February 8, 1824

In the name of God Amen. I RODAH OVERTON of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina being very sick but in perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto good(sic) for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say—principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hand of Almighty God that gave it next my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Item 1. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Cousin REBECCA OVERTON one linen wheel and one chest and all my clothes, one frock and coat excepted which I give to my Cousin MARGARET TAYLOR daughter of JOHN TAYLOR to them and their heirs forever.

Item 2. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Cousin WILLIAM TAYLOR all the rest of my property within doors and without that is not given away to him and his heirs forever, also I do constitute make and ordain WILLIAM TAYLOR to be my whole and sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull all and every other former testament, will legacies, bequeaths, Executors by me in any wise before named willed or bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8 february 1824.


Her x mark

Signed, sealed, published pronounced and

Declared by the said RODAH OVERTON

as her Last Will and Testament in the

presents of us who in her presents and in

the presents of each other have hereunto

subscribed our names as Witnesses


SAWYER (no first name given)

Camden County

May Term 1824

This Last Will and Testament of RHODA OVERTON dec’d was exhibited and proved in open Court by oath of SIMON WHITEHURST a subscribing witness—-WILLIAM TAYLOR the Executor therein named appeared & qualified according to Law. Ordered that the Will be recorded & letters Testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 36, 37

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






November 9, 1824

North Carolina

Camden County

Personally came JOHN A. JONES and DOZIER PERKINS before me GEORGE FEREBEE one of the Justices of the Peace in & for the County of Camden on this 9th day of November 1824 & being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God saith that they heard CHRISTOPHER WHITEHURST (who departed this life on the day & date above) say that it was his will & desire that OLLA PROVERB should have his estate real & personal of every description during her natural life & after paying all his just debts. And then deponents further say that they heard CHRISTOPHER WHITEHURST frequently say that it was his wish that the said OLLA PROVERB should have his estate during her natural life in health at different times.



His x mark

Camden County Court

November Term 1824

This non cupative will of CHRISTOPHER WHITEHURST dec’d was exhibited & ordered recorded.



Will Book C

Page 43

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






July 10, 1822

In the name of God Amen. I JOHN WHITEHURST of the County of Camden & State of North Carolina. Being in a reasonable state of health in body & of perfect sound mind & memory thanks be given unto God for the same. Calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in the manner following.

Item the First. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Son JOHN WHITE one half of my land where I now live where my houses are to him & his heirs forever.

Item the Second. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Son SIMON WHITEHURST the other half of my land the same to be equally divided between my two Sons JOHN & SIMON WHITEHURST and to begin at JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN’S line & run diametrically across to JOSEPH WHITEHURST’S line, with a free privilege to drain each others land through either parts of said JOHN WHITEHURST’S & SIMON WHITEHURST’S land, and one cow & calf that he claims to him & his heirs forever.

Item the Third. I give & bequeath to my well beloved Daughter MARY WHITEHURST one feather bed & furniture and one cow and calf to her & her heirs forever.

Fourthly. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter SALLY WHITEHURST one feather bed & furniture and one cow & calf to her & her heirs forever.

Lastly. I leave all the remainder of my property to be sold to pay my just debts any should remain after paying my just debts to be equally divided between CHARLES WHITEHURST, JANE TAYLOR, SALLY BRITE, MARY WHITEHURST and JACKY WHITEHURST. Furthermore it is my will and desire should either or both of my Sons JOHN WHITEHURST or SIMON WHITEHURST die without an heir lawfully begotten by their body for my two Daughters MARY & JACKY WHITEHURST to have the said deceased land.

I also appoint & constitute my Son CHARLES WHITEHURST & my Son in Law JOHN M’ALLEN BRITE Executors to this my Last Will and Testament to do according to the legacies bequeathed in witness I have hereunto set my hand & seal this the 10 of July 1822.


His x mark

Signed, sealed in the

Presence of



Her x mark

Camden County Court

November Term 1822

This instrument of writing was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of JOHN WHITEHURST dec’d. by the oath of IRA McPHERSON a subscribing witness thereto—–And at same time CHARLES WHITEHURST one of the Executors therein named appeared & qualified as an Executor thereto Ordered that Testamentary letters issue, & that the same be Recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 14, 15

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


GILBERT Family Cemetery

Gilbert Family Cemetery is located in Camden County, North Carollina; About 0.2 mile west on Country Club Road (SR 1139) from junction with Treasure Point Road (SR 1130). On right heading west. Sets off the road in lightly wooded rural setting, Underbrush cut back in cemetery section. Some graves have plastic flowers.

There are three different families have graves: 



TURNER (2) Also named are FORBES (1), WEST (1) & LAMB. Relationships (if any) among these different families is unknown to me.

