Title Graphic: Hertford NCGenWeb

This Website is a part of the NCGenWeb & USGenWeb Project

Hertford County, NC Resources


Records on this site:

1790 Hertford County Census (pgs 1 - 16)
Blowe Family File
Index of orphans who appear in the Hertford County Guardian Accounts 1830 ~ 1845
Hertford Marriage 1868 ~ 1872 Section I
Hertford Marriage 1868 ~ 1872 Section II

Marriage and Death Notices from Old Newspapers
Hertford Co. Places on the National Register
Hertford Co. Map - 1895 Atlas Project
Hertford County Cemeteries

Hertford County WPA Cemeteries (a PDF)
Hertford County Civil War Soldiers & Obtaining Records
Hertford County 1902 Voter Registration Records
Hertford 1904, 1906 and 1908 Voter Registration Records

Hertford County Stories & Legends
Hertford County Researchers
Hertford County Miscellaneous Records 1787-1939
Hertford County Estate Records Index, 1786-1931 (PDF)
Newspaper Clippings ~ 1830 fire in Winton
Lookup Volunteers
Regional Societies
Related Links -
regional, personal, African-American and Native American


Records on other NCGenWeb and USGenWeb sites:

Josiah Hollomon Files
North Carolina Marriages Database NCGenWeb Project.
North Carolina Tombstone Transcription Project, Hertford County
North Carolina Tombstone Transcription Project, all counties

Search NCGenWeb Archives - This engine will search our entire sister site, the NCGenWeb Archives

Visit NCGenWeb Archives, all counties

Visit USGenWeb Archives, all states

Other online Resources:

Hertford Co. Lookup Volunteers

  • The people to be listed below have graciously volunteered to do look ups from the books listed by their names. Please address the message to them and put SUBJECT: Hertford Co. Lookup. Don't forget to say "thanks" to the person who helps you.

    USGenWeb's Official Policy. USGenWeb will not tolerate any copyright violations. Lookup requests should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if it is a married couple. Information given will be minimal, for example if it is a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone. Please do not ask for "everybody with X surname" or an entire family group, or for hardcopies to be mailed; the volunteers have been asked not to comply with such requests.

    Our lookups will extend to searching the book to determine if the book would be helpful to you in your research. Should the book prove useful, we can provide the authors address and ordering information.

    Reference Author Owner/Email
    Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1830-1856 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier
    Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1857-1868 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier
    Hertford County, NC, Wills: 1868-1896 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier
    NC Mortality Census, Vol. 1, 1850-1880 Almasy, Sandra Lee Becky Dozier
    The Colonial and State Political History of Hertford County, NC Winborne, Benj. B. Becky Dozier
    As you can see, we need your help! Please volunteer.

Hertford Bibliography

Regional Societies

Visit the Ancestry Message Boards where you can register for free to post, and search & view all messages:

Hertford County Message Board

All North Carolina County Message Boards


Please come back soon!


Copyright 2013-present by the NCGenWeb Project

Please contribute whatever information you can to help build the research data base for Hertford County. Your bits and pieces really do make a difference in this collective work!

Information on this website may be copied for personal use, providing proper credit is given, but commercial distribution is strictly prohibited. The logos are the property of NCGenWeb and the USGenWeb Project

Last updated Saturday August 21, 2021

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