[Note: This book is badly torn in places]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 1] Aug. 11, 1810 - I Simeon SAWYER for the sum of $270 paid to me by James ETHERIDGE for a negro woman & child named Leat & child named Wiltie; Witness Sam. FEREBEE; Registered Jan. 18, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 1] Oct. 3, 1809 - Received of John WHITE of Knots Island in full $1000 for negroes 1 woman named Rose, 1 woman called Nance & all her children named Cha?? Beck, ???? Simon, Joann, Nan, Singo & Silvey which is eight children. Witness: Wm. WILLIAMS, Steward WILLIAMS
[Deed Book 11; pg. 1-2] Aug. 28, 1810 - I John PLUMMER of St. Brides Parrish, Norfolk County Virginia for the sum of $3100 paid to me by Ivey HOLSTEAD for a parcel of land. Beginning on Tulls Creek & also to Tulls Creek Bridge adjoining to Solomon BRIGHTs land which he purchased from John MERCER thence adjoining the land belonging to the orphan of [torn] containing 300 acres which formerly belonged to Doristus & Fawnia WILLIAMS, also the same track of land that Ivey HOLSTEAD & his Wife Nancy sold me. Witness: Thos. MORSE, B. BALANCE; Registered Jan. 14, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 2] July 28, 1810 - I John WESKETT for the sum of $151 paid to me by Simeon SAWYER for a track of land on Powels Point, being a parcel I bought of John WESKETT dec’d to contain 30 acres of High land & to be laid off adjoining Samuel BROWNs land & Spencer WALKERs land & adjoining 31 acres of land sold to Samuel WESKETT also 20 acres of marsh to be laid off adjoining 20 acres sold to Samuel WESKETT below [torn] acres sold to Morris MIDGETT by John WESKETT dec’d. Witness: J. WESKETT, Abraham BAUM; Registered Jan. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 3] July 20, 1810 - I Samuel WESKETT for the sum of $150 paid to me by Simeon SAWYER for a tract of land on Powels Point, being a peace of land I bought of John WESKETT dec’d to contain 30 acres of high land to be laid off adjoining 50 acres of land that was sold by John WESKETT dec’d to Morris MIDGETT to include old Charles HUNTS house & also 20 acres of marsh to be laid off between the 50 acres sold to Morris MIDGETT. Witness: Lemuel GREGORY, Betsy GREGORY; Registered Jan. 29, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 3-4] Feb. 12, 1810 - I Samuel ETHERIDGE for the sum of $60 paid to me by Poley HALL for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning on Albermarl Sound at Elizah FREMON’S line with his line to Samson ETHERIDGE’S line to the Sound with the Sound to the first containing 10 acres. Witnes: Thos. POYNER, ??? HARRISON; Registered Jan. 29, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 4] April 28, 1810 - Lamb TAYLOR to James SPRY, for $20, 20 acres in Currituck bounded by said James SPRY, patent that James PARKER entered, Peter PARKER. Witness, Willouby (x) MCHONEY; Registered Jan 32, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 4-5] July 10, 1810 - We William & Noah FORBS for the sum of $1100 paid to us by Thomas GARRETT for a parcel of land on Powels Point beginning at Sampson ETHERIDGEs line a corner line dividing between Caleb FORBES & William FORBES to William FENTRESS line with his line to Zoro. HARRISON line with his line to ETHERIDGEs [remainder was torn away]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 5] Jan. 27, 1810 - I Mary WILLIAMS for the sum of $300 paid to me by Malachi JONES for 2 negroes, a woman Beck and a boy named Daniel about 4 or 5 years. Witness: James WHITE; Registered March 10, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 5] June 2, 1810 - I Gideon SCARBROUGH & Elizabeth his Wife for the sum of $75 paid to me by George WILLIAMS for a parcel of land on Cape Hatterass. Beginning at John FARROWs corner with Thomas FARROWs line to the division corner of the land of James NEALs sold to Alley SCARBROUGH with the division line of the land Jacob FARROW left to his 2 Daughters Barbary NEAL & Elisabeth SCARBROUGH then with Hezekiah FARROW line & Joseph FARROWs line to John FARROWs corner then with his line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Thomas FARROW, Noah? FARROW; Registered March 13, 1811
[Note: Skips from pg. 5 to pg. 10 but pg. 10 has the Court Term & Register date of SCARBROUGH & WILLIAMS deed.]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 10] Aug. 27, 1810 - I Isaac ROBERTS for the consideration of the Natural Love & affection which I bare unto Courtney NICHOLSON do give unto her 1 negro woman named Best & her child called Hersay, if Courtney NICHOLSON should die without heir I give the negroes to Patsey THOMPSON. Witness: David JONES, Dory DAUGE; Registered March 13, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 10-11] Dec. 15, 1809 - I Euphan MERCER guardian to Silas MERCER orphan of Thomas MERCER for the consideration of the yearly rent herin after mentioned hath granted & farm let unto John MACKIE all that farm or 2/3 of cleared land formerly occupeyed by Thomas MERCER SEN. dec’d lining on Currituck Shore adjoining the land & farm of John MACKIE on the S. on the E. the Sound, on the North James HARVEYs & my 1/3 on the W. For the term of 18 years to pay the yearly rent of £2 & 10 Shillings to Euphan MERCER & Silas MERCER her son on Dec. 15 of every year. John MACKIE is to keep the farm in good order & repair to plant ½ of orphans land in Indian corn yearly. Witness: T. BAXTER, Mary WAIL; Registered March 13, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 11] May 9, 1809 - I William TYFORD for the sum of $112 paid to me by Willis GALLOP for a negro boy called Jack. Witness: Caleb TOLER, James SNELL
[Deed Book 11; pg. 11-12] June 27, 1808 - I James MASON & Zilpah his Wife for the sum of $80 paid to me by Richard ETHERIDGE, a negro garl named Zillah 14 months old. Witness: Abraham BAUM
[Deed Book 11; pg. 12] Mar. 21, 1810 - Peter WHITEHURST to David JONES for $375, Negro Daniel. Witness:, Jas. WILLIAMS; Registered ? 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 12-13] July 1, 1810 - I Edward HOLLOWAY for the sum of $50 paid to me by Willouby McHORNEY for a negro girl named Sabra. Witness: Robart WILLIAMS
[Deed Book 11; pg. 13] Nov. 8, 1809 - Gideon GREGORY to Samuel WHITEHURST, for [no sum filled in] 25 acres in the west swamp in Currituck County near Indian Ridge by James DAUGE. Witness: Michert(?) SIMMONS. November Term 1810. [No registration date given]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 14] May 11, 1810 - I Jonathan BONEY of Princess Anne County Virginia for the sum of $700 paid to me by Gideon BONNEY for the following named articles: 1 negro woman names Bests & hur chile named Peter, 1 Mare named Blaze, 2 feather beds & funeture & bedsteads, 10 head of hogs, househole & kitchen furniture such as chairs, potts, pans, casks, chest & 1 rideng Chare harness. Witness: Malachi JONES, John B. JONS
[Deed Book 11; pg. 14-15] Dec. 2, 1810 - I James DAUGE, for the sum of $200 Spanish paid to me by Phillip DAUGE SEN. for a negro boy called March 9 years of age.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 15] June 23, 1809 - I Mazon MERCER admin. to the estate of Thomas MERCER & Ruthey BELL for the sum of £113 16 Shillings paid to me by Thomas BARNARD for a negro garl named Amey. Witness M. SIMMONS
[Deed Book 11; pg. 16] March 23, 1810 - I Phillip DAUGE SEN. for the sum of $500 Silver paid to me by Richard HUTCHENS for a negro man called Toney. Witness James DAUGE Sener
[Deed Book 11; pg. 16-17] July 7, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE, Sheriff, in obedience of an Execution I have been ordered to sell all negroes belonging to the estate of Malachi MERCER dec’d on a credit of 5 mos. which has been awarded to Thomas HEATH. I have exposed for sale at public vendue 1 negro woman by name of Rachel & a sucking child named Milley, where & when Lemuel TAYLER appeared & bid £200 which was highest bid. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have granted unto Lemuel TAYLOR the said negroes.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 17] Dec. 20, 1809 - I John BALLANCE for the sum of $50 Spanish paid to me by Benjamin SPRING for a parcel of land on Cape Hatterass Banks known by the name of the Creeks. Beginning at Caleb BALLANCE’s corner near the Thouarfare of the new Island with his line to the head of Kebbs Creek along the Sea so far as will contain 50 acres of land. Witness Cornelius AUSTIN SEN., William AUSTIN Junr.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 18-19] June 9, 1810 - I Ivey HOLSTEAD & Nancy my Wife of St. Bridge Parrish Norfolk County Virginia for the sum of $3000 paid to me by John PLUMMER for a track of land. Binding to Tulls Creek & to Tulls Creek Bridge, adjoining Solomon BRIGHT’s land which he bought from Jono. MONCREEF & adjoining the lands belonging to BATES’orphan & the land formerly belonged to James BATES desesed containing 300 acres. It being the track of land which formerly belonged to Dorastus & Fawnia WILLIAMS deceased. Witness Matthaw HOLSTEAD, Willoughby HOLSTEAD, Caleb BEESEY?
[Deed Book 11; pg. 19] June 1, 1810 - We William STIRON & Amey FENTRESS for the sum of $250 paid to us by Thomas GARRETT of Tyrel County for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at Albermerl Sound on Laban THOMAS lane thence binding on his land various courses to Caleb DAWDY’S line to T. HARROSON’S line binding on his line to corner divider of William FANTTS? & Caleb FORBES binding on FORBES to the Sound to the first containing 60 acres. Witness Simeon SAWYER, F. HARRISON ; Registered July 13, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 20] June 13, 1809 - Major WHIDBEE & Amey his Wife for the sum of $50 paid to me by Jeremiah STOW for a parsel of land on Cape Hatterass Banks. Beginning at Jacob SCARBOROUGHs line next to the Sea beech running the corses of a Deed that John PRICE gave to Robert BASNET conclude 25 acres. Witness Peter BRADY, John CLARK [This deed is very faded & almost impossible to read.]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 21] Sept. 12, 1810 - I Andrew BATES for the Natural Love & affection which I bare unto Richard DECKER his Nephew? Have given & granted unto him all that tract of land formerly the property of ????? COWELL deceased ……Obadiah CAPTS heirs line along his line to the heirs of Elias DRINGE deceased……containing 50 acres. Witness Daniel TATUM, Sally ????
[Deed Book 11; pg. 21-22] Jan. 17, 1810 - I John DUNSTON for the sum of $130 paid to me by Thomas BEST SEN. for a parcel of land on the North Banks near Kity Hawk Bay. Beginning at Kity Hawk Ridge running along Shadrick GALLOP’s line to the road along the road to the Grate Wading place to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Caleb TOLER, Stephen BEASLEY, James PERRY?; Registered April 19, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 22] Oct. 10, 1810 - I Daniel MILLER for the sum of £20 paid to me by Caleb ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land & swamp containing 50 acres, being 1/3 part of a patten in name of Even MILLER adjoining the plantation that Evan MILLER formerly lived & now by Caleb ETHERIDGE & also all my right & title of the old plantation that my Father Even MILLER lived. Witness Affey ETHERIDGE, James J. ETHERIDGE; Registered April 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 22-23] Nov. 24, 1811 - I Joseph White WILLIAMS for the sum of $20 paid to me by William ROGERS for a piece of land. Bound on the N. W. by Abraham WATERFIELD, E. by the road, S. by Richard WATERFIELD, containing 1 acre. Witness: J. WHITE, Saml. BEASLEY; Registered April 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 23] March 11, 1808 - I William BARROT of Onslow County, N.C. for the sum of $80 Spanish paid to me by Thomas SANDERSON for a parcel of land. Beginning at the cid of the Bay near the water side at Benjamin TAYLOR’s dec’d line binding on his line to Samuel SALYEAR’s line binding his line to Benjamin POYNER’s line with his line to the water to the first containing 25 acres. Witness: Thos. RUSSELL, Benj. RUSSELL; Registered April 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 23-24] Nov. 8, 1810 - I Reuben DAUDGE Adm. of William SCOTT have been ordered by the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session issued Aug. 1, 1810 directing me to as Administrator of William SCOTT to sell a track of land belonging to SCOTT. Beginning & binding Peter MORSE line to Daniel LEE’s line down Mitchel Seveaks? Line to the road, being all the land of William SCOTT. After legal notice at public vendue on the premises when & where James SCOTT appeared & bid the sum of $250 & was highest bid, I have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Ivey HOLSTEAD, Saml. SCOTT, Joab DAUDGE; Registered April 25, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 24-25] Nov. 19, 1810 - I Joseph White WILLIAMS for the sum of $150 paid to me by William DAWLEY for a right or parcel of land lying in a tract that Thomas WILLIAMS give to his Son John which decended to Joseph WILLIAMS & the sd. John WILLIAMS other heirs at his death. The tract in which this Right lyes bounded on the W. by the land of John WILLIAMS Son of John, E. by Abraham WATERFIELD, N. by Jacob LITCHFIELD & DUDLEY’s line, S. by lands belonging to WATERFIELD, the said Right is for 14 acres. On a Right in the swamp land which was given to John WILLIAMS by his Father Thomas WILLIAMS for support of the above land this Right containing 4 acres also 1 Right on Deals Island containing 5 acres, also 1 Right of marsh land on ????? Island containing 3 acres, the whole Right that Joseph W. WILLIAMS had from his Father John WILLIAMS dec’d. Witness: John WHITE, Solomon SPRATT
[Deed Book 11; pg. 25-26] Aug. 16, 1810 - I Simeon SAWYER, Dep. Sheriff, in obedience of an Execution directing me out of the goods, chattles & land of Solomon ASHBEE Admin. of Abel ASHBEE to cause the sum of £201 12 Shillings & 7 Pence which the Superior Court awarded Samuel SPENCE?. I Simeon SAWYER D. Sheriff did expose for sale after legal notice a negro man at the late dwelling of Abel ASHBEE dec’d by the name of Jack when & where Solomon ASHBEE appeared & bid the sum of $200.50 & was the highest bid. By virtue of Execution I grant & convey the negro man unto him. Witness: Jesse SAWYER; Registered April 26, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 26] Aug. 21, 1810 - I Willoughby COOPER for the sum of $130.28 paid to me by Jonathan LINDSEY for a piece of land. Beginning at a corner between William GRAY & John WROUTS/WRIGHTS with WRIGHTS now belonging to Jonathan LINDSEY’s along this line to the head of Elick BROOKS with his line various courses to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Simeon SAWYER, William COOPER; Registered April 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 26] Oct. 22, 1810 - We Thomas PRICE, William GWALTNEY & Amos COBB of Pitt County being the same of Tully WILLIAMSON land being bargained sold unto Ivey situated of the County of Currituck bargained sold unto Ivy HOLSTEAD of the County of Currituck State North Carolina sell 1 negro woman named Nancey her 6 children for the sum of $750. Witness: Wm. WILSON SEN., Latamore WILSON; Registered April 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 27] Nov. 27, 1810 - I Daniel MILLER for the sum of $8 paid to me by Caleb ETHERIDGE for a piece of swamp land near Caleb ETHERIDGE’s own land containing 83 acres. Being the swamp land that fell to me by the death of my Father Evan MILLER dec’d. Witness: S. FEREBEE, Jeremiah LAND; Registered April 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 27] March 6, 1810 - I Thomas MULDER for the sum of 20 Silver dollars paid to me by Thomas BANKS for a parcel of land. Beginning at the main road in John BEARY’s line with his line to Peter Morse’s line with his line to the road with the road to the first containing 3 acres. Witness: Rich. DOZIER, John Fa????; Registered April 29, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 27-28] Dec. 18, 1809 - I Thomas BARNARD for the sum of $3000 paid to me by Jeremiah BRIGHT for a parcel of land on the E. side of North River Swamp, being part of the tract I bought of Thomas SANDERSON date Jan. 15, 1802. Beginning on North River Swamp side adjoining the land of Peter BARNARD binding his line to Edmond BARNARD’s line binding his line to Samuel FEREBEE’s line binding his line to the line FEREBEE bought of me with this line to the first containing 150 acres of swamp. Witness: Joshua HOLSTEAD; Registered April 29, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 28-29] Apr. 4, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE for the sum of $1400 Silver paid to me by Joseph RALPH for a parcel of land at a place called Indian Town. Beginning on the E. side of the main road near Samuel WILLIAMS various courses to the first containing 96 acres 1 Rod & 13 Poles, being the land I bought of Thomas C. FEREBEE. Witness: S. FEREBEE, Jno. WILLIAMS; Registered April 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 29] Nov. 28, 1810 - I Arthur SPENCE & Nancy my Wife for the sum of $18 cash paid to us by David JONES for the ¼ undivided parcel of 147 acres of land near Buckskin. Joining the land of William PERKINS the land that David JONES bought of James COWELL, it being the tract which John DAILEY patented & falls among his heirs. Witness: Jeremiah LAND; Registered April 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 29] - Nov. 1810 - Samuel THOMPSON and Drusiller his wife to David JONES. All of Currituck for £40 cash. Land on which James HARVEY now lives, lying in Currituck, adjoining lands of Thomas MILLERs orphans, David JONES; said land was devised by Evan THOMPSON unto Evan THOMSON, son of John and nephew of the said Evan, 100 acres. /s/ S. THOMSON, Drusilla [x] THOMPSON. Witness: Joseph GRAY; Registered 30 Apr 1811.