A. 3-25-1855 7-14-1916
Carter, John D. 9-19-1878 9-22-1930
Carter, John T. 8-10-1893 4-4-1949
Carter, Josephine Watson 4-17-1908 3-5-1984 w/o T. Clyde Carter
Carter, Laura Kathryn 11-16-1972 11-22-1972 d/o Martha Wilson Carter
Carter, Lewis J. 4-28-1915 4-3-1985 w: Ethel C. Carter
Carter, Louis 8-28-1881 7-7-1963 w/o Willo M. Carter
Carter, Martha Butler 1880 1942 w/o Albert Troy Carter
Carter, Martha E. 2-5-1867 12-18-1915
Carter, Martha W. Blasko 1-16-1945 7-8-1992 d/o John & Gayle Jarrell Wilson w/o Morris D. Carter
Carter, Mary Ann Meacham 12-30-1911 5-7-1986 w/o Eldridge M. Carter.
Carter, Michael Jamison 4-4-1972 4-5-1972 s/o Ted & Patty Carter
Carter, Ollie V. Covington 3-23-1897 5-22-1961 w/o Sam Jones Carter.
Carter, Percy No Date 1991
Carter, Richard A. 11-5-1891 2-25-1974
Carter, Rufus Cleveland 7-29-1892 9-30-1989 WW1 US Army. s/o Jesse & Dora Cope Carter
Carter, Ruth Solomon 9-22-1910 No Date w/o Rufus Cleveland
Carter, Ruth Wallace 5-1-1887 2-5-1982 w/o John D. Carter
Carter, Sam Jone 2-28-1888 10-30-1969 WW1 US Army
Carter, Sam Jones Jr. 6-18-1920 5-31-1921 s/o Sam J. & Ollie V. Covington Carter
Carter, Samuel 8-7-1909 5-8-1927 s/o Willo M. & Lois Carter.
Carter, Samuel R. 5-2-1889 11-11-1947 WW11 Navy
Carter, T. Clyde 7-2-1907 6-17-1969 s/o Albert T. & Martha Butler Carter
Carter, Wello M. 6-28-1884 8-28-1967
Carter, William C. 5-18-1888 1-8-1967
Carter, William Lacy 4-12-1904 4-18-1936
Cashion, Dena E. 12-16-1898 7-23-1972
Cashion, James L. 5-10-1876 6-30-1957
Cashion, Lois H. 9-22-1883 6-13-1959 w/o James L. Cashion.
Cashwell, James Curtis 8-6-1942 6-12-1991 s/o James Robert & Bessie Clark Cashwell.
Cashwell, Mary E. Smith 8-1-1860 11-8-1948 w/o David J. Cashwell
Cashwell, Simeon H. 3-9-1898 8-12-1984 s/o David James & Mary E. Smith Cashwell
Caulder, Kennie R. 11-26-1911 2-22-1990 s/o Tom & Betsy Jordan Caulder w: Letha Brown Caulder
Caulk, John B. 05-01-1889 11-15-1944
Caulk, Ethel C. Cox 8-14-1894 5-6-1943
Caulter, Josie Mae 1-17-1951 9-3-1991
Causey, Flora Guinn 6-1-1909 4-18-1990 w/o Isaac Causey.
Causey, Isaac 2-15-1910 7-11-1958
Cauther Josie M. 1951 1991
Cauthren Lillie S. 9-23-1896 6-29-1976
Cauther Josie M. 1951 1991
Cauthren Lillie S. 9-23-1896 6-29-1976
Chalk, Infant 11-22-1945 11-22-1945 s/o John D. & Evon E. Chalk
Chalk, John Delber 2-12-1884 1-5-1956
Champion John Crowell Jr. 2-16-1928 2-17-1990 WW11 Navy s/o John Crowell & Lillie Ray Champion w: Lillian Caudle
Chance, George W. 3-25-1897 3-7-1973 WW1 NC Pvt. US Army.
