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Newspaper Clippings

Stories Concerning the 1830 Fire in Hertford

Newbern Spectator
New Bern, North Carolina
10 Apr 1830, Sat • Page 1

Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Murfreesborough, to the Editor of the Halifax Advocate, dated Wednesday, 30th March, 1830.

Early on Monday morning last, an express reached here, from Winton, with news that our Court House was destroyed by fire, together with the Clerk's Offices attached thereto, and ALL THE RECORDS! The fire, it seems was discovered between 3 and 4 o'clock, on Monday morning; and before an effort could be made to subdue the flames, it had go so far the ascendancy, that nothing could be saved- not the vestige of a book or paper - all, ALL reduced to ashes!! and that too, by the hand of an incendiary; whom, it appears, by his confessions, was instigated to perpetrate the diabolical deed partly by the promise of reward, and partly by the threats, of a certain white man of notorious fame. The Jail was on fire several times, but was saved, it is said, by the exertions of the PRISONERS.
No other loss was sustained than that mentioned. Indeed that is enough; for to the County, it is irreparable. As soon as it was ascertained that the fire had been intentionally communicated, suspicion instantly rested on the person, who was heard to leave Winton, at full gallop, about the time the fire was supposed to have originated, and an express sent off to this place, was directed to make enquiry on the road, as to the passing and repassing, in the night, on horseback. He had barely left Winton before he learnt that he was on the right track, and the villain was accordingly trailed nearly to this place. Our citizens turned out and soon apprehended the scoundrel - he confessed the fact, giving such particulars of the fire as have since been confirmed by strong corroborating circumstances.
There is no doubt as to the instigator of this business, and he is, with the Negro who perpetrated the deed, now in "durance vile," to wait the punishment of the law. The fire was intended to destroy a certain $10,000 bond, that you have heard much said about, and on which, an indictment for forgery is now pending, to be tried (by removal) at Gates Court this week. The Negro said that **** told him, that if he did not burn the Court House before Monday, it would be too late It is too late for him, even now, as Mr. Cowper had brought the bond to Murfreesborough for the purpose of making out the record in the suit to be sent to Gates, and, at the time of the fire, it was in the counting-room of Morgan, Cowper & Co. The papers relating to the Indictment for forgery, one or two late Minute Dockets, and the most important records of the Court of Equity (which had been lately removed by the Clerk and Master) are all the records left of our County, since its commencement.
The Negro says his name is Jerry, that he belongs to Mrs. Deloach of Northampton, and that his reward was to have been, a suit of clothes and twenty dollars.

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Edenton Gazette
Edenton, North Carolina
06 Apr 1831, Wed • Page 4


Of Abraham Harman, dec'd, late of Hertford County, and others concerned in the will of said Harman:
Whereas Abraham Harman did make, publish and declare his will and testament and since his death the said will was proved and recorded in Hertford County, and the records of said County were destroyed by fire in the month of March 1830, among which records the said will of Abraham Harman, dec'd, was also destroyed; this tehrefore is to give notice to all whom it may concern that at the May Term of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Hertford County, I shall file a petition to establish said will, according to the act of Assembly of North Carolina in such case made and provided.

Executor of Abraham Harman, Hertford Co.
Mar. 15th 1831 - 2m

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The North-Carolina Star
Raleigh, North Carolina
28 Oct 1830, Thu • Page 3

Superior Courts.
At the late term of the Superior Court of Gates County, Wright Allen, from Hertford county, was convicted of forgery, and sentenced to stand in the pillory one hour, receive 39 lashes, and imprisoned 12 calendar months. Jethro Brinkley was also convicted of the same crime, and sentenced to stand in the pillory one hour, receive 39 lashes, and be imprisoned 6 months.

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Fayetteville Weekly Observer
Fayetteville, North Carolina
04 Nov 1830, Thu • Page 3

Wright Allen, who happened to be wrong this time, it will be recollected, was arrested some time since, on suspicion of having employed a negro man to set fire to the Court House and Clerk's Office of Hertford County, (N.C.) whereby all the records of the Court were destroyed, has been convicted of forgery, and sentenced to stand in the pillory one hour, receive thirty nine lashes, and to be imprisoned one year. --Norfolk Her.


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Transcribed by Deloris Williams

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Last updated Monday May 18, 2020