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 30] - Sept. 30, 1810 - I Hollway TATUM & Anne my Wife for the sum of $500 paid to us by James WHITE for a tract of land lying on Bells Island. Beginning on the Sound at William TATUM’s line various courses to Cowinjock Bay with the Bay to James WHITE’s line with his line to the Sound side with the Sound side to William TATUM’s line to the first containing 40. Witness: Wm. TATUM, Willouby WHITE; Registered April 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 30] - Apr. 10, 1810 - I Joshua BELL for the sum of $1000 paid to me by David JONES for a track of land on Bell’s Island. Beginning at Thomas WHITE various courses to the first containing 70 acres. Witness: Malachi JONES, James WHITE; Registered April 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 31] - Aug. 31, 1808 - Charles V. HERBERT to Willoby WHITE. Both of Currituck, for $200, 108 acres lying on the eastern side of Jeangite Creek on the north Banks bounded by Spence HALL. /s/ Chas. V. HERBERT. Witness, Jas. NICHOLSON. Thos. MILLER. November Term 1810. Proved by the oath of James NICHOLSON in open court. Registered 30 Apr 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 31-32] - Apr 7, 1810 - I Thomas SANDERSON SEN. son of Jesse for the sum of $5550 Spanish paid to me by Thomas SANDERSON Esq. for a parcel of land. Beginning various courses to the land now belonging to William CAFFEE with his line to the land now belonging to James WHITEHALL binding & bearing with his line to the land formerly belonging to Jesse SANDERSON dec’d orphan with his line to the land formerly belonging to William ODOWDAY, deceased, binding his line to Jacob ODOWDAY land & line binding both lines to Grandies Island Creek various courses to the first containing 700 acres of land, marsh & swamp. Witness: Thos. POYNER; Registered April 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 32-33] - Nov. 3, 1810 - I Thomas SANDERSON SEN. & Anne my Wife for the sum of $75 paid to me by Wilson WOODHOUSE for a track of land lying on Dews Quarter Creek containing 25 acres, it being the land given to Thomas SANDERSON SEN. in the Last Will & Testament of his Grandfather Thomas SANDERSON dec’d. Witness: Edw. HARDY, Thos. POYNER; Registered April 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 33] - Oct. 3, 1810 - I Joshua JOHNSTON for the sum of $30 paid to me by John HASSEL for a messuage of land on Collenton Creek containing 15 acres. /s/ Joshua JOHNSON. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE; Registered April 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 33] - Jan. 19, 1808 - I Laban THOMAS for the sum of $350 paid to me by Daniel DOWDY for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at William GENTURS line with his line to Caleb DOWDY’s line to William LUTS line to Marmeduke line to ETHERIDGE’s line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Caleb DOWDY, Z. HARRISON; Registered April 2, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 33-34] - Aug. 12, 1805 - I John PADRACK for the sum of $20 paid to me by Jesse PADRACK for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at Deep Hole Creek to the Sea along the Sea to Jack CABBIN’s path to the Sound to the first containing 75 acres. Witness: Caleb TOLER, Burkett GARD, James CRANK; Registered April 3, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 34] - Oct. 30, 1810 - I Willoby WHITE for the Natural Love & Affection which I bear unto my Daughter Director DUNTON have given unto her 3 negors named Aaron a man, Silvey a woman, & Harry a boy. Witness: C. ETHERIDGE, Wm. BRABBEL; Registered April 3, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 34] Aug. 25, 1807 (8?) - Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff vs. James and Josiah NICHOLSON ( Lemuel TAYLOR bought slave at auction). Caleb ETHERIDGE, sheriff. $172 pounds. Against James NICHOLSON and Josiah NICHOLSON bearing date June ? 1808 in favor of David MUNROW and Joseph RALPH (?) and the said Caleb ETHERIDGE... Property of said defendant; take into...one negro man by the name of Sampson; and after legal notice do expose said Negro to public sale 25 Aug 1808 (?) ...when there appeared Lemuel TAYLOR Esq. $113 pounds. /s/ C. ETHERIDGE, sheriff; Registered 3 Apr 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 34-35] Apr. 21, 1810 - I William ETHERIDGE SEN. for the sum of $200 paid to me by Caleb ETHERIDGE for a negro woman named Dina about 25 years of age. Witness: ??? PERKINS; Registered April 4, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 35] Jan. 1, 1810 - I Mary MARCHANT adm. of Thomas MARCHANT deceased, for the sum of $400 paid to me by Thomas Swan WILLIAMS for a negro man named Mercer age of 3 & 20. Witness: James MOSLEY; Registered April 4, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 35-36] Feb. 5, 1810 - I Tulley WILLIAMS of Norfolk County Virginia for the sum of $200 paid to me by Thomas Swan WILLIAMS for a negro boy named Dick. Witness: G. MARCHANT, Henry BRIGHT; Registered April 5, 1810
[Deed Book 11; pg. 36] May 2, 1808 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE, Sheriff, by virtue of an Execution issued out of Camden County commanding me out of the goods, chattles, & lands of John WILLIAMS, William NEVILL & John HUMPHRIES to cause the sum of £201 15 Shillings which lately in the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session of Camden County Samuel BAYS recovered against them. At public vandue 3 negroes named Isaac, Miles & Charles where & when Willis COOPER bid for Isaac £50, for Miles £25, for Charles £75 & was the highest bid. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have given & granted the negroes unto Willis COOPER. Witness: Jos. ROLESH; Registered April 13, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 36-38] Jan. 18, 1810 - We Michal & William WALKER, & Morris MIDGETT & Polley his Wife of Tyrrel County & Daniel & Thomas WALKER, Elizabeth ADAMS, Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Caleb GARRETT & Salley his Wife & Willaim OWINS & Polley his Wife of Currituck County for the sum of $210 Silver paid to us by Simeon SAWYER for a tract of land on Powels Point. Beginning at Simeon SAWYER’s land on James ETHERIDGE’s land along SAWYER’s line to Elizabeth ADAMS land along her land to Lemuel GREGORY’s land along his land to Samuel BROWN’s land along GREGORY’s land to BROWN’s land along BROWN’s to the land formerly belonging to John WESKETT binding WESKETT’s land to ETHERIDGE’s to the first containing 42 & ¾? Acres. [Note: pg. 38 is repeated verbatim of the Deed above; could not make out any Witness or Register date.]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 38-39] Jan. 10, 1810 - I William BRUMSEY for the sum of $800 paid to me by Samuel FEREBEE for a tract of land. Beginning on the swamp side to the road & along the line of James WHITE to the line of Thomas WALKERS along this line to Isaac BAXTER’s line along his line as I sold him to the road along the road to Husband’s path along path various courses to the first containing 50 acres being the land I now live on. Witness: William C. ETHERIDGE, ???? COLLINS; Registered May 29, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 39] Jan 14, 1811 - I Spence H. GREGORY for the sum of $300 paid to me by William B. ETHERIDGE for 2 negro boys named Dick & Charles. Witness: T.R. BROCKETT, Abraham BAUM; Registered June 12, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 40-44] no date - These pg.s are the examinations of the females from the Deed of Michal WALKER, William WALKER, Daniel WALKER, Elizabeth ADAMS, Morris MIDGETT & Polley his Wife, Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Caleb GARRETT & Salley his Wife, William OWINS & Polly his Wife, Thomas WALKER to Simeon SAWYER on pg. 36-38 and their finding that the females signed this deed of their own free will. [There are no other Deeds on pg.s 40-43.]
[Deed Book 11; pg. 44] Dec. 26, 1810 - I William LURREY for the Love & affection that I have for my Daughter Salley FORBES & for the advancement & maintenance of my Daughter have given her & her children a negro man Bob, & a negro man Jim. I also give to her a feather bed & furniture. Witness: Caleb MANNING, S. FERREBEE; Registered June 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 44] Feb. 25, 1811 - By an order of the Court that the Administrator of Thomas MERCHANT dec’d, is to sell as many negroes of the dec’d for 6 months credit sufficient for payment of debt. I David JONES Adm. in wright of my Wife Mary, on Jan. 1, at publick auction sold a negro man named Ned, & Caleb ETHERIDGE appeared & bid the sum of £237 10 Shillings, also a negro boy Daniel he bid the sum of £151, he being the highest bid. I David JONES Adm. have granted unto Caleb ETHERIDGE the said negroes. Registered June 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 46-49] May 22, 1809 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands Samuel WHITEHURST to cause the sum of £127 19 Shillings which was recovered against the estate for debt by Demcey FORBES, John SCURR real Plantiff, also the sum of £4 1 Shilling 3 Pence for damages by reason of detention of debt. Also 1 other Fieri Facies of Demcy FORBES against Thomas BAXTER C.C.C. the said Samuel WHITEHURST in the sum of £79 4 Shillings & 6 Pence, also 1 other Feiri Fauas of Leven DUNTON against WHITEHURST in amount of £17 1 Shilling 3 Pence. In obedience of 3 Writs I took possession of a tract of land belonging to Samuel WHITEHURST whereon he had begun to build a house in Coinjock near Beaver Dam. Beginning in Isaac BAXTER’s line Maximilion WALKER corner down to Mrs. WALKER’s line along hir line to William WILLIAMS corner along Demsey BALLANCE’s line along his line to Andrew DUKES line along his line to the Beaver Dam to Isaac BAXTER’s line along his line to the first containing 121 ½ acres belonging to Samuel WHITEHURST After legal notice at publick vendue the property was exposed for sale when Thomas BARNARD appeared & bid £2 1 Shilling per acre & was the highest bid & he BARNARD has relinquished his bid in favour of Isaac BAXTER. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff for the sum of £249 1 Shilling & 5 Pence have granted the land unto Isaac BAXTER. Witness: T. BAXTER; Registered June 20, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 49] Feb 25, 1811 - Willoughby WHITE to Caleb TATEM. Both of Currituck, three negroes by the name of Rose, Morning and Stephen. No price given. /s/ Willouby WHITE. Witness: Robert WHITE, Jas. NICHOLSON; Registered 20 Jun 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 50] Feb. 26, 1811 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE for the sum of $352 in full paid to me by Doctor David JONES for a negro boy named Daniel. Registered June 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 51] Feb. 27, 1811 - I Andrew BATES acknowledge that I have received from Mary MARCHANT as Admin. to Thomas MARCHANT dec’d full payment for a negro man named Simon, sold to me by Thomas MARCHANT in his life time to secure a Judgment & Execution that I had against him, I relinquish all demand whatever to negro to the Administratix. Witness: T. BAXTER, S. FEREBEE; Registered June 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 51-52] Dec. 18, 1810 - I Thomas MILLER for the sum of $300 paid to me by Willoughby WHITE for ½ of a boat knone by name of Triall Burthen with all my materials, my boat, sails, anchors & riging. The said Sloop Terall 22 tuns 10/95. Witness: Jas. HUGHS, Jas. NICHOLSON, Will. BRUMSEY; Registered June 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 52-53] Dec. 26, 1810 - I William LURRY for the Love & affection which I have unto my Daughter Salley FORBES & the sum of 5 Shillings, have granted unto her a tract of land & swamp whereon I now live all but 60 acres whereon Demsey FORBES lives & ½ of my swamp land. Bounded by the lands of Thomas C. FEREBEE & the Indian line for & during her life then I give the land unto my Grandson John M. FORBES containing 300 acres. Witness: Caleb MANNING, S. FEREBEE; Registered June 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 53-54] May 28, 1810 - I Davis COX for the sum of $100 paid to me by Thomas COX of Norfolk County Virginia for a parcel of land during his Natural life. Beginning at the main rode to Thomas ALLISON’s line joining Aaron BRIGHT’s line thence joining Thomas COX Seniors line to the first containing 60 acres. Witness: Henry BALLENTINE, James GARRETT; Registered June 26, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 54] Nov. 1, 1810 - Jeremiah PERKINS to James DOXEY, for £52 "From off the tract where I now live" ...by James DOXEY. PERKINS /s/ Jeremiah PERKINS. Witness, Joliff HALSTEAD; Registered 26 Jun 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 55-56] Feb. 5, 1810 - I Simon JENKINS for the sum of $32 Silver paid to me by John BERRY for a parcel of land. Beginning various courses to Thomas BANKS line running his line to the first containing 10 acres. Witness: Richard DOZIER, Philip LUFFMAN; Registered June 26, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 56-57] May 24, 1810 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted paid into our Treasury by Daniel VANPELT for a tract of land containing 150 acres at a place called the Narrow of Rone Oake Marshes. Beginning at a point of marsh at the mouth of the Ship Channel way along the Channel to ANDERSON’s Island binding the water side various courses to the first. Entered Sept. 20, 1809. Yielding & provided that Daniel VANPELT pays to us such sums yearly as our General Assembly may direct, provided that this granted be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David Stone, Esq.; Registered June 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 58] May 24, 1811 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Daniel VANPELT for a tract of land containing 5 acres at the Mouth of the Narrows of Roan Oake marshes on the Pamplico side known by name of ANDERSON Island. Beginning at a point of marsh next to the mouth of Narrows to water side various courses to the first. Entered Sept. 20, 1809. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct provided that Daniel VANPELT cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David Stone, Esq.; Registered June 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 59-60] Nov. 24, 1809 - No. 257 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Daniel LINDSEY for a tract of land containing 62 acres on North River side of Powels Point. Beginning at the corner of the MERCER tract in John HEATH’s line various courses to the first. Entered Nov. 13, 1809. Yielding & providing that Daniel LINDSEY pays such sums yearly as our General Assembly may direct, provided that he causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David Stone, Esq.; Surveyor Mitchel SIMMONS, chain bearers William LUNN, James ODOWDY
[Deed Book 11; pg. 60] Nov. 26, 1810 - No. 533 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Burket GARD for a tract of land containing 152 acres on the North Banks in Kildevil Hill. Beginning at Caleb TOLER’s on the edge of Kittehawk Bay to Henry SIKES corner to GUARDS land to the sea side to TOLER’s line binding his line to the first. Entered 16 (blank) 1810. Yielding & paying unto us such sums yearly as our General Assembly may direct provided that Burket GUARD cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David Stone, Esq.; Surveyor Mitchel SIMMONS, chain bearers Caleb TOLER, Avery TILLETT; Registered June 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 61-62] Nov. 3, 1810 - No. 535 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Peter MORSE for a tract of land containing 50 acres on the Creek side near Moyock Mill. Beginning back of Joseph BALLENTINE’s to the Brook Gut along the side of the Creek various courses to the first. Entered Jan. 3, 1810. Yielding & providing that Peter MORSE pay unto us such sums yearly as our General Assembly may direct provided that he cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David Stone, Esq.; Surveyor Mitchel SIMMONS, chain bearers Saml. SCOTT, Duke BELL; Registered July 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 62-63] Feb. 5, 1811 - I John AYDLETT for the sum of $800 Spanish paid to me by Solomon CHAPLIN for a tract of land in Powels Point. Beginning at a corner of Matthias TOLER’s line with his line to John EVIN’s line with his line to James CHAPLIN’s line with his line (too faded to read) to the land of John AYDLETT to the first containing 119 acres. Witness: Simeon SAWYER, Jonathan CAMP; Registered July 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 63-64] Feb. 27, 1811 - I Benjamin BRICKHOUSE for the sum of $150 paid to me by Linton LEE for a tract of land. Beginning in Davis FANSHER’s line to the Creek thence to Bever Gut to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Ivey HOLSTEAD; Registered July 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 64] Dec. 31, 1811 - I Salley GRAY for the sum of $150 paid to me by Samuel SALYEAR SEN. for the whole Right of a negro man named Benjamin. Witness: Samuel SALYEAR , Jessey BARNARD; Registered July 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 65] Feb. 1, 1811 - I James ETHERIDGE for the sum of $5 paid to me by Thomas ETHERIDGE for a tract of land. Beginning at a corner between Philip DOZIER line & mine up the line to DOZIER’s other corner down my line & Samuel FEREBEE’s line to the first containing 40 acres of land whereon I know live commonly called Juniper Ridge. Witness: Ryland FANSHER, John CAPTS; Registered July 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 66] Feb. 28, 1810 - I Caleb COX for the sum of $350 Silver paid to me by Thomas LUFFMAN for a tract of land near Moyock Mill. Beginning at the N. prong of the Mill Streem to Javan COX to Simon WILSON various courses to the first to contain 60 acres. Witness: Jeremiah LINTON; Registered July 12, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 67] Feb. 1, 1811 - I Matthias BELL & Nancy BELL for the sum of $1500 paid to me by John SHIPP for a parcel of land in Gibbs Woods. Beginning various courses to Jonathan HALES to Cox? Creek down the Creek to North West River binding on River to MILLER’s landing various courses to the firs containing 387 acres. Witness: John BOWEN, Jessey ROLISON; Registered July 13, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 68] Feb. 23, 1807 - Michael WATERFIELD to Samuel WATERFIELD, for $400, 170 acres on Knots Island. /s/ Michael WATERFIELD. Witness: Jessey TAYLOR, Anthony FRAME; Registered 13 Jul 1811.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 68-69] Feb. 23, 1811 - I Michael WATERFIELD for the sum of $100 paid to me by Samuel WATERFIELD for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning at the corner of Vinson WHITE’s land to the land of Caty JESPER along this line to the land of William WICKER SENIOR to Vinson WHITE to the first containing 5 acres. Witness: Jessey TAYLER, Anthony FRAME; Registered July 13, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 69-70] Feb. 23, 1811 - I James SIMPSON for the sum of $600 paid to me by John BONNEY for my Plantation & tract of land & marsh on Knots Island containing 50 acres. Beginning at the water side down Caleb BERKET’s line to the Creek as the Creek runs to Zachariah SIMPSON’s land to the first. Witness: Saml. ETHERIDGE, Gideon BONNEY; Registered July 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 70] Feb. 1, 1810 - David JONES, Esq. Clerk and Master in Equity for Currituck to Jesse TAYLOR. Henry WHITE, deceased, heirs petition court, 15 acres on Knotts Island, bounded on the east by land of Nancy TAYLOR, Mary WILLIAMS fell to heirs of Henry WHITE, named Anthony FRAME and Juley his wife and William TAYLOR and Sary his wife and Joseph WATERFIELD and Amy (?) his wife and Lydia WHITE and Hilary WHITE by the death of Caleb WHITE. Public Auction. 27 Nov 1810. $155 from Jesse TAYLOR, Signed, David JONES. Attest, J. MARTAN and Solomon ASHBY.