Chandler, A.B. 10-10-1866 7-13-1946
Chandler, Henry Vernon 8-30-1889 2-18-1984
Chandler, Ida L. 8-9-1869 6-19-1943 w/o A.B. Chandler
Chandler, Lydia Anne 8-31-1890 10-27-1969 w/o Henry Vernon Chandler.
Childers, Donald B. 1-5-1946 9-18-1975 Vietnam s/o Wm. O. & Lorene H. Childers.
Childers, Lorene H. 10-15-1917 3-18-1987 w/o William O. Childers.
Childers, William Miller 11-23-1926 2-24-1990 s/o Walt & Ollie Henderson Childers. WW11 Army w:Ina Chavis
Childers, William O. 7-15-1911 10-28-1983
Chitwood, Walter W. 11-19-1894 11-4-1971
Clark, Annie Atkinson 2-15-1874 12-31-1929
Clark, Clara Collins 10-31-1894 3-15-1976
Clark, Fannie 07-12-1861 05-06-1893 w/o Rev. J.M. Clark
Clement, Bertha Weill 1897 1973
Clement, Samuel Leslie 1886 1967
Coe, George Richard 02-18-1937 09-16-1985
Cohen, Nona Lee (Pitt) Hinson 12-12-1947 05-06-1986
Cole, Annie Hamer 7-1-1864 5-9-1914 w/o E.C. Cole
Cole Billie C. 10-22-1892 6-11-1892 s/o E.C. & A.H. Cole
Cole, Dr. R.S. 11-06-1869 12-16-1931
Cole, Elmira Jane 12-6-1815 7-16-1902 w/o Wm. B. Cole
Cole, Harriet A. 2-13-1845 1-23-1924 d/o W.B. & E.J. Cole
Cole, Henderson Leak 10-12-1810 08-27-1814 s/o W.T. & Julia Cole
Cole, Infant 6-15-1886 6-15-1886 Infant of E.C. & A.H. Cole
Cole, Infant ---- 4-18-1833 s/o Wm. & Jane Cole
Cole, John Leak 11-1-1874 7-4-1875 s/o J.W. & K.E. Cole
Cole, John Wyatt 3-6-1837 7-3-1895
Cole, John Wyatt 10-05-1913 07-26-1914
Cole, Katee 10-2-1847 2-13-1919 w/o John W. Cole
Cole, Mary Leak 7-1-1855 5-23-1884
Cole, Peter Hunter 4-1-1871 7-4-1872 s/o J.W. & K.E. Cole
Cole, William B. 7-15-1810 2-8-1881
Cole, William T. 1-11-1784 9-2-1814
Cole, Willie 11-1-1790 3-10-1865 s/o John & Elizabeth Cole
Cooper, Stephen T. 12-13-1828 2-26-1909
Corbitt, Arthur R. 03-14-1881 04-06-1960
Corbitt, Mary McRae 09-02-1883 07-19-1974
Covington, Annie Laurie 04-15-1889 11-24-1982
Covington, Barbara A. 5-12-1869 11-4-1911 w/o James W. Covington
Covington, C.M. 07-15-1845 01-22-1888
Covington, C.W. 03-01-1880 07-03-1935
Covington, Caroline 12-25-1817 07-04-1886 w/o H.W. Covington
Covington, Cora Stansill 08-19-1851 01-15-1889 w/o W.T. Covington
Covington, Eddie D. 6-12-1886 5-4-1887 s/o E.D. & M.H. Cole
Covington, Hallie Steele 07-20-1859 02-15-1953
Covington, Infant 12-29-1883 12-29-1883 d/o J.H. & F.P. Covington
Covington, Minnie Baldwin 07-20-1870 02-23-1954
Covington, Mollie Wall 06-15-1850 11-22-1890
Covington, Octavius 06-04-1876 09-18-1883
Covington, Rebecca S. 02-14-1853 05-07-1931
Covington, S.W. 01-28-1876 03-01-1933
Covington, Susan W. ---- 10-10-1899
Covington, T.L., Jr.(Sr.) 08-01-1910 07-22-1912
Covington, Thos. L. 07-04-1865 06-06-1934
Covington, W.H. 08-14-1813 10-23-1900