The following information was gathered on Saturday, March 4, 2000 by Betty Ann Wright (Gilbert) O’Donnell & Jack Arthur O’Donnell.


 Willie J. GILBERT; b 15 May 1923; d 31 May 1958;

Inscription: North Carolina; PFC Co. D; 320 Infantry; World War II; BSM PH


• James T. GILBERT; b 2 Sept 1891; d 29 Sept1950.

• NOTE: Father of Willie J.
• Pattie Lamb GILBERT; b 21 May 1897; d 11 Dec1951.

• NOTE: Mother of Willie J.
• James Henry GILBERT “Little Jimmy”; b 14 Feb 1919; d 14 Nov 1926.
• Pattie Gilbert FORBES; b 15 Feb 1921; d 29 Sept 1995;

Inscription:Daughter of James GILBERT and Pattie LAMB.


 Robert GILBERT; b 5 Aug 1915; d 9 Apr 1966.

• NOTE: brother of Willie J. GILBERT
• James GILBERT; b 1 Sept 1842; d 23 Apr 1928.


• Maria GILBERT; b 12 Jun 1848; d 18 Mar 1927;

Inscription: “Wife of James Gilbert”;


• Robert GILBERT; b 25 May 1888; d 21 Nov 1903;

Inscription: Age 15 y 5 m 26 d.


• Wealthy GILBERT; b 16 Jun 1886; d 3 Aug 1889; Age 3 Yr.

• Robert GILBERT; b 14 Feb 1812; d 8 Nov 1880; Age 72 Yrs
• William GILBERT; b 10 Jan 1836; d 14 Nov 1881; Age 45 yrs.


 Jane WEST; b 1 Jun 1844; d 15 Dec 1888; Age 48 yrs.

Inscription: “This Little Sister Has Gone Before Me, She Has Gone To Live With God.”


• NOTE: Buried beside William GILBERT.

• Alfred TURNER; b 15 Nov 1875; d 15 Feb 1937;

Inscription: “Father.”
• Jennie G. TURNER; b 25 Sept 1884; d 27 Dec 1986;

Inscription: “Mother.”

• Russell F. WHITEHURST; b 1905; d 1977;

 Inscription: “Husband.”
• Ethel T. WHITEHURST; b 1913; d _(?)_; 

Inscription: “Wife.”


• Ethel Louise WHITEHURST; born & died 17 Mar 1935

Inscription: “Daughter of R. F. & Ethel WHITEHURST.”
• Preston WHITEHURST; b 15 Oct 1901; d 16 Feb 1989.

Inscription: “BM2, US Coast Guard, World War II.”


SPENCE Family Bible (ALMOND SPENCE 1811-1872)

Copy in the: North Carolina State Archives (located in files of Camden & Pasquotank Cos., N.C.) In Possession of Billy HILL Norfolk County, Va. 1953 Bible burned, record preserved


  • Almond Spence the son of James Spence and his wife Rhoda was born Nov. 6, 1811.
  • Dinah McPherson the daughter of Daniel McPherson  and Nancy his wife was born Aug. 7, 1820.
  • Lavenia Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and his wife Dinah was born 23 Nov. 1840.
  • Elizabeth Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife was born Sept. 3, 1842.
  • Mary Ann Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife was born Sept. 8, 1844.
  • Sophia Virginia Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Pleasant his wife was born Jan. 9, 1868.
  • Charles A. Spence the son of Almond Spence and Pleasant his wife was born Dec. 29, 1870.
  • Pollie V. Spence the daughter of Abner Spence  and Mary Ann his wife was born March 8, 1878.
  • Baby daughter of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born June 29, 1880.
  • Miles L. Spence  the son of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born Feb. 26, 1884.
  • Maude Spence the daughter of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born July 20, 1891.
  • Minnie Spence the daughter of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born Sept. 4, 1894.
  • Joseph Frank Spence the son of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born 1 Aug. 1896.
  • Sophia E. Spence the daughter of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born Oct. 1, 1886.
  • David Almond Spence the son of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife was born Oct. 24, 1876.
  • Mary Jane the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife was born 18 Nov. 1847.
  • Henretta Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife was born July 11, 1845.
  • Abner L. Spence  the son of Almond Spence and Mary his wife was born Oct. 19, 1854.
  • John H. Spence the son of Almond Spence (page cut off)
  • Almond Spence  and Dinah MCPHERSON were married Sept. 25, 1839.
  • Almond Spence and Mary WHITEHURST widow WILLIAMS were married Dec. 16, 1853.
  • Almond Spence  and Mary HOLLOWELL were married May 29, 1854.
  • Almond Spence and Pleasant Ann WHITE (widow EVANS) were married Feb. 10, 1859.
  • Abner L. WILLIAMS and Mary WHITEHURST were married July 1, 1847.
  • Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann DAVIS were married Jan. 13, 1876.
  • Samuel WILLIAMS and Pleasant Ann WHITE (EVANS) (Spence) were married May 20, 1874.
  • William E. HILL and Maude Spence were married Nov. 1908.
  • John Wesley ADDISON and Minnie Spence  were married 25 Feb. 1918.
  • Joseph Frank Spence and Ruth WALLER were married Dec. 23, 1918.
  • Miles L. Spence and Minnie Belle WALKER were married Jan. 10, 1907.
  • Elisha Benton HURDLE and Sophie E. Spence were married Dec. 16, 1908.