Below is a full transcript of the above deed by
Jean Schroeder -
1 Feb 1811 - Petition of the heirs of Henry WHITE (d. Bet. 18 May 1800
- 22 Dec 1803)
David JONES Esq. Clerk and Master in Equity for the County of Currituck
in NC of the one part and Jesse TAYLOR of the same place of the other part
wherein the heirs of Henry WHITE, dec'd, petition the Honourable Superior
Court of Equity held for the County of Currituck at the court house therein on
the first Monday of September 1810. When on hearing the Said Petition it was
ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court the within mentioned promises of
fifteen acres of Land belonging to the petitioners or heirs of Henry WHITE
deceased as appears by and the annexed platt for the purpose of making a
division be sold after forty days Notice upon a Credit of six and twelve months
under the direction of the Clerk and Master and upon bond sufficient security
being given by the purchaser or purchasers for the purchaser's money to the
petitioners in the _____ _________ it shall be the duty of the Said Clerk &
Master & to execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed in fee simple to the
Said purchaser or purchasers for the aforesaid P_____ and I the Said David
JONES Clerk and Master aforesaid after _____ and ______ Notes being given
_____ offer the above tract of fifteen acres of land lying on Knots Island in
the county and state aforesaid being part of a tract belonging to the heirs of Caleb WHITE dec'd. and containing one hundred and thirty five acres of
bound on the East by land of Nancy TAYLOR and on the West by the lot of
land belonging to Mary WILLIAMS and on the South by Currituck Sound it
being a lot containing fifteen acres which fell to the heirs of Henry WHITE
Namely Anthony THOMAS & July his wife and William TAYLOR & Sary his wife and Joseph WATERFIELD & Amey his wife
Lyday WHITE & Hillary WHITE by the death of Caleb WHITE for
sale at public auction on the 27 day of November 1810 and Jessey TAYLOR
appared and bid the sum of one hundred and fifty five dollars which was the
hiest and best bid ____ Sold David JONES Clerk and Master in equity
aforesaid by virtue of foregoing decree and the Laws of the State do convey
_____ and confirm unto the Said Jessy TAYLOR the above mentioned present
together with all the Improvements Rights and Privileges and herdetriments in
fee Simple unto him and his heirs forever In witness where of I have hereto set
my hand and Seal this day and date above mentioned Signed and Sealed in the
presents of us
Solomon ASHBY Ack David JONES Clerk
State of NoCaroline Feb Term 1811
This deed of Sale from David JONES Clerk & Master of the Court of Equity
for Currituck County to Jessy TAYLOR was acknowledged in open court in
due form of Law and ordered Registered According to order Is Registered this the
17 day of July 1811
Attest Dennis DOZIER P. Register
[Deed Book 11; pg. 71-73] Feb. 21, 1811 - Maximilion TAYLOR and wife Salley to Joseph SIMMONS, Maxey TAYLOR and Salley TAYLOR of Currituck, for $600?, beginning at the main arch on Lorrel Swamp at Jessey BARNARDs line…..containing 70 acres. Also one other parcel of marsh land beginning at Thomas SANDERSON’s line & Daniel LINDSEY’s with SANDERSON’s line to the Creek binding the Creek the various courses of the water to the Narrows at Julia TAYLORs orphans line with this line to Daniel LINDSEY’s line with his line to the first containing 22 acres. Witness: Samuel PHILIPS, Jonathan TAYLOR; Registered July 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 73-74] Feb. 25, 1811 - Jesse TAYLOR and Nancy, his wife, of Currituck to Major WHITEHURST of Princess Ann, Virginia, for $1,000, 45 acres on Knotts Island bordered by Cornelius JONES, John WHITE & William BONNEY. Witness: Anthony FRAME.; Registered July 17,1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 74-75] Jan. 3, 1811 - Lemuel TAYLOR to Benjamin TAYLOR, SEN., both of Currituck, for $425, 50 acres of land bounded by Joseph SIMMONS, Jonathan TAYLOR, Maxey TAYLOR, Amos GRAY and Thomas POYNER. Witness: Thomas SIMMONS, Hosea BALL; Registered July 17,1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 76-77] Feb. 16, 1811 - I William WHITE for the sum of $500 Silver paid to me by Robert WHITE for a parcel of land on Churches Island. Beginning at the corner of Thomas GRAY’s land along the Sound to the back Creek to GRAY’s line with his line to the first containing 43 acres. Witness: Hosea BALL, Enoch BALL; Registered July 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 78] Feb. 5, 1811 - I James WHITE SEN. for the sum of $650 Silver paid to me by William WHITE for a parcel of land between North River Swamp & East Swamp. Beginning on W. side of East Swamp in Thomas SANDERSON’s line binding on East Swamp to Peter MORRISETTs line binding on his line to William NICHOLSON’s patent to patent line of Peter POYNER to SANDERSON’s line with his line to the first containing 121 acres. Witness: Robert WHITE, Asenet WHITE; Registered July 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 79] Feb. 5, 1811 - I James WHITE SEN. for the sum of $250 Silver paid to me by William WHITE for a parcel of land in North River Swamp being part of Narrows Ridge. Beginning at the Burnt Ground to Narrows Ridge at the mane North River Swamp to the dividing line between the Ridge & the land formerly belonging to Even LURRY dec’d with this line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Robert WHITE; Registered July 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 80] Feb. 11, 1811 - James ETHERIDGE, sold to Isaac ROBERTS, both of Currituck County for £350. First piece of land containing 100 acres near Currituck Courthouse bordered by John DAUGE, John BALLANCE, Moses CAPPS, and John BRABBLE. Second piece of land containing 50 acres from Josiah NICHOLSON. Witness: Joseph GRAY, D. LINDSAY /s/ James ETHERIDGE; Registered, 14 Aug 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 81-82] [no date] - I Mathew GREGORY & Mary my Wife for the sum of $300 paid to me by Thomas SANDERSON for a parcel of land. Beginning at James WHITEHALL corner binding his line to Daniel LINDSEY’s land binding his line to the main road with the road to the land laid off in division of the land of Lemuel SANDERSON to Sally SANDERSON orphan OF Jessey SANDERSON dec’d to John DOWDY corner with his line to Thomas DOWDY’s line to the land formerly belonging to Thomas BARNARD with his line to the first containing 45 acres. Also a piece of marsh land situated on Grandey’s Island to contain 20 acres. Another piece of Marsh & Bank land on the Banks as will more fully appear by the division of the lands of Lemuel SANDERSON to contain all the lands & marsh that was set apart to Mary SANDERSON in the division now the Wife of Mathew GREGORY. Witness: Isaac DAUGE; Registered Aug. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 82-83] Dec. 9, 1809 - I James CHAPLIN for the sum of $100 paid to me by James MELSON for a parcel of land near Powels Point. Beginning various courses along CHAPLIN & MELSON’s lines to the first containing 10 acres. Witness: S. SAWYER, W. FORBES; Registered Aug. 15, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 83-84] Feb. 23, 1811 - I John AYDELETT for the sum of $670 paid to me by Benjamin PARKER for a parcel of land on Powels Point known by name of Stinnett being a piece of land AYDLET bought of John SANDERLIN as will appear by deed from Mathas TOLOR to Mitchel MEGLOCKLIN containing 50 acres. Witness: James GREGORY, Leml. GREGORY ; Registered Aug. 15, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 84-85] Feb. 23, 1811 - We Benjamin PARKER & Luke GREGORY for the sum of $350 paid to us by Jonathan CAMP for a parsel of land on Powells Point. Beginning at the corner of Nancy WEST with her line to Look GREGORIES line along his line various courses to the first the hole containing 36 acres. Witness: James TOLER, Leml. GREGORY; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 85-86] Nov. 28, 1810 - I Lemuel GREGORY for the sum of $60 paid to me by Simeon SAWYER for a tract of land on Powells Point. Beginning at Simeon SAWYER’s sawcut corner on Benjamin MORRIS dec’d line binding SAWYER’s line to a corner on the land that formerly belonged to Spence WALKER dec’d now belonging to SAWYER various courses to the first containing 10 acres. Witness: Thomas WALKER, Anna ETHERIDGE; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 86-87] Oct. 9, 1810 - I Solomon CHAPLIN for the sum of $200 paid to me by Mary HALL for a tract of land on Peg Point. Beginning at the end of Peg Point up the Creek to Gar Gut to a point called Ward? Point along the Sound side to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: A.M. GATTEN, Jonathan CAMP, Caleb CHAPLIN; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 87-88] Nov. 15, 1808 - I Daniel LINDSEY for the yearly rent of 1 year of corn paid by John MERCER SEN. & Jean his Wife for all that messuage of land beginning on North River Swamp at Daniel LINDSEY’s line various courses to the road to John HEATH’s line to the swamp with the swamp to the first during the term of their Natural Lives. John & Jean to tend ½ of cleared land in corn 1 year & sewing the other ½ in small grain yearly & buildings & necessary repairs to be made. Witness: Thos. POYNER, Samuel WHITE; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 88-89] Feb. 27, 1811 - I Nathan PARKER & Elizabeth my Wife for the sum of $20 paid to me by Joseph GRAY for a piece of land. Beginning on the corner line between Randolph JONES SEN. dec’d & Randolph JONES dec’d to the dividing line between the 2 dec’d to Miles EVERTON line with his line up to Patsey JONES line to the first containing 20 acres. Witness: Thomas GRAY, Wm. BERRY; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 90] Feb 1, 1811 - I Peter BAUM for the sum of $100 paid to me by William B. ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land & marsh on the North Banks near Nags Head. Beginning on the Sound side opposite the N.W. end of Thick Island to the Sea along the Sea to the Sound various courses of the Sound to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: T.R. BROCKETT; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 91] 1811 - I Peter BAUM of Camden County for the sum of $300 Spanish paid to me by Avery TILLETT for a tract of land on the North Banks. Beginning at the Sound side at Roscow’s Point to the Sea side along the Sea to the Sound side to the first containing 60 acres. Witness: Thomas R. BROCKETT; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 92] Jan. 12, 1811 - I Avery TILLETT & Sabra my Wife for the sum of $300 paid to us by Peter BAUM for a piece of land on the North Banks near Panters Creek. Beginning at the head of Robertsons Creek thence along Benjamin DOUGH’s line to Edmond Best’s line to Avery TILLETT’s line to Whitby’s Swamp to a corner between Avery TILLETT & Isaac TILLETT through a swamp to the first containing 70 acres. Witness: Sam. DOUGH, T.R. BROCKETT; Registered Aug. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 93-94] Nov. 14, 1810 - Robert MIDGETT of Hyde County sold to James GRAY of Currituck County, for 150 Spanish mill dollars, a tract of land in Currituck County on Chicknacomick, it being the plantation where said Robert MIDGETT formerly lived, lying between Samuel MEEKINS and the widow Flesha MIDGETT, running north and south and from Sound to sea, the burial ground excepted, containing 50 acres. Witness: Mary [x] DOUGLAS, Anthony DOUGLAS. /s/ Robert MIDGETT. Registered: Aug. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 94-95] Nov. 15, 1810 - I James GRAY for the sum of $70 Spanish paid to me by Anthony DOUGLASS for a piece of land on Chicknacomick, it being ½ of the parcel that I bought of Robert MIDGETT laying between ames GRAY & Samuel MEEKINS containing 25 acres. Witness: Banister MIDGETT, Mary DOUGLASS; Registered Aug. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 95-96] Jan. 3, 1811 - I Willoughby WHITE for the sum of $225 paid to me by Stephen ROGERS for a piece of land. Beginning at the water side binding my line to make 180 acres to John GALLOPs line back to the water to GALLOP’s line down to the water on Jean Gite Guite Creek. Witness: George HERBERT, Josias NICHOLSON; Registered Aug. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 96-97] Jan 22, 1811 - I James MASON for the sum of $50 Spanish paid to me by James WILLIAMS for a tract of land on the North Banks. Beginning at the Sound side binding on James MASON’s line with his line to the Sea side thence to the Sound as shall contain 50 acres. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE, Abraham BAUM ; Registered Aug. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 97-98] Sept. 25, 1810 - I Thomas BEST for the sum of $100 paid to me by William TWIFORD for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at the High Bridge to John LEWARKS line to City Hawk Ridge to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE; Registered Aug. 23, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 98] Sept. 10, 1810 - I William HILL for the sum of $70 paid to me by Willis GALLOP for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning on the W. side of Dancing Ridge to Coles path various courses to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: John PATRIDGE, Hadley WALKER; Registered Aug. 23, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 99] June 30, 1808 - I Thomas BEST for the sum of $20 Silver paid to me by James WILLIAMS for a tract of land on the North Banks containing 100 acres. Surveyed Doct. James LABBON Dec. 31, 1753 granted from Thomas CHOLD agent for Earl of Granville to John CAMPBELL dated Mar. 24, 1760. Witness: Thomas TILLETT, Burkett GUARD; Registered Aug. 23, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 100] 1811 - Isaac ROBERTS sold to James HARVEY, both of Currituck, for $180, one negro Boy by name of George, age six; Witness: C. ETHERIDGE; Registered Aug. 23 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 100-101] Feb. 4, 1811 - I Daniel LINDSEY for the sum $400 paid to me by Shaderick & Theophelies KALLAM for a negor man named Sam. Formerly the property of Thomas JARVES by right of Wife Faney KELLEM. Witness: John NEUSAN; Registered Aug. 23, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 101] Sept. 11, 1810 - I Thomas B. JARVIS, Blacksmith, for the sum of $250 paid to me by Daniel LINDSEY for a negro woman named Rachel & 1 bay horse named Roll, all of my part of stock of cattle & 10 head of sheep & a set of Black Smiths tools, 1 feather bed & furniture & house hold furniture of varas kinds. Witness: Thos. POYNER, S. SAWYER; Registered Aug. 23, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 102-105] Dec. 20, 1748 - Know ye that I John Earl GRANVILLE for the sum of 3 Shillings Sterling paid by William PARR for a parcel of land on North River Swamp containing 100 acres. Yielding & paying unto the Earl & his heirs the yearly rent of 4 Shillings Proclamation money for every 100 acres. Provided within 3 years of date hereof William PARR is to clear & cultivate at the rate of 3 acres for every 100 acres for the space of 21 years. He is to build a house on the premises, keep a stock of Cattle on premises at the rate of 5 head for every 100. Surveyed June 6, 1748 Richard MULDER; Chain Bearers Peter DAUGE, Benjamin DAUGE; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 106] Dec. 10, 1810 - I George DOUGH Executor of Sampson DOUGH dec’d have taken into possession a negro boy named Croatan & exposed him for sale at publick Oction, where upon Simeon SAWYER bid $230 & was highest bid. Witness: Robert WEST, Sampson DOUGH; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 107] May 28, 1811 - I James MASON for the sum $200 paid to me by Caleb BALLANCE for a negro boy named John about 9 years old. Witness: H.N. WEST?; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 107-108] May 28, 1811 - I James MASON for the sum of $300 paid to me by Caleb BALLANCE for a negro girl named Sealy. The condition of the obligation is such that James MASON shall pay to Caleb BALLANCE in 9 months after date hereof the full sum of $170 with interest or obligation to be in full force. Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 108] Oct. 1, 1810 - I Caleb BALLANCE for the sum of $325 paid to me by Mr. John CLARK of Cape Hatterass for a negro boy named Martin. Witness: Saml. ASHBEE, Jo. FARROW; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 109] Mar 12, 1811 - I Cornelius AUSTEN SEN. for the sum of $25 paid to me by Zachariah BURRUS SEN. for a tract of land. Beginning at the Sea Side Hills at the corner of Daniel AUSTEN’s SEN. land formerly, to the Sound side along the Sound various courses to the first containing 25 acres. Witness: William AUSTIN SEN., Moses AUSTIN; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 110] Jan. 10, 1811 - I Elias OUTLEY for the sum of $28 paid to me by James MIDGETT for a track of land on Kenekeet. Beginning at the Sea at Thomas FARROW’s corner with his line to the Sound with the Sound to the Sea with the Sea to the first to conclude 25 acres, it being the land which Henry BARNS sold to Elias OUTLEY. Witness: William MILLER, Pharoah FARROW; Registered Aug. 24, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 111] Feb. 8, 1811 - I Isaac FARROW for the sum of $500 Silver paid to me by Pharoah FARROW for a track of land. Beginning at the main road then with the Sound to Pharow FARROW’s line with his line various corces to the Sea with the Sea to the First to conclude 100 acres of patent land it being part of 2 patents, the Burrell Ground only excepted. Witness: Christopher FLOWER, William MILLER; Registered Aug. 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 112-113] Nov. 30, 1810 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Thomas SANDERSON & Daniel LINDSEY for a tract of land containing 200 acres near Narrow Shore lying in a place called Lorrel Swamp. Beginning at Benjamin POYNER’s corner binding on Samuel SALYER & Jesse BARNARD’s line various courses to MERCER’s corner to Edward TAYLORS patent various courses to the first. Entered Nov. 24, 1809. Yielding & provided that they Thomas SANDERSON & Daniel LINDSEY shall pay unto us such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided they cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ David STONE. Surveyor Mitchel SIMMONS, Chair Bearers: Selby BARCO, Lamuel POYNER; Registered Aug. 28, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 114-115] Mar. 20, 1810 - I Caleb BALLANCE of Hyde County of Mattamaskeet for the sum of £25 paid to me by Daniel TOLSON of Cape Hatterass for a tract of land on Cape Hatterass Banks. Beginning at John BURRUS’s corner at the See Beach various courses to conclude 10 complete ackers, to have it as wide on the beach as the Sound. Witness: William BURRUS, James SCARBROUGH, Benjamin SPRING, Jacob QUIDLEY; Registered Aug. 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 115] Feb. 4, 1811 - I Isaac CREEF for the sum of $100 Silver paid to me by Philip LUFFMAN for a parcel of land. Beginning at a beach in William WHEATLEY’s with his line to Willoughby WHITE’s line along his line to Phillip LUFFMAN’s line along his line to Davis FANSHER’s line thence to the first containing 37 ½ acres. Witness: Richard DOZIER, John HARRIS; Registered Aug. 30, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 116-117] Dec. 10, 1810 - We Solomon BRIGHT & Margaret his Wife, Christopher BUNDY & Susannah his Wife, Willoughby WEST & Elender his Wife for the sum of $150 paid to us by Richard & Isaac FLORY for a tract of land being our parts of the land that belonged to Richard FLORY dec’d, it being 42 acres all our parts of the wood land. Witness: Moses BUNNELL, Willoughby WHEATLY; Registered Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 118] Dec. 15, 1810 - Elijah FARROW of Currituck County sold to James MIDGETT of Currituck County, for $100.00, a tract of land on Kinekeet in Currituck County beginning at the Sound at Henry BARN's then running to the Sea, containing 25 acres. Witness: Christopher FLOWERS, Pharrow FARROW. /s/ Elijah [x] FARROW. Registered: Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 119-120] Feb. 19, 1810 - I Dennis DOZIER SEN. for and in consideration of the sum of $333.00 paid to me by John LAMB for a parcel of land beginning at a beach stump corner of Nathaniel HUTCHENS & Caleb GREGORY’s various courses to John LAMBs line that was formerly Cason HUTCHENS line various courses to beginning to contain 23 acres, one rod and 22 poles being the land the sd. Dennis DOZIER SEN. bought from John HUTCHINS which will appear by his deed.. Witness: Willis SIMONS, Joshua HALSTEAD; Registered: Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 120] Mar. 6, 1811 - I Elijah FARROW for and in consideration of the sum of $575.00 paid to me by Thomas FARROW for a parcel of land on Cape Hatteras beginning at the sound at a Sedar stake then runing East with Christopher FLOWERS line to the sea North or there abouts to James MIDGETTs line various courses to first station to conclude (left blank). Witness: Pharoah FARROW. Registered September 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 121-122] Feb.18, 1811 - I Isaac FARROW for and in consideration of the sum of 200 silver dollars paid to me by Francis FARROW for a parcel of land on Kinikeet beginning at a cedar post at the sound at Pharoah FARROWs line turning with the sound Southerly till being in Mary WALSES [Walls] NW corner along this line to sea then Northerly to Pharoah FARROWs line a west course to the sound then with the sound to first station to conclude 50 acres of patened land it being part of two patents. Witness: Christopher FLOWERS, William MILLER