Covington, W.T. [5] 07-19-1846 11-23-1931
Covington, Walter M. 07-06-1855 04-15-1934
Covington, William D. 10-15-1881 05-29-1883 s/o F.H. & F.P. Covington
Covlngton, Sue Thomas 11-09-1881 06-14-1963
Crawford, Elizabeth(Eliza.) ---- 10-02-1829(10-3-1829) w/o Wm. Crawford
Crawford, William c1784 10-01-1835 Age 51 "Both William and Elizabeth were originally buried in Old Town
Cemetery and moved to Old Eastside. They are the parents of Caroline Crawford, the wife of James M. Covington
(son of Sugar Ben). James died very shortly after their marriage and Caroline m. John Worthy Cameron. James
M. Covington's obituary appeared in the October 14, 1840 edition of the Fayetteville Observer: In Richmond
Co. NC on the 25th ult., 25 yr old Mr. James M. Covington, son of late Gen. Benjamin H. Covington. Had just
married Miss Caroline M., daughter of William Crawford." John Ussery
Crosland, Lucy Phillips 09-12-1919 06-16-1977
Crosland, Phillips Susie Donald 01-16-1893 11-20-1979
Crosland, Susie Russell 03-18-1921 03-26-1927
Culberson, Alpha Jane 08-14-1868 05-12-1943
Culberson, Alvin Arthur 10-03-1891 12-23-1893 s/o W.R & A. Culberson
Culberson, George Redin 08-19-1885 03-02-1896 s/o J.W. & S.E. Culberson
Culberson, Infant b. 07-15-1904 no date
Culberson, John W. 06-04-1859 01-09-1934
Culberson, Robert Guy 08-14-1896 08-06-1900 s/o W.R & A. Culberson
Culberson, Sabina Jane 12-19-1859 03-31-1932
Culberson, W.R. 01-27-1855 11-28-1933
Culberson, W.R., Jr. 01-20-1910 05-25-1942
Culver Horace "Jab" Cornelius February 2, 1917 September 10, 1944 Read his obit
Currie, L. Robert 9-7-1905 5-20-1907 s/o D. A. & J.S. Currie
Davis, Infant 02-28-1926
Davis, Wilma Stansill 04-08-1895 02-04-1926
Dawkins, Lola L. 07-17-1894 06-26-1984
Dawkins, Reid 07-07-1895 06-11-1972
Dawkins, Willie 8-6-1875 9-2-1887 s/o W.A. & S.A. Dawkins
Dockery, Alfred Settle 10-29-1876 06-27-1911
Dockery, Eleanor Mary 1916 1988
Dockery, Ellen West 03-24-1882 08-28-1958
Dockery, Henry Clay 03-09-1848 11-06-1911
Dockery, Infant 06-16-1930
Dockery, Jennie Parsons 09-16-1895 07-24-1986
Dockery, John Covington 03-01-1879 02-21-1920
Dockery, John C., Jr. 8-14-1907 7-7-1908
Dockery, Minnie Everett 05-25-1866 12-24-1940
Dockery, Nicholas West 01-24-1909 04-22-1986
Dockery, Virginia A. 09-25-1912 06-01-1968
Dockery, William Everett 07-27-1887 07-22-1943
Dowd, Ann Emeline 1-18-1843 3-6-1907 w/o W.J. Dowd
Dowd, Ralph E. 2-9-1909 6-1-1910 s/o R.L. & M.L. Dowd
Dowd, Susan 3-24-1893 6-7-1894 d/o Rev. W.P. & Jessie Dowd
Dowd Terrie A. 5-20-1871 2-16-1906 d/o W.J. & Ann Emeline Dowd
Dowd, W.J. 9-16-1840 2-6-1904
Dunn, Nancy R. 3-12-1905 6-6-1905 d/o Raiford & J. Dunn