  • Sophia E. Spence HURDLE wife of Elisha Benton HURDLE and daughter of Abner L. Spence and Mary
  • Ann his wife departed this life March 6, 1809.
  • Mary A. Spence daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife departed this life Sept. 23, 1842.
  • Lavenia Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife departed this life Sept. 25, 1841.
  • Elizabeth Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife departed this life May 11, 1843.
  • Henretta Spence the daughter of Almond Spence and Dinah his wife departed this life Oct. 12, 1845.
  • Dinah McPherson Spence the wife of Almond Spence departed this life June 8, 1852.
  • Mary Spence the wife of Almond Spence departed this life July 18, 1855.
  • David Almond Spence the son of Abner L. Spence and Mary Ann his wife departed this life May 7, 1887.

NOTES IN ALMOND SPENCE BIBLE: (Dates after 1920 will not be included)

  • Abner L. WILLIAMS son of William and Sarah WILLIAMS was born Nov. 4, 1823.
  • Mary WHITEHURST, daughter of Miles and Margaret WHITEHURST (nothing else written)
  • William H. WILLIAMS son of Abner and Margaret WILLIAMS was born Oct. 17, 1848.
  • Miles Wilson WILLIAMS the son of Abner and Mary WILLIAMS was born Aug. 28, 1850 and died 24 Sept. 1850.
  • Lodowick Lockwood WILLIAMS son of Abner and Mary WILLIAMS his wife was born Nov. 7, 1851.
  • Died 22 March 1872. Married Liuzetette JENNINGS 10 Aug. 1870.
  • Mary wife of Almond Spence and daughter of Miles and P. WHITEHURST was born April 24, 1832 and died 18 July 1855.
  • Almond Spence the son of James and Rhoda was born Nov. 6, 1811 and died June 6, 1872.
  • Mary wife of Almond Spence and daughter of L. & E. HOLLOWELL born Feb. 17, 1831 and died March 18, 1857.
  • Pleasant Ann WHITE (EVANS) (Spence) (WILLIAMS) was born Sept. 27, 1834 and died Nov. 20, 1890 wife of Samuel WILLIAMS.
  • ——(Part cut off of page) and Mary — his wife was born the 5th day of Jan.1886 and died 4 Oct. 1894.
  • Ernest Almon Spence the son of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel his wife was born 10 Nov. 1887.
  • Sophia Virginia Spence the daughter of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel Spence his wife was born 5 Dec. 1890.
  • John Ambrose Spence  the son of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel his wife was born 22 Aug. 1893.
  • Enoch Julian SPENCE the son of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel SPENCE his wife was born 4 March 1896.
  • Blanche Pearl SPENCE the daughter of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel SPENCE his wife was born 19 Sept. 1898.
  • Joe Timothy SPENCE the son of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel SPENCE his wife was born 1 Dec. 1901.
  • Mary Pleasant SPENCE the daughter of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel SPENCE his wife was born 20 day of Sept. 1905 and died 8 July 1907.
  • Heywood Glenn SPENCE the son of Enoch Jordan and Mary Rachel SPENCE his wife was born 14th Nov. 1907 and died 24 July 1908.


  • Wm. Herbert SPENCE: died 10-4-1894
  • Mary Pleasant SPENCE: died 7-8-1907
  • Heywood Glenn SPENCE: died 7-24-1908
  • Enoch Jordan SPENCE
  • Mary Rachel SPENCE
  • Enoch Julian SPENCE
  • John Ambrose SPENCE
  • Sophia Virginia SPENCE
  • Joe Timothy SPENCE


  • Ernest Almon SPENCE and Lillian Bryan FOSTER were married on Wed. Evening: Sept. 1914.
  • Walter Raleigh MCCOY and Sophia Virginia SPENCE were married by the Rev. I. N. LOFTIN on
  • Wed. Evening, Jan. 8, 1915.
  • John Ambrose SPENCE and Zelda Marie TEMPLE were married on Tues. Evening Aug. 22, 1916.