[Deed Book 11; pg. 123] Apr. 20, 1811 - I John FARROW for and in consideration of the sum of $500.00 paid to me by Elizabeth WILLIAMS for a parcel of land at Cape Hatterass the place where on I now live containing 100 acres as is described in my Father Jacob FARROWs will thereby devised to me also together with all the person property of every kind of which I am now possessed to have and to hold.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 122-123] Jan. 7, 1811 - I Christopher FLOWER for and in consideration of the sum of 300 Spanish Mill Dollars paid to me by Christopher PEEL for a certain tract of land lying on Kinekeet Banks various courses to Elijah FARROWs South line to the sea then with the sea to the said Christopher PEELs line various courses to Elijah FARROWs S.W. corner East to first station to conclude 50 acres more or less of patent land. Witness Isaac BROOKS, Pharoah FARROW. Registered Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 124-125] Aug. 2, 1810 - I Zebulon BEECHAM for the sum of $30 paid to me by Elijah SIBBORN for a tract of land on the North Banks known as Rancepock on Collonton Creek. Beginning at mouth of Fresh Pond various courses along the water of Colonton Creek to Abigail GUARD’s line along her line to the first containing 25 acres. Witness: Burkett GARD, Letishea GARD; Registered Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 125] June 24, 1807 - Henry CLARK to John CLARK, for $50, Fifty acres. By Cape Hatteras at the south side on the east side of the Indian pattant. By Achsah CLARK patent. /s/ Henry CLARK. Witness: Caleb TAYLOR, Major CLARK. Registered Sept. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 126] Sept. 18, 1809 - I Dennis DOZIER SEN. for the sum of $468 paid to me by John LAMB for a parcel of land. Beginning at a corner of John & Nathaniel HUTCHENS to the back line of Peter HUTCHINS line along his lsine to the first containing 23 acres 1 Rod & 22 Poles, being 1/3 part of the land & Plantation where Thomas HUTCHENS dec’d possessed. Witness: Philip DAUGE, James DOZIER; Registered Sept. 16, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 127] Oct. 26, 1807 - No. 249 -- Thomas TAYLOR's Patent grant. 50 shillings for any (?) hundred acres, 20 acres. Bordered by Willoughby TAYLOR and Levi POYNER's line. Registered, 20 Sep 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 128] Apr. 23, 1799 - I Jeremiah MERCER SEN. for the sum of $1300 Spanish paid to me by Jeremiah MERCER for 6 negroes: 1 negro man Fortune, 1 negro woman Comfort, 1 negro woman Milla age 16, 1 negro girl Kesiah, 1 negro girl Pegg & 1 negro boy Isaac. Witness: S. FEREBEE; Registered Sept. 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 129-130] Dec. 24, 1810 - I Jeremiah SEXTON for the sum of $268 paid to me by Aaron BRIGHT for a parcel of Swamp land containing 268 acres, which fell to me by the death of my Father Jeremiah SEXTON, near the head of Moyock Creek at a place called Lebanon. Beginning in Col. LAMB’s line to Duke COX’s line to WESTON’s line with his line to BALLANCE’s old field to BRIGHT’s line to Parker SWINDEL’s line to Col. LAMB’s line along his line to the first. Witness: Thomas LUFFMAN, Henry BALLENTINE; Registered Sept. 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 130-131] Aug. 10, 1807 - I Dennis DAUGE for the sum of $500 Silver paid to me by Thomas VANDOZIER for a parcel of land. Beginning at Neds Run Bridge at the main road leading to the Academy to North River various courses to the first containing 50 acres of land & swamp, being part of the land Dennis DAUGE bought of John HUMPHRIES. Witness: Brickhouse BELL
June 14, 1809 - I hereby assign all my right, title & interest in the within land to Enoch DAUGE for the sum of $370. Witness: S. FEREBEE; Registered Sept. 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 132] May 13, 1811 - I Dennis DOZIER SEN. for the sum of $25 paid to me by Jacob PERKINS for a parcel of land. Beginning various courses to Samuel FEREBEE’s line various courses to the first containing 2 acres. Witness: S. FEREBEE; Registered Sept. 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 133] Mar. 8, 1811 - I Richard HALSTEAD for the sum of $173 paid to me by Armstrong BRIGHT for a parcel of land. Beginning at BRIGHT’s line in the Carolina line thence to the line between Thomas LEVIT’s & William WILSON land binding on WILSON’s land various courses to William Jones line with his line to the first containing 27 acres 1 Rod. Witness: Miles BUTT, Henry BRIGHT; Registered Sept. 21, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 134] Aug. 7, 1810 William BEST, sailor, sold to Thomas BEST, for $50 to me in hand paid by Thomas BEST, 13 acres near Nags Head North Banks begining at a Live Oak on the Sound running a Northerly and Eastwardly course to Thomas TILLETT's line running Said TILLETT's line to Daniel WILLIAMS line a westwardly course to the Sound to a pine & corner tree thence running to the Sound.. /s/ William [x] BEST. Witness: Saml. DOUGH, Peter GALLOP, Burkett GARD; Registered this 27 day of September 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 135-136] Mar. 28, 1811 - I William MEEKINS for the sum of £130 paid to me by Nathan ONEAL for a parcel of land containing 27 ½ acres on Chicknecomack Banks. beginning on Richard PAINS line. Witness: Jacob MIDGETT, Angelico MIDGETT; Registered Sept. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 137] 1811 - Isaac BROOKS' heirs to John CLARK, for 50 Spanish Mill dollars, 50 acres on Hatteras Banks on the back marsh at John CLARKs Line, by George CLARK pattent line; by Achsah CLARK. /s/ Sarah [x] BROOKS, Mary [x] BROOKS, Jesse BROOKS, Fanny [x] BROOKS, Stephen BROOKS. Witnesses, Caleb [x]TAYLOR and Solomon[x] CREED; Registered 17 Sep 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 138] May 22, 1811 - I Peter GIBSON for the sum of $25 paid to me by Gideon GIBSON for a parcel of land. Beginning at the Deep Swamp to Daniel LINDSEY’s line of land he bought of Peter GIBSON thence to Gideon GIBSON’s line with his line to the first containing 2 acres. Witness: John HEATH; Registered Sept. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 139] Feb. 8, 1811 - I Uriah PATRICK for the sum of $50 paid to me by William B. ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at Dancing Ridge Pond to Bull Ridge to Levin TWIFORDS corner to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: Burkett GARD, Robert PLEGER; Registered Sept. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 140] Dec. 12, 1810 - No. 536 - Know ye that for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres we do give & grant unto Thomas BRAY a tract of land containing 100 acres on North River side near Indian Town. Entered Jan. 6, 1810. Yielding & provided that Thomas Bray pays unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that he causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ Benjamin SMITH; Registered Oct. 5, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 141] Sept. 17, 1810 - No. 222 - Know ye that we for the sum of 30 Shillings for every 100 acres paid into out Treasury by James DAUGE have granted unto him a tract of land containing 50 acres in the West Swamp near Indian Ridge. Beginning in William PARR’s patent line & a corner of James DAUGE SEN. along DAUGE patent line to Peter DAUGE’s patent line & Thomas HUTCHENS patent various courses to the first. Entered Oct. 22, 1793. Yielding & provided that James DAUGE pays us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that he causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ Benjamin WILLIAMS; Registered Oct. 4, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 142] Sept. 9, 1810 - John PADRICK of the State of North Carolina Currituck County of the one part and James CRANK of the aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars, "land lying in county afs & state & North Banks adjoining HULL's marsh, running along the sea, Solomon ASHBEE's line containing 50 acres more or less...". Witness: Caleb TOLER, Burkett GARD, Jessee PADRICK. Proven May Term 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 143] May 8, 1811 - Thomas HEATH sold to Daniel LINDSAY, both of Currituck, for $425, 95 acres of land on coast of Bay bounded by Thos. SANDERSON, Nathan TATUM, Jesse BARNARD & Barbary TAYLOR. Witness: Jesse BARNARD, Sally BARNARD. Registered 8 May 1811.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 144-145] Mar. 5, 1811 - Joseph SIMMONS and Ann his wife to Maximilion TAYLOR, both of Currituck, for $625, binding Thomas Sanderson line to Julian TAYLOR’s line with her line to Lorrel Swamp to Jesse BARNARD’s to the first containing 70 acres. Also a parcel of marsh land beginning at Thomas SANDERSON’s line & Daniel LINDSEY’s line with SANDERSON’s line to the creek various courses of the water to the Narrow’s at Julian TAYLOR’s line with her line to the Woods at Daniel LINDSEY’s LINE with his line to the first containing 22 acres. Witnesses: Thomas MCHORNEY,Enoch BALL; Registered Oct. 7 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 146] Jan. 29, 1811 - I Asa ETHERIDGE for the sum $100 paid to me by Stephen BEASLEY for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at Caleb TOLER’s line binding his line to the Sea along the Sea to John BURGES various courses to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: John HALL, Lovey HALL; Registered Oct. 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 147] Sept. 4, 1807 - John MERREL sold to Zorobable HARRISON for $250 a parcel of land lying and situate in Currituck County on Powells Point beginning at a marked corner pine in the plantation on said HARRISON line then turning with the said line a Southerly course to SAMSON ETHERIDGEs line to a hicary marked on said ETHERIDGE line then turning down with said last mentioned line to a stake then turning an Easterly course with the said MERRELs fence across to said HARRISON land that he bought of Josiah CURLING then binding the said HARRISON land to the first beginning containing 15 acres. Registered Oct. 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 148] Feb. 9, 1811 - I Samuel SIMPSON for the sum of $600 paid to me by Luke GREGORY for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at a corner of Isaac MASON’s to Albermarle Sound to John DOUGH’s line to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: HARRISON, Jonathan CAMP; Registered Oct. 7, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 149] Sept. 28, 1810 - I Peter GIBSON for the sum of $125 paid to me by Daniel LINDSEY for a parcel of land. Beginning at LINDSEY’s line with his line to the East Swamp to Gideon GIPSON’s line to the West Swamp to the first containing 25 acres. Witness: William LUNN, Jesse BARNARD; Registered Oct. 9, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 150-151] Mar. 14, 1811 - We John WALKER & Frances his Wife, Lydia JARVIS, Easther JARVIS & Dorcas JARVIS for the sum of $500 paid to us by William BERRY & Elizabeth his Wife & other heirs for a tract of land on the S. end of Churches Island. Beginning on Sound side thence binding of Lydia JARVIS’ land to Jonathans Creek binding on the Creek to the Sound various courses to the first containing 44 acres. Witness: Jesse BARNARD, Samuel SALYER SEN.; Registered Oct. 9, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 151-152] Sept. 11, 1810 - I Thomas B. JARVIS for the sum of $200 paid to me by Daniel LINDSEY for a parcel of land. Beginning at Polley WALLS line with her line to William LUTTS line binding his line to Mahala JARVES’s line binding her line to the main road to the first containing 28 acres. Also 1 other piece of land on Dues Quarter Island being all part divided by the Commissioners of the Estate Thomas JARVES B.S. deceased containing 20 acres. Witness: Thos. POYNER, S. SAWYER; Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 152-153] Mar. 17, 1811 - James MCHORNEY and Patsey his wife sold to Thos. MCHORNEY, for $300, 50 acres of land in Currituck by Thomas JARVIS, Miles EVERTON. Fifty acres. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 154-155] Mar. 14, 1811 - We William BERRY & Elizabeth his Wife, John WALKER & Francis his Wife, Ester & Dorcus JARVIS for the sum of $500 paid to us by Lydia JARVIS for a tract of land near the S. end of Churches Island. Beginning on the Sound binding on William BERRIES line to John OTHANS Creek to Dorcus JARVIS line binding on her line to the water to the first containing 33 1/3 acres. Witness: Thomas POYNER, Jesse BARNARD, Samuel SALYER ; Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 156-157] Mar. 14, 1811 - We William BERRY & Elizabeth his Wife, Lydia & Dorcas JARVIS, John WALKER & Francis his Wife for the sum of $200 paid to us by Esther JARVIS for a parcel of land on the S. end of Churches Island. Beginning on the Sound side binding on Dorcas JARVIS line to John WALKER & his Wife Francis line binding on his line to the Sound to the first containing 21 acres. Witness: Thomas POYNER, Jesse BARNARD, Samuel SALYER ; Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 157-158] Mar. 14, 1811 - We William BERRY & Elizabeth his Wife, Dorcas, Lydia, & Esther JARVIS for the sum of $500 paid to us by John WALKER & Francis his Wife for a parcel of land on the S. end of Churches Island. Beginning on the Sound side binding Esther JARVIS’s line to Nathan WALKER’s line binding his line to the Sound to the first containing 31 ½ acres. Witness: Thomas POYNER, Jesse BARNARD, Samuel SALYER ; Registered Nov. 1. 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 158-160] Mar. 14, 1811 - We William BERRY & Elizabeth his Wife, Lydia & Esther JARVIS, John WALKER & Francis his Wife for the sum of $500 paid to us by Dorcas JARVIS for a parcel of land on the S. end of Churches Island. Beginning on water side binding on Lydia JARVIS line across the Island into the marsh to Esther JARVIS line binding on her line to the Sound to the first containing 40 acres. Witness: Thomas POYNER, Jesse BARNARD, Samuel SALYER ; Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 160] Oct. 6, 1810 - Robert THOMPSON sold to Caleb MILLER for $300, 4 ½ acres of land bounded by Armistead SOLES and Dory DAUGE. Witness: Jas. NICHOLSON,Thos. MILLER; Registered, 7 Nov 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 161-162] Jan. 28, 1811 - We James & John ANCELL & their Wives July & Salley for the sum of $137.50 paid to us by Vinson WHITE for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning at the corner of Vinson WHITE’s line with his line to a corner of this land, Vinson WHITE’s land & Michel WATERFIELD’s along his line to a corner of WATERFIELD’s & James ANCELL along his line various courses to the first containing 6 ¾ & ½ a quarter. Witness: Polley BEASLEY, Elizabeth LOVET. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 163-164] May 8, 1811 - I Reuben WATERFIELD for the sum of $75 paid to me by Southward / Southwood WATERFIELD for a parcel of wood land on Knots Island. Beginning at Goose Pond down James WATERFIELD’s line to the Grate Marsh to James ANCELL’s line down his line to the first containing 40 acres. Witness: Vinson WHITE, Joel WATERFIELD. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 164-165] May 8, 1811 - I Reuben WATERFIELD for the sum of $65 paid to me by James WATERFIELD for a tract of wood land on Knots Island. Beginning at Goos Pond down Malachi JONES line to Grate Marsh to Goos Pon to a line between James WATERFIELD & Southen WATERFIELD containing 40 acres. Witness: Vinson WHITE, Joel WATERFIELD. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 165-166] May 7, 1811 - I Joseph POYNER for the sum of $2 paid to me by Edward BUNNELL for a piece of land adjoining Hollowell WILLIAMS containing 50 acres. Beginning at YOUNGHUSBAND’s line to John HALSTEAD’s to a WILLIAMS to KINIONS to the first. Witness: Samuel W. BUNNELL, William BUNNELL, John CHURCH. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 166-167] May 6. 1811 - I Joseph POYNER for the sum of $15.80 paid to me by Dinah POYNER for a parcel of land. Beginning at the corner of James POYNER orphans with their line to the Creek down the Creek to Bever Dam to include the main body of Cypress timber to James PHILIPS line along his line to the orphan’s line to the first containing 250 acres. Witness: Edward BUNNELL, Samuel W. BUNNELL. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 168-169] April 2, 1811 - I Philip LUFFMAN for the sum of $12 paid to me by James GREGORY for a parcel of land. Beginning at the New Bridge up the Creek to Samuel ETHERIDGE’s line to Davis FANSHER’s corner to the first containing 3 acres. Witness: Richard DOZIER, Benjamin DOZIER. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 169-170] Jan. 8, 1811 - I Penelope BELL Widow of Caleb BELL & Sophia & Rebecca BELL infants under age of 21 years by Brickhouse BELL Guardian & nearest friend. I Penelope BELL having Right of Dower to certain lands as Widow of Caleb BELL the land bounded by Hollowell ETHERIDGE, John MANCRIFF & Daniel LEE & Spence HALL in the District of Tulls Creek. I Penelope BELL for the sum of £15 relinquish all my Right of Dower & full 1/3 of the land, unto Sophia & Rebecca BELL children of Caleb BELL dec’d. Witness: Duke BELL. Registered Nov. 1, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 170-172] Feb. 26, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by order of 2 Writs of Fi Fa issued out of the Superior Court in County of Chowan on Oct. 7, 1809 at the instance of Alexander MILLER Executions against goods, chattles, & lands of John HUMPHRIES, the other against John WILLIAMS, John HUMPHRIES, & William NEAVILL, also several Writs issued Sept. 5, 1809 out of Superior Court of Currituck at the instance of Obadeah BOUND? & Co. & 2 at the instance of Charles ELLECOTT against John WILLIAMS, John HUMPHRIES, & 1 other the Officers against John WILLIAMS, John HUMPHRIES, & William NEAVILL. In obedience to the several Executions I did take into possession of a piece of land & swamp the property of John HUMPHRIES (his personal property having been privately sold) & the property of John WILLIAMS which land & swamp is in Indian Town. Beginning nearly opposite to Samuel WILLIAMs house at Joseph ROLFS corner with his line to North River binding the River to the Wharf known by name of HUMPHRIES Wharf to the first containing 240 acres being the balance of land whereon HUMPHRIES formerly lived. After legal notice I did expose the property to public sale where & when Thomas Cooper FEREBEE appeared & bid the sum of $14.23 per acre to settle the 1st 2 Executions & $4.75 & ½ cents on last 4 Executions. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Executions & the total sum of $1463.35 paid to me by Thomas C. FEREBEE have granted unto him the property. Witness: Thos. BAXTER. Registered Nov. 3, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 172a-174] Mar. 15, 1811 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE by a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session directing me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Isaiah PARR, John WILLIAMS SEN. & William BRUMSEY to cause the sum of £80 2 Shillings & 2 Pence, another Writ issued out of Superior Court against Jesse PERRY, John WILLIAMS SEN., & Isaiah PARR to cause the sum of £153 10 Shillings & 8 Pence & the sum of £62 15 Shillings & 4 Pence being the sum to be raised out of Isaiah PARR’s he being one of the securities for Jessey PERRY. In obedience of Writs I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff did enter & take possession a tract of land whereon Isaiah PARR then lived. Beginning on Currituck Sound a corner between the premises & Willoughby WHITE binding WHITE’s line to TATEMS corner along his line various courses to contain 36 acres 1 Rod & 26 Poles being the quantity of land bid on Aug. 27, 1810 on the first Writ at $12.51 per acre by Leven DUNTON & relinquishing to Jeremiah LAND. The 2nd Writ bid off Jan. 19, 1811 by Jeremiah LAND at £2 11 Shillings pr. acre. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of 2 Writs & the total sum of £154 17 Shillings & 6 Pence paid by Jeremiah LAND, I have granted the land unto him. Witness: William MATTHIAS, Dory DAUGE. Registered Nov. 9, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 174-176] Feb. 21, 1806 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Hollowell & William ETHERIDGE to cause the sum of £44 15 Shillings 1 Penny 3 Farthings which Davis FANSHER has recovered against them & also the sum of £5 11 Shillings for cost. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon Hollowell ETHERIDGE then lived at a placed called Wacklins. Beginning at a Branch that divides this land & Benjamin BRICKHOUSE to Spence HALL’s heirs line with his line to LUFFMAN & Benjamin BRICKHOUSE’s line various courses to the first containing 41 acres. On Feb. 21, 1810 when & where Davis FANSHER appeared & bid the sum of 13 Shillings 10 Pence 3 Farthings pr. acre, By virtue of Writ & the total sum of £28 9 Shillings & 8 Pence 3 Farthings in hand paid I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have granted unto Davis FANSHER the land. Witness: Thos. BAXTER. Registered Nov. 10, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 177-179] May 19, 1809 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of an order of the Court for Peter MORSE Administrator of James LEE dec’d as per his Will to advertise & sell on 6 months credit a parcel of land to pay the balance of debts. I did expose for sale 2 tracts of land near the Mill Streem formerly John WALMSLEY’s Mill. Beginning in the head of the Mill Creek being FULFORD’s corner with his line to Griffith’s line with his line to the first containing 55 acres as directed by James LEE in his Will. The other piece of land devised by LEE to Joshua MORSE Son of Peter MORSE, beginning at a corner of Caleb BEASLEY’s land to James JARVIS line various courses to a line that parts said land & George BOUSH land across the land to Caleb BEASLEY’s land along his line to the first containing 50 acres. The land William LEE bought of Lemuel ORDIN & Wife & the other piece being the land John LEE sold unto Thomas LEE. After legal notice I did on May 19, 1809 offer the land for sale where & when Peter MORSE appeared & bid the sum of 6 Shillings & 1 Penny per acre for the peace of 55 acres & the sum of 13 Shillings & 6 Pence pr acre for the 50 acres. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of decree & the sum of £50 9 Shillings & 7 Pence paid to me by Peter MORSE have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 10, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 179-181] Aug. 24, 1808 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Feri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Elijah ADDERSON to cause the sum of £32 14 Shillings & 8 Pence with interest which John SLY recovered against him & also the sum of £6 8 Shillings & 1 Pence for cost. In obedience of the Writ I took into possession a parcel of land whereon ADDERSON formerly lived. Beginning at North River Swamp joining the land of Thomas WHITE to WHITE’s corner to a line joining WHITE & William DOWDEY along DOWDEY’s line to the Swamp to the first containing 50 acres. On Aug. 24, 1808 the property was exposed to public vendue where & when Thomas WHITE SEN. appeared & bid the sum of 16 Shillings & 4 Pence & ½ penny per acre. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £40 19 Shillings & 2 Pence have granted the land unto Thomas WHITE SEN. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 10, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 181-183] Feb. 20, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Mahar GAMEWELL to cause the sum of £21 18 Shillings & 4 Pence with interest which was recovered by Burkett GUARD against him & also the sum of £4 3 Shillings & 3 Pence cost. In obedience of the Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon Mahar GAMEWELL lived on the North Banks. Beginning at Collenton Creek to Daniel BEACHAM to the Fresh Pon Run binding on GUARD various courses to the first containing 50 acres. On Feb. 20, 1810 the land was exposed to publick vendue where & when Burkett GUARD bid the sum of 3 Shillings & 8 Pence ?Farthing per acre. By virtue of the Writ & the total sum of £9 5 Shillings paid by Burkett GUARD I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 184-185] May 19, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Feiri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of William DAWS to cause the sum of £6 12 Shillings & 6 Pence which Solomon ASHBEE recovered against him also the sum of £3 15 Shillings & 3 Pence for cost. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon DAWS formerly lived on the North Banks. Beginning in Caleb TOLAR’s line to Samuel DOUGH’s line to TOLAR’s line various courses to the first containing 7 acres. On May 19, 1810 at publick vendue the land was exposed for sale where & when Caleb TOLAR bid the sum of £1 1 Shilling & 5 Pence & ½ Penny per acre, by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £7 10 Shillings & 3 Pence paid by Caleb TOLAR, I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 185a-186] Feb. 20, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Superior Court of Land & Equity held in Gates County, commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Samuel DOUGH to cause the sum of £57 16 Shillings which Charles W. HARVEY recovered against him also the sum of £9 10 Shillings & 9 Pence for cost. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a parcel of land whereon Samuel DOUGH then lived on the North Banks. Beginning at Kitty Hawk Bay to the E. side of Mingoes Ridge being Elijah SEBBOURN lived to John DUNSTON’s LINE binding his line to Caleb TOLAR’s line to the Bay along the Bay to the first containing 90 acres. On Feb. 12, 1810 at publick vendue the land was exposed for sale where & when Willis GALLOP appeared & bid the sum of 3 Shillings & 1 penny per acre, I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £14 1 Shilling & 6 Pence paid to me by Willis GALLOP I have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER, Jacob SAWYER . Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 187-189] Feb. 21, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Feri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of John PATRIDGE to cause the sum of £146 7 Shillings & 7 Pence Farthing which was recovered by Willis GALLOP Esquire also the sum of £2 19 Shillings & 6 Pence for detention of debt & cost. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon John PATRIDGE lived on the North Banks. Beginning on the Sound side thence binding Nathan ETHERIDGE’s land to the Sea along the Sea to Matthias TOLAR’s land various courses to the first containing 100 acres. On Feb. 21, 1810 at publick vendue where & when Willis GALLOP Esquire appeared & bid the sum of 20 Shillings for the Right of John PATRIDGE in the land. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £1 paid to me by Willis GALLOP Esquire have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER, Jacob SAWYER . Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 189-191] May 19, 1810 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Feri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles, & lands of Leven TWIFORD dec’d in the hands of William TWIFORD his Adm. to cause the sum of £24 1 Shilling 3 Pence with interest recovered by Jesse COX in right of his Wife against the deceased estate, also the sum of £3 12 Shillings & 9 Pence for cost. In obedience I took into possession of a tract of land whereon Leven TWIFORD formerly lived on the North Banks. Beginning on the edge of Dancing Pond to Kitty Hawk Ridge along the Ridge various courses to the first containing 88 ½ acres. On May 19, 1810 at publick vendue where & when Willis GALLOP Esquire appeared & bid the sum of 7 shillings per acre, by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £30 19 Shillings & 6 Pence I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have granted & conveyed unto Willis GALLOP Esquire the said land. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191a-191b] Nov. 1804 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE BY Writ of Firi Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions commanding me out of the goods, chattles, & lands of Eliza RODGERS also DAVENPORT & Isaac DAVENPORT in right of his Wife Elizabeth & cause the sum of £16 14 Shillings 8 Pence for costs which the Officer of Court recovered against her. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon Spence ROGERS dec’d formerly lived on the North Banks containing 72 acres with priviledge of rail timber, dwelling house unto Elizabeth RODGERS during her natural life being her 1/3 allotted to the Widow by Spence ROGERS. At publick vendue when & where William ETHERIDGE of North Banks appeared & bid the sum of £3 for Widows Right of Dower, I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £17 4 Shillings & 8 Pence paid to me by William ETHERIDGE I have conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191, 193 a&b] May
22, 1809 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a number of Writs of Fieri Facias issued out of the
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions commanding me out of the goods, chattles &
lands of Joshua GRAY in care of John CLARK Adm. to cause the sum of £30
recovered by Richard GRAY against the deceased (skips to pg. 193a for some
reason) Joshua GRAY deceased & also the sum of £4 11 Shillings & 3 Pence for
damages & cost. There being 7 Writs with this already inserted of same time &
date except the Party, Plantiff & different sums which are against Joshua GRAY
dec’d estate.
Instance of Ezekiel HOOPER against GRAY in the sum of £12 10 Shillings, £4 11
Shillings & 3 Pence costs.
Instance Joseph FARROW against GRAY £3 12 Shillings & 6 Pence & £4 11 Shillings
& 3 Pence costs.
Instance Pharoah FARROW against GRAY £10 4 Shillings & 6 Pence.
Instance Ralph POTTS? against GRAY £12 14 Shillings
Instance John FLOWER against GRAY £9 11 Shillings & 3 Pence
Instance William MILLER against GRAY £7 4 Shillings & 4 Pence
In obedience of Writs I Caleb ETHERIDGE have taken into possession a tract of
land of the late Joshua GRAY on the South Banks. Beginning at the Otter Point at
Elijah FARROW’s line with his line to the Sea side along the Sea to John GRAY’s
line to the Sound side with the Sound to the first containing 25 acres. On May
22, 1809 at publick vendue the land was exposed for sale where & when Pharoah
FARROW bid the sum of 16 Shillings per acre. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue
of 7 Writs & the total sum of £20 paid by Pharoah FARROW have granted the land
unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191c-191d] July 20, 1811 - I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Superior Court commanding me out of the goods, chattles, & lands of William ETHERIDGE SEN. to cause the sum of £34 5 Shillings & 2 Pence which was recovered by John WILLIAMS SEN. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a parcel of land whereon William ETHERIDGE SEN. lived. Beginning in Matthias BELL’s line to the vacant land binding the same to James HUGHES line Burras MATTHIAS, Jesse HALSTEAD, & John WILLIAMS SEN. line to Matthias BELL’s line to the first containing 192 acres. On July 20, 1811 at publick vendue where & when Willis ETHERIDGE appeared & bid the sum of 25¢ per acre. I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £24 paid to me by Willis ETHERIDGE have granted & conveyed unto him the said land. Witness: Jethro D. GOODMAN. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191e] Aug. 27, 1811 - I Salley COX for the sum of $348 Silver paid to me by Thomas COX of Norfolk County Virginia for a piece of land. Beginning at Thomas COX SEN. line along his line to Henry BALLENTINE’s line with his line to the first containing 23 2/10 acres. Witness: Mitchel SIMMONS, Peter BARNARD. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191f & g] Aug. 27, 1811 - I Arthur SPENCE for the sum of $59 paid to me by Henry SPENCE for a tract of land which I took up & patented in the Moyock District. Beginning at a corner of WILSON’s survey in Jacob PERKIN’s line with his line various courses to the first containing 59 acres of land & swamp, patent date Dec. 20, 1806. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191g] Jan. 9, 1811 - I Enoch ETHERIDGE of Norfolk County Virginia for the sum of £34 paid to me by Phillip DAUGE SEN. for a piece of land containing 20 acres of land to be laid off on the E. end of my Father James ETHERIDGE Plantation which is divised to me. Witness: Dennis DOZIER SEN., James DOZIER Registered Nov. 14, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 191h] June 19, 1811 - We James ETHERIDGE SEN & Thomas ETHERIDGE for the sum of $225 paid to us by Philip DAUGE for a parcel of land on Juniper Ridge. Beginning at a line between James ETHERIDGE & Philip DAUGE SEN. the corner was Chloe REEDS to Samuel FEREBEE’s new patent with his line to the land that DAUGE bought of Enoch ETHERIDGE corner thence to the land DAUGE bought of James SIMMONS to James COWELL’s & Gord Ridge tract with COWELL’s line to first containing 66 acres. Witness: John BOSWOOD, Salley CAPTS. Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 192-193 Aug. 11, 1811 - I William WILSON & Nancy his Wife of Norfolk County Virginia for the sum of $1500 paid to me by William Wilson SEN. for a tract of land with a Grist Mill at the head of Tulls Creek containing 152 acres. Beginning at RIGHTS line to the line that divides the land from a tract called Tesha LEE’s tract to the Swamp various courses to the first. It being the same land which was conveyed by Hollowell OLD to Gardner TRAFTON & from TRAFTON to William WILSON Witness: Peter BALLENTINE, Davis BALLENTINE Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 193-196 Aug. 11, 1811 - We William WILSON SEN. of Currituck County & William WILSON of Norfolk County Virginia have chosen Lemuel WILSON as Trustee. Whereas William WILSON SEN. is justly indebted to WILSON in the sum of $1500 $750 payable on or before Aug. 12, 1812 & $750 on or by Aug. 12, 1813 (in between pg. 193 is 193a & 193b then pg. 194 ) With interest from date. I William WILSON SEN. for the sum of $5 paid to me by Lemuel WILSON for the parcel of land with a Grist & Saw Mill on the head of Tulls Creek containing 152 acres. Beginning at BRIGHTS line to a line which divides said land from a tract called Tisha LEE tract to the Swamp side various courses to the first. Reference being had to the Deeds from Hollowell OLD to Gardner TRAFTON. William WILSON SEN. after paying unto William WILSON the sum of $1500 at the 2 different funds as mentioned. Witness: Peter BALLENTINE, Davis BALLENTINE Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 196-197] Aug 27, 1811 - I James D. MOSELEY for the sum of $400 paid to me by Joab SOREY of Princess Anne County Virginia for a parcel of land in Currituck County. Beginning at the State line various courses to the first containing 50 acres of land, the land lying between the State line & the land belonging to the heirs of Thomas MERCHANT dec’d. Witness: David JONES. Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 198] Aug. Term 1811 - Benjamin TAYLOR to John MACKIE for $90.00, land in Currituck County on Mackie Island containing 50 acres and bounded by Peter POYNER's land, Willoughby WHITE's land, by a marsh, and by the said Benjamin TAYLOR. /s/ Benjamin TAYLOR. Witnesses, A. N. VAIL, William CORNWELL. August Term 1811. On oath of Abrm. (?)Nash VAIL in open court. Registered Nov17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 199] Jan. 3, 1811 - Henry BEASLEY to Jesse TAYLOR, William DOLLEY. Joel WICKER, and William BEASLEY, Commissioners of the Methodist Meeting House. $10. Land on Knots Island. Bounded by Henry BEASLEY. Witness, Anthony FRAME. August Term 1811. Registered 17 Nov 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 200] Mar. 23, 1811 - Joseph W. WILLIAMS to Caleb BURKET for $50.00, 50 acres of a marsh by the name of Maum(?). /s/ Joseph W. WILLIAMS. Witnesses, Anthony FRAME, Jesse TAYLOR. Registered 17 Nov 1811.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 201-202] Mar. 23, 1811 - I Joseph W. WILLIAMS for the sum of $1500 paid to me by Caleb BURKETT for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning at the water side at James SIMPSON’s line various courses to a line between land & marsh & Abraham WATERFIELD’s land to the main road to a line between said land, marsh & Malachi DUDLEY’s land various courses to the first containing 116 ½ acres of land & marsh. Witness: Jesse TAYLOR, Anthony FRAME. Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 203] Mar. 23, 1811 - I Caleb BURKETT shall pay or cause to be paid unto Joseph W. WILLIAMS the sum of $1500 for all that messuage of land for & during the term of 1 day fully to & completed & ended yielding & paying them 1 pepper corn upon it being demanded. Upon the condition that Caleb BURKETT shall well & truly pay Joseph W. WILLIAMS the full sum of $1500 without any detention or abatement whatsoever. Witness: Anthony FRAME, Jesse TAYLOR. Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 204] Aug. 24, 1811 - Maxamilion TAYLOR to Willoughby TAYLOR. Maxey TAYLOR and Sarah his wife to Willoughby TAYLOR, all of Currituck, for $325. By Benjamin TAYLOR's line; Jonathan TAYLOR's corner; Joseph SIMMONS line; Amos GRAY's line. /s/ Maximilion TAYLOR; Sarah (x-her mark) TAYLOR Witnesses, Hosea BALL, Joel (x-his mark) POYNER. Registered Nov. 17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 205] Aug. 24, 1811 - Willougby TAYLOR to Hallowell BEASLEY. From Willoughby TAYLOR and Sukey TAYLOR to Hallowell BEASLEY all of Currituck, for $300, land "beginning at a gum in Thomas TAYLOR's line.."; Mary TAYLOR's line; Maxey TAYLOR's line, Isaac CAPPS line; /s/ Willougby TAYLOR, Suckey (x-her mark) TAYLOR. Witnesses: Hosea BALL and Thomas WILLIAMS. Registered Nov.17, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 206] Mar. 21, 1811 - Jesse TAYLOR, SEN. to Henry A. DOLLASON, all of Currituck, for $10, 5 acres on the North side of swamp road; near the place formerly belonging to Lemuel TAYLOR. "being my part of swamp land that was willed to me and others by the will of Thomas TAYLOR, decd. /s/ Jesse TAYLOR. Witnesses, Anthony FRAME and Robert WILLIAMS