Edens, Nellie E. Terry 1897 1915
Edwards, Julie 5-20-1896 1-29-1899 d/o J.T. & H.I. Edwards
Ellerbe, Bettie G. 2-16-1842 9-7-1891
Ellerbe, John C. 1-30-1832 7-23-1902
Entwistle, Caroline 08-07-1838 06-08-1907 w/o Wm. Entwistle
Entwistle, George Parker 06-19-1871 03-08-1948
Entwistle, Hannah Pickett Covington 01-24-1871 12-17-1946
Entwistle, William 05-02-1845 02-25-1932
Evans, Martha J. 9-8-1839 1-6-1887
Fields, Jane Culberson 11-01-1902 02-09-1988
Flowers, Helen Joseph 10-03-1857 05-05-1932
Floyd, Sarah Ussery Weill 03-01-1873 12-29-1955 d/o John Calvin Ussery and Kathryn Covington Ussery (Cert. of Death)
Floyd, Viola 12-6-1896 11-11-1911 d/o D.E. & N.A. Floyd
Floyd, James William 12-17-1921 4-30-1966 s/o John Dewey Floyd and Emma Boone h-o Sarah Dunn (Cert. of Death)
Floyd, John Dewey 4-15-1898 8-25-1955 (carcinoma of pancreas) s/o Andrew Jackson Floyd and Elizabeth Barfield (Cert of Death)
Fowler, Dizzie A. 06-09-1880 01-12-1909(7-12-1909) w/o P.B. Fowler
Fowlkes, Alice Viola 05-28-1854 05-07-1914
Fowlkes, Dr. William M. 06-17-1856 03-16-1899
Fowlkes, Eddie Wilburn 04-30-1892 06-14-1893 s/o W.M. & L.M. Fowlkes
Fowlkes, Infant 7-15-1894 7-15-1894 s/o W.M. & L.M. Fowlkes
Fowlkes, Lucy J. 08-27-1830 08-28-1889 w/o Wm. S. Fowlkes
Fowlkes, William Stephen 04-29-1830 02-01-1910
Fulford, Josephine F.? 01-28-1842 09-16-1898 w/o Rev. W.J. Fulford
Garrett, Alice Baldwin 11-03-1895 02-28-1961
Garrett, Carl Ernest 06-24-1894 01-24-1966
Gay, Daniel "Father" 02-17-1841 04-11-1916
Gay, Daniel Henry 1874 1959
Gay, Elmira M.Elmina W. 10-10-1832 06-02-1883 w/o Joe Gay
Gay, Lydia 02-20-1799 05-12-1880
Gay, Mary Ellen 08-29-1837 08-12-1905
Gay, Mary Smith "Mother" 12-09-1842 01-09-1915
Gay, Mrs. Myrill C. 1877 1956
Gibson, John Cornelius, Sr. 1890 October 1975 "He was 3 days from his 85th birthday." "John C & Mae Gibson are
my grandparents -- John C. & Mae - Uncle Mack & Aunt Sue - Uncle Frank & Aunt Myrt - Granddaddy McRae & Grandma McRae are all buried close to
the road that is close to the convinence store now - the rest are scattered in various places -- all but Uncle Neil are close - Uncle Neil is
over towards the back and left hand side of the road - I think near the Hinson's." Misty Rosenfeld
Gibson, Zola Mae McRae 1895 2-20-1969 w/o John Cornelius Gibson "this one I remember because my daughter was
only 15 days old and I was in no condition to travel. They were married May 1922 in Roberdell."
Gibson, John Corneilous,Jr. ---- ---- "Called Neil and Johnny"
Gibson, Joseph ---- ---- "Brother to Starling Fields Gibson Jr - (Bud)"
Gibson, Elizabeth Terry ---- ---- w/o Joseph Gibson "Sister to Lilly (Terry) Gibson wife of Starling Jr."
