P. H. Williams (Patrick Henry) former state Senator, dead.———–Mr. Williams was native of Camden County; Served two terms in the State Senate in 1923-25.  Patrick Henry Williams, former state senator from this district died at his home on Pennsylvania ave.  this morning at 3;30  following a heart attack.  Mr. Williams, son of the late Robert and Marenda Torksey Williams, was born in Camden County in 1869.  He attended Elizabeth City schools until 1886, went to Davis Military school at La Grange, then entered the university of North Carolina in 1888.  In 1889 he entered Smith’s Business School at Lexington, Kentucky. He took his bachelor of arts degree at Randolph Macon College and entered the law school of the university of North Carolina in  1897.

Contibuted by: Linda Mansfield   Date Hand written on Newspaper April 2, 1959