Title Graphic: Hertford NCGenWeb

This Website is a part of the NCGenweb & USGenweb Project

Hertford County Queries

Start new messages by selecting, Begin New Thread. Your query must mention Hertford County.Please follow the form instructions, especially concerning the SURNAME field, in order to have your query properly indexed for Surname searches. Write a useful subject that includes specific Names and Dates. Do not name a Subject something like "Hertford County" or anything that should be obvious when you are writing in a board with that location.

Ancestry.com Message Boards are free to post only requiring that you register for a free account.

Post/Read the Hertford County Message Board



Go to Archive Page 1 Jan. 1997 - Mar. 1997
Go to Archive Page 2 July 1998 - Apr. 1999

We apologize that the queries posted Apr. 1997 - Apr. 1998 have not been located. We urge all visitors to update the queries on the new GenConnect Query Board!

Note: Please do not send queries directly to me.
The CC reserves the right to edit or remove queries.








This website was originated by Kate Gibbons Shue in 1996
Maintained 1997-1998 by Al Majko
Maintained 1999 by Elizabeth Ross
Maintained 2000-2004 by John F. Godwin
Maintained 2005-2008 by Marianne Cleveland Nichols
Maintained 2008-2014 by Linda Gamel
Maintained 2014 to present by NCGenWeb SC




Copyright 2013-present by the NCGenWeb Project

Please contribute whatever information you can to help build the research data base for Hertford County. Your bits and pieces really do make a difference in this collective work!

Information on this website may be copied for personal use, providing proper credit is given, but commercial distribution is strictly prohibited. The logos are the property of NCGenWeb and the USGenWeb Project