Goodman, A.J. 07-20-1829 05-05-1906
Goodman, Isabel B. 01-21-1832 02-27-1916
Gordon, Sarah Margaret 01-16-1872 02-18-1948
Gordon, William M. 10-24-1898 03-01-1899
Gordon, William R. 07-18-1874 02-24-1945
Graham, John 02-13-1893 06-21-1893
Graham, Mary M. Beale 03-28-1873 05-11-1893
Gregory, Walter Glenn 12-08-1911 06-06-1914
Griffin, Barbara 11---1834 4-17-1995
Griffin, John 3-20-1819 1-9-1886
Guthrie, Henry L., Jr. ---1898 ---1906
Guthrie, Rev. Thos. W. ---1827 ---1896
Hall, Nancy 08-18-1827 12-08-1902 w/o Matthew Hall
Hall, Percy 09-12-1872 10-15-1903
Hall, Percy Porter 07-04-1904 06-09-1905 s/o W.M. & Susie Hall
Hall, Mary Addie 10-05-1871 01-08-1954
Hall, Wilburn Riley 10-13-1870 07-11-1934
Hammond, John Calvin Feb. 22, 1907 - April 13, 1966
Hammond, Mary Dunn Nov. 4, 1906 - Feb. 20, 1991
Hancock, B.H. 9-10-1853 8-11-1909(1901)
Hancock, Emma Jones 4-25-1857 12-31-31 w/o B.H. Hancock
Hancock, William Ceil 10-4-1886 7-24-1917 (Three Hancock listings provided by Rhonda Roper, Anderson, SC Nov. 9, 2011)
Handley, Harold 11-24-1910 12-4-1913 s/o E. A. & N.M. Handley
Handley, Robert L. 7-15-1902 7-19-1902 s/o E. A. & N.M. Handley
Hanley, James T. d. 10-20-1936
Harrison, Rev. Z.T. 05-10-1849 05-21-1904
Harrison, Rev. Trezer 12-9-1839 7-5-1895
Hartzell, Mossie E. Long 03-18-1887 05-12-1969
Hartzell, Rev Howard S. 10-27-1887 07-15-1972
Hauss, Gary William 11-22-1954 11-08-1961
Haywood, Ila Culberson 06-15-1897 07-24-1983
Hendley, E.A. 12-01-1874 03-18-1933
Hendley, Harold 11-24-1910 12-04-1912
Hendley, Robert L. 07-15-1902 07-19-1902
Hendley, Wyleye Rawlins 04-02-1899 06-06-1934
Hicks, Etta Cornelias 01-01-1892 09-24-1917
Hicks, J.T. 08-27-1855 12-21-1914
Hicks, Martha F. 03-10-1858 06-30-1919
Hicks, Robert Lee, Sr. May 3, 1895 –March 10, 1956 s/o John Thomas Hicks 1855 –1914 and his wife
Martha Frances Sanford 1858 – 1919. Married (1) April 28, 1914 in Richmond County, Anna Mae Gaddy, May 23, 1895 –
April 21, 1925, d/o Ashley Washington Gaddy 1866 – 1927 & Sarah Elizabeth Hinson 1874 – 1953. They are the parents
of Edgar E. Hicks, September 13, 1924 – January 21, 1945. Edgar never married and was killed in W. W. 2. Robert Lee
Hicks, Sr. on March 29, 1927, married (2) Mildred Frances Williams, November 3, 1905 – September 21, 1996 John Ussery
Hinson (Unknown) 10-09-1883 03-28-1885
Hinson, Charlie D. 5-18-1898 7-21-1898
Hinson, Doctor Lee February 09, 1885 November 21, 1967 (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Emma Gray Ledbetter April 26, 1899 - May 30, 1954 d/o Henry S. Ledbetter & Emma Scales Ledbetter. w/o Minor Thurlow Hinson (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Frank B. 10-24-1901 6-25-1902
Hinson, George Anna 12-15-1862 06-17-1902 w/o M.T. Hinson
Hinson, Hudson V. 10-30-1885 6-11-1902
Hinson, Jake G. March 11, 1892 March 30, 1917 (Death Cert.)
