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Hertford County, NC Resources
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Hertford Co. Lookup Volunteers
- The people to be listed below have graciously volunteered to do look ups from the books listed by their names. Please address the message to them and put SUBJECT: Hertford Co. Lookup. Don't forget to say "thanks" to the person who helps you.
USGenWeb's Official Policy. USGenWeb will not tolerate any copyright violations. Lookup requests should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if it is a married couple. Information given will be minimal, for example if it is a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone. Please do not ask for "everybody with X surname" or an entire family group, or for hardcopies to be mailed; the volunteers have been asked not to comply with such requests.
Our lookups will extend to searching the book to determine if the book would be helpful to you in your research. Should the book prove useful, we can provide the authors address and ordering information.
Reference Author Owner/Email Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1830-1856 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1857-1868 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1868-1896 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier NC Mortality Census, Vol. 1, 1850-1880 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier The Colonial and State Political History of Hertford County, NC Winborne, Benj. B. Becky Dozier As you can see, we need your help! Please volunteer.
Hertford Bibliography
- (If you know of books, CDs, etc., please send bibliographic data!)
Almasy, Sandra Lee. Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1830 - 1856 (Joliet, IL; Kensington Glen Publ., 1989).
Almasy, Sandra Lee. Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1857 - 1868 (Joliet, IL; Kensington Glen Publ., 1989).
Almasy, Sandra Lee. Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1868 - 1896 (Joliet, IL; Kensington Glen Publ.,1989).
Almasy, Sandra Lee. Hert ford County,NC, Wills:1896 - 1921 (Joliet, IL; Kensington Glen Publ.,1989).
Hert ford County, the First Two Hundred Years: 1584-1789, Hertford County Bicentennial Commission (Winton, 1976).
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Record of Accounts, Inventories and Sales of Estates, Hertford Co., NC: 1830 - 1831. Vol. I (Cocoa, Florida; GenRec Books, 1988).
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Record of Accounts, Inventories and Sales of Estates, Hertford Co., NC: 1832 - 1834. Vol. II (Cocoa, Florida; GenRec Books, 1999).
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Record of Accounts, Inventories and Sales of Estates, Hertford Co., NC:1835 - 1837. Vol. III (Cocoa, Florida; GenRec Books, 1992).
Fouts, Raymond Parker. William Murfree Tax Receipt Book, Hertford, NC, 1768 - 1770 (Cocoa, Florida; GenRec Books, 1993).
Powell, David. 1870 Hertford Co., NC, Census (Greenville, NC; Liberty Shield Press, 1996).
Powell, David. 1880 Hertford Co., NC, Census (Greenville, NC; Liberty Shield Press, 1995).
Powell, David. Records and Remembrances of Hertford Co., NC (Greenville, NC; Liberty Shield Press, 1997).
Taylor, Anne Hatcher. Black Cemetery Records, Reunions, and Personality Sketches, Hertford and Gates Counties, NC (Winton, NC, 1988).
Taylor, Anne Hatcher. Marriage Register of Hertford Co., NC, Aug. 1868 - Dec. 1872, Vol. I (Winton, NC, 1988).
Winborne, Benjamin B.. The Colonial and State Political History of Hertford County, North Carolina (Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton Printers, 1906).
Regional Societies
- Beaufort County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1089
Washington, NC 27889-1089Burroughs-Welcome Genealogy Group
903 East Fifth Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Lenoir County Historical Society
P. O. Box 1132
Kinston, NC 28503-1132
252-522-0421Edgecombe County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 656
Pinetops, North Carolina 27864Halifax County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 447
Halifax, NC 27839Hyde County Historical & Genealogical Society
Route 1, Box 74
Fairfield, NC 27826Martin County Historical Society
P.O. Box 468
Williamston, NC 27892Martin County Genealogical Society
P. O. Box 121
Williamston, NC 27892
President (1998): Easter MizellMurfreesboro Historical Society, Inc. (Hertford Co.)
P. O. Box 3
Murfreesboro, NC 27855
(252-398-5922)North Carolina Genealogical Society
P. O. Box 30815
Raleigh, NC 27622-0815Old Dobbs County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 617
Goldsboro, NC 27533Pitt County Family Researchers
P. O. Box 20339
Greenville, NC 27858-0339Pitt County Historical Society
P. O. Box 1554
Greenville, NC 27835-1554Tar River Connections Genealogical Society
P O Box 8764
Rocky Mount, N.C. 27804
Tyrrell County Genealogical & Historical Society
P.O. Box 686
Columbia, NC 27825
Washington County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 567
Plymouth, NC 27962-0567Wilson County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 802
Wilson, NC 27894-0802
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