[Deed Book 11; pg. 207-208] July 4, 1808 - I Thomas DOWDEY for the sum $8 paid to me by Wilson WOODHOUSE for a parcel of land. Bounded on the E. by the land formerly belonging to Jacob DOWDEY dec’d, N. the land of John DOWDEY, W. land formerly belonging to Lemuel SANDERSON, dec’d, S. the land of Col. Thomas SANDERSON, being the land willed to Thomas DOWDEY Jun. by his dec’d Father William Dowdy containing 25 acres. Witness: Thomas POYNER. Registered Nov. 22, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 209-210] Feb. 9, 1811 - I Luke GREGORY for the sum of $600 paid to me by Samuel SMISSON/SMITHSON of Camden County for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at the main road to James TOLERS dec’d line to Richard DOUGH line binding his line to the main road to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: Simeon SAWYER, HARRISON. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 210-211] Aug. 21, 1811 - I John AIRS of Washington County, for the sum of $100 paid to me by William ETHERIDGE for a tract of land on the North Banks on the W. side of the Fresh Pond containing 300 acres. Beginning at Tilletts old field along his line to William ETHERIDGE’s corner along ETHERIDGE & Samuel TILLETT’s line to Charles WILLIAMS line to the Fresh Pond along Pond to the first. Witness: John DANIEL, C. SPRUILL. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 211-212] Aug. 14, 1811 - I Abraham DUNSTON of Washington County for the sum of £50 paid to me by William ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at the Sound side to the Sea side along the Sea to the Sound to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: John DANIEL, Jas. PHELPS. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 212-213] Oct. 16, 1810 - We Elizabeth ADAMS & Lurana EVANS for the sum of $255 Silver paid to us by Lemuel GREGORY for a tract of land on Powells Point. Beginning at the corner of Benjamin Morris land to a line tree between MORRIS land & Simeon SAWYER’s land various courses with SAWYER’s land that he bought of Spence WALKER’s land to a line tree between SAWYER & Lemuel GREGORY binding on GREGORY’s line to the main road & thence binding Benjamin MORRIS heirs land various courses to the first being all that tract that John ADAMS bought of Thomas EVENS & Thomas WALKER dec’d containing 42 acres. Witness: L.W. HALL, George BRICKHOUSE. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 214] no date - I Malachi JONES for the natural Love & affection which I bare unto my beloved friend & relation James D. MOSELEY of Princess Anne County Virginia have given unto him 3 male negroes named Jim, Dave, & King. Witness: David JONES, John WHITE. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 215] Aug. 25, 1811 - I Malachi JONES for the Natural Love & Affection which I have for my friend & relation Mary CRAIG of Norfolk County Virginia have given unto her 2 negroes: Lettice & hir Son Ned. Witness: David JONES, John WHITE. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 215-216] Aug. 2, 1810 - I Sarah TOLER for the Love & Affection which I do bear to my Son James TOLER have given unto him all my land on the North Banks by virtue of the Will of my Husband Matthias TOLER deceased, excepting 50 acres which I reserve to myself during my life time to be laid off adjoining of Andrew WINNS land after my decease. I give unto my Son the said 65 acres & all other tracts or parts of tracts which my husband owned at his death & give the same to me in his Last Will & Testament. Witness: L.W. HALL. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 217] Mar. 287, 1811 - I Joseph W. WILLIAMS for the divers good causes of me moveing had authorized & appointed William DAWLEY & John SIMMONS of Princess Anne County Virginia my true & lawful attorney’s for me & in my name to receive, ask, demand or sue for recover & to receive of Caleb BURKETT all sums etc. which are due me. Witness: David WATERS, Athentia EVINS. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 217] July 19, 1810 - Benjamin CHANDLER to Nancy CHANDLER, both of Currituck County - For natural love and affection which I have for my niece Nancy CHANDLER the daughter of my brother Thomas CHANDLER, I give grant convey and confirm unto the said Nancy CHANDLER and hir heirs . . three feather beds and furniture 6 chairs 2 tables . . . 2 cows, 12 head of hogs one axe 2 hoes one gun . . . and all the property that I bought at the Sale of Thomas CHANDLERs property which was Sold for Redy money as per Bill of Sale kept by William LUNN. /s/ Benjamin CHANDLER
[Deed Book 11; pg. 218] Feb. 25, 1811 - I John BONNEY do make over the land that I bought of James SIMPSON to sell & give a firm Deed to any person whatever on condition that BONNEY does not pay SIMPSON by the last day of October the $600 he was to pay SIMPSON. Witness: Samuel ETHERIDGE, Gideon BONNEY. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 218-219] Mar. 21, 1810 - I James DAUGE hath leased & let unto William MESSENGER 1 acre of land at the corner of his land adjoining the main road & the road that goes by Samuel WHITEHURST called FEREBEE’s road whereon the house now stands for and during the term of 5 years to commence Jan. 1. DAUGE is to run the stairs & lay the upper floar & run the partition below stairs & put a brick chimney to the house, the chimney to be dun by Oct. 15, the rest to be done as soon as possible & DAUGE agrees to sink a well & put cypress into it. Witness: Gideon WHITEHURST, Mitchel GREGORY. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 219] Aug. 26, 1811 - I Mary CRAIG of Princess Anne County Virginia for the sum of $400 paid to me by Malachi JONES for 2 negroes Lettice & Ned. Witness: David JONES, John WHITE. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 220] Aug. 26, 1811 - I James D. MOSELEY of Princess Anne County Virginia for the sum of $800 paid to me by Malachi JONES for 3 male negroes: Jim, Davi & King. Witness: David JONES, John WHITE. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 220] Jan. 1, 1811 - I James D. MOSELEY for the sum of $400 paid to me by Davis FANSHER for a negro named Isaac. Witness: David JONES. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 221] Aug. 12, 1811 - I Gideon BONNEY for the sum of $284 paid to me by Elijah CASON for a negro woman Betts & her child Peter. Witness: John WHITE, Anthony SIMMONS. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 221-222] Aug. 24, 1811 - I Eustace STRIPES for the sum of $250 Silver paid to me by Anthony SIMMONS for a negro girl age about 20 years. Witness: Elijah CASON, Enoch RUGNA. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11, pg. 222] Mar. 4, 1811 - William COFFEE Bill of Sale to Lancelott WOODHOUSE, for $400.00 for One Negro Man Called Jack. /s/ William COFFEE. Witness: Hadley WOODHOUSE, Silah (her x mark) SANDERSON. Registered Nov. 27, 1811.
[Deed Book 11, pg. 222] Aug. 1811 - Alpheus BAUM of Ronoke Island, Admr. of the estate of Alpheus Baum, dec'd., Bill of Sale to John DANIEL of the island, a certain Negro Girl Called Fanny for the consideration of the $70.00. /s/ Abraham BAUM. Witnesses: Daniel BAUM, Hezekiah ARNOLD. Proved by oath of Hezekiah ARNOLD Aug. Term 1811. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11, pg. 223-224] Nov. 26, 1810 - No. 532 - Know ye that for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Cornelius PUGH, Jerem MEEKINS, & Thomas PAIN for a tract of land containing 184 acres on Chickenenomock Banks about 5 miles from New Inlet. Beginning at the River side to William DANIELS Patent various courses binding DANIELS line to Thomas NEELS patent being Cornelius PUGH’s corner to Thomas PAINS line to Sanderson PAINS line to the Sound various courses of the Sound to the first. Entered March 14, 1810. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Cornelius PUGH, Jerum MEEKINS, Thomas PAIN shall Register this Grant in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11, pg. 224-225] Mar. 6, 1810 - Whereas William SLADE of the Town of Edenton Attorney at Law, recovered a judgment against Jesse PERRY for the sum of £144 19 Shillings & 4 Pence & I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff have been commanded to cause this sum out of the goods, chattles & lands of Jesse PERRY. In obedience of Writ I levey 1 part of a tract of land he purchased of John LITCHFIELD by deed dated May 2, 1789. Beginning at the Sound side John Barrots corner with his line various courses of the Sound to the first. The other part whereof he purchased from Thomas BARNARD & Wife by Deed dated Sept. 30, 1790 being the residue of land & plantation whereon Peter LITCHFIELD formerly lived. Beginning on the Sound to Margret JONES line to a Bridge at the road called Spear Road to Joseph SANDERSON’s patent line various courses on the edge of the swamp to the line of said Jesse PERRY 100 acre tract purchased of John LITCHFIELD with the line & boundries of that tract to the Sound to the first. On Jan. 13, 1810 at publick vendue when & where William SLADE appeared & bid the sum of $900. By virtue of Writ I Caleb ETHERIDGE Esquire Sheriff have granted the said land unto William SLADE. Witness: Andrew DUKE, Jeremiah LAND. Registered Nov. 27, 1811
[Deed Book 11, pg. 226-227] Dec. 5, 1801 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Jesse PERRY for a tract of land containing 125 acres near Narrow Shore. Beginning at Jesse PERRY’s corner various courses to Samuel BARNARD’s line binding his line to Samuel SALYERS Esquire line to the first. Entered Sept. 10, 1799. Yielding & paying to us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Jesse PERRY causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. Registered Dec. 3, 1811
[Deed Book 11, pg. 227-228] July 7, 1811 - I William ETHERIDGE SEN. for the sum of $485 Silver paid to me by Caleb ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land. Beginning at the land whereon Willis ETHERIDGE SEN. formerly lived to Caleb ETHERIDGE’s line various courses of his line to the first containing 50 acres. Being the S. end of the land & Plantation formerly belonging to Willis ETHERIDGE SEN. Esq. which he bought of Colo. John WOODHOUSE & by Will & Deed of Gift from my Father to me. Witness: Thomas BAXTER, Hillery BELL. Registered Jan. 11, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 229-230] Sept. 2, 1805 - I Nancy WYATT for the sum of $1500 paid to me by Ivy HOLSTEAD of Norfolk County Virginia for a tract of land on the N.W. side of Tulls Creek Bridge up the Creek to BRICKHOUSE’s marsh & to John MERCER’s land adjoining to McCLANNEN’s orphins & the land of James BALES dec’d to the first containing 256 acres. Witness: Caleb BELL, Catharine BUNNELL, Mary HOLSTEAD. Registered Jan. 11, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 230-231] Oct. 12, 1811 - I Benjamin BRICKHOUSE SEN. for the sum of $200 paid to me by Nehemiah LEE for a parcel of land. Beginning at a line of Davis FANSHER & Linton LEE down LEE’s line to the land which formerly belonged to Jonathan LUFMAN dec’d to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Ivy HOLSTEAD, Thos. LEE. Registered Jan. 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 231-232] Feb. 12, 1811 - I Samuel SMISSON/SMITHSON of Camden County for the sum of $400 paid to me by Jonathan CAMP/KEMP for a tract of land on Powels Point. Beginning various courses to James FORBES corner to the first containing 40 acres. Witness: William DOUGH, Luke GREGORY. Registered Jan. 28, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 232-236] Dec. 20, 1810 - We John CAMPBELL & Nancy his Wife, of Halifax County for the sum of $175 paid to us by Thomas BAXTER & also the sum of $540 paid to Willoughby MORRIS & Elizabeth his Wife of Halifax County paid by Thomas BAXTER for 2 parcels of land which land was divided into 4 lots or shares among the heirs of John GRAY deceased being known as John GRAY Shore Tract & the Road Tract towards Tulls Creek in which 2 tracts John CAMPBELL in right of his Wife & Willoughby MORRIS in right of his Wife became entitled to a shere separately in each tract which makes 4 shares, the lots of land are #2 in the Shore tract which fell to John CAMPBELL in Right of Nancy his Wife. Beginning at #1 along Shore containing 16 acres 1 Rod & 16 Poles. Then #4 in the Road Tract beginning at #3 various courses to the first containing 27 acres & 17 Poles. Lot #5 which fell to Elizabeth GRAY alias Elizabeth MORRIS beginning at #4 down #4 to River side containing 16 acres 1 Rod & 13 Poles. Road Tract #5 beginning at Richard HALSTEAD’s corner along his line to his corner containing 27 acres 16 Poles which 4 shares of 2 tracts makes 86 acres 3 Rods & 18 Poles of the said John CAMPBELL & Willoughby MORRIS portion of John GRAY dec’d estate. Private examination of Wives conducted & they stated they signed Deed of their own free will. Witness: Henry PERKINS. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 237] Nov. 22, 1811 - I Jonathan HAILES for the sum of $333.33 paid to me by John BOWEN for a parcel of land Jonathan HALES bought at the sale of John BELL dec’d which he left in his Will to be sold containing 30 acres. Witness: Samuel HILL, William/Willias? DAUGE. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 238] Nov. 20, 1811 - I, Elizabeth LEE, for the sum of $15 paid to me by John HILL for a parcel of land. Beginning at a line between said land & Doxey JONES binding his land various courses to Luke HILL land that he sold to John BOWEN various courses to the first containing 1¾ & half quarter acres. Witness: John BOWEN, Demsey ETHERIDGE . Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 239] Feb. 12, 1811 - I Willoughby WHEATLEY for the sum of $8 paid to me by Charles SAWYER for a parcel of land binding on Thomas LEE’s corner containing 2 acres. Being all that land that was sold by Willoughby WHEATLEY unto Charles SAWYER. Witness: Jeremiah SAWYER, Joseph SAWYER. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 240-241] Nov. 1, 1809 - I Thomas BARNARD for the sum of $2000 Spanish paid to me by Samuel W. FORBES for a parcel of land. Beginning at the Head Swamp at the main road at Abner DAUGE’s line with his line to Nathaniel HUTCHENS land with his line to Rachel GREGOREY’s line with his line to Thomas BARNARD’s line with his line to the first containing 46 ¾ acres. It being a piece of land Col. Thomas SANDERSON bought of Enoch GREGORY. Also one other piece of swamp on the W. of Enoch GREGORY’s land being a piece of swamp land that Colo. Thomas SANDERSON bought of Robert BARNARD to contain 50 acres. Also another piece of Thomas BARNARD’s land whereon he now lives beginning at the line at Rachel GREGORY’s land adjoining the land above mentioned that Thomas SANDERSON bought of Enoch GREGORY the S.E. corner of said land above mentioned to Rachel GREGORY’s line formerly the division line between the land Thomas BARNARD now lives & the land Enoch GREGORY dec’d formerly owned to contain 45¼ acres. Witness: Thomas SANDERSON, Jasper PICKETT. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11, pg. 242] Nov. 26, 1811 - I Ivy HOLSTEAD for the sum of $25 paid to me by Solomon BRIGHT for a tract of land adjoining Solomon BRIGHT’s land containing 1 acre. It being the same piece of land I purchased of Joseph BALLENTINE. Witness: William DOXEY. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 243] Nov. 7. 1811 - Jarvis ALLEN sold to Sanford DOXEY for $5.00 a parcel of swamp land lying in Currituck, beginning at Peter PARKERs south west corner; back line of James PARKERs Patten(sic). /s/ Jarvis (x-his mark) ALLEN. Witness: Thomas MORSE, Thomas SANDERSON. Registered Feb.21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 244] Nov. 7. 1811 - I Jarvis ALLEN for the sum of $595 paid to me by Sandford DOXEY for a piece of land. Beginning at Nathan ONEAL’s corner on the Sound to Jesse PARKER’s line along his line various courses to Samuel McHORNEY’s line along his line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 47 acres. Witness: Thomas MORSE, Thomas SANDERSON. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 245] Nov. 26, 1811 - We James & Enoch DAUGE for the sum of $800 paid to us by John HEATH for a tract of land. Beginning at a large ditch adjoining the land of Lamuel POYNER thence to the land of Jesse BARNARD to HEATH’s line with his line to the swamp to POYNER’s line with his line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Daniel LINDSEY, William MESSENGER. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 246] Nov. 23, 1811 - I William DOWDY for the sum of $20 paid to me by James DOWDY for a parcel of land. Joining the land of James DOWDY it being all my Right of a piece of land that fell to me by the death of my Brother Caleb DOWDY. Witness: William WROTEN, Benjamin MERCER. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 247] Nov. 20, 1811 - I Nathan ONEAL for the sum of $25 paid to me by Thomas EVERTON for a parcel of land. Beginning at Lamuel TAYLOR also Henry A. DONOLDSON’s along their lines so far as to contain 25 acres. Witness: Samuel SALYER. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 248-249] Nov. 14, 1811 - I John BRUMSEY for the sum of $517 Silver paid to me by Daniel LINDSEY for a parcel of land on Powells Point near North River being ½ & 1/3 of the other ½ a tract of land John MAUN dec’d sold to me & my Brother Nathan BRUMSEY dec’d, which land is adjoining John SANDERSON’s land & bound on the S. by Daniel LINDSEY land on the W. by the remaining 2/3 of Nathan BRUMSEY’s half. The whole tract agreeable to Deed from John MAUN dec’d to John & Nathan BRUMSEY which was for 100 acres & my part which I now convey to LINDSEY contains 62 2/3 acres. Witness: Levi W. HAWL/HALL, Daniel SANDERSON. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 249] Nov. 25, 1811 - Benjamin TAYLOR and wife Susannah to Daniel LINDSAY, all of Currituck, for $100, 75 acres of land at Narrows Island. /s/ Benjamin TAYLOR, Susannah (x-her mark) TAYLOR. Witness, Jacob PERKINS. Registered Feb. 21, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 250-251] April 26, 1809 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Fi Facis issued out of the Superior Court commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of John READ JUN., Jesse PERRY, Isaiah PARR & William BRUMSEY to cause the sum of £117 5 Shillings & 3 Pence which was recovered by Thomas SANDERSON assignee of Jasper PICKETT against them. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by Simeon SAWYER my lawful Deputy in obedience of Writ on April 26, 1809 at publick vendue at Jasper PICKETT’s house exposed for sale the right Jesse PERRY had to a negro girl by name of Sarah. Jasper PICKETT appeared & bid the sum of $12. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by virtue of Writ have granted & conveyed the negro girl unto Jasper PICKETT. Witness: William SLADE. Registered Feb. 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 251] Feb. 4, 1778 -
I Daniel PARR for the sum of £50 paid to me by Mary PARR for a negro woman named
Affa. Witness: William PERKINS, Jesse SIMMONS
March 23,
1778 - I do hereby indorse over to Mr. Alexander LINDSEY my Right & Title the
within contents. /s/ Mary PARR. Witness: Thomas HAVARD, Adam HOLBURN, Joseph
March 23, 1778 - I do hereby indorse over my Right & Title to Mr. Charles GRANDY
of the within contents. /s/ Alexander LINDSEY. Witness: Thomas WILLIAMS.