Hinson, James Corbet 02-03-1894 06-24-1949
Hinson, Judson No date No date
Hinson, Leo 7-19-1890 4-29-1901
Hinson, Marion Lee 04-05-1864 02-27-1912 (Death Cert.) Sheriff of Richmond County, 1904 - death
Hinson, May Lee Mar. 1884 July 16, 1969 w/o Arthur Webb Porter d/o Warren C. & Queen Davis Hinson Flat Creek, Lancaster Co., SC (Death Cert.)
Hinson, M.T. 02-20-1859 11-18-1908 Minor T. Hinson h/o Georgeanna Clyburn s/o W.C. & Queen Davis Hinson Flat Crk, Lancaster Co., SC (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Minor Thurlow Jr. October 26, 1922 August 23, 1937 (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Odas Hoyt July 14, 1888 June 17, 1936 s/o W.C. and Queen Davis Hinson (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Rena New February 28, 1873 in Mississippi, and died March 23, 1950 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC.(Death Cert.)
Hinson, Robert Lee November 07, 1899 July 27, 1951 s/o Robert Lee and Rena New Hinson (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Robert Lee c1871 September 21, 1920 s/o W.C. & Queen Davis Hinson Flat Creek, Lancaster Co., SC h/o Rena New (Death Cert.)
Hinson, Vannie J. 10-9-1883 3-28-1885 s/o M.T. & G.A. Hinson
Hinson, William Thomas December 09, 1856 - February 20, 1939 s/o W.C. and Queen Davis Hinson h-o Nancy Small (Death Cert.)
Hobbs, Martha McAulay 03-23-1901 06-04-1902 d/o C.M. & M.B. Hobbs
Hobbs, Mattie B. McAulay 1872 1928
Holt, Cora L. 02-01-1877 09-10-1879 d/o R.B. & L. Holt
Holt, Elizabeth 10301830 11-23-1910 w/o J.W. Holt
Holt, John W. 6-9-1831 3-3-1891
Holt, Mary Ellen "Mollie" 09-29-1870 10-13-1949
Holt, Richard 3-8-1804 6-7-1887
Howell, Maggie M. 8-25-1911 8-11-1912 d/o J.A. & Vida Howell
Hudson, J.M. 10-03-1852 07-25-1905
Hudson, Lucy S. 7-10-1865 5-12-1888 w/o D.M. Hudson
Huggins, (Infant) 12-26 -1916
Huggins, John William 05-06-1920 05-11-1920
Huggins, Josie O'Driscoll 03-22-1885 07-07-1943
Huggins, Josie O'Driscoll, Jr. 05-06-1920 05-28-1921
Huggins, Ruth Catherine 09-29-1914 01-25-1916
Huggins, Frank Bernard 10-18-1921 11-18-1944
Humphrey, Glenn D March 27, 1927 July 8, 1928
Humphrey, Lois Idell Sept 13, 1921 August 8, 1977
Humphrey, Nathan Carlyle May 1, 1895 December 8, 1985
Humphrey, Rose Ella [Dawkins] Feb 17, 1899 April 13, 1978
Jenkinson, Richard 10-16-1840 04-29-1909
Jenkinson, Robert Shaw 07-04-1871 04-01-1911 a Mason
Jessup, Bernard 11-11-1885 08-02-1958
Jessup, Pauline Terry 03-09-1895 05-22-1965
Jones, Agness 11-13-1888 07-06-1911
Jones, Araellia A. 06-01-1869 04-28-1890
Jones, Blair C. 07-12-1867 08-01-1892
Jones, Caroline Covington 01-03-1850 04-21-1934
Jones, E.D. 10-16-1845 12-30-1918
Jones, Edgar Wrenn 10-11-1884 02-21-1926
Jones, Frances Allen 1903 1990
Jones, Hallie Covington 01-04-1893 12-15-1967
Jones, Henry Clay 08-22-1844 03-31-1907
Jones, Henry Clay, Jr. 07-25-1889 06-26-1931
Jones, J. Hassie 01-23-1877 03-05-1946
Jones, Marion McNeill 11-23-1897 - 2-12-1996 She was named after Marion McNeill of Old Hundred. Her great grandfather was Duncan McNeill of near Old Hundred.
