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1930 Census listing for DENNIS ARNOLD

1930 Federal Census ED #53 District 12

Baltimore, Maryland Sheet 21B

419 Belmont & North Point Blvd. Enumeration Date: 5-3-1930

Arnold, Dennis H-O-$3000 M-W-43-M N.C. N.C. N.C. Burner Steel Mill

Clara A. W F-W-40-M MD. Bohemia Bohemia

Theresa M. D F-W-4 ½-S MD. N.C. MD

Mary P. D F-W-2-S MD. N.C. MD.


The succession of numbers and letters indicate:

1. Head of Household (and subsequently relationship to Head)

2. Own or Rent

3. Value of Property

The second group of numbers indicate:

1. Sex

2. Race

3. Age

4. Marital Status

5. Age at Marriage

Contributed by Shelley Arnold



1920 Census listing for JOHN BERRY

1920 Federal Census ED #13

Camden, North Carolina Sheet 14A

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 3-2-1920

Berry, John H M-W-42 Farmer

Sydney (Arnold) W F-W-41

Mary L. daug F-W-18

John G. son M-W-16

Ida V. daug F-W-9

1930 Federal Census ED #53 District 12

Baltimore, Maryland Sheet 21B

419 Belmont & North Point Blvd. Enumeration Date: 5-3-1930

Contributed by Shelley Arnold


1920 Census listing for JACOB LAMB

1920 Federal Census ED #13

Camden, North Carolina Sheet 14A

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 3-2-1920

Lamb, Jacob H M-W-48-M

Maggie W F-W-48-M

Ella D F-W-24-S

Laura D F-W-19-S

Jacob Judson S M-W-16-S

Pearl D F-W-13-S

Lucile D F-W-9-S

Clarence S M-W-12-S

Horace S M-W-6-S

Hazel D F-W-4-S

All but Hazel could read and write. Jacob, Pearl, Lucile, Clarence and Horace were in school. All were born in NC.

Contributed by Shelley Arnold


1920 Census listing for HUGH ARNOLD

1920 Federal Census ED #13

Camden, North Carolina Sheet 14A

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 3-2-1920

 Arnold, Hugh H M-W-53-Wd. Farmer General

Margaret D F-W-29-S

John Brother M-W-46-S Farmer Hanie Farm

All family shown as being born in North Carolina. Farm is shown as rented

Contributed by Shelley Arnold


1920 Census listing for THOMAS ARNOLD

1920 Federal Census ED #13

Camden, North Carolina Slide 10 of 32

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 1-27-1920

 Arnold, Thomas H Rents M-W-34-M Can read & write Farmer

Harriet W F-W-30-M Can read & write None

Herman S M-W-14 Attended school during year Can read & write Laborer Farm

Everett S M-W-12 Attended school during year Can read & write Laborer Farm

Bert S M-W-11 Attended school during year Can read & write Laborer Farm

Alverta D F-W- 3 4/12

Arcie Ann D F-W-3 4/12

Thomas S M-W-11/12

All family shown as being born in North Carolina.

Contributed by Shelley Arnold


1900 Census listing for THOMAS ARNOLD

1910 Federal Census ED #17

Camden, North Carolina Slide-30

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 5-9-1910

Arnold, Thomas H-M-W-27-M-5 N.C. N.C. N.C. English Laborer Can read & write Rents

Harriet W-F-W-25-M-2-2 N.C. N.C. N.C. English None Can read & write

Herman S-M-W-4-S N.C. N.C. N.C. None

Everett S-M-W-1 2/12 -S N.C. N.C. N.C. None

Sawyer, Arkansas Mother-in-law F-W-52-M None Cannot read nor write

Contributed by Shelley Arnold

1900 Census listing for JOHN ARNOLD

1900 Federal Census ED #24

Camden, North Carolina Slide 5 of 30

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 6-4-1900

Arnold, John H-W-M 8-1875 26 S Farmer Can read & write

Hugh F-W-M 6 76 M-50 Cannot read nor write

Sydney M-W-F 5-1830 70 M-50 Cannot read nor write

Burkes, Charles Servant

All family members shown as being born in North Carolina. John rented the farm.


 Contributed by Shelley Arnold

1900 Census listing for ARCIE SAWYER

1900 Federal Census ED #24

Camden, North Carolina Slide 11 of 30

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 6-8-1900

Sawyer, Arcie H-W-F 1848 51 W 4 Cannot read nor write

William S-W-M 1877 23 S

Alfrid S-W-M 1880 19 S

Harriett D-W-F 5- 1885 15 S

All family shown as being born in North Carolina. Shows 4 living children. Only three living with her. An older child could be married.


Contributed by Shelley Arnold

1900 Census listing for WILLOUGBY ARNOLD

1900 Federal Census ED #24

Camden, North Carolina Slide 2 of 30

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 6-1-1900

Arnold, Willougby H-W-M Jan. 1862 37 M 5 Farmer Could read, could not write

Maggie W-W-F Aug. 1872 26 M 5-2-2 Could read and write

Addy D-W-F July 1893 7 S Attended school 2 months

John S-W-M April 1895 5 S Did not attend school yet.

All family shown as being born in North Carolina. Farm was rented.

Contributed by Shelley Arnold