Registered March 6, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 252-253] Mar. 23, 1778 - I Alexander LINDSEY for the sum of £300 paid to me by Charles GRANDY of Camden County for a negro woman named Affey, & a negro boy named Cambridge. Witness: Thomas WILLIAMS, Joseph FEREBEE. Registered March 6, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 253-255] Dec. 4, 1811 - No. 538 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Thomas SANDERSON for a tract of land containing 84 acres on the Narrows. Beginning at a little Creek at the old SANDERSON patent binding patent to Negro Creek various courses to Little Narrow Island various courses to the first. Entered March 8, 1810. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums as may be directed by our General Assembly, provided that Thomas SANDERSON causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. Registered March 9, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 255] date? - Lemuel TAYLOR of Currituck to Thomas ADAMS, 19 acres for $200. Land bordered by Jesse PERRY; TATUM; Thomas SANDERSON. /s/ Lemuel TAYLOR. Registered, Mar.20, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 256-257] Sept. 28, 1811 - I John O DOWDAY SEN. for the sum of $500 paid to me by John O DOWDAY JUN. for a parcel of land whereon I now live. Beginning at the corner of the land whereon Jacob O DOWDAY dec’d formerly lived at the land whereon Jesse SANDERSON dec’d formerly lived binding his land to the land now owned by Thomas SANDERSON Esq. with his land to Thomas O DOWDAY JUN. with his land & line to the land formerly owned by Jacob O DOWDAY dec’d binding his line to the first to contain 37 acres, also 50 acres of Bank land adjoining the land of Josiah O DOWDAY & the land formerly owned by Jacob O DOWDAY dec’d. Witness: Thomas SANDERSON, Dory DAUGE. Registered March 20, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 257-258] Nov. 16, 1808 - I John ETHERIDGE for the sum of £500 paid to me by Samuel ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land on Powels Point on Albermarl Sound. Beginning at Elijah FREMAN line to Sampson ETHERIDGE line to Lamuel ETHERIDGE line with his line to the Sound various courses of the Soun to the first containing 65 acres. Witness: HARRIS, Daniel DOUGH, John PARKER. Registered March 20, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 258-259] Mar. 14, 1811 - I James WILLIAMS for the sum of $100 Silver paid to me by John WILLIAMS for a parcel of land on the North Banks near Ngs Head, beginning on the Sea side various courses to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: Avery TILLETT, John HILL. Registered March 20, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 259-260] Feb. 7, 1811 - I Peter WYNN for the sum of $25 paid to me by Azariah BAUM for a piece of land on the North Banks. Beginning at the corner of William ETHERIDGE line with his line to Bool Ridge marsh down the marsh to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: Thomas TILLETT, John G___? Registered March 20, 1811
[Deed Book 11; pg. 260-261] Sept. 9, 1811 - I Joseph MORGAN for the sum of $30 paid to me by Lott FARROW for a tract of land. Beginning with Pharoah FARROW line to Ostain SCARBOUGH line to the Sound various courses to the first containing 85 acres. Witness: William MILLER, Philip MILLER. Registered March 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 261-262] date? - I Samuel MANN?/MAUN? Yeoman of Ronoak Island for the sum of $45 paid to me by Adam DOUGH of Concord in Currituck County for a tract of land. Beginning at Nathan ETHERIDGE line at the water running up fur anough & round with the former lines to conclude 20 acres. Witness: Spence MIDGETT, Ezmak? BRICKHOUSE. Registered March 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 263] Feb. 15, 1811 - I John HILL & Luraner his Wife for the sum of $50 Silver paid to us by Joshua JOHNSTON for a parcel of land on the North Banks. Beginning at Colonton Creek to JOHNSTON’s line along his line to the first containing 25 acres. Witness: Saml. DOUGH, Thom. BEST, Solomon ASHBEE. Registered March 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 264] Jan. 4, 1811 - James ETHERIDGE and wife Affey of Currituck Co. sell l309 acres she inherited, to Abraham BAUM of Currituck Co. \for $650. Land is in Currituck Co. on the Island of Great Collonton. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE, Samuel JARVIS. Submitted by Jean Schroeder who offers this comment: Affey Etheridge is the daughter of Mary (Midgette) Ashbee. In Mary's will she names her son-in-law James Etheridge, ergo Affey is the daughter of Abel and Mary Midgette Ashbee/Ashby. Solomon Ashbee is the executor of his mother, Mary (Midgette) Ashbee's will and he also witnesses the deed for Affey & James Etheridge.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 265] - Nov. Term 1811 - Abraham BAUM, as Administrator of Alphaus BAUM's estate, sold 50 acres, more or less, of land situated on Bodies Island to Stephen GAYLORD. Land Alphaus inherited from his father Moris BAUM. All parties of Currituck Co., NC. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 266] - Dec. 11, 1811 - No. 540 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Morris BAUM have granted unto him a tract of land containing 49 ¾ acres near Roan Oak Inlet. Entered Aug. 29, 1810. Yielding & paying unto us such yearly sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Morris BAUM causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 266-267] - July 12, 1811 - No. 537 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Doctor David JONES we have granted unto him a tract of land containing 150 acres on Gibbs Woods near North West River. Beginning at a place called Argals Landing to the heirs of Thomas MERCHANT land binding on his line various courses to the first. Entered Sept. 9, 1810. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums as may be directed by our General Assembly, provided that Doctor David JONES causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 268-269] - July 1, 1811 - I Eader MAUN?/MANN? of Roanoak Island Yeoman, for the sum of $105 paid to me by Adam DOUGH of Concord in Currituck County Gent, for the house & plantation whereon he now lives. Witness: Henry BEASLEY, Jesse CAFFEE, Spence MYDGETT. Registered March 23, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 270] - Nov. 20, 1811 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff, whereas the taxes on a tract of land on the North Banks to the W. side of Jean Guite Swamp remains due & unpaid for the year 1808, & in consequence the same is now liabel to be sold. After advertising & put up for auction to the person offering to pay the taxes thereon with all charges, Willis GALLOP has offered to pay the charges amounting to £1 2 Shillings & 6 Pence ¼ for 64 acres, no one has offered to pay for a life part of tract. I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff after receiving a plot maid by Samuel SALYER Surveyor with all courses & distances, I have granted & conveyed the said land unto Willis GALLOP Esq. Beginning on W. side of Jean Gite Swamp to the land formerly Samuel Wilkens to Jean Guite Swamp to the Sound to the first containing 64 acres. Chain Bearers Ezekiah GALLOP, William BEST, JUN. Witness: S. SAWYER. Registered April 3, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 271-272] March 12, 1810 - I Simeon SAWYER D. Sheriff in obedience to 2 Writs of Fi Facis commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Daniel BAUM to cause the sum of £58 6 Shillings & 3 Pence with interest which was recovered against him by Jasper PICKETT. The next Writ against Samuel ASHBEE & recovered by Abraham BAUM, SEN. Simeon SAWYER D. Sheriff took into possession a negro boy named Joseph, belonging to Daniel BAUM, after legal notice at publick auction on Dec. 30, 1809 Zephamiah SAWYER appeared & bid the sum of $289, by virtue I Simeon SAWYER have granted unto him the said negro. Witness: Jacob SAWYER JUN. Registered April 17, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder who offers this comment: Simeon, Zephaniah and Jacob Sawyer, Jr. were all brothers. This is significant to me because I did not have a timeframe for Zephaniah and Jacob, Jr.'s death. Simeon was my direct ancestor. When their father Jacob Sawyer, Sr. wrote his will in 1819, they were all dead. Jesse Sawyer was Jacob's only living son in 1819.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 272-273] Apr. 7, 1810 - I Demsey NORTHEN for the sum of $100 paid to me by Joseph ROLPH for a negro girl named Nancy. Witness: Joseph BALLENTINE
[Deed Book 11; pg. 273] Aug. 5, 1811 - I Josiah ETHERIDGE Exec. of William WHEATLEY dec’d for the sum of $361 Silver paid to me by Doctor Samuel ROBENSON for a negro boy named Denson about 11 years of age. Witness: Dennis DOZIER SEN., Obediah CAPTS. Registered April 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 273-274] Nov. 12, 1811 - I Grace FENTRESS for the sum of $542.50 paid to me by Arthur GREGORY for a negro woman named Nance, 1 negro boy named Jesse, & 1 negro boy named Willis. Witness: Mitchel SIMMONS, James FENTRESS. Registered April 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 274] Sept. 26, 1811 - Received of Samuel ROBENSON the sum $165 in full for a negro girl named Keziah about 10 years old formerly the property of Thomas MERCHANT dec’d. Witness: Demsey ETHERIDGE. Registered April 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 274-275] Sept. 26, 1811 - I David JONES Adm. of Thomas MERCHANT for the sum of $350 paid to me by Doctor Samuel ROBINSON for a negro boy Aron formerly belonging to Thomas MERCHANT. Witness: Demsey ETHERIDGE. Registered April 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 275] July 26, 1805 - I Jeremiah MERCER JUN. for the sum of $1200 paid to me by Jeremiah MERCER SEN. for 5 negroes: a man named Fortune, a woman named Comfort, a girl named Keziah, a girl named Peg, & a boy named Isaac. Witness: S. FEREBEE, Sol. Alcock. Registered April 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 276] Nov. 13, 1811 -I David JONES for the sum of $250 paid to me by Dennis SIMMONS for a negro man named Joe. Witness: Jeremiah LAND. Registered April 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 276-277] Nov. 29, 1811 - I William WILSON, SEN. for the Natural Love & Affection I bear unto my Son William WILSON, JUN. of Norfolk County Virginia, have given & granted unto him a negro Woman named Dolly of yallow complexion about 24 years of age. Witness: Abnor N. VAIL. Registered April 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 277] Jan. 3, 1807 - I Rachel MORRIS Adm. of the Estate of Willoughby MORRIS dec’d by order of the Court issued Nov. 1806 to sell a negro man named Charles & a negro girl named Lenor for an equal division among the lawfull representatives on a credit of 6 months. In obedience to Court Order on Jan. 3, 1807 the negroes were exposed at publick sale, where Moses BUNNELL appeared & bid the sum of $167 for the negro woman Lenor & I Rachel MORRIS Adm. have granted unto Moses BUNNELL the negro woman. Witness: Caleb ETHERIDGE. Registered April 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 278] May 10, 1803 - Deed of Gift from Mitchell SIMMONS to his sister Grace FENTRESS - negro woman Nance that he bought from James FENTRESS. All of Currituck Co. Registered: April 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 279] July 10, 1811 - I Joseph BALLENTINE SEN. for the Natural Love & Affection which I bear unto my beloved Joseph ROLPH JUN. & the diverse reason of me moveing do grant unto him a negro boy named Jack. Witness: Isack HOMES. Registered April 27, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 279] Nov. 2, 1811 - Caleb and Jesse SIMMONS to Samuel SIMMONS, Power of Attorney. Caleb and Jesse both of Wilkes County, Georgia, name Samuel SIMMONS true and faithful attorney. Witness: David RUSSELL, Jordan TAYLOR. Registered May 7, 1812.