Jones, John Atlas 03-31-1878 09-24-1918
Jones, Julia A. 07-25-1852 02-18-1910 w/o E.D. Jones
Jones, Margaret Stewart 12-10-1826 05-28-1908
Jones, Marion 05-09-1829 08-09-1898
Jones, Ossie Lee 08-09-1919 07-09-1924
Jones, Rebecca L. 06-07-1837 05-17-1891
Jones, Thadius S. 01-07-1895 06-20-1905(6-20-1901) s/o E.D. & J.A. Jones
Jones, Velena(Volena) T. 12-29-1831 7-10-1881 w/o A.W. Jones Her grave may have been originally in Rockingham Cemetery and moved to Eastside.
Her husband is Allen William Jones Sr, 1819 to April 3 1893. Not sure where he is buried. They had 9 children: Hannah Mossie Jones 1848,
Mary Ann Jones 1850, Elizabeth Jones 1852, Apy Jones 1854, Velina E. Jones 1859, Emma Jones 1862, Allen W. Jones Jr. 1865, William John Jones
1866 and French M. Jones 1871. Kevin Titus December 19, 2013
Kinney, O.L. 9-12-1851 8-6-1902 W.O.W. (Woodmen of the World)
Land, William Raines III 10-25-1907 5-29-1908 s/o Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Land
Larabee, Jack Awana 11-08-1893 06-27-1957
Lea, Anna T. 1893 1926
Lea, Infant 1917
Leak, Claudius Pegues 11-17-1904 5-3-1905 s/o W.C. & N.P. Leak
LeGrand, James Terry 04-04-1849 08-23-1901
LeGrand, James Terry, Jr. 04-6-1887 01-03-1903
LeGrand, Rebecca Wilson 03-04-1856 01-30-1917
LeGrand, Rebecca 12-09-1884 07-03-1901
Liles, Lillian Foy Seawell 01-02-1908 08-09-1988
Long, Alexander McAlpine 06-04-1858 07-15-1906 W.O.W.
Long, Alice Wallace April 12, 1934 - 2001
Long, Annie 11-22-1874(11-28-1874) 08-31-1898(8-31-1896) w/o W.S. Long
Long, Bessle M. April 28, 1897 August 26, 1985
Long, Bessie Mae Hurst September 13, 1913 - October 24, 1997
Long, Betsy 04-17-1898 11-19-1977
Long, Bettie Flowers 11-30-1863 07-22-1955
Long, Daniel Clay 01-13-1907 12-21-1964
Long, Ella 11-19-1875 09-26-1961
Long, Emma Jane Nelson 07-17-1857 01-27-1938
Long, Ernest Dalton, Pvt. 01-08-1889 06-16-1944
Long, Essie S. 03-05-1903 10-27-1969
Long, Fannie Mac 07-13-1883 07-21-1960
Long, Gloria Jean Easley October 30, 1943 - May 12, 1994
Long, Henry Edmond January 04, 1929 - August 05, 2001
Long, Ina Lilly 06-09-1881 02-12-1960
Long, Infant 09-08-1921
Long, James Thomas April 27, 1922 December 08, 1993
Long, John Wesley 03-25-1886 03-15-1924
Long, Lester Clayborn 11-15-1890 06-30-1966
Long, Margaret Louise 12-09-1869 08-12-1901 w/o A.M. Long
Long, Mary Margaret 02-03-1856 07-15-1930
Long, Nancy 07-02-1851(7-7-1851) 02-23-1911 w/o Pleasant Long
Long, Oscar P. 08-18-1888 03-01-1962
Long, Oscar P., Jr. 03-25-1916 05-20-1918
Long, Pearl 03-28-1893 07-27-1904 d/o W.F. & Emma Long
Long, Pleansant, Jr. 11-18-1891 09-04-1961
Long, Pleasant 03-15-1849 02-25-1920
Long, Richmond Harrison 02-02-1889 05-28-1913
Long, Sarah Ann 03-04-1880 06-20-1944
Long, Susan 1873 Dec. 9, 1948 County Home See more here
Long, Thelma 11-17-1891 11-??-1892(12-12-1891 12-2-1892) d/o W.E. & E.J. Long
Long, Virginia Faye Cox 06-08-1910 09-16-1984
Long, Walter Arte 11-13-1878 11-20-1878(12-3-1878 12-10-1878) s/o W.E. & E.J. Long
Long, Walter Franklin 09-09-1852 01-06-1927
Long, Washington 09-08-1856 11-13-1912 Age 56 years
Long, Worth Bagley March 12, 1914 - October 09, 1997
Long, Zachery Fillmore 04-18-1848 01-25-1911 s/o W.E. & E.J. Long
Long, Zachery Fillmore, Jr MD 06-29-1901 10-21-1980
Long, Zackery F. 09-09-1879 02-02-1880 W.O.W.
Love, Lydia Gay Biggs December 1, 1909 - October 21, 1988
Love, William Saunders, Jr. October 4, 1905 - June 1, 1975
Lyon, Claiborn Parish 04-04-1885 04-27-1907 s/o Rev. J.T. & F.M. Lyon
Lyon, Frances Small 09-17-1854 08-27-1932
Lyon, James Berkhead 09-21-1879 03-07-1941
Lyon, Marcella Marie 08-01-1890
Lyon, Rev. James T. 09-11-1850 04-18-1898
Lyon, Robert Phillip 06-18-1887 10-11-1968
Mrs. Bridges, I'm Wesley C Long of 192 Cartledge Creek Rd in Rockingham, N.C.
I have been a member of the Richmond Historical Society since its beginning. What I'm trying
say is that I have roamed many cemetaries here in Richmond County and lot of other places
here and in other counties, and that I know the location of many others & their names. My
grandfathers' brother Mr.Pleasant Long was the caretaker at Eastside for over 50 years &
I've mowed the grass there many times since then! My family always talked about family
& kinfolks; it seems as most young folks aren't interested in these things. What I'm saying
is that I can hellp you with these names and locations. Like the Asa Dawkins Cem is located
off East Washington street just North of the Reid Webb driveway across the road from H. Terry
Davidson home. Wesley C Long, tel. #910 997 2843 :cell #910 331 7964.
The names listed below are of people whose remains were removed from Great Falls Grammar School Cemetery to Eastside.
Benoist, Martha Jane 3-6-1838 11-7-1900 w/o James Benoist
Griffith, Robert G. 12-19-1898(1897) 4-11-1904 s/o W.T. & M.E. Griffith WPA 1937
Griffith, Infant 10-8-1897 10-29-1897 s/o W.T. & M.E. Griffith WPA 1937
Griffith, Infant 10-8-1897 10-31-1897 s/o W.T. & M.E. Griffith WPA 1937
Griffith, W.T. 4-21-1871 9-14-04(1907) WPA 1937
Gurley, Joseph D. 3-3-1840 8-27-1889 WPA 1937
McKinnon, M.P. ---- 6-28-1894 WPA 1937
Ragen, Francis Jane ---- 9-24-1848 d/o Age 1 year; d/o W.D. & Nancy Ragen
Ragen, John Adams ---- 8-21-1851 Age 1 year; s/o W.D. & Nancy Ragen
Riddle, Annie E. 10-20-1828 12-25-1900 w/o Wiley(Riley) Riddle
Stutts, Mary 5-2-1836 9-25-1889 w/o J.A. Stutts WPA 1937
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