[Deed Book 11; pg. 280-281] Jan. 24, 1812 - I David CLARK of Halifax County for the diverse causes of me moveing do appoint & make Kenneth CLARK of Bertie County my lawful attorney to execute a Bill of Sale for negro man Jack to John COX of Currituck. Witness: Joseph B. SKINNER. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 281] Oct. 1, 1811 - I Willis ETHERIDGE for the diverse cause of me moveing have nominated & appoint Mitchel SIMMONS my lawful Attorney to sell, receive & recover in my name all my property in Currituck County. Witness: John BALLANCE, Rachel BERNARD. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 282] Feb. 17, 1812 - I William ASHBEE for the sum of $200 Spanish paid to me by Spencer DANIEL for a negro boy named Isaac. Witness: Solomon ASHBEE. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 282-283] Dec. 19, 1811 - I Benjamin DOUGH for the sum of $370 paid to me by William DOUGH for a negro woman named Mournin & a girl child named Rose. Witness: Jonathan CAMP. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 283] Feb. 13, 1812 - I Abraham BAUM, JUN. for the sum of $175 paid to me by Simeon SAWYER for executions levied on a negro girl at the instance of Jonathan LINDSEY, John REED SEN. & Milley WESKETT & $30.75 commission on Executions at the instance of Josiah COLLINS Jun & $52.17 in part of discharging a Judgement & Execution at instance of Benjamin assigne to Jasper PICKETT do convey the negro girl named Betsey unto Simeon SAWYER. Witness: Enoch FORBES, Samuel ETHERIDGE. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 283-284] Feb 25, 1812 - I Kenneth CLARK of Bertie County by virtue of POA given to me by David CLARK of Halifax County & for the sum of $350 paid by John COX for a negro man named Jack. Witness: W. SIMMONS, B. BELL. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 284-285] Aug. 13, 1811 - I Gideon BONNEY for the sum of $285 paid to me by Sarah WILLIAMS for 2 negroes named Tamer & her child Sarah now at the breast of Tamer, formerly the property of Jonathan BONNEY dec’d. Witness: Joel CAPPS, John WHITE. Registered May 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 285] Apr, 10, 1811 - I John WHITE for the sum of $100 paid to me by Malachi JONES for a negro woman named Beck & a negro boy named Daniel. Witness: William DENTRESS, Caty MORFORD. Registered May 12, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 285] Jan. 17, 1812 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE for the sum of $310 paid to me by Willoughby WHITE for a negro man named Cuff aged about 40. Witness: Director DUNTON. Registered May 12, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 286] Feb. 20, 1812 - James WHITE, SENR. to James WHITE, JUNR., both of Currituck Co, NC, Deed of Gift - for the love and affection I bear my son - I give him a piece or parcel of land on Bells Island being at William TATUM's line then on to the sound side . . . containing 50 acres, I give him one mare, one bed . . . I James WHITE JUNR. Son of the above Said James WHITE my Father am satisfied with the land and property he has given to me and will never claim any more of this Estate after his death. /s/ James WHITE [Sr.] & James WHITE [Jr.]; Test. H. BELL. Registered May 12, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 286-287] Feb. 20, 1812 - James WHITE, SENR. to Thomas WHITE, both of Currituck Co., NC, "for the love and affection I bear my son Thomas WHITE, do give him a piece or parcel of land on Bells Island . . begining at the Sound Side at David JONES line thence westerly through the woods . . . . that I bought of John BELL, containing 50 acres . . . one mare one bed and some cattle. I Thomas WHITE. Son of the above Said James WHITE my Father am satisfied with the land and property he has given to me and will never claim any more of this Estate after his death /s/ James WHITE [Sr.] & Thomas WHITE; Test. H. BELL. This Deed of Gift from James WHITE to Thomas WHITE was acknowledged in open court in due form of Law 7th day of May 1812. Attest: Dennis DOZIER, CCC. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 287-288] Feb. 12, 1812 - James WHITE, SENR. to Alexander WHITE, both of Currituck Co., NC, "for the love and affection I have for my son Alexander WHITE do give him a piece of land in the back woods to contain all the land I bought of the TOMSONs as my deed will show for one hundred acres be the same more or less with a privilege in my Swamp land to get any timber that he pleases and give him one horse one bed two cows and calves . . ." and I Alexander WHITE am well satisfied with this property of my Father James WHITE estate and will never claim any more after his death. /s/ James WHITE, Alexander WHITE Attest H. BELL. Feb Term 1812 - Deed proven in open court and ordered registered this 17th day of May 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 288] Feb 20, 1810 - I Mesick SAWYER SEN. Planter, for the Natural Love & Affection which I bare towards my Son Mesick SAWYER JUN. have given & granted unto him a parcel of land containing 50 acres. Beginning at the E. side of Garr Gut Creek along Josiah PERRY’s line to Thomas GARRET’s line to the first. Witness: Joseph BEST, Anna BEST. Registered May 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 288-289] Feb. 15, 1812 - I Abraham BAUM JUN. for the sum of $450 Spanish paid to me by Thomas SANDERSON JUN. for a parcel of land on Roanoak Island. Beginning in Joseph MIDGETT former line in the marsh, to his corner to Lazerus LINTON former corner along his line to the Sound side various courses to the first containing 200 acres. Witness: Simmeon SAWYER. Registered May 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 290] Feb 3, 1812 - I James MASON for the sum of $35 paid to me by James PUGH for a peace of land on Bodies Island, 50 acres out of the parcel of land that belong to the estate of Morris BAUM dec’d. Witness: Benjamin DOUGH. Registered June 7, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 290-291] June 18, 1811 - Jonathan ROBERSON of Chowan Co., NC to Thomas TILLETT of Currituck Co., for $55.00, land on the North Banks bounded by John DUNSTON thence running to the sea then Northwardly to Nathan ETHERIDGE then to the Sound by estimation a hundred acres. /s/ Jonathan ROBERSON. Witness: J. PATRIDGE. Registered June 7, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 291a-292] May 24, 1811 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff by a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & land of James HILL, Robert FLETCHER & Thomas MILLER to cause the sum of £40 5 Shillings with interest which Simeon SAWYER assigne lately recovered also the sum of £5 3 Shillings & 3 Pence for cost. Another Writ against James HILL at the instance of Daniel DUNTON for the sum of £14 18 Shillings 3 Pence. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon James HILL then lived in Coinjock District. Beginning at the corner between Demsey BALLANCE & Lemuel WALKER to Robert POYNER’s new patent line along his line to the first containing 33 ¼ acres, being the land Thomas WILLIAMS sold to Nathaniel BROCK. On May 24, 1811 when Thomas MILLER appeared & bid the sum of 34 Shillings & 6 Pence per acre. I Caleb ETHERIDGE by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £50 7 Shillings & 1 penny ½ penny paid by Thomas MILLER, I have conveyed the property unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered June 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 293] May 23, 1811 - Thomas Cooper FEREBEE and Joseph ROLPH both of Currituck Co., for the sum of $1,650 paid by Joseph ROLPH for a parcel of land and swamp in the County of Currituck near Indian Town beginning at the main road nearly opposite to Samuel WILLIAMS house at Joseph ROLPH's line containing 240 acres….being part of the land & swamp which formerly belonged to John HUMPHRIES and sold by Caleb ETHERIDGE Sheriff on Feb. 26, 1810 Witness: Caleb MANNING. Registered August 10, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 294] Feb. 21, 1812 - Indenture between Joshua JOHNSTON and Elizabeth JOHNSTON whose maiden name is Elizabeth BEACHAM and afterwards Elizabeth GAMEWELL and now Elizabeth JOHNSTON wife of said Joshua JOHNSTON, sold to Burkett GUARD, all of Currituck Co., for $50 paid by Burkett GUARD. Land in Currituck Co., North Banks beginning at Coloton Creek on Joshua JOHNSTON's line to a pine between cotton patch and Perry's Point . . . joining Burkett GUARD's corner, containing 40 acres. /s/ Elizabeth JOHNSTON, Joshua JOHNSTON. Witness: Anna BEST. Registered August 10, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 295] Dec. 24, 1811 - I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by 2 Writs of Fi Fa issued out of the Superior Court 1 at the suit of Tulley ROBENSON against Isaiah PARR for the sum of £60 14 Shillings & 1 Penny, 2nd at the suit of Joseph FEREBEE against Isaiah PARR for the sum of £21 19 Shillings 3 Pence. In obedience of Writs I took into possession of the land & manner plantation whereon Isaiah PARR lives & exposed it to publick sale. On Dec. 14, on the premises where appeared Jeremiah LAND & bid the sum of £2 15 Shilling & 5 Pence, the land bounded by the land of Jeremiah LAND, John TATEM, John DOXEY, George POYNER, Robert POYNER & Currituck Sound containing 26 acres 8 Poles. I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by virtue of 2 Writs & the total sum of £72 5 Shillings paid to me by Jeremiah LAND I have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Caleb ETHRIDGE. Registered Aug. 10, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 296-297] Aug. 19, 1811 - I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles, & lands of Thomas FEREBEE dec’d in care of William WILSON SEN. Guardian of Elizabeth PURRINTON to cause the sum of £15 17 Shillings & 11 ¼ with interest which has been recovered by James WILSON against them. Also the sum of £5 17 Shillings & 6 Pence cost. Also 2 other Writs at the instance of Charity WILSON adm. against same parties for the sum £12 16 Shillings 5 Pence. In obedience of Writ I took into possession a tract of land that Thomas FEREBEE dec’d formerly lived on Moyock Creek, Shingle Landing. Beginning at Josiah Joliffs corner various courses to the first, being the remainder of that tract FEREBEE devised to Elizabeth PURRINGTON orphin of Hezekiah PURRINGTON, containing 17 2/10 acres. On Aug. 19, 1811 at publick vendue Josiah JOLIFF appeared & bid the sum of £4 per acre, I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by virtue of Writs & the total sum of £68 16 Shillings paid by Josiah JOLIFF & I have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness: Thomas BAXTER. Registered Aug. 10, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 298-299] 1812 - I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by 2 Writs of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of William ETHERIDGE SEN. to cause the sum of £6 16 Shillings & 2 Pence which has been recovered by the Officers of the Court as costs of a suit brought by the State against John CHITTUM whereof the said William ETHERIDGE is liable. The other Writ issued out of the Superior Court to cause the sum of £9 10 Shillings which was recovered by Jonathan COOPER against ETHERIDGE. In obedience to the 2 Writs I took into possession a tract of land containing 1 acre being all the land or property I could find, at public sale appeared Matthias BELL & bid the sum of £9 10 Shillings for the land & relinquishes the property unto John MACKIE. Beginning at the road side ajoining John MACKIE joining the lands of Thomas MERCER JUN. dec’d heirs to the first. I Jacob PERKINS Sheriff by virtue of Writs have conveyed the property unto John MACKIE. Witness: A. N. VAIL. Registered Aug. 10, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 300] Dec. 18, 1811 - I David JONES Esquire Clerk & Master of the Superior Court of Equity by virtue of decree of Superior Court of Equity John WHITE petition to sell land to the Court. Sept. 4, 1811 before the Honourable Henry SEAWELL Esq. on the petition it was decreed that the land mentioned in the Bill be sold for 12 months credit after 40 day notice. After legal notice John WHITE appeared & bid the sum of $500 equal to £250, I David JONES Clerk & Master have conveyed the land lying on Knots Island unto John WHITE which land fell to the 5 children of John WILLIAMS dec’d in the Bill of Complaint to contain 60 acres. Witness: John BOWEN. Registered Aug. 10, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 300-301] Aug. 1, 1811 - James ETHERIDGE to Caleb ETHERIDGE - Caleb of Currituck, no location listed for others.800 silver dollars for 100 acres of. and in Currituck near Currituck Courthouse by James ETHERIDGE and his brother Thomas ETHERIDGE; John DOXEY; John BALLANCE's former residence; Moses CAPPS. /s/ James ETHERIDGE Witness, Isaac ROBERTS. Registered Aug.10, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 302] Feb. 18, 1812 - I John WHITE Guardian to the Orphans of John WILLIAMS dec’d for the sum of $500 paid to me by William DAWLEY for a tract of land lying on Knots Island which John WHITE purchased being sold by Decree of Superior Court of Equity, sold in favour of John & Henry WILLIAMS the orphans of John WILLIAMS dec’d being the whole of land that Thomas WILLIAMS gave to his Son John WILLIAMS in his last will & testament bearing date 1801, the main tract is held for 70 acres. Also the right & title the heirs have in the swamp land adjoining Malachi JONES & also 1 Deals Island & Deep Hole Island, the whole of land that fell to John WILLIAMS is 127 ½ acres. Witness: Malachi JONES, Samuel BEASLEY. Registered Aug. 12, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 303] Oct. 30, 1810 - I David JONES & Margret his Wife for the sum $750 paid to me by Malachi Jones for a piece of land on Knots Island. Beginning at main road then the corner between this land & the land of William BEASLEY & Vinson WHITE along Vinson WHITE land to a corner that divides said land & the land of WHITE & Benjamin WATERFIELD along WATERFIELD’s various courses to the first containing 40 acres. Witness: Gideon BONNEY, Caty JASPER. Registered Aug. 12, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 304] May 15, 1811 - I Luke HILL for the sum of $600 paid to me by John BOWEN for a piece of land containing 42 acres. Beginning at a line between this land & Doxey JONES thence binding on the road various courses to a line between this land & Elizabeth LEE’s thence to a line between this land & the heirs of Edward WEST dec’d various courses thence to a corner between this land the heirs of Edward WEST & John HILL binding on HILL to the first. Witness: John SHIPP, Maxey M. BOULT. Registered Aug. 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 305] Dec. 5, 1811 - I Joel KENYON for the sum of $30 paid to me by William ETHERIDGE for a messuage of land on the forks of Tulls Creek, being formerly conveyed by said to Jonathan CAPTS from CAPTS to Kaider MORSE containing 30 acres. Witness: Edward BUNNELL, Moses BUNNELL. Registered Aug. 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 306] Dec. 12, 1811 - Caleb SIMMONS, Jesse SIMMONS, Samuel SIMMONS and Sarah WALKER to Reuben TAYLOR, for $250.00, 40 acres of land in Cowinjock bounded by main road; John FISHER's line; SIMMONS' heirs line. John SIMMONS heirs line; Col. Andrew DUKE's line. Josiah TAYLOR's line; John STEPHENS line. Witness: George HOWARD, James DOUGLAS. Registered Aug. 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 307] Feb. 25, 1812 - I Thomas W. SIMMONS Exec. to John SIMMONS dec’d for the sum of $450 paid to me by Maxey / Maximillion FISHER for a parcel of land near Cowinjock Bay. Beginning at Samson SIMMONS line various courses to the first containing 48 acres binding on Ebenezer TAYLORs line thence binding on Samuel ONEALs line & Andrew DUKEs line. Witness: Jacob PERKINS, J. White HALL. Registered Aug. 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 308] Nov. 14, 1811 - Willoughby TAYLOR to Josiah TAYLOR, both of Currituck, 50 acres for $170, land bordered by Halloway BEASLEY's plantation & Maxey TAYLOR. /s/ Willoughby (x-his mark) and Sukey (x-her mark) TAYLOR, his wife. Witness: Hosea BALL and Jonathan TAYLOR. Registered, Aug.17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 309] Feb. 18, 1812 - I Thomas JARVIS for the sum of $15 paid to me by Nathan PARKER for a parcel of land. Beginning on the main road to Edward TAYLOR’s deceased line with his line to a corner of the first that I purchased of Nathan PARKER with this line to the first containing 2 acres. Witness: Joseph GRAY, T. ADAMS. Registered Aug. 17, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 310] Dec. 23, 1811 - Indenture between Thomas ADAMS and James JARVES both of Currituck Co., NC, for the sum of $750 paid by James JARVES for a parcel of land in Currituck Co. west of the Narrows Shore Road containing 1221/2 acres. The same land I bought of Anthony FRAME and Thomas JARVES, Ship Carpenter, for which I have two separate deeds one from FRAME and one from JARVIS. Land butted on N.W. corner of Thomas JARVIS Ship Carpenter line running a westerly course along Joseph GRAYs and Samuel SALYER line thence an Easterly course along Edward TAYLORs line to Thomas JARVES line. /s/ Thomas ADAMS, Lydia [x] ADAMS. Witness: Caleb IVES, Equelly [x] JARVIS. Feb. Term 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 311-312] Jan. 4, 1812 - I Daniel LINDSEY for the sum of $250 paid to me by Thomas GIPSON for a parcel of land it being a piece purchased by LINDSEY of Thomas JARVIS, Blacksmith. On the E. side of the main road joining the land of Zekeriah BRAY to William LUTTS line along his line to Gar Gut to Mehaly JARVIS line orphans, to the first containing 28 acres. Free & clear every part except the Dower of Widow Mary JARVIS Widow for life. Witness: D. SANDERSON. Registered Aug 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 312a] Jan. 27, 1808 - I Caleb CHAPLAIN for the sum of $180 Silver paid to me by John CHAPLAIN for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at a corner in James CHAPLAIN line thence to James MELSON’s line along his line to the first containing 22 acres binding Hog Quarter Road. Witness: Abraham BAUM. Registered Aug. 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 313] Jan. 6, 1812 - I Richard DOUGH for the sum of $150 Silver paid to me by William DOUGH for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning at James THOMAS’s line to the land Frederick DOUGH lives on Richard DOUGH Senior land to the road to James CHAPLIN Senior line with his line thence binding on Jonathan CAMP’s line with his line to James THOMAS SEN. line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness: J. GIBBONS, Fredrick DOUGH. Registered Aug. 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 314] Feb. [blank] 1812 - Know ye that I Hessey / Hester SNOW of Currituck Co., for the sum of $10.00 in hand paid by Jehue HALL of Currituck Co.....a tract of land in the county of Currituck on Powells Point being a tract of land that my Father William SNOW dec'd lived on which he held 1/3 part of I now convey to said Jehu HALL and his heirs all my Right Title Claim or demand that I am entitled to by the death of my Father as heir of him.. /s/ Hesse [her x mark] SNOW; Witness: Morning [hir mark] HEMP?, Jonathan CAMP. Registered Aug. 12, 1812. Submitted by Jean Schroeder
[Deed Book 11; pg. 314-315] Dec. 9, 1811 - I Joseph BALLENTINE JUN. for the sum of $1000 paid to me by Josiah JOLLIFF for a parcel of land near Moyock Mill. Beginning at Caleb COX’s line to Isaac BRIGHTS line along his line to the Mill Run to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: Wm. WILSON SEN., Latimore WILSON. Registered Aug. 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 315-316] Dec 9, 1811 - I Josiah JOLIFF for the sum of $1000 paid to me by Joseph BALLENTINE JUN. for a tract of land near Moyock Mill formerly the property of Thomas FEREBEE dec’d adjoining Moyock Creek. Beginning at the Bridge along the main road to DOUGLAS line along a line that divides DOUGLAS land & James BALLENTINES & this land various courses to the first containing 60 ¾ acres. Witness: Wm. WILSON SEN., Latimer WILSON. Registered Aug. 22, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 317] Apr. 16, 1812 - I Jesse ETHERIDGE for the sum of $15 paid to me by Cornelious POWERS for a carting tract of land in District of Moyock. Beginning at a corner in Cornelius POWERS land with his line to the road called Doughtey’s New Road to the Willis POWERS dec’d orphins line to the first containing 1 ½ acres. Witness: Sarah ETHERIDGE, Willis POWERS. Registered Aug. 24, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 317-318] Mar. 17, 1812 - I Thomas BAXTER Executor of the last will & testament of Hanson BRIGHT being authorized by Will by following words: “It is my will that after my wife Amey decease that my Exect. shall sell at public sale the whole of my land & plantation where I now live on credit of 9 months” on March 7, 1812 the whole land was exposed at public sale on the premises when appeared Andrew BRAY & bid the sum of 12 & 38 cents per acre for 5/10 of land & the sum of $780.43 & ¾ cents for the 1/6 part undivided which Nehemiah LEE & wife were entitled to & conveyed it to Thomas BAXTER the sum of $150 in all the sum of $858.43 ¾ cents for the whole of the land containing 612/10 acres paid by Andrew BRAY. Witness: Thomas FARROW J.P., M. Ths. BELL J.P. Registered Aug. 24, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 319] Feb. 26, 1812 - Lemuel HALSTEAD of Gilford County, NC to James DOXEY, for $25.50, an Undivided share of my father Jesse HALSTEAD's land bounded by John WILLIAMS, Willis ETHERIDGE, Burras MATTHIAS. Witness: Mitchel SIMMONS. Registered Aug.24, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 319-320] Feb 8, 1812 - I John MORSE & Polley my Wife for the sum of $8 paid to me by Willoughby MORSE for a tract of land containing ¾ of an acre near Back Bay. Beginning at Willoughby MORSEs line near his house to George GRIGGS line down his line to the first. Witness: Arthur MORSE, Tulley MORSE. Registered Aug. 24, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 320-322] Apr. 2,
1812 -
I Thomas S. WILLIAMS for the sum of $450 paid to me by Tulley WILLIAMS for a
piece of land.
No. 1 - Beginning on the water & in the woods various courses to the first
containing 35 acres 1 Rod & 9 Poles in the woods. Then beginning at HOLLOWELL’s
line to Tulls Creek up the Creek to Hollowell WILLIAMS line containing 75 acres
3 Rods 19 Poles for both pieces.
No. 2 - 110 acres & 28 Poles being 2 parts or shares of the land Colo. Hollowell WILLIAMS dec’d left in
his last will & testament to be divided amongst his Sons which 2 parcels on
dividing fell to Thomas S. WILLIAMS. Witness: Hollowell WILLIAMS. Registered
Sept. 1, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 323-324] Apr. 12, 1812 - I William ETHERIDGE for the sum of £10 paid to me by Anne BEST Exec. of the estate of William BEST dec’d, for a tract of land, (being the Dower part of Elizabeth ROGERS DAVENPORT & Isaac Davenport in right of his Wife Elizabeth per Sheriffs Deed) on the North Banks beginning on the River side various courses containing 72 acres. Witness: T. BAXTER. Registered Sept. 1, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 324-325] Jan. 13, 1803 - I John WESTCOAT for the sum of $410 Spanish paid to me by Abraham BAUM for part of my parcel of land whereon I now live. Beginning on Thomas WALKERS Creek to Spence WALKERS line to Stephen SAWYER to the Currituck Sound binding the Sound to the first containing 100 acres. Witness: Daniel PADRICK, William WROTEN. Registered Sept. 2, 1812
[Deed Book 11; pg. 326] Oct. 24, 1792 - Transcript of Samuel SIMMONS Patent 150 acres near the West prong of Tulls Creek near Caleb BELL’s corner to Amos ETHERIDGE, JUNs. orphins lands along orphins land various courses to the first, surveyed for Samuel SIMMONS Oct. 24, 1792 pr. Thomas POYNER, Surveyor. A True Abstract William HILL, Secretary. Registered Sept. 1